Statistics of speed camera spots in the Netherlands for the period of april to november 2010.
Statistieken van gespotte snelheidscontroles voor de periode van april tot november 2010.
Presentation for English students as a second language to learn and study the wild animals.
There are listening activities, songs and stories about this vocabulary.
NLA Energy From Waste : New technologies and Infrastructure for the capitalMarkBradbury
This document discusses plans for the London Sustainable Industries Park, including the construction of an Energy Recovery Facility. The Facility will process 120,000 tonnes of non-recyclable commercial waste annually, generating electricity for 31,500 households. This will help meet waste treatment targets while reducing CO2 emissions and providing heat and power for the Park. The Park aims to be an exemplar for the clean technology sector and sustainable development through synergies between industries.
Both Lord of the Rings and Saving Private Ryan feature heroes embarking on important quests. Frodo must destroy the One Ring to save Middle-earth, aided by heroes like Sam, Aragorn, and Gandalf. Miller leads a group of soldiers to rescue Private Ryan so he can return home to his family. Both heroes display courage and valor as they face many challenges over vast settings, guided by their companions and supernatural forces, with messages about friendship, duty, and finding purpose in life.
The document discusses developments in East London. It highlights that London's major regeneration is heading east, with the Olympics as a catalyst. However, the seeds of growth were planted long ago. It provides updates on transport links like Crossrail and major development projects in East London. It also discusses the growth of industries like financial and professional services in the area and sustainability initiatives. Finally, it mentions that a new university hub will be opening in Stratford in 2013 through a collaboration between Birkbeck, University of London and University of East London.
Adult coma evaluation and treatment involves a full neurological examination including vital signs and Glasgow Coma Scale. Initial screening tests such as bloodwork, CT scan, and EEG are used to determine the cause of coma. Management focuses on stabilizing ABCs such as intubation, oxygen supplementation, IV access, and treating seizures. Empiric treatments may include antibiotics for possible infection, naloxone for possible overdose, and mannitol or lorazepam to manage increased intracranial pressure or nonconvulsive seizures. Neurological exams like the oculocephalic response and caloric response tests help evaluate brain stem function.
This document outlines a typical morning and school day routine, beginning with waking up, washing one's face, showering, drying and brushing hair, eating breakfast, brushing teeth, getting dressed, using the bathroom, making the bed, going to school to study and eat lunch, going home to do homework, eating dinner, taking a bath, and going to bed.
This document provides information about The Generation Companies, a hospitality management company. It discusses the company's 50-year history in hotel ownership and management. It also includes details about Generation's portfolio of 28 hotels, organizational structure, awards, and asset management and receivership services. Key personnel at Generation like William Smith and Kevin Famiglietta are introduced along with their roles and qualifications.
Dictionary for English students to learn and study the wild animals.
You can use it with 3rd of Primary and there are listening activities, songs and stories about animals.
Presentation with vocabulary and activities to study the wild animals for Primary (3rd). There are links to web sites and to videos for your children lo learn more.
FlitsBot statistieken snelheidscontroles en flitsersflitsbot
Statistieken Flitsers en snelheidscontroles op Nederlandse snelwegen over de periode van april tot november 2010. Op welke snelwegen staan de meeste snelheidscontroles? In welke provincie zijn de meeste flitsers geregistreerd? Deze presentatie geeft het antwoord.
Football is the author's life and passion. While the sport can be dangerous, as evidenced by a friend suffering a severe leg injury the previous year, it is also a source of fun. Each minute on the field and touch of the ball brings the author joy and memories. Football has become the author's soul.
Presentation with vocabulary and activities to study the wild animals for Primary (3rd).
There are links to web sites and to videos for your children lo learn more.
Vocabulary to study wild animals in the third year of Primary.
There are activities, links to internet sites and to songs and stories related to some of the animals.
The document compares and contrasts the films The Lord of the Rings and Braveheart. Both films feature heroes embarking on quests - Frodo and the hobbits seeking to destroy the One Ring in Middle-earth, and William Wallace leading the Scottish people to freedom from English rule. Each film depicts courageous battles against oppressive evil forces through the use of heroic and tragic music, symbolism, and conflicts between the protagonists and their enemies. While the films have similar themes of good versus evil, the evil in The Lord of the Rings is more supernatural in nature compared to the human tyranny faced in Braveheart.
The document contains repeated text promoting the website and its English flash cards and free time learning resources. It lists the website address multiple times. The document appears to be advertising the flash cards and free online English learning materials available at the MES-English website.
The document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's April 2015 database. It finds that the top mobile devices by traffic are Samsung Galaxy phones, with Google Chrome the most used mobile browser. The dominant operating systems are Android at 61% and Apple at 35%. It also provides statistics on iOS and Android version usage and notes there are over 92,000 possible unique client combinations of device, browser and operating system that developers need to consider for responsive web design.
Durante gli Mtv Digital Days, il Ceo di FIMI (Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana) e Rocco Hunt hanno chiacchierato in merito allo sviluppo della musica nel modo digitale. Nelle slide alcuni numeri a supporto del confronto avvenuto.
This document summarizes mobile device and browser trends based on data from Sevenval in August 2015. The top mobile devices were various iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models, with the iPhone 6 and 5 as the most popular. The top mobile browsers were Google Chrome for Android, Apple Mobile Safari, and Google Android Browser. Google Android accounted for 61% of mobile web traffic, followed by Apple iOS at 35%. The document also provides statistics on operating system and browser versions in use.
Presentation Stéphane Saulnier at EBU Conference "data in the newsroom"IntoTheMinds
Stéphane Saulnier of FigData (data journalism department of Le Figaro, France) presented the various projects carried out in the field of data visualizations.
This document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's January 2015 database. The top 10 mobile devices by web traffic are listed, with the iPhone 5 in first place at 29%. When comparing December 2014 to January 2015 traffic, iPhone models saw an increase while Samsung models decreased slightly. The most popular mobile browsers and operating systems are also shown, with Android at 62% and Google Chrome the top browser. The document notes there are over 6,956 different devices accessing mobile websites.
The Pew Research Center report found that the US news audience increasingly turned to the internet in 2010, with internet news audiences growing 17.1% while all other platforms like local TV and cable TV declined. Additionally, nearly a third of US mobile users owned smartphones by the end of 2010, with higher rates of ownership among Asian, Hispanic and African American users.
The document discusses trends in mobile devices and browsers based on data from Sevenval's database from January 2015. It shows that the top mobile devices by traffic are various Samsung Galaxy and iPhone models, with the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4(S) being the top two. The most popular mobile browsers are Google Chrome for Android and Apple Mobile Safari. The majority of mobile traffic comes from Android and Apple operating systems. It also discusses trends in iOS and Android version adoption and notes there are over 81,000 combinations of unique clients based on device, browser and operating system.
The document summarizes mobile device and browser trends from Sevenval's March 2015 database. It finds that the Samsung Galaxy S5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 5 were the top mobile devices by web traffic. Google Chrome and Apple Mobile Safari were the most used mobile browsers. The majority of mobile traffic came from Android and Apple operating systems. It also notes there are over 88,000 combinations of unique clients defined by device, browser, and operating system.
Unsere Webtraffic-Zahlen für den Monat Mai 2015 sind ver?ffentlicht. Wie im Vormonat dominiert wieder das iPhone. Zuletzt konnte vor allem das iPhone 6 an Anteilen gewinnen.
IMF's Global Financial Stability Report, April 2015 (Chapter 3 - Asset Management and Financial Stability) summary of graphics highlights slideshow for @macropru
Jason Griffey gave a presentation on mobile technology for libraries at the Kentucky Library Association Conference in 2013. He discussed how the proliferation of mobile devices has created a post-PC world, showing statistics on the rise of smartphones and decline of traditional computers. He also presented data on the operating systems and devices used at his university, with iOS and Android dominating. Griffey suggested libraries consider policies for circulating mobile devices and managing content. He recommended resources for providing digital content and saw mobile technology as integral to the future of libraries.
1) The document discusses the benefits of using video marketing, social media marketing, and the SiSTeR video solutions platform to increase web traffic, leads, and sales for automotive dealerships.
2) Key features of the SiSTeR platform include professional high-definition video production, distribution on major sites like YouTube and Autotrader, and tools to track engagement and generate leads from video content.
3) Data shows that including video can increase clicks, site visits, and leads for automotive listings by 70% or more compared to listings without video.
The FRCC Bot Index provides a quarterly review of robotics usage across the US Federal and State/Local/Higher Education sectors. The inaugural survey found 919 bots reported across various organizations, with 80% in production. Most Federal bots automated IT processes (25%) while 96% of SLHE bots automated call centers. The top vendors were Automation Anywhere (30% of Federal bots) and Automation Anywhere (98.5% of SLHE bots). The index aims to track trends, identify connections across organizations, and encourage information sharing around best practices.
Dictionary for English students to learn and study the wild animals.
You can use it with 3rd of Primary and there are listening activities, songs and stories about animals.
Presentation with vocabulary and activities to study the wild animals for Primary (3rd). There are links to web sites and to videos for your children lo learn more.
FlitsBot statistieken snelheidscontroles en flitsersflitsbot
Statistieken Flitsers en snelheidscontroles op Nederlandse snelwegen over de periode van april tot november 2010. Op welke snelwegen staan de meeste snelheidscontroles? In welke provincie zijn de meeste flitsers geregistreerd? Deze presentatie geeft het antwoord.
Football is the author's life and passion. While the sport can be dangerous, as evidenced by a friend suffering a severe leg injury the previous year, it is also a source of fun. Each minute on the field and touch of the ball brings the author joy and memories. Football has become the author's soul.
Presentation with vocabulary and activities to study the wild animals for Primary (3rd).
There are links to web sites and to videos for your children lo learn more.
Vocabulary to study wild animals in the third year of Primary.
There are activities, links to internet sites and to songs and stories related to some of the animals.
The document compares and contrasts the films The Lord of the Rings and Braveheart. Both films feature heroes embarking on quests - Frodo and the hobbits seeking to destroy the One Ring in Middle-earth, and William Wallace leading the Scottish people to freedom from English rule. Each film depicts courageous battles against oppressive evil forces through the use of heroic and tragic music, symbolism, and conflicts between the protagonists and their enemies. While the films have similar themes of good versus evil, the evil in The Lord of the Rings is more supernatural in nature compared to the human tyranny faced in Braveheart.
The document contains repeated text promoting the website and its English flash cards and free time learning resources. It lists the website address multiple times. The document appears to be advertising the flash cards and free online English learning materials available at the MES-English website.
The document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's April 2015 database. It finds that the top mobile devices by traffic are Samsung Galaxy phones, with Google Chrome the most used mobile browser. The dominant operating systems are Android at 61% and Apple at 35%. It also provides statistics on iOS and Android version usage and notes there are over 92,000 possible unique client combinations of device, browser and operating system that developers need to consider for responsive web design.
Durante gli Mtv Digital Days, il Ceo di FIMI (Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana) e Rocco Hunt hanno chiacchierato in merito allo sviluppo della musica nel modo digitale. Nelle slide alcuni numeri a supporto del confronto avvenuto.
This document summarizes mobile device and browser trends based on data from Sevenval in August 2015. The top mobile devices were various iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models, with the iPhone 6 and 5 as the most popular. The top mobile browsers were Google Chrome for Android, Apple Mobile Safari, and Google Android Browser. Google Android accounted for 61% of mobile web traffic, followed by Apple iOS at 35%. The document also provides statistics on operating system and browser versions in use.
Presentation Stéphane Saulnier at EBU Conference "data in the newsroom"IntoTheMinds
Stéphane Saulnier of FigData (data journalism department of Le Figaro, France) presented the various projects carried out in the field of data visualizations.
This document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's January 2015 database. The top 10 mobile devices by web traffic are listed, with the iPhone 5 in first place at 29%. When comparing December 2014 to January 2015 traffic, iPhone models saw an increase while Samsung models decreased slightly. The most popular mobile browsers and operating systems are also shown, with Android at 62% and Google Chrome the top browser. The document notes there are over 6,956 different devices accessing mobile websites.
The Pew Research Center report found that the US news audience increasingly turned to the internet in 2010, with internet news audiences growing 17.1% while all other platforms like local TV and cable TV declined. Additionally, nearly a third of US mobile users owned smartphones by the end of 2010, with higher rates of ownership among Asian, Hispanic and African American users.
The document discusses trends in mobile devices and browsers based on data from Sevenval's database from January 2015. It shows that the top mobile devices by traffic are various Samsung Galaxy and iPhone models, with the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4(S) being the top two. The most popular mobile browsers are Google Chrome for Android and Apple Mobile Safari. The majority of mobile traffic comes from Android and Apple operating systems. It also discusses trends in iOS and Android version adoption and notes there are over 81,000 combinations of unique clients based on device, browser and operating system.
The document summarizes mobile device and browser trends from Sevenval's March 2015 database. It finds that the Samsung Galaxy S5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 5 were the top mobile devices by web traffic. Google Chrome and Apple Mobile Safari were the most used mobile browsers. The majority of mobile traffic came from Android and Apple operating systems. It also notes there are over 88,000 combinations of unique clients defined by device, browser, and operating system.
Unsere Webtraffic-Zahlen für den Monat Mai 2015 sind ver?ffentlicht. Wie im Vormonat dominiert wieder das iPhone. Zuletzt konnte vor allem das iPhone 6 an Anteilen gewinnen.
IMF's Global Financial Stability Report, April 2015 (Chapter 3 - Asset Management and Financial Stability) summary of graphics highlights slideshow for @macropru
Jason Griffey gave a presentation on mobile technology for libraries at the Kentucky Library Association Conference in 2013. He discussed how the proliferation of mobile devices has created a post-PC world, showing statistics on the rise of smartphones and decline of traditional computers. He also presented data on the operating systems and devices used at his university, with iOS and Android dominating. Griffey suggested libraries consider policies for circulating mobile devices and managing content. He recommended resources for providing digital content and saw mobile technology as integral to the future of libraries.
1) The document discusses the benefits of using video marketing, social media marketing, and the SiSTeR video solutions platform to increase web traffic, leads, and sales for automotive dealerships.
2) Key features of the SiSTeR platform include professional high-definition video production, distribution on major sites like YouTube and Autotrader, and tools to track engagement and generate leads from video content.
3) Data shows that including video can increase clicks, site visits, and leads for automotive listings by 70% or more compared to listings without video.
The FRCC Bot Index provides a quarterly review of robotics usage across the US Federal and State/Local/Higher Education sectors. The inaugural survey found 919 bots reported across various organizations, with 80% in production. Most Federal bots automated IT processes (25%) while 96% of SLHE bots automated call centers. The top vendors were Automation Anywhere (30% of Federal bots) and Automation Anywhere (98.5% of SLHE bots). The index aims to track trends, identify connections across organizations, and encourage information sharing around best practices.
4052M 4052R John Deere Heavy Duty Tractors Operator’s Manual, Foreword
READ THIS MANUAL carefully to learn how to operate and service your machine correctly. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or equipment damage. This manual and safety signs on your machine may also be available in other languages. (See your John Deere dealer to order.)
permanent part of your machine and should remain with the machine when you sell it.
TM1461 John Deere 4555, 4755, 4955, 4560, 4760, 4960 Tractors Operation and T...Service Repair Manual
TM1461 John Deere 4555, 4755, 4955, 4560, 4760, 4960 Tractors Operation and Test Technical Manual, SECTION 270—HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Group 05 —Hydraulic System Operational Checks
Group 05.1—Hitch System Operational Checkout
SECTION 230—FUEL AND AIR OPERATION AND Group 10 —Hydraulic System Diagnosis
TESTS Group 10.1—Hitch System Diagnosis Group 05—Fuel System Group 15 —Hydraulic System Tests
Group 15.1—Hitch System Tests
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SECTION 210—GENERAL INFORMATION Group 25—PTO, Axles and Differentials Theory of Group 05—Safety Operation
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2. 留信认证对就业的好处
Dutch Speed Camera Spot Statistics 2010 -
FlitsBot is a website and a TwitterBot that alerts for mobile and active fixed speed
camera’s on major (A-)roads.
FlitsBot collects information about speed camera’s from several sources. This
information is, in the end, based on observations of individuals.
FlitsBot collects data since april 2010. The data collected, from april 2010 to
november 2010, is used to create the statistics in the next slides.
All statistics are related to the location where the speed cameras are spotted and
the frequency of spots (by individual) on that location.
Speed Camera Spot Statistics
April - November 2010
The content of the pages of this presentation is for your general information and
use only. It is subject to change without notice. Neither we nor any third parties
provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance,
completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on
this presentation for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such
information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly
exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted
by law. Your use of any information or materials on this presentation is entirely
at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own
responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available
through this website meet your specific requirements.
More information:
Twitter: @flitsbot
High spot frequency
Low spot frequency
Speed Camera Spot Statistics
April - November 2010
Speed Camera Spot Statistics
April - November 2010
Gelderland (17%)
Utrecht (13.8%)
Noord-Holland (13.2%)
Zuid-Holland (12.7%)
Noord-Brabant (11.4%)
Overijssel (6.5%)
Limburg (6.2%)
Drenthe (6.1%)
Friesland (4.1%)
Flevoland (4.1%)
Zeeland (4%)
Groningen (0.8%)
% Alerts per Province
The bigger the circle, the higher spot frequency
Speed Camera Spot Statistics
April - November 2010