Le reti e i Social Media sono in grado di rispondere alle nuove tendenze dei turisti, permettendo di costruire una relazione, passando dalla comunicazione all'engagement.
In un sistema come il nostro, dove gli intermediari imperversano, i turisti si organizzano in modo autonomo grazie ad internet, dove gli operatori turistici devono darsi da fare da soli, pi湛 che di un sistema turistico organizzato si dovrebbe parlare di disorganizzazione del sistema. E, proprio per questo, diventa inevitabile chiedersi se le DMO e gli enti del turismo in Italia hanno ancora senso, se servono, se sono utili ma soprattutto se hanno ancora davanti a s辿 un futuro e quali devono essere le funzioni delle DMO per il XXi secolo
Gioved狸 11 giugno 2020
dalle 16.30 alle 18
in diretta facebook sulle pagine:
CGL Napoli - CISL Napoli - UIL Campania
Nel Webinar "Napoli Domani: lavoro, sviluppo, cittadinanza", organizzato da CGIL-CISL-UIL, sono state affrontate tutte le criticit che l'area metropolitana di Napoli dovr affrontare a seguito della crisi generata dalla Pandemia Covid-19. I sindacati hanno stilato un documento da cui emerge la necessit di avviare un percorso di sviluppo dell'area metropolitana che sia "digitale, sostenibile e solidale".
In quest'ambito Roberto Micera (CNR-ISMed) evidenzia che il turismo 竪 una risorsa strategica per l'economia del territorio, le cui potenzialit restano ancora inespresse. La crisi, nonostante le difficolt ed i cambiamenti radicali provocati dalla pandemia, potrebbe divenire una grande opportunit per rivedere i modelli di "governance" del turismo dell'area metropolitana di Napoli e far s狸 che questo fenomeno possa contribuire in modo organico e sistematico (non pi湛 occasionale e spontaneo) allo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio.
Territorio e reti
Walter Schiavella - Attilio Belli - Michele Mezza
Reti sociali e istitutzioni
Giampiero Tipaldi - Carlo Iannello - Marco Rossi Doria
Produzione e lavoro
Giovanni Sgambati - Roberto Micera - Riccardo Realfonso
Pierpaolo Bombardieri
L'evento sul sito del CNR-ISMed: https://www.ismed.cnr.it/it/news-webinar-napoli-domani-lavoro-sviluppo-cittadinanza-dopo-l-emergenza
This document discusses various approaches for connecting iPhone applications to cloud services and the internet. It covers using web services and parsing XML and JSON data formats. It also mentions libraries like MGTwitterEngine, ObjectiveFlickr, and ASIHTTPRequest that can help connect to popular internet services. Best practices are discussed around asynchronous networking, caching, and debugging cloud connections from iPhone applications.
The document outlines the Malawi Development Programme and Sub-Saharan Africa Development Programme run by the Scottish government. It provides details on the themes and funding for projects in Malawi, including health, education, economic development, and civil society. It also lists focus areas for projects in Sub-Saharan Africa such as food production, water, renewables, and climate change mitigation. Key dates for the funding application process are provided.
El Teatro Municipal de Tacna fue construido en 1870 por el ingeniero espa単ol Constantino Mart鱈nez del Pino e inaugurado por el presidente Jos辿 Antonio de Pezet. Se encuentra ubicado frente a la Plazuela Mac Lean en el centro de Tacna. Actualmente cuenta con un elenco de j坦venes actores que ofrecen eventos culturales como obras teatrales y talleres dirigidos al p炭blico.
A reminder of where we have been, how we started and where we are going. Conchetta House provides a subsidized housing program for single parent families working their way through college.
Conchetta House provides free housing and mentoring to families to help them succeed, rather than serving as transitional housing, a domestic violence shelter, or drug and alcohol rehabilitation home. It aims to educate two generations by offering hope for both parents and children's futures. The organization plans to rehabilitate old buildings, develop a for-profit arm for financial sustainability, and involve businesses to provide employment for residents. It needs volunteers to serve on its Board of Directors and lead committees in children's enrichment, mentor development, supplies, marketing, and writing. Now is the time to get involved so the organization can quickly apply for grants and funding to realize its vision of helping families.
A presentation for those who are interested in helping families gain the education that they need to reach their dreams, and the dreams of their children.
This document summarizes gender differences in education and employment in Scotland. It notes that girls generally perform better than boys in reading but boys outperform girls in some science areas. While women represent over half of college students, they remain underrepresented in STEM fields and occupations. The document outlines various government initiatives aimed at challenging gender stereotypes and barriers to increase women's participation in education and the workforce.
This document summarizes a forum on higher education in Malawi. It discusses the UK Department for International Development's (DFID) new approach to higher education, which includes establishing a higher education taskforce to assess how to better support higher education in developing countries. DFID aims to create self-sustaining higher education systems through partnerships between countries and initiatives focused on innovation, research, skills development and monitoring/evaluation. The document also provides an overview of the World Bank's skills development project in Malawi, which aims to increase the market relevance and quality of post-secondary education in the country.
Conchetta House will provide free housing for single parent families completing their college degrees to help move them from poverty to self-sufficiency within 6 months of graduation through business mentoring, financial coaching, and support from local colleges. The organization will pursue grants and corporate funding, as well as operate a for-profit restaurant, business offices, condos, and housing on refurbished distressed properties to make the program sustainable and benefit investors.
This document discusses the importance of aligning a business's brand, marketing, products/services, and overall strategy. A company must have consistency between how it presents itself through its branding and marketing efforts and what products/services it offers customers. All of a business's strategic efforts should work towards common goals for long term success.
Conchetta House provides free housing and mentoring to families to help them succeed, rather than serving as transitional housing, a domestic violence shelter, or drug and alcohol rehabilitation home. It aims to educate two generations by offering hope for both parents and children's futures. The organization needs volunteers to serve on its Board of Directors and lead committees in areas like children's enrichment, mentor development, supplies, and marketing in order to rehabilitate old buildings, develop job opportunities through business partnerships, and secure funding to help families as soon as possible.
Corporate Buzz is a marketing firm that provides social media management, digital signage sales and management, social media analytics, alerts and training. It was founded on principles of work-life balance, professional relevance, and community involvement. The owner has over 20 years of experience in executive roles and marketing and is looking to form strategic alliances with clients who prioritize clear communication, supportive learning, fair pay, and humor.
The document summarizes the passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which overrides a 2007 Supreme Court decision that limited the time period employees have to file pay discrimination complaints. Specifically:
- The Act was passed by Congress and will be signed by President Obama, allowing employees to file complaints regarding pay discrimination within 180 days of receiving a paycheck affected by prior discriminatory pay decisions, rather than just the initial discriminatory decision.
- This overrides a Supreme Court ruling that said employees must file within 180 days of the actual discriminatory pay decision, not subsequent paychecks. The new law takes effect retroactively.
- The Act makes it easier for employees to bring lawsuits regarding pay discrimination by extending the
The document describes a control framework called the "stack of tasks" which provides hierarchical task-based control for real-time redundant manipulators. It allows implementation of a data flow graph controlled by Python scripting. Tasks are defined as functions of the robot configuration, time, and other parameters that should converge to zero. The framework computes joint velocities to minimize higher priority tasks while satisfying lower priority tasks when possible. It has been tested on robots including HRP-2, Nao, and Romeo.
STATI GENERALI del TURISMO PIEMONTE | Finpiemonte | Langhe e RoeroBTO Educational
Stati Generali del Turismo per il Piemonte
verso la stesura di un Piano Strategico
#8 di 8. Langhe e Roero
Strumenti e leve di finanziamento
Gianfranco Di Salvo, Settore Agevolazioni e Strumenti Finanziari Finpiemonte S.p.A.
#8 di 8. Langhe e Roero
Castello di Grinzane Cavour
Enoteca Regionale Piemontese Cavour
Via Castello, 5
Mercoled狸 5 e gioved狸 6 settembre 2018
Gnudi comunicazioni del ministro per gli affari regionaliAlex Kornfeind
Gnudi - Comunicazioni del Ministro per gli affari regionali, il turismo e lo sport sulle linee programmatiche del suo Dicastero
Documentazione depositata nella seduta n. 260 del 18 Gennaio 2012
La Confederazione Nazionale dellArtigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa, date le misure adottate in materia di contenimento e gestione dellemergenza da COVID-19, ha proposto un'analisi degli effetti della pandemia sul settore turistico. L'Italia ha una spesa turistica complessiva di 146 MLD di euro incidendo per il 12% sul PIL, questo significa che ci sara' un'enorme perdita complessiva nel settore economico italiano. In questo studio vengono analizzate le perdite tramite dei dati in cui vengono comparate le normali entrate nel territorio nazionale italiano e le perdite causate dal corona virus.
Progetto d狸 cooperazione tra mercato turistico brasiliano e italiano Farah Serra
Questo studio ha come obiettivo identificare nel turismo un responsabile per la crescita delle nazioni nel breve, medio, ma soprattutto nel lungo termine, attraverso un PROGETTO D COOPERAZIONE TRA MERCATO TURISTICO BRASILIANO E ITALIANO / REGIONE LIGURIA.
Tramite questo PROGETTO si propone una collaborazione efficace ed efficiente tra il Brasile e l'Italia, dove si tiene conto di diversi settori prioritari di lavoro per la promozione e il sostegno di azioni comuni in materia di turismo e incremento delle attrazioni della Regione Liguria, puntando sul pubblico brasiliano.
A reminder of where we have been, how we started and where we are going. Conchetta House provides a subsidized housing program for single parent families working their way through college.
Conchetta House provides free housing and mentoring to families to help them succeed, rather than serving as transitional housing, a domestic violence shelter, or drug and alcohol rehabilitation home. It aims to educate two generations by offering hope for both parents and children's futures. The organization plans to rehabilitate old buildings, develop a for-profit arm for financial sustainability, and involve businesses to provide employment for residents. It needs volunteers to serve on its Board of Directors and lead committees in children's enrichment, mentor development, supplies, marketing, and writing. Now is the time to get involved so the organization can quickly apply for grants and funding to realize its vision of helping families.
A presentation for those who are interested in helping families gain the education that they need to reach their dreams, and the dreams of their children.
This document summarizes gender differences in education and employment in Scotland. It notes that girls generally perform better than boys in reading but boys outperform girls in some science areas. While women represent over half of college students, they remain underrepresented in STEM fields and occupations. The document outlines various government initiatives aimed at challenging gender stereotypes and barriers to increase women's participation in education and the workforce.
This document summarizes a forum on higher education in Malawi. It discusses the UK Department for International Development's (DFID) new approach to higher education, which includes establishing a higher education taskforce to assess how to better support higher education in developing countries. DFID aims to create self-sustaining higher education systems through partnerships between countries and initiatives focused on innovation, research, skills development and monitoring/evaluation. The document also provides an overview of the World Bank's skills development project in Malawi, which aims to increase the market relevance and quality of post-secondary education in the country.
Conchetta House will provide free housing for single parent families completing their college degrees to help move them from poverty to self-sufficiency within 6 months of graduation through business mentoring, financial coaching, and support from local colleges. The organization will pursue grants and corporate funding, as well as operate a for-profit restaurant, business offices, condos, and housing on refurbished distressed properties to make the program sustainable and benefit investors.
This document discusses the importance of aligning a business's brand, marketing, products/services, and overall strategy. A company must have consistency between how it presents itself through its branding and marketing efforts and what products/services it offers customers. All of a business's strategic efforts should work towards common goals for long term success.
Conchetta House provides free housing and mentoring to families to help them succeed, rather than serving as transitional housing, a domestic violence shelter, or drug and alcohol rehabilitation home. It aims to educate two generations by offering hope for both parents and children's futures. The organization needs volunteers to serve on its Board of Directors and lead committees in areas like children's enrichment, mentor development, supplies, and marketing in order to rehabilitate old buildings, develop job opportunities through business partnerships, and secure funding to help families as soon as possible.
Corporate Buzz is a marketing firm that provides social media management, digital signage sales and management, social media analytics, alerts and training. It was founded on principles of work-life balance, professional relevance, and community involvement. The owner has over 20 years of experience in executive roles and marketing and is looking to form strategic alliances with clients who prioritize clear communication, supportive learning, fair pay, and humor.
The document summarizes the passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which overrides a 2007 Supreme Court decision that limited the time period employees have to file pay discrimination complaints. Specifically:
- The Act was passed by Congress and will be signed by President Obama, allowing employees to file complaints regarding pay discrimination within 180 days of receiving a paycheck affected by prior discriminatory pay decisions, rather than just the initial discriminatory decision.
- This overrides a Supreme Court ruling that said employees must file within 180 days of the actual discriminatory pay decision, not subsequent paychecks. The new law takes effect retroactively.
- The Act makes it easier for employees to bring lawsuits regarding pay discrimination by extending the
The document describes a control framework called the "stack of tasks" which provides hierarchical task-based control for real-time redundant manipulators. It allows implementation of a data flow graph controlled by Python scripting. Tasks are defined as functions of the robot configuration, time, and other parameters that should converge to zero. The framework computes joint velocities to minimize higher priority tasks while satisfying lower priority tasks when possible. It has been tested on robots including HRP-2, Nao, and Romeo.
STATI GENERALI del TURISMO PIEMONTE | Finpiemonte | Langhe e RoeroBTO Educational
Stati Generali del Turismo per il Piemonte
verso la stesura di un Piano Strategico
#8 di 8. Langhe e Roero
Strumenti e leve di finanziamento
Gianfranco Di Salvo, Settore Agevolazioni e Strumenti Finanziari Finpiemonte S.p.A.
#8 di 8. Langhe e Roero
Castello di Grinzane Cavour
Enoteca Regionale Piemontese Cavour
Via Castello, 5
Mercoled狸 5 e gioved狸 6 settembre 2018
Gnudi comunicazioni del ministro per gli affari regionaliAlex Kornfeind
Gnudi - Comunicazioni del Ministro per gli affari regionali, il turismo e lo sport sulle linee programmatiche del suo Dicastero
Documentazione depositata nella seduta n. 260 del 18 Gennaio 2012
La Confederazione Nazionale dellArtigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa, date le misure adottate in materia di contenimento e gestione dellemergenza da COVID-19, ha proposto un'analisi degli effetti della pandemia sul settore turistico. L'Italia ha una spesa turistica complessiva di 146 MLD di euro incidendo per il 12% sul PIL, questo significa che ci sara' un'enorme perdita complessiva nel settore economico italiano. In questo studio vengono analizzate le perdite tramite dei dati in cui vengono comparate le normali entrate nel territorio nazionale italiano e le perdite causate dal corona virus.
Progetto d狸 cooperazione tra mercato turistico brasiliano e italiano Farah Serra
Questo studio ha come obiettivo identificare nel turismo un responsabile per la crescita delle nazioni nel breve, medio, ma soprattutto nel lungo termine, attraverso un PROGETTO D COOPERAZIONE TRA MERCATO TURISTICO BRASILIANO E ITALIANO / REGIONE LIGURIA.
Tramite questo PROGETTO si propone una collaborazione efficace ed efficiente tra il Brasile e l'Italia, dove si tiene conto di diversi settori prioritari di lavoro per la promozione e il sostegno di azioni comuni in materia di turismo e incremento delle attrazioni della Regione Liguria, puntando sul pubblico brasiliano.
Uno degli effetti economici pi湛 immediati della crisi associata al Covid-19 竪 stato il blocco dei flussi turistici. I
primi effetti sono gi emersi a febbraio, con il diffondersi dellepidemia in molti paesi, ma 竪 agli inizi di marzo
che si 竪 giunti allazzeramento dellattivit in corrispondenza dei provvedimenti generalizzati di distanziamento
In base al DCPM n.19 del 25 marzo, le strutture ricettive di tipo extra-alberghiero sono state considerate attivit
non essenziali e, salvo eccezioni, hanno chiuso. Gli esercizi alberghieri possono, formalmente, continuare a
operare, ma nella grande maggioranza dei casi hanno sospeso ogni attivit. Daltro canto, al di l dei provvedimenti
di blocco, anche altri comparti che trovano alimento nella domanda attivata dai turisti subiscono impatti di rilievo:
si tratta della ristorazione, di diverse componenti dei trasporti e, in misura pi湛 contenuta, del commercio.
Poich辿 al momento lorizzonte di ripresa delle attivit connesse alla domanda turistica 竪 del tutto incerto, 竪 utile
comporre un quadro delle informazioni statistiche relative a questo insieme di attivit che rappresenti la
dimensione economica del problema.
Le nuove modalit operative degli Info Point, ossia come oggi essi devono operare ed organizzarsi, rivedendo in toto il proprio ruolo sia allinterno sia allesterno della destinazione.
Digital Story Doing for Local Tourism Framework Final ReportStorydoers
We are pleased to announce the publication of the results of our research within the Storydoers project: 'Project Result 1 - Digital Story Doing for Local Tourism Framework Final Report'.
This report details a comprehensive analysis and key findings of the project, offering innovative insights into the application of digital storydoing in local tourism. We invite our readers and partners to explore the findings and recommendations of this report, marking a significant milestone in our mission to transform rural tourism through digital storytelling.
We are pleased to announce the publication of the results of our research within the Storydoers project: Project Result 1 Digital Story Doing for Local Tourism Framework Final Report. This report details a comprehensive analysis and key findings of the project, offering innovative insights into the application of digital storydoing in local tourism. We invite our readers and partners to explore the findings and recommendations of this report, marking a significant milestone in our mission to transform rural tourism through digital storytelling.
The document discusses how Amsterdam has been affected by economic crises and recessions in the past. It summarizes that:
1) Amsterdam saw an 8% drop in visitors last year due to the global economic crisis, and expects another 10% drop in 2009.
2) Analyzing past crises shows they negatively impacted visitor numbers, but Amsterdam was able to adjust marketing campaigns and attract more European visitors during the Gulf War in 1991.
3) The current campaign "Give Me a Break" offering 1001 free hotel nights was very successful in attracting visitors despite the recession, showing consumers will still travel for the right opportunities.