The PyConTW ( organizer wishes to improve the quality and quantity of the programming cummunities in Taiwan. Though Python is their core tool and methodology, they know it's worth to learn and communicate with wide-ranging communities. Understanding cultures and ecosystem of a language takes me about three to six months. This six-hour course wraps up what I - an experienced Java developer - have learned from Python ecosystem and the agenda of the past PyConTW.
自由軟體運動歷史與社群專案運作概要 Free Software Movement and Community Project Overview
我以《自由軟體運動與社群專案》為題,主要概略描述了自由軟體運動的來龍去脈,並解釋所謂「社群」為何、成形的原因,最後以 Fedora 專案作為範例,解釋一項自由軟體專案製作出新成品的運作過程。
本投影片所用之 Logo 或商標皆為其所屬機構或單位所有。
BabyGNU 與 BabyTux 圖片採 CC-by 4.0 international 授權,作者 Nicolas Rougier
Xerox 雷射印表機圖片,合理引用,取材自 網頁
鳥飛翔圖片 Free as in fly,CC-by 2.0 generic,作者 Nagy David
握手圖片 Shaking hands,CC-by 2.0 generic,作者 Chris-H?vard Berge
法國七月革命,Public Domain,作者 Jean Victor Schnetz
This presentation gave an overview about Chinese information process progress on GNU/Linux. It covered input/output/printing mechanism for GNU/Linux. Also, some localized open source projects were introduced.
20141030 ntustme computer_programmingandbeyond_shareTing-Shuo Yo
A short introduction to what programming can do, with a special focus on the field of big data and internet of things. The audience is undergraduate students taking the first programming class, so the aim is to give a general big picture instead of thorough details.
This presentation gave an overview about Chinese information process progress on GNU/Linux. It covered input/output/printing mechanism for GNU/Linux. Also, some localized open source projects were introduced.
20141030 ntustme computer_programmingandbeyond_shareTing-Shuo Yo
A short introduction to what programming can do, with a special focus on the field of big data and internet of things. The audience is undergraduate students taking the first programming class, so the aim is to give a general big picture instead of thorough details.
This document summarizes TsungWei Hu's involvement in the Plone and Python community over the past 10 years. It highlights his contributions to Plone translation, organizing events like World Plone Day and PyCon Taiwan, and sharing experiences and advice for getting involved in open source communities. The document encourages attendees to get involved in the Plone community by logging issues, contributing translations or code, attending events, and utilizing available resources.
Open Source Technologies for Contents and MapsTsungWei Hu
The document discusses the use of open source technologies by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to organize and display a wide range of environmental data and information on its website. Key challenges included supporting multiple languages and facilitating search across diverse content. The EEA addressed these by implementing open source solutions like ElasticSearch for search and faceted browsing. It also links datasets as linked open data and manages projects using tools like GitHub. The EEA works with the open source community to improve and customize solutions while sharing lessons learned.
This document discusses language choice and contains materials that may be unsuitable for younger children. It explores how the language you choose defines how you program and can teach you to think differently. Several languages such as Python, Ruby, Perl, and PHP are mentioned.
Diazo: Bridging Designers and ProgrammersTsungWei Hu
This document introduces Diazo, an open source theme engine for bridging web designers and developers. It discusses how Diazo works by using XML rules and XSLT to transform unthemed HTML content into themed content. It provides examples of common rules for replacing elements, including and dropping content, and merging navigation. Diazo allows maintaining design templates separately from dynamic content and deploying transformed content through an XSLT processor. The conclusion recommends starting with example codes, using the editor for common tasks, and keeping organizational themes consistent.
This document provides an overview of building a Python content management system (CMS) using Plone. It discusses Plone's content types, installation options, quality assurance, content editing and sharing features, customization options using Python packages and add-ons, integration with databases using different adapters, and considerations for choosing Plone as a CMS platform. The document encourages trying Plone by creating a free website on to experience the Plone CMS capabilities.
Python for Application Integration and DevelopmentTsungWei Hu
This document provides an overview of Python for application integration and development. It discusses the history and features of Python, how Python can be used as a research workbench with various scientific libraries, for web development with frameworks and content management systems, and the large Python community. The document concludes that Python serves as a good first language to learn and for gluing together other languages and tools to improve team productivity.
A short talk at Python Hsinchu User Group gathering on 2012/09/17. Plone is a long existing CMS (Content Management System) software in the Python world, and one of the most powerful. In short, a CMS runs a database storing contents that are added/edited by User/Group, managed via Workflow, and searchable with Index/Catalog. We will showcase Plone's existing features, demonstrating how it performs as a CMS product, also preview the coming technologies Plone will embrace.
This presentation in World Plone Day 2012 Taipei, held at RCHSS Academia Sinica, demos how to add collective.geo to a vanilla Plone, and overview to Plone customization. See photos at
Plone is a powerful CMS based on Python/Zope, running on Linux, Windows, or cloud service., provided by Enfold Systems, is free, easy-to-use service for creating and hosting Plone sites. This presentation, in ICOS, showcases the updated technology used by Plone.
This document summarizes the Sahana Taiwan organization and its work developing open source disaster management software. It discusses the Python rewrite of the original PHP-based software using the Web2Py framework. The rewrite aims to improve maintainability, integration of mapping and messaging features, and a more interactive web interface. The document also describes Sahana's use in response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake and how the software and community have continued to evolve and engage volunteers.
Python - A Comprehensive Programming LanguageTsungWei Hu
Python - A Comprehensive Programming Language, talk at
1. CSIE, Providence University, 2009/05/08
2. CSIE, National Taichung Institute of Technology, 2009/10/29
Plone - A Comprehensive Content Management SolutionTsungWei Hu
Plone is an open source content management system (CMS) built on Zope using Python. It provides a comprehensive set of features for managing and organizing content on a website, including search, workflow, user management, and more. Plone can be quickly installed and used to build blogs, portals, or other types of websites and applications. It includes various default content types and a customizable interface that allows non-technical users to easily add and manage content.
The document discusses using Python for application development on Linux systems like the EeePC. It provides an overview of Python programming basics like data types, functions, modules and libraries. It also introduces the Gtkmozembed library for embedding Mozilla-based content like Firefox in PyGTK applications and using Flash with Gtkmozembed. Examples are given for common tasks like file handling, networking and using various Python libraries and modules.
12. History of
2,500+ for 50 years
1998 2008
IBM PC Internet
#13: 另一方面,我們也可以從外在環境,檢視時代的演進,如何影響程式語言的普及度。
50年來,世界上出現超過2500種程式語言,但廣為使用的,或是最後還留下來的,仍舊是少數。在個人電腦普及之前,是數位世界的黑暗時代,電腦知識只在科學家、工程師,少數人的圈子裡流傳,他們通常使用低階語言,或是著重牽就系統資源的技法,這類知識很專業,通用性較低。我們剛才提到簡單和互動性,八○年代的 BASIC 就是早期代表,但在進入 Internet 時代後,它被取代了。最近十年來流行的程式語言,一定跟 Web 有關,簡單地說,Python 也是跟網站開發還有雲端運算緊密相關,才造成它的高知名度。
#29: 0-, 0+, 1, 2+, 10+
mother tongue is a linguistic phenomenon which will occur inevitably because no one fails at learning their first languages (with exceptions of traumatized brain damage or born disabilities). Second language is crucial depending on what your life goal is. Third / fourth language learning is you fulfilling your ambitions as an intellectual and is worth the applause of all.
#33: iPython Notebook Basics Super Mario Bros with PyGame RPG Game: The Stolen Crown
#39: 吊詭的是,更多人用電腦上網後,生活變得更快樂嗎? 如果學一個程式語言,不能讓人更有效地解決問題,對世界更加認識,那我們該把時間省下來,時間就是金錢,時間就是生命。
Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think. – Steve Jobs