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雲端 Plone 嘛也通
Proud Plone on Cloud
        胡崇偉 marr
百種CMS 養百種人
Proud Plone on Cloud
2010 ideaware CMS Comparison
2011 內容技術服務商地圖
2011 內容技術服務商地圖

It’s about



 Should Be One

Preferably Only One
    Obvious Way to Do It.

                Comparison of Exploits

Source: CVE database (http://nvd.nist.gov), Jan Ulrich Hasecke, 2009

 Improvement Proposal
    Framework Team
    Release Managers
Daily Building and Testing

支援Undo + AutoUpgrate的系統?




想要整合 SQL系統?



PLOUD – 開站囉

Through The Web 三分鐘建表單



Plone 看起來不炫
J女郎      笔女郎
Diazo – 佈景主題工具

Joomla豬皮 Plone龍骨



you could get
                programmers to
                    work on a
                 Python project
                than you could
                  to work on a
                  Java project.
Keep Walking
 Plone 工程師更少

?   使用英文溝通
?   需求規格要明確
?   從測試和小型工作起步
?   充實自身的技術判斷力
?   善用報表和監測工具
Proud Plone on Cloud
Proud Plone on Cloud
Proud Plone on Cloud

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