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   marr.tw @ gmail.com
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Sahana Taiwan Development
Sahana Taiwan Development
Sahana Taiwan Development
Sahana Taiwan Development
Sahana Taiwan Development
Lightning Talk

? COSCUP 2009
? http://youtu.be/CozDlLvkXRs
Sahana Taiwan
For the whole story, see

The 4 Communities of Sahana
Perspectives of the Elephant
What¨s New ?

A Python based rewrite using
 MVC frameworks and highly-
 interactive Web 2.0 UIs.
Software Foundation
 Agasti       Eden
  (PHP)     (Python)
 LGPLv3       MIT
Why a Rewrite ?
? The old code is hard to maintain and
  hard to integrate GIS and Messaging
? Using a framework allows to focus
  on the user-facing application.
? An experimental branch within the
  main project rather than a fork.
Python Advantages
?   俶箔寄      ?   Agile札嚔_l圭塀
?   _lr殻玉      ?   Web2Py酔堀_l
?   謹噎Y屁栽     ?   S源痕塀贇г
?   _lY坿嗤     ?   芙蛤撹L式誘秘
?   指寄楚W勣箔   ?   喜塘極捲
Haiti Response and Relief
? Missing Person Registry
? Mapping
? Organization Registry
? Hospital Management
? Volunteer Registry
? WFP: Food Request Portal

? High-resolution Satellite Imagery
  (available 26 hrs)
? OpenStreetMap volunteers used this
  & old printed maps to quickly cover

? These were made available as
  basemaps on handheld GPS
Open Street Map
Sahana Taiwan Development
Deployment Perspective
? Select Modules according to the Response
  and Relief Needs
? Leverage the Experts and Volunteers
  C GPS / GIS / SMS / PFIF / Crowdsourcing
? Early Deployment helps Trust Relationship
Eden Integration to Sahana Taiwan
Sahana Camp 1.1 Taiwan

Michael Howden and Fran Boon
Sahana Eden Stack Overview
           Server                Client Browser
     Sahana Eden (S3)
Database                 Open
               Eclipse           Firebug
S3 is Built on Web2py


Community-based Development
Sahana SMS Android App

         ? Embeds GPS coordinates within
           SMS messages to Sahana
         ? Allows users to send and view data
           on maps
         ? Similar apps planned for other
Project-based Development

? Prioritized tasks assigned to team members
? Sponsorship from III and IBM
? Tasks
  C Auth/Role/Permission Integration for Agasti
    and Eden modules
  C Mapping Integration and Enhancement
How Can You Help
? Software Development and Deployment
  C JavaScript / Python / PHP
  C Linux / Apache / MySQL
? Promotion
  C Spread the words with Blog / Social Network
  C RSS / 堪B弌N
? Testing / Simulation / Translation
  C Join the Mailing Lists
It¨s your contribution to
    make dreams grow great

             Please contact us :

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