This very short document appears to be in French and contains codes or identifiers that do not provide much contextual meaning on their own. It mentions "P-5 A Taurons" but no other understandable information is given.
Haiku is a web-based learning system that allows teachers to create class websites for posting content like pages, files, links, audio, and video. It offers features like announcements, calendars, dropboxes for submitting homework, and communication tools for teachers, students, and parents. While basic features are free, additional features like larger file storage and multiple classes require an upgrade with paid subscription plans.
The document discusses aligning three initiatives underway at a company - pricing optimization, automated price list management, and sales analytics. It notes that while each initiative on its own could help, they currently operate independently and place redundant and conflicting demands on the sales force. The proposed solution is to integrate the initiatives into a single portal and sales workbench that creates a unified user experience, eliminates inefficiencies, and aligns pricing and sales compensation strategies for mutual benefit.
Beeld en geluid en het digitale domein 2012Geert Wissink
Kort overzicht (niet compleet) van Beeld en Geluid activiteiten in 2012 op het gebied van het digitale domein. Kijk meer projecten op en
This document shares personal details and includes several external image links. It discusses confessing private information and includes unrelated clipart images without descriptions from various websites. The document lacks a clear topic or purpose and simply shares random images and text.
Hollywood vs Silicon Valley: Open Video als VermittlerBertram Gugel
Hollywood is facing increasing competition from Silicon Valley as new digital platforms emerge for distributing entertainment content. New players like Netflix and Hulu are producing their own content and attracting viewers away from traditional television. As devices like smartphones and tablets proliferate, consumers are spending more time with digital content on multiple screens. For the entertainment industry to succeed, it will need to embrace new forms of storytelling, collaborate with digital platforms, and make content widely available across all devices and services.
This is a slidedeck from my presentation at WordCamp Portland 2008. I used it to share what my need for an ecosystem is, why I'm using WordPress, and some info about ecosystems I'm working on.
Protecting your Microsoft Workloads with High Availability and ReliabilityAmazon Web Services
Backing up Windows workloads can be a challenge, and cumbersome for many companies. Backup and recovery for Windows workloads on AWS, however, can be easy. This session will cover best practices for backup and recovery, how to configure Windows workloads to back up to AWS; pitfalls to look out for; and recommended reference architectures.
This document discusses security best practices for businesses using AWS cloud services. It emphasizes that security is a shared responsibility between AWS and customers. AWS is responsible for security of the cloud, while customers are responsible for security in the cloud. The document outlines AWS security services like CloudTrail, Config, and Key Management Service that provide visibility, auditability, and control over resources. It also discusses AWS's security culture of continuous testing, monitoring, and reducing potential vulnerabilities.
From Cowboy To Astronaut: Lessons From The Trail, New Worlds On The HorizonJeremy Fuksa
This is the version of "From Cowboy To Astronaut" that I presented to the Oklahoma City Ad Club as part of their Career Day for 2008. As you can see from previous versions of this presentation, the format has changed dramatically as a result of feedback and ideas generated over the past year.
Video excerpt of this presentation at
Deep Blue is a repository provided by the University of Michigan that provides authors with the following benefits:
1) Articles deposited in Deep Blue are cited more often than articles not in such repositories, receiving 25-250% more citations.
2) Works deposited in Deep Blue will be preserved and secured for the long term in formats that are non-proprietary with open standards or will be preserved in other formats.
3) Depositing works in Deep Blue is a simple process that allows authors to maintain ownership and distribution rights while enabling the university to preserve and distribute the works.
Before you start, always ask the kids what a greenhouse is. I kid you not! This presentation is simple, a bit too wordy, but effective nevertheless. I've included some blank slides so you can do your own thing. Enjoy and thank you.
AWS Enterprise Summit London 2015 | Security in the CloudAmazon Web Services
The document discusses security in the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS). It notes that AWS provides strong security capabilities that allow customers to be more secure in the cloud than in their own data centers. It outlines how AWS offers security at no extra cost and discusses principles of security compliance, certifications, and tools available on AWS like Inspector, WAF, and CloudTrail to help customers with security. The document advocates for taking a security-by-design approach and leveraging AWS services and professional services to help customers prepare, prevent, detect, and respond to security issues in the cloud.
The document lists the speakers for several upcoming events hosted by the Advertising Club at Kansas State University, including events about identity, fundraising, traveling to Kansas City and Chicago, and the future of the advertising industry. It also provides contact information for the Ad Club President.
Es kommen unruhige Zeiten auf die TV-Sender zu. 5 Einflussfaktoren verändern die klassische Distributionslogik.
Die Folien zu meinem Vortrag auf den Lokalrundfunktagen:
Case study of glaciated landscape. Landform examples include hanging valleys, moraines, and parabolic glaciated valleys. Maps and diagrams liable to be updated after further fieldwork! Aimed at Higher Grade geography syllabus in Scotland. Individual slides available for download on Flickr. Enjoy.
Designed for kids to go through online. You can insert your own slides or provide worksheets or whatever. Update slides will appear on Flickr (GeoJuice). Enjoy.
A story is told about a forest where mushrooms are angry and crying. A mushroom tells the others to hide because a woman and child are coming to the forest. A man then comes to the forest to pick mushrooms and sees a sign about using a knife to cut mushrooms. The mushrooms are then happy.
This is a slidedeck from my presentation at WordCamp Portland 2008. I used it to share what my need for an ecosystem is, why I'm using WordPress, and some info about ecosystems I'm working on.
Protecting your Microsoft Workloads with High Availability and ReliabilityAmazon Web Services
Backing up Windows workloads can be a challenge, and cumbersome for many companies. Backup and recovery for Windows workloads on AWS, however, can be easy. This session will cover best practices for backup and recovery, how to configure Windows workloads to back up to AWS; pitfalls to look out for; and recommended reference architectures.
This document discusses security best practices for businesses using AWS cloud services. It emphasizes that security is a shared responsibility between AWS and customers. AWS is responsible for security of the cloud, while customers are responsible for security in the cloud. The document outlines AWS security services like CloudTrail, Config, and Key Management Service that provide visibility, auditability, and control over resources. It also discusses AWS's security culture of continuous testing, monitoring, and reducing potential vulnerabilities.
From Cowboy To Astronaut: Lessons From The Trail, New Worlds On The HorizonJeremy Fuksa
This is the version of "From Cowboy To Astronaut" that I presented to the Oklahoma City Ad Club as part of their Career Day for 2008. As you can see from previous versions of this presentation, the format has changed dramatically as a result of feedback and ideas generated over the past year.
Video excerpt of this presentation at
Deep Blue is a repository provided by the University of Michigan that provides authors with the following benefits:
1) Articles deposited in Deep Blue are cited more often than articles not in such repositories, receiving 25-250% more citations.
2) Works deposited in Deep Blue will be preserved and secured for the long term in formats that are non-proprietary with open standards or will be preserved in other formats.
3) Depositing works in Deep Blue is a simple process that allows authors to maintain ownership and distribution rights while enabling the university to preserve and distribute the works.
Before you start, always ask the kids what a greenhouse is. I kid you not! This presentation is simple, a bit too wordy, but effective nevertheless. I've included some blank slides so you can do your own thing. Enjoy and thank you.
AWS Enterprise Summit London 2015 | Security in the CloudAmazon Web Services
The document discusses security in the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS). It notes that AWS provides strong security capabilities that allow customers to be more secure in the cloud than in their own data centers. It outlines how AWS offers security at no extra cost and discusses principles of security compliance, certifications, and tools available on AWS like Inspector, WAF, and CloudTrail to help customers with security. The document advocates for taking a security-by-design approach and leveraging AWS services and professional services to help customers prepare, prevent, detect, and respond to security issues in the cloud.
The document lists the speakers for several upcoming events hosted by the Advertising Club at Kansas State University, including events about identity, fundraising, traveling to Kansas City and Chicago, and the future of the advertising industry. It also provides contact information for the Ad Club President.
Es kommen unruhige Zeiten auf die TV-Sender zu. 5 Einflussfaktoren verändern die klassische Distributionslogik.
Die Folien zu meinem Vortrag auf den Lokalrundfunktagen:
Case study of glaciated landscape. Landform examples include hanging valleys, moraines, and parabolic glaciated valleys. Maps and diagrams liable to be updated after further fieldwork! Aimed at Higher Grade geography syllabus in Scotland. Individual slides available for download on Flickr. Enjoy.
Designed for kids to go through online. You can insert your own slides or provide worksheets or whatever. Update slides will appear on Flickr (GeoJuice). Enjoy.
A story is told about a forest where mushrooms are angry and crying. A mushroom tells the others to hide because a woman and child are coming to the forest. A man then comes to the forest to pick mushrooms and sees a sign about using a knife to cut mushrooms. The mushrooms are then happy.
This very short document appears to be in French and discusses penguins. It mentions "conte en blanc" which refers to a fairytale or fable, and "P-5 B pingüins" which seems to refer to penguins of a certain type or classification. Overall the document seems to be about penguins in the context of a story or tale.
The document discusses preparing soil for planting by loosening and turning over the dirt. While the soil is ready, more work still needs to be done to properly aerate and mix the soil before seeds or plants can be added. The document encourages further working of the soil to ensure it is optimally prepared.
This document lists and briefly describes common tools, including a saw, pliers, screwdriver, tweezers, drill, shovel, wheelbarrow, scissors, lever, hammer, and pulley. For each tool, it explains one basic function, such as cutting wood with a saw, turning screws with a screwdriver, or lifting loads with a pulley. The tools and their simple uses are presented without any additional context.
The document is about a school trip taken by students from Escola del Mar in Vilassar de Mar. The students from class P.5 visited a zoo and saw tigers and penguins. They learned interesting facts about these animals during their visit.