1) Agriculture is very important for Indonesia as the majority of the population works in agriculture. However, Indonesia's agricultural sector faces many issues including unclear land ownership, weak capital resources, and conversion of agricultural land to industry.
2) Weak farmers' organizations and lack of skills and access to markets have also hurt farmers. Government policies have sometimes damaged farmers, such as when soybean imports lowered domestic prices.
3) Institutions have an important role to play in helping farmers compete and access markets. For example, community development institutions could help farmers transition to organic agriculture and reduce chemical inputs, while improving competitiveness. With improved welfare, Indonesia's economy and society would stabilize.
Contoh Kata Pengantar dan Daftar isi dalam pembuatan makalahPuji Winarni
Makalah ini membahas manajemen produksi dengan mencakup latar belakang, tujuan, dan manfaat penelitian. Bab satu berisi pendahuluan yang menjelaskan latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan, dan manfaat penelitian. Bab dua membahas definisi manajemen produksi dan proses produksi serta pengambilan keputusan, ruang lingkup, fungsi sistem produksi, dan tata letak pabrik. Bab tiga berisi kesimpulan dari p
Esensi Pancasila sebagai sistem etika terletak pada hakikat lima sila Pancasila: sila kesatuan, kemanusiaan, ketuhanan, kerakyatan, dan keadilan sosial. Pancasila penting sebagai sistem etika karena memberi panduan perilaku bagi warga negara dan dasar untuk menganalisis kebijakan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang bakteri penyebab penyakit pada tanaman seperti penyakit layu pada tanaman nilam, penyakit hawar daun padi, dan penyakit layu pada kacang tanah beserta gejala dan cara pengendaliannya.
Proses pembuatan tahu memerlukan waktu 3 jam dan meliputi proses mencuci kedelai, menggiling kedelai, merebus hasil penggilingan, menyaring dan mengendapkan ampas, memasukkan endapan ke cetakan, mendinginkan, dan memotong-motong tahu. Tahu memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan seperti mencegah penyakit jantung, meningkatkan energi, dan bermanfaat untuk wanita menopause. Proses pemasaran dan modal yang
Stratifikasi sosial di Desa Krekel terbagi menjadi tiga lapisan yaitu lapisan atas, menengah, dan bawah berdasarkan kekayaan, kekuasaan, pendidikan, dan pengetahuan. Lapisan atas memiliki kekuasaan dan kekayaan, lapisan menengah terdidik, sementara lapisan bawah miskin. Lapisan atas, menengah, dan pihak luar membantu menyelesaikan masalah lapisan bawah melalui bantuan sosial, e
Kandungan air tanah sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan tanaman dan stabilitas konstruksi. Praktikum ini mengukur tiga parameter kandungan air tanah yaitu kadar lengas kering angin, kapasitas lapang, dan persediaan air maksimum menggunakan metode gravimetri.
Dokumen ini berisi pertanyaan dan jawaban mengenai implementasi wawasan nusantara dalam kehidupan politik dan nasional Indonesia. Pertanyaan pertama membahas masalah korupsi di Indonesia meski diharapkan ada wawasan nusantara. Jawabannya menyebutkan peran masyarakat dalam memilih calon yang jujur. Pertanyaan kedua meminta contoh implementasi wawasan nusantara. Jawabannya memberikan contoh menghargai budaya Indonesia dan memperkenalkannya
Laporan praktikum ilmu gulma mendiskusikan percobaan dormansi biji gulma pada berbagai jenis tanah. Percobaan menunjukkan bahwa jenis gulma yang mengalami pematahan dormansi berbeda di setiap tanah. Tanah pekarangan memiliki jumlah gulma terbanyak sedangkan tanah sawah tidak menunjukkan pematahan dormansi. Secara umum, tidak ada pengaruh nyata jenis tanah terhadap pematahan dormansi biji gulma.
PKM K "go hero" proposal program kreativitas mahasiswa unmSansanikhs
Program "Go Hero" bertujuan untuk menyalurkan bakat dan keahlian masyarakat sebagai pekerjaan sampingan melalui platform digital. Program ini akan membangun website dan aplikasi untuk menghubungkan orang yang memiliki keahlian khusus dengan mereka yang membutuhkan jasa tersebut. Hal ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan mengurangi pengangguran.
Makalah ini membahas tentang paragraf, dimulai dari pengertian paragraf, letak kalimat topik, syarat paragraf yang baik, dan jenis-jenis paragraf. Paragraf dijelaskan sebagai kesatuan ide atau gagasan yang tersusun dalam beberapa kalimat saling berkaitan. Kalimat topik dapat ditempatkan di awal, akhir, atau tengah paragraf. Syarat paragraf yang baik meliputi kesatuan, kepad
Praktikum analisis vegetasi dilakukan untuk mempelajari struktur dan komposisi vegetasi di halaman belakang jurusan Biologi IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuadrat dengan membuat plot berukuran 10x10 m, 4x4 m, dan 1x1 m. Ditemukan tujuh jenis tumbuhan yang dominan yaitu akasia, senggani, rumput benggala, alang-alang, patikan kebo, dan rumput malela. Kerap
Panduan Lengkap Analisis Statistika dengan Aplikasi SPSSMuliadin Forester
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan lengkap mengenai analisis statistika menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), mencakup uji asumsi klasik seperti uji normalitas, multikolinearitas, heteroskedastisitas, autokorelasi, dan linearitas; serta analisis regresi linear berganda dan tabel statistik. Panduan ini disadur dari beberapa situs web dan disederhanakan untuk kemudahan pemahaman.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang penyebaran populasi hewan di suatu habitat. Secara umum dibahas tentang definisi populasi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pola penyebaran populasi seperti lingkungan, sifat organisme, dan interaksi antar individu. Dilakukan percobaan lapangan untuk menentukan pola penyebaran semut, belalang dan serangga kecil lainnya menggunakan metode plot acak dan beraturan, kemudian hasilnya dianalis
Dokumen ini membahas representasi data dalam komputer menggunakan sistem bilangan biner, di mana 0 mewakili bilangan positif dan 1 mewakili bilangan negatif. Juga dibahas mengenai keterbatasan memori komputer dalam menyimpan dan memproses data, serta siklus pemrosesan data dari input, proses, output, dan penyimpanan di memori. Disarankan untuk mempercepat pemrosesan data perlu meningkatkan kapasitas RAM.
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang teknik budidaya bawang merah organik di Kabupaten Brebes. Tekniknya meliputi persiapan benih, pengolahan lahan dengan membuat bedengan, dan penanaman bawang merah pada akhir musim hujan.
Farmers in India have faced increasing hardship in recent decades, with over 300,000 reported to have committed suicide since 1995. Suicides average around 15,000-16,000 per year and account for 11.2% of all suicides in India. The primary causes of farmer suicides are mounting debts, crop failures due to drought or market price crashes, and inability to pay for basic needs and family expenses. Despite some government programs and NGO efforts, the plight of farmers remains severe due to a combination of economic difficulties, lack of support services and infrastructure, and ineffective policies. Comprehensive long-term solutions are needed to alleviate farmer hardship through improved agricultural practices, access to resources, education support, and
Sustainibilie development in agriculture sector in indiajoysengupta22
The document discusses sustainable development in India's agricultural sector. It analyzes traditional, modern, and sustainable agricultural systems across ecological, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability. Agriculture is important for India's economy and food security, but current practices face sustainability issues. The document recommends promoting sustainable practices like organic matter retention, biodiversity, and small-scale labor intensity to increase long-term ecological, economic, and social sustainability in Indian agriculture.
Stratifikasi sosial di Desa Krekel terbagi menjadi tiga lapisan yaitu lapisan atas, menengah, dan bawah berdasarkan kekayaan, kekuasaan, pendidikan, dan pengetahuan. Lapisan atas memiliki kekuasaan dan kekayaan, lapisan menengah terdidik, sementara lapisan bawah miskin. Lapisan atas, menengah, dan pihak luar membantu menyelesaikan masalah lapisan bawah melalui bantuan sosial, e
Kandungan air tanah sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan tanaman dan stabilitas konstruksi. Praktikum ini mengukur tiga parameter kandungan air tanah yaitu kadar lengas kering angin, kapasitas lapang, dan persediaan air maksimum menggunakan metode gravimetri.
Dokumen ini berisi pertanyaan dan jawaban mengenai implementasi wawasan nusantara dalam kehidupan politik dan nasional Indonesia. Pertanyaan pertama membahas masalah korupsi di Indonesia meski diharapkan ada wawasan nusantara. Jawabannya menyebutkan peran masyarakat dalam memilih calon yang jujur. Pertanyaan kedua meminta contoh implementasi wawasan nusantara. Jawabannya memberikan contoh menghargai budaya Indonesia dan memperkenalkannya
Laporan praktikum ilmu gulma mendiskusikan percobaan dormansi biji gulma pada berbagai jenis tanah. Percobaan menunjukkan bahwa jenis gulma yang mengalami pematahan dormansi berbeda di setiap tanah. Tanah pekarangan memiliki jumlah gulma terbanyak sedangkan tanah sawah tidak menunjukkan pematahan dormansi. Secara umum, tidak ada pengaruh nyata jenis tanah terhadap pematahan dormansi biji gulma.
PKM K "go hero" proposal program kreativitas mahasiswa unmSansanikhs
Program "Go Hero" bertujuan untuk menyalurkan bakat dan keahlian masyarakat sebagai pekerjaan sampingan melalui platform digital. Program ini akan membangun website dan aplikasi untuk menghubungkan orang yang memiliki keahlian khusus dengan mereka yang membutuhkan jasa tersebut. Hal ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan mengurangi pengangguran.
Makalah ini membahas tentang paragraf, dimulai dari pengertian paragraf, letak kalimat topik, syarat paragraf yang baik, dan jenis-jenis paragraf. Paragraf dijelaskan sebagai kesatuan ide atau gagasan yang tersusun dalam beberapa kalimat saling berkaitan. Kalimat topik dapat ditempatkan di awal, akhir, atau tengah paragraf. Syarat paragraf yang baik meliputi kesatuan, kepad
Praktikum analisis vegetasi dilakukan untuk mempelajari struktur dan komposisi vegetasi di halaman belakang jurusan Biologi IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuadrat dengan membuat plot berukuran 10x10 m, 4x4 m, dan 1x1 m. Ditemukan tujuh jenis tumbuhan yang dominan yaitu akasia, senggani, rumput benggala, alang-alang, patikan kebo, dan rumput malela. Kerap
Panduan Lengkap Analisis Statistika dengan Aplikasi SPSSMuliadin Forester
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan lengkap mengenai analisis statistika menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), mencakup uji asumsi klasik seperti uji normalitas, multikolinearitas, heteroskedastisitas, autokorelasi, dan linearitas; serta analisis regresi linear berganda dan tabel statistik. Panduan ini disadur dari beberapa situs web dan disederhanakan untuk kemudahan pemahaman.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang penyebaran populasi hewan di suatu habitat. Secara umum dibahas tentang definisi populasi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pola penyebaran populasi seperti lingkungan, sifat organisme, dan interaksi antar individu. Dilakukan percobaan lapangan untuk menentukan pola penyebaran semut, belalang dan serangga kecil lainnya menggunakan metode plot acak dan beraturan, kemudian hasilnya dianalis
Dokumen ini membahas representasi data dalam komputer menggunakan sistem bilangan biner, di mana 0 mewakili bilangan positif dan 1 mewakili bilangan negatif. Juga dibahas mengenai keterbatasan memori komputer dalam menyimpan dan memproses data, serta siklus pemrosesan data dari input, proses, output, dan penyimpanan di memori. Disarankan untuk mempercepat pemrosesan data perlu meningkatkan kapasitas RAM.
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang teknik budidaya bawang merah organik di Kabupaten Brebes. Tekniknya meliputi persiapan benih, pengolahan lahan dengan membuat bedengan, dan penanaman bawang merah pada akhir musim hujan.
Farmers in India have faced increasing hardship in recent decades, with over 300,000 reported to have committed suicide since 1995. Suicides average around 15,000-16,000 per year and account for 11.2% of all suicides in India. The primary causes of farmer suicides are mounting debts, crop failures due to drought or market price crashes, and inability to pay for basic needs and family expenses. Despite some government programs and NGO efforts, the plight of farmers remains severe due to a combination of economic difficulties, lack of support services and infrastructure, and ineffective policies. Comprehensive long-term solutions are needed to alleviate farmer hardship through improved agricultural practices, access to resources, education support, and
Sustainibilie development in agriculture sector in indiajoysengupta22
The document discusses sustainable development in India's agricultural sector. It analyzes traditional, modern, and sustainable agricultural systems across ecological, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability. Agriculture is important for India's economy and food security, but current practices face sustainability issues. The document recommends promoting sustainable practices like organic matter retention, biodiversity, and small-scale labor intensity to increase long-term ecological, economic, and social sustainability in Indian agriculture.
This document discusses the role of women in Pakistan's agriculture sector. It begins with an abstract that notes agriculture is important to Pakistan's economy and most of the population is engaged in it. While women play a significant role, their contributions often go unrecognized.
The document then provides background on women's large role in agriculture despite facing numerous constraints. Women comprise over half the agricultural workforce but lack access to resources and opportunities afforded to men. They work long hours but their labor is frequently unpaid or undervalued.
Finally, the document outlines the main objectives of the study, which are to identify women's roles in different agricultural sectors, analyze obstacles facing women and gender differences, and assess the government's role in supporting women in
The document discusses strategies for expanding organic farming in Bali, Indonesia. It proposes:
1) Gaining support from local authorities and unifying farmers under a strengthened Bali Organic Association (BOA) to negotiate as a group.
2) Using the BOA to help farmers, reconnect them with traditional irrigation systems, and attract ecotourism to increase income.
3) Engaging international programs like Fair Trade to improve farmers' competitiveness and community development.
- India's agriculture sector has been declining in recent decades despite over half the population relying on it for employment and livelihood. Farmers lack interest in growing more crops beyond subsistence levels due to lack of support from the government.
- Over 250,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide since 1995 due to financial stress from factors like crop failures, inability to repay loans, and lack of viable alternatives as the economy has shifted away from agriculture.
- The agriculture sector contributes only around 14.6% to India's GDP despite most people relying on it, due to issues like dependence on seasonal rains and poor implementation of government support programs that fail to reach farmers. Improving awareness, education, research, and farmers' rights could
This document summarizes a research study on transmigration as a solution to protect sustainable farming and sustainable food production in Karawang District, Indonesia. The study found that while the government aims to protect agricultural land through policy, in reality the policy has not helped improve farmers' livelihoods. The conversion of agricultural land continues, forcing some small farmers to sell their land and change professions. The study examines challenges in implementing the land protection program and proposes transmigration as a solution to help affected farmers improve their standard of living. Qualitative research methods were used, including interviews and document analysis, to understand the policy implementation process and factors influencing its success or failure.
The document discusses reasons for poverty in India and steps the government should take to reduce poverty. It identifies several key reasons for poverty, including the high cost of living, lack of education, social factors like the caste system, unemployment, population growth, and low agricultural productivity. It recommends that the government improve employment, especially in agriculture; strengthen land reform and provide land to the landless; develop cottage and other rural industries; strengthen poverty alleviation programs; and address factors like inadequate infrastructure and funding that hinder existing programs. Overall, the document analyzes the multifaceted causes of poverty in India and proposes a range of policy measures across sectors to effectively tackle the problem.
Generasi Bumi is one amongst best emerging social enterprises in West Java, focusing itself on creating more positive impacts in rural livelihood through insightful business model. They combine renewable energy, organic farming, eco-tourism, waste management, and knowledge dissemination in a row! Super!
The initiator and founder, Mohamad Romdoni, is an urban farmer who has solid experiences in organic farming and community organizing.
This document discusses problems faced by farmers in India. It notes that over 58% of rural households depend on agriculture as their primary livelihood. Some key challenges include small land holdings, lack of technical knowledge, weather-dependent farming, low incomes, underdeveloped infrastructure, and inefficient bureaucracy. Farmers also face issues with seeds, fertilizers, irrigation and undeveloped infrastructure policies that slow agricultural growth. Addressing these problems could help improve conditions for farmers and support continued development of India's agricultural sector.
The influence of cultural environment and husbands support to the succes...Alexander Decker
This document discusses a study on the factors influencing the success of entrepreneurship among indigenous women traders in traditional markets in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. It examines how cultural environment, husband's support, entrepreneurship skills, and the role of government impact entrepreneurial success. The study found that the cultural environment and entrepreneurship skills significantly influence the success of indigenous women entrepreneurs. However, husband's support had a negative effect, as the money often went to non-productive uses. The role of government did not directly increase success or strengthen other relationships.
Mushroom cultivation a home business A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Form...Mr.Allah Dad Khan
Mushroom cultivation a home business A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture Extension KPK Province and Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan
30. Mushroom cultivation a home business , A Series of Presentation By Mr All...Mr.Allah Dad Khan
Mushroom cultivation provides opportunities for self-employment, especially for unemployed youth, women, and those with disabilities. It can be done at home with minimal land and investment. Mushroom grows quickly and can generate income in just a few weeks. It empowers women and strengthens livelihoods by providing a nutritious food source and reliable income through the sale of mushrooms.
The speaker discusses many complex issues related to meeting growing global food demand, focusing on the critical role of smallholder farmers. Key challenges for smallholder farmers include access to financial services and markets. Improving access to savings, insurance, loans, and payments systems can help smallholder farmers invest in their farms and become more resilient. Partnerships across sectors that provide integrated solutions addressing production, market access, health, education and other needs can help smallholder farmers improve food security and lift families out of poverty.
How will Nepal Feed the Millions Who Live in Her Cities
For more information, Please see websites below:
Organic Edible Schoolyards & Gardening with Children
Double Food Production from your School Garden with Organic Tech
Free School Gardening Art Posters
Increase Food Production with Companion Planting in your School Garden
Healthy Foods Dramatically Improves Student Academic Success
City Chickens for your Organic School Garden
Simple Square Foot Gardening for Schools - Teacher Guide
Agriculture is one of the major sectors of Bangladesh. Involvement of both men and women are significant here. But the role of women remain unrecognized. Here ,the role of women has depicted.
Indo-American Journal of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences appears to be a reputable journal that values both the speed of publication and the quality of research in the fields of agriculture and veterinary sciences. Researchers interested in submitting their work to this journal of the journal research paper.
After independence, the focus of the Government of India was to frame the major policies based on equity along with growth in the agriculture sector. Being an agrarian country, many efforts been made towards economic and social stabilization over the past decades, but not much progress has been achieved in the growth of the agro industrial sector. Farmers lack access to adequate agricultural technology inputs, funding and commercial farming skills have put the quality under the threat. The productivity may be increasing, but better quality not been achieved. With the increase in agricultural production, there is a need to have the proportionate growth in the agro-processing industry. In the recent past most of the farmers are becoming real estate owners by giving their fertile land to edifice industry, because they are unable to meet the expenditure spent on cultivation, high rates of interests taken from landlords, commission agents, banks and financial institutions, few among them committed suicide, the rate of suicide cases was out of control. Government from time to time taking steps to eradicate the effects in agriculture but they confined only to paper. In Dharmapuri, Karimnagar District of Andhra Pradesh farmers came forward to start their own associations to meet their problems without government intervention. This paper focuses on the farmers those who became entrepreneurs to Agri-preneurs, studies about the profile of agricultural entrepreneurs i.e. agri-preneurs and their socio cultural background in Dharmapuri in Andhra Pradesh.
This document summarizes a proposed agriculture project in Nepal called "BAG for BUD" that aims to improve livelihoods for rural farmers. The key points are:
1) The project would provide farmers with an "agriculture bag" containing improved seeds, livestock breeds, and other inputs to support mixed farming systems.
2) It aims to help "convert dormant farmers into active ones" by providing technical and economic support from pre-production to marketing.
3) Recommendations include establishing ward-level cooperatives, demonstrations of mixed farming methods, and public-private partnerships for agriculture.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management.pptxRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
contoh Essay pertanian (bahasa inggris)
Oleh :
Nama : Binti Saadah
NIM : 115040101111120
Kelas : H-Agribisnis
By: Binti Saadah
Agriculture is one sector which is very important for Indonesia. This is because the majority of the
Indonesian population living and working in the agricultural sector, both as farmers (small farmers and
large farmers), as a laborer, as well as the processing of agricultural products. Indonesia is a country with
abundant of natural resources, this is due to Indonesia's geographical location between two continents
(Asia and Australia) and two oceans (Indian Ocean and the Pacific).
Agriculture in Indonesia has a very significant role, because agriculture in Indonesia not only acts as a
sustainer of life of the people, but also affected the stability of the national economy. Agriculture in
Indonesia isnt only as a place to produce food, but also a place of employment, especially small rural
Agriculture is a complex system, in which there are many issues that affect the Indonesian economy
system. In addition because the majority of Indonesian people who depend on the sector, the agricultural
sector is also one of the main foreign exchange earner country. A wide range of existing problems in the
agricultural sector, Indonesia, among others:
Not to create a fair system in agricultural land use (ownership Vs businessman). In this case the
economic scale effort, still a lot of vacant land and the conversion of agricultural land ownership
is unclear. Though there are laws governing agrarian land ownership, where a person can only
have a certain amount of land to the place of his residence in the areas. But in reality many people
from outside the region to master an area of land or a land with thousands of hectares in other
areas. For example in the area of Batu City, there are thousands of acres of land with an area of
his property, but the status is owned by citizens of Surabaya or Jakarta, in fact rarely the vast land
to land because of sleep is not processed by the owner.
Capital resources Indonesian agriculture is still weak, where the exchange rate of Indonesian
agricultural products is low, the risk is high and profits low.
Conversion of productive land to industry due to the implementation of the policy is not optimal
mapping of agro commodities related to land.
3. Weak peasant mentality problem in the fight for their rights and weak of entrepreneurship.
Less skilled farmers, cultivating technical mastery limitations on certain commodities,
agribusiness lack of orientation, lack of control of post-harvest processing, and lack of ability to
access the market.
Farmers lack capital, the banking system is less concerned with farmers, agricultural insurance
and there is no system of debt bondage.
In marketing, the price received by farmers is not fair, volatile, dependent traders and middlemen,
to the detriment. Mastery of information and access to markets are weak, the marketing chain
length and unfair distribution margins
Awareness of farmers in a weak organization, some organizations that there is less work, and less
Various issues above should be taken seriously by the government. If it be overlooked, the national
economy will be shaken and communities become increasingly difficult to achieveth the apportionment.
Until now, agriculture is still subordinated to the government, so that like the above employed several
kinds of problems arise, such as changes in agricultural commodity prices.
Changes in the price of some types of major food commodities such as rice, corn, and soybean can
changes in the national economy. Concrete examples some time ago is skyrocketing national soybean
prices caused some tofu and fermented soybean cake had rallies, even some of them have gone out of
business because is unable to reach the soybean price is overvalued. Similarly with tofu and fermented
soybean cake are difficult to reach soybean prices, soybean farmers are not able to produce soy hindered
by erratic weather which caused some farmers to crop failure, not to mention the local farmers could not
compete with imported soybeans are cheaper and size greater than the local soybean, soybean farmers
Indonesian thus lost. Indonesia's soybean farmers here do not have the strength to compete with imported
products due to Indonesian farmers are not informed about the condition of the national market, where
Indonesian farmers sometimes actually harmed by the low price of soy production sales when sold to
middlemen or wholesalers. This is where the role of institutions both government agencies neither private
organizations is needed to help Indonesian farmers to manage and market their crops.
Institutional farming is the norm or customs structured and patterned and practicing on continuously to
fulfill the needs of community members that are closely related to the livelihood of agriculture in the
countryside. In the community life of farmers, farmers' position and institutional functions are part of
4. social institutions that facilitate social interaction or social interplay in a community. Farmer organization
also has a strategic point (entry point) in mobilizing rural agribusiness system. For that all available
resources should be directed at the rural / prioritized in order to improve the professionalism and the
bargaining position of farmers (farmer groups). Currently portraits of farmers and farmer institutions in
Indonesia are still not recognized as expected (Suradisastra, 2008). 1
The role of the institution is very significant, because the activities of these bodies should be able to make
people self-sufficient and not rely on the government or even outsiders. Institutions must be able to
perform a variety of activities that actually required by the public so that activities performed actually
implemented, usable and useful to society.
Inappropriate policy in managing the country's economy will lead to misery for the people. In the case of
soybeans above, when the government imposed a policy of importing soybeans from abroad to meet
domestic needs, the people of Indonesia who is a soybean farmer will lose money because they can not
compete with imported soybeans. However, if the government does not enforce the policy, it will be a lot
of tofu artisans and entrepreneurs who will be out of business. Therefore, a role institution as a container
that can help farmers to compete with imported products.
In performing its role, in addition to making various programs or activities for the community,
government agencies also must prepare for the type of communication media that is really effective, so
that people can receive the information submitted by the agency in the absence of rejection or aversion
that caused the failure of the process of delivering information. Thus, people can accept and carry out
activities that have been prepared voluntarily without any coercion from the local government.
The role of institutions, in this case for example the Institute for Community Empowerment (LPM), really
needed to address the various problems that exist in the agricultural sector in Indonesia. Call it the
problem of agricultural cultivation. Agricultural products in the country are generally not able to compete
with imported products because most of the agriculture in Indonesia is still doing that maximize the input
of agricultural extension in the form of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides that are harmful to health, both
human health and the environment.
The role of community development here, to be able to provide a solution that is acceptable to the
community. The use of artificial pesticides and inorganic fertilizers is not healthy, but that does not
necessarily mean the government banned its use. This is because many people who have an interest in the
PETANI TERHADAP PEMBANGUNAN PERTANIAN. http://www.umsb.ac.id/files/1/MENARA/wedy29.pdf.
Diakses tanggal 15 November 2013
5. business of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers, and farmers will lay balked when government agencies do
so. In contrast, the role of government agencies is to provide solutions, how to order farmers to produce
agricultural products are healthy by reducing the intensity of the use of pesticides and inorganic
The solution offered is to organic farming. Government agencies, such as the LPM can offer assistance in
the manufacture of organic fertilizers and pesticides, which are necessary ingredients derived from nature
about the farmers themselves, thereby reducing production costs. Work together with the community and
government to the agricultural activities, without any patronizing element of one of the parties. Because
in society empowerment, neither party knows better but all equally learned, farmers learned to grow good
and true, in this case healthy and able to compete with the market. While the government learn to apply
the methods of empowerment needed for able to be accepted and successful social welfare. With the
overall welfare of the people of a country, then it will slowly stabilize the country's economy and wellbeing of a state is reached.
http://www.deptan.go.id/renbangtan/konsep_pembangunan_pertanian.pdf. Diakses pada tanggal
15 November 2013
tanggal 15 November 2013
http://www.umsb.ac.id/files/1/MENARA/wedy29.pdf. Diakses tanggal 15 November 2013.