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1. Gas: air, steam, oxygen, etc
2. Liquid: water, oil, soup, etc
3. Particles: salt, sand, corn, etc
4. Abstract: experience, happiness, patience,
5. Categories:
 chairs, tables, cupboards  furniture
 bananas, oranges, grapes  fruit
 letter, packages, postcards  mail
Put these words into the right categories:
countable nouns or uncountable nouns.
assignment fruit clothing dress
vegetable fact vocabulary information
traffic car word novel
mail literature corn pea
letter homework coin money
Countable Uncountable
1. school, house
 schools, houses +s
2. kiss, dish, church, tax, buzz
 kisses, dishes, churches,
taxes, buzzes +es
3. baby, city
 babies, cities +ies
toy toys
-cy  -cies -vy  vs
3. tomato, radio, volcano
 tomatoes, radios, volcanos/oes +s/es
4. wolf, knife
 wolves, knives +ves
except: chef, chief, roof, cliff +s
5. sheep, deer, species
 sheep, deer, species no
6. child, tooth, mouse
 children, teeth, mice
7. alumnus, datum, criterion
 alumni, data, criteria
Practice 2
Change the nouns to plurals.
1. Dormitory 11. Goose
2. Belief 12. Volcano
3. Leaf 13. Fax
4. Piano 14. Species
5. Wish 15. Bacterium
6. Stitch 16. Half
7. Opinion 17. Roof
8. Mosquito 18. Ox
9. Louse 19. Hero
10. Attorney 20. Phenomenon
Many/Much, Few/Little
+ Countable (plurals)
+ Uncountable (singular
Practice 3
Add much / many (1-10) and little / few (11-
20). Change the nouns to plurals if needed.
1. machinery 11. song
2. machine 12. music
3. equipment 13. stuff
4. tool 14. thing
5. hardware 15. sandwich
6. bracelet 16. bread
7. jewelry 17. poetry
8. jewel 18. poem
9. suggestion 19. novel
10. advice 20. literature

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CBSE Arabic Grammar - Class 10   ppt.pptxCBSE Arabic Grammar - Class 10   ppt.pptx
CBSE Arabic Grammar - Class 10 ppt.pptx
TLE 7 - 2nd Topic - Codes and Standards in Industrial Arts Services.pptx
TLE 7 - 2nd Topic - Codes and Standards in Industrial Arts Services.pptxTLE 7 - 2nd Topic - Codes and Standards in Industrial Arts Services.pptx
TLE 7 - 2nd Topic - Codes and Standards in Industrial Arts Services.pptx

Countable, Uncountable & Plurals

  • 2. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS 1. Gas: air, steam, oxygen, etc 2. Liquid: water, oil, soup, etc 3. Particles: salt, sand, corn, etc 4. Abstract: experience, happiness, patience, etc 5. Categories: chairs, tables, cupboards furniture bananas, oranges, grapes fruit letter, packages, postcards mail !!! UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS SINGULAR
  • 3. PRACTICE 1 Put these words into the right categories: countable nouns or uncountable nouns. assignment fruit clothing dress vegetable fact vocabulary information traffic car word novel mail literature corn pea letter homework coin money Countable Uncountable
  • 4. Plurals 1. school, house schools, houses +s 2. kiss, dish, church, tax, buzz kisses, dishes, churches, taxes, buzzes +es 3. baby, city babies, cities +ies toy toys -cy -cies -vy vs
  • 5. Plurals 3. tomato, radio, volcano tomatoes, radios, volcanos/oes +s/es 4. wolf, knife wolves, knives +ves except: chef, chief, roof, cliff +s 5. sheep, deer, species sheep, deer, species no change
  • 6. Plurals 6. child, tooth, mouse children, teeth, mice 7. alumnus, datum, criterion alumni, data, criteria
  • 7. Practice 2 Change the nouns to plurals. 1. Dormitory 11. Goose 2. Belief 12. Volcano 3. Leaf 13. Fax 4. Piano 14. Species 5. Wish 15. Bacterium 6. Stitch 16. Half 7. Opinion 17. Roof 8. Mosquito 18. Ox 9. Louse 19. Hero 10. Attorney 20. Phenomenon
  • 8. Many/Much, Few/Little Many + Countable (plurals) Few Much + Uncountable (singular Little
  • 9. Practice 3 Add much / many (1-10) and little / few (11- 20). Change the nouns to plurals if needed. 1. machinery 11. song 2. machine 12. music 3. equipment 13. stuff 4. tool 14. thing 5. hardware 15. sandwich 6. bracelet 16. bread 7. jewelry 17. poetry 8. jewel 18. poem 9. suggestion 19. novel 10. advice 20. literature