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Create, Share and Communicate with
Google Apps
Did you know NC State instructors have access to many powerful productivity tools in the Google
Apps suite? This hands-on session will guide you through the use of the more common Google
Apps tools, focused on fostering engagement, creativity and collaboration for teaching and
learning. Join us as we navigate through Docs, Forms, Hangouts and 際際滷s, and explore how they
can be used in group work.
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Marc Gracieux Allie Giro
Workshop Objectives
Collaborate II: Advanced Techniques for
Student EngagementCreate, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Upon completion of this session, you will:
 Understand how Google Drive works and how to use it.
 Understand how to apply various Google Apps in a class and
general education environment.
 Be able to create and share forms, documents, and slides
through Google Apps.
 Understand how Google Apps will enhance collaboration both
inside and outside the classroom.
 Understand how Google Apps increases productivity.
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Core Apps fully
supported at NC
State (&
integrated w/
Unity accounts
anywhere from a
central location
Interoperability of
the applications +
web features
control (share
with who you
want, when you
want, how you
(shared viewing,
Revision history
(excellent for
group work)Autosave feature
& 30GB storage
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
problems if one
shares legally
data. Be careful
and learn more
No ability to
restrict access to
specific R&R class
rosters (security
through obscurity)
Without good
organizational &
naming schemes,
you can become
with content
There are
accessibility issues
with many of the
Google Apps (in
contrast to MS
Consumer apps:
can enable and
allow you to use
with your NCSU
account, but
license is between
Need to be careful
setting up
Google constantly
updates their
application suite
(moving target)
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Google DriveGoogle Drive
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Google DriveGoogle Drive
Main hub for collection folders and files (Docs, 際際滷s, Forms and other
Google Apps)
1. Create
2. Access
3. Share
4. Store
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Uses in Teaching
Now its your turn!
(Google Docs Activity)
Google Docs
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Uses in Teaching
Can you think of a few meaningful ways to implement Google
Docs in your class to increase efficiency, collaboration and
Pause and Reflect!
Uses in
1. Creating Presence in Class (face-to-face or online)
2. Writing Lab Report with Partner: Create your own
template - Example (Google Drive)
3. Homework / Short Story Writing Collaboration
4. Study Guide Collaboration - Assign different note
takers for certain days or weeks to create a study
guide and share with you class
5. Creating a Classroom Bill of Rights (template)
6. Keeping a journal / reading response
7. Error Correction - Critical Thinking
Moodle  Effective Design StrategiesCreate, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Google Docs
Moodle  Effective Design Strategies
Google 際際滷s
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Uses in
Teaching...  Creating study tools (flash cards, quiz cards)
 Collaborative group project presentations
 Group pre-tests or assessments
Moodle  Effective Design Strategies
Google 際際滷s
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
 Create and edit a presentation
 Insert images and videos into a presentation
 Use the chat and comment tools for collaboration
work and feedback
Well cover
how to...
Moodle  Effective Design StrategiesCreate, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Instructions: Match the artist to the appropriate painting.
Google 際際滷s
Google 際際滷s
Van Gogh
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Uses in Teaching
Now its your turn!
(際際滷s Activity)
Google 際際滷s
Moodle  Effective Design Strategies
Google 際際滷s
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
1. Creating Collaborative (Snow in Six Words)
2. Project presentations by students (File > Publish to the Web)
3. Storyboard a video shoot / animation / other
4. Textual Analysis of Writing: actual document; published
5. Quiz Cards:
a. Webpage instructions and example - creating flashcards
b. Student quiz cards from vocabulary card - (YTV)
c. Instructor generated self-quizzing:
Identifying the Parts of a Plant
6. 5 ideas for Using Google 際際滷s with students
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Uses in Teaching
 Are you using Google 際際滷s?
 If so, how are you using them?
 Whats worked or hasnt worked?
Pause and Reflect!
Moodle  Effective Design Strategies
Google Forms
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Uses in
Teaching...  Sending a survey
 Administering a quiz
 Collecting peer and self assessment data
 Tracking assignments
or just gathering information in an easy, streamlined way
Moodle  Effective Design Strategies
Google Forms
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
A Visual Arts Assessment
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Uses in Teaching
 Are you using Google Forms?
 If so, how are you using them?
 Whats worked or hasnt worked?
Pause and Reflect!
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Google DriveGoogle Hangouts
 A consumer app; requires a Google+ account
 social media (Facebook-like)
 text chat & video calls
 photo sharing
 Group hangouts with up to 100 people (sending
messages, docs, etc)
 Video calls allow 15 participants max (requires a plugin)
 Can be created on the fly or scheduled in advance
 Can be locked down or made public
 Main pros & cons
 very easy to set up; student driven; Gcal
integration; mobile support
 accessibility issues; 15 person limit on video calls;
no facilitator controls
Great Tutorial: http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Google%2B-Hangouts
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Google DriveGoogle Hangouts
Video calls
 Default Capabilities
 Audio & video
 Text chat
 Display your screen
 Capture images
 Share YouTube videos
 Excellent add-on
 Google Drive: allows everyone in the call
to work on the same document together
Moodle  Effective Design Strategies
Google Hangouts
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Uses in
Teaching...  Office Hours
 1-on-1 tutoring
 Study groups
 Online seminars
 Guest Speakers
Tips for using G+ Hangouts
50 ideas for using G+ Hangouts
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Google DriveGoogle Hangouts
From Google calendar
 Can choose a video call for your location
 Good option when you have a pre-set meeting time with specific people involved
 Can make them recurring, weekly office hours for example (same URL will work)
 Examples: 1-on-1 meetings; tutoring sessions with students; exam reviews
From your contact list (in Gmail, Google+)
 Great for impromptu discussions/meetings
 Can also plan ahead (Be online tonight at 9pm!)
 Easy option for students doing group meetings/study sessions
Additional notes
 You can also create hangout Parties and set up Events (posted to Google+)
 You can make hangouts public and also invite non NCSU people to participate
 If you open hangouts to non-NCSU people, the max callers is reduced from 15 to 10
Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
Google DriveGoogle Hangouts
Join now!
Moodle  Effective Design StrategiesCreate, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps
1. Provided an overview of our Google Apps and
outline the pros/cons
2. Demonstrated the basic features (& showed
examples) of the following Google Apps
a. Drive
i. Documents
ii. 際際滷s
iii. Forms
b. Google+ Hangouts
3. Offered hands-on practice through guided exercises
Next: Fill out our workshop evaluation!
What we

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Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps

  • 1. WELCOME! WE WILL BEGIN SOON Create, Share and Communicate with Google Apps
  • 2. TODAYS SESSION WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION Did you know NC State instructors have access to many powerful productivity tools in the Google Apps suite? This hands-on session will guide you through the use of the more common Google Apps tools, focused on fostering engagement, creativity and collaboration for teaching and learning. Join us as we navigate through Docs, Forms, Hangouts and 際際滷s, and explore how they can be used in group work. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Marc Gracieux Allie Giro
  • 3. Workshop Objectives Collaborate II: Advanced Techniques for Student EngagementCreate, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Upon completion of this session, you will: Understand how Google Drive works and how to use it. Understand how to apply various Google Apps in a class and general education environment. Be able to create and share forms, documents, and slides through Google Apps. Understand how Google Apps will enhance collaboration both inside and outside the classroom. Understand how Google Apps increases productivity.
  • 4. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Core Apps fully supported at NC State (& integrated w/ Unity accounts Accessible anywhere from a central location (google.ncsu.edu) Interoperability of the applications + web features Permissions control (share with who you want, when you want, how you want) Extensive collaboration capabilities (shared viewing, editing, commenting) Revision history (excellent for group work)Autosave feature & 30GB storage Advantages
  • 5. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Disadvantages Serious problems if one shares legally confidential data. Be careful and learn more No ability to restrict access to specific R&R class rosters (security through obscurity) Without good organizational & naming schemes, you can become easily overwhelmed with content There are accessibility issues with many of the Google Apps (in contrast to MS Office) Consumer apps: can enable and allow you to use with your NCSU account, but license is between you+Google Need to be careful setting up permissions Google constantly updates their application suite (moving target)
  • 6. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Docs Forms 際際滷s Hangouts Google DriveGoogle Drive
  • 7. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Google DriveGoogle Drive Main hub for collection folders and files (Docs, 際際滷s, Forms and other Google Apps) 1. Create 2. Access 3. Share 4. Store
  • 8. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Uses in Teaching Now its your turn! (Google Docs Activity) Google Docs
  • 9. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Uses in Teaching Can you think of a few meaningful ways to implement Google Docs in your class to increase efficiency, collaboration and engagement? Pause and Reflect!
  • 10. Uses in Teaching 1. Creating Presence in Class (face-to-face or online) 2. Writing Lab Report with Partner: Create your own template - Example (Google Drive) 3. Homework / Short Story Writing Collaboration 4. Study Guide Collaboration - Assign different note takers for certain days or weeks to create a study guide and share with you class 5. Creating a Classroom Bill of Rights (template) 6. Keeping a journal / reading response 7. Error Correction - Critical Thinking Moodle Effective Design StrategiesCreate, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Google Docs
  • 11. Moodle Effective Design Strategies Google 際際滷s Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Uses in Teaching... Creating study tools (flash cards, quiz cards) Collaborative group project presentations Group pre-tests or assessments
  • 12. Moodle Effective Design Strategies Google 際際滷s Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Create and edit a presentation Insert images and videos into a presentation Use the chat and comment tools for collaboration work and feedback Well cover how to...
  • 13. Moodle Effective Design StrategiesCreate, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Instructions: Match the artist to the appropriate painting. Google 際際滷s Google 際際滷s Kandinsky Van Gogh Dali Masaccio Monet Seurat Lavergne Conrad Picasso
  • 14. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Uses in Teaching Now its your turn! (際際滷s Activity) Google 際際滷s
  • 15. Moodle Effective Design Strategies Google 際際滷s Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Real Examples and Resources... 1. Creating Collaborative (Snow in Six Words) 2. Project presentations by students (File > Publish to the Web) 3. Storyboard a video shoot / animation / other 4. Textual Analysis of Writing: actual document; published 5. Quiz Cards: a. Webpage instructions and example - creating flashcards b. Student quiz cards from vocabulary card - (YTV) c. Instructor generated self-quizzing: Identifying the Parts of a Plant 6. 5 ideas for Using Google 際際滷s with students
  • 16. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Uses in Teaching Are you using Google 際際滷s? If so, how are you using them? Whats worked or hasnt worked? Pause and Reflect!
  • 17. Moodle Effective Design Strategies Google Forms Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Uses in Teaching... Sending a survey Administering a quiz Collecting peer and self assessment data Tracking assignments or just gathering information in an easy, streamlined way
  • 18. Moodle Effective Design Strategies Google Forms Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps A Visual Arts Assessment
  • 19. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Uses in Teaching Are you using Google Forms? If so, how are you using them? Whats worked or hasnt worked? Pause and Reflect!
  • 20. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Google DriveGoogle Hangouts Overview A consumer app; requires a Google+ account Components social media (Facebook-like) text chat & video calls photo sharing Hangouts Group hangouts with up to 100 people (sending messages, docs, etc) Video calls allow 15 participants max (requires a plugin) Can be created on the fly or scheduled in advance Can be locked down or made public Main pros & cons very easy to set up; student driven; Gcal integration; mobile support accessibility issues; 15 person limit on video calls; no facilitator controls Great Tutorial: http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Google%2B-Hangouts *
  • 21. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Google DriveGoogle Hangouts Video calls Default Capabilities Audio & video Text chat Display your screen Capture images Share YouTube videos Excellent add-on Google Drive: allows everyone in the call to work on the same document together Others?
  • 22. Moodle Effective Design Strategies Google Hangouts Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Uses in Teaching... Office Hours 1-on-1 tutoring Study groups Online seminars Guest Speakers Tips for using G+ Hangouts 50 ideas for using G+ Hangouts
  • 23. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Google DriveGoogle Hangouts From Google calendar Can choose a video call for your location Good option when you have a pre-set meeting time with specific people involved Can make them recurring, weekly office hours for example (same URL will work) Examples: 1-on-1 meetings; tutoring sessions with students; exam reviews From your contact list (in Gmail, Google+) Great for impromptu discussions/meetings Can also plan ahead (Be online tonight at 9pm!) Easy option for students doing group meetings/study sessions Additional notes You can also create hangout Parties and set up Events (posted to Google+) You can make hangouts public and also invite non NCSU people to participate If you open hangouts to non-NCSU people, the max callers is reduced from 15 to 10
  • 24. Create, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps Google DriveGoogle Hangouts Join now!
  • 25. Moodle Effective Design StrategiesCreate, Share, and Communicate with Google Apps 1. Provided an overview of our Google Apps and outline the pros/cons 2. Demonstrated the basic features (& showed examples) of the following Google Apps a. Drive i. Documents ii. 際際滷s iii. Forms b. Google+ Hangouts 3. Offered hands-on practice through guided exercises Next: Fill out our workshop evaluation! What we covered