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Cultivating Creativity While
Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Every act of creation is first of all an
act of destruction.
Pablo Picasso
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry (CCSF) & John Tonai (UNC)
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Erika Gentry
 City College of San
John Tonai
 University of Northern
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
John Tonai
Personal Experience
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Story Teller Assignment
Digital Curriculum
Created digital media
curriculum [1996/7]
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Story Teller Assignment
Digital Curriculum
Created digital media
curriculum [1996/7]
University of Sioux Falls
Small Private LAC
1/2 of Art Department
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Nikon Coolscan LS-10 for Mac
Olympus D-200L [0.3MP 640x320]
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Modify/Manipulate Assignment
Digital Curriculum
Converted film curriculum to
digital media curriculum
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Modify/Manipulate Assignment
Digital Curriculum
Converted film curriculum to
digital media curriculum
Brooks Institute
Commercial Program
Part of proven system
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Portrait and Self Assignment
Digital Curriculum
Modified digital/film media
curriculum [2009/10]
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Portrait and Self Assignment
Digital Curriculum
Modified digital/film media
curriculum [2009/10]
University of Northern
School of Art & Design
within State University
Photo Imaging Dept.
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Fortune Cookie Assignment
The Tyranny of Technical
Weaning from Automatic
Loss of Pre-Visualization
Reconsidering Curriculum
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
The Tyranny of Technical
From Changing World Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
The Tyranny of Technical
Too much/not enough?
From Story Teller Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
The Tyranny of Technical
Too much/not enough?
Important anymore?
From Story Teller Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Weaning from Automatic
From Spirit of Place Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Weaning from Automatic
Knowing when appropriate
From On the Road Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Loss of Pre-Visualization
From Changing World Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Loss of Pre-Visualization
Delayed Gratification
Instant Gratification
From Fortune Cookie Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Reconsidering Curriculum
From Portrait and Self Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Reconsidering Curriculum
Know potential / limitations
of medium
From Spirit of Place Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Modify/Manipulate Assignment
Reconsidering Curriculum
Know potential / limitations
of medium
Pre-conceived prejudices
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Portrait and Self Assignment
Reconsidering Curriculum
Know potential / limitations
of medium
Pre-conceived prejudices
Digital only or Digital/Film
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Research/Field Work
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Elements of Photography
Angela Belt Faris
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Qualities of Focus
Shutter Speed and Time
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Camera Controls
Exposure/White Balance/ISO
Digital Lab Procedures
Depth of Field/Focus
ACR Basic Tools
Long/Short Shutter Speeds
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Free Shoots
Multiple Image
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Story Teller Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Portrait and Self Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Polyphony Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From On the Road Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Polyphony Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From What About Beauty? Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From One the Road Assignment
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
From Polyphony Assignment
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
City College of San Francisco
 11 sections of Beginning
 One of the largest public
two year colleges in the
 11 campuses throughout
various neighborhoods in
San Francisco
 100,000 students
 820 full-time faculty and
1030 part-time faculty
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Treasure Island Field Trip
CCSF is Diverse:
 Diverse multi-cultural and
socio-economic populations
 No entrance requirements
(tests, gpa, etc)
 High population of adult
 High population of ESL
(english as a second
language) students
 High population of students
that need help with basic
skills (reading, writing, etc)
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Its Vocational
 Funds are from government
 Industry Advisory Board
 CTEA Grant writing
 Still strong desire to support
fine art in that vocational
Hired to re-write curriculum
 Migrate from black and white
Photo 1 to something more
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
Treasure Island Field Trip
2006 : The Journey is the
 Awarded $100,000 CTEA
grant for equipment
Faculty Training
 Wrote grants for 2006-
present for in house
faculty training
 2 day weekend workshops
 Approx 20 faculty (4
 Various Trainers
 Me + Invited Trainers
 Adobe (Rick Miller)
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
 11 sections of Beginning
Photography using
 Students supply own
 Worked collaboratively
with other faculty member
to create Assignments and
Lab exercises for consistent
exit skills
 Continue to share and train
9 other faculty via online
website / material
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching
A Relationship Examined
 Lab is 3 hours per week
 Lecture is 3 hours per week
 Use Lectures to highlight
photographers and
creative concepts
 Contacts Series is on
Youtube, (15 min vignettes)
 Netflix has a lot of Instant
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Dylan Pan, Final Project
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching
A Relationship Examined
 Skype for Photographer
 Make sure students prepare
questions and research in
 Concepts & Critiques
field trips
 Creative Assignments (due
dates 2 + weeks out) 100pts
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Cristin Gaitan, Light as Subject
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching
A Relationship Examined
 LAB: Teaching Technology
 Learn How to teach in a
computer Lab
 More hands on and step-
by-step with Instructor
 Dont focus on lecturing
 Keep control of the lab with
tools like remote access
 Create a set of sample
files for student use
 Then ask students to apply
those principles to their
own work SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Elliot Owen, Light as Subject
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching
A Relationship Examined
 Use Labs for technical
 Have planned lab exercises
(Shooting and Lightroom)
 Use lab partner model and
small groups
 Make sure that lab exercise
is due at the end of lab
 Have some open labs for
feedback and work in
 Shooting Field trips
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
Kylie Mitson, , Self Portrait
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching
A Relationship Examined
SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
 Blend of face to face classroom discussions & lectures and
online delivery of:
 Longer term creative assignments & short technical lab
 Put all lecture content online for review so that the face-to-face
discussions can move at a more interactive pace.
 Adobetv.com links / as well as in class shorts such as Contacts
 Implement a blend of in class critique methods AND online
(flickr) etc.
 Make the flickr critiques due first (before face-to-face)
 Include these interactive components in the grading ruberic.
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching
A Relationship Examined
Education Blog: www.erikagentry.wordpress.com
their work
 Point to these
works as
examples to
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
 Social media is
built into our
 Show your
students how to
use them
 Integrate them
into the
sharing and
critique process
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
 Social media is
built into our
tools and culture
 Show your
students how to
use them well
 Integrate them
into the learning,
sharing and
critique process
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
 Erikas List
 Email list for
Contact or
other email
 Students can
re-syndicate to
twitter etc..
 Just because you build it
doesnt mean they will
look at it.
 Syndicate using social
media and email
networks to point them to
your content & sources.
 Develop assignments that
point students to your
site and approved course
 Have students build
wikis for class.
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
A Relationship Examined
 You can access this presentation at
Search for keyword SPE WEST
 Q & A
 Syllabi swap (35 people) 7 groups of 5, 15 minute
share each.
 Go to Gallery Reception  upstairs 5th
Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology
Beginning Photography,
Beginning Photography, Color Study
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Self
Beginning Photography, Self Portrait
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography , Rules of Composition
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Color Study
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Final Project
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Final Project
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Final Project
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Motion and Depth
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Light as
Beginning Photography, Final Project
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Final Project
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Final Project
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Environmental Portrait
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Portrait
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Color Study
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Light as
Beginning Photography, Portrait
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Environmental Portrait
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Light As Subject
Prof: Erika Gentry
Beginning Photography, Light as
Beginning Photography, Light as
Beginning Photography, Final
Beginning Photography, Final
Beginning Photography, Final
Beginning Photography, Light as

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Creativity, Teaching, Technology

  • 1. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction. Pablo Picasso SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry (CCSF) & John Tonai (UNC)
  • 2. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Erika Gentry City College of San Francisco www.erikagentry.com www.ccsf.edu/photo egentry@ccsf.edu John Tonai University of Northern Colorado www.johntonai.com www.unco.edu John.tonai@unco.edu SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai
  • 3. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined John Tonai Personal Experience
  • 4. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Story Teller Assignment Digital Curriculum Created digital media curriculum [1996/7]
  • 5. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Story Teller Assignment Digital Curriculum Created digital media curriculum [1996/7] University of Sioux Falls Small Private LAC 1/2 of Art Department
  • 6. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Nikon Coolscan LS-10 for Mac Olympus D-200L [0.3MP 640x320]
  • 7. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Modify/Manipulate Assignment Digital Curriculum Converted film curriculum to digital media curriculum [2007/8]
  • 8. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Modify/Manipulate Assignment Digital Curriculum Converted film curriculum to digital media curriculum [2007/8] Brooks Institute Commercial Program Part of proven system
  • 9. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Portrait and Self Assignment Digital Curriculum Modified digital/film media curriculum [2009/10]
  • 10. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Portrait and Self Assignment Digital Curriculum Modified digital/film media curriculum [2009/10] University of Northern Colorado School of Art & Design within State University Photo Imaging Dept.
  • 11. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Fortune Cookie Assignment The Tyranny of Technical Weaning from Automatic Loss of Pre-Visualization Reconsidering Curriculum
  • 12. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined The Tyranny of Technical From Changing World Assignment
  • 13. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined The Tyranny of Technical Too much/not enough? From Story Teller Assignment
  • 14. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined The Tyranny of Technical Too much/not enough? Important anymore? From Story Teller Assignment
  • 15. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Weaning from Automatic From Spirit of Place Assignment
  • 16. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Weaning from Automatic Knowing when appropriate From On the Road Assignment
  • 17. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Loss of Pre-Visualization From Changing World Assignment
  • 18. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Loss of Pre-Visualization Delayed Gratification vs Instant Gratification From Fortune Cookie Assignment
  • 19. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Reconsidering Curriculum From Portrait and Self Assignment
  • 20. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Reconsidering Curriculum Know potential / limitations of medium From Spirit of Place Assignment
  • 21. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Modify/Manipulate Assignment Reconsidering Curriculum Know potential / limitations of medium Pre-conceived prejudices
  • 22. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Portrait and Self Assignment Reconsidering Curriculum Know potential / limitations of medium Pre-conceived prejudices Digital only or Digital/Film
  • 23. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Curriculum Delivery Reading Research/Field Work Lecture Demo Hands-on Experiment Exercises Assignments Critique
  • 24. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Curriculum Modules Elements of Photography Angela Belt Faris
  • 25. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Curriculum Modules Framing/Composition/POV Qualities of Focus Shutter Speed and Time Media/Modification/Finishing
  • 26. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Curriculum Exercises Camera Controls Exposure/White Balance/ISO Digital Lab Procedures Keyword/Sort/Rate Framing/POV/Composition Depth of Field/Focus ACR Basic Tools Long/Short Shutter Speeds
  • 27. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Curriculum Assignments Free Shoots Observational Preconceived Contructed/Destructed Multiple Image Final
  • 28. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Story Teller Assignment
  • 29. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Portrait and Self Assignment
  • 30. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Polyphony Assignment
  • 31. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From On the Road Assignment
  • 32. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Polyphony Assignment
  • 33. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From What About Beauty? Assignment
  • 34. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From One the Road Assignment
  • 35. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined From Polyphony Assignment
  • 36. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined City College of San Francisco 11 sections of Beginning Photography One of the largest public two year colleges in the nation 11 campuses throughout various neighborhoods in San Francisco 100,000 students 820 full-time faculty and 1030 part-time faculty SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Treasure Island Field Trip
  • 37. CCSF is Diverse: Diverse multi-cultural and socio-economic populations No entrance requirements (tests, gpa, etc) High population of adult learners High population of ESL (english as a second language) students High population of students that need help with basic skills (reading, writing, etc) SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined
  • 38. Its Vocational Funds are from government Industry Advisory Board CTEA Grant writing Still strong desire to support fine art in that vocational definition Hired to re-write curriculum Migrate from black and white Photo 1 to something more vocational. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Treasure Island Field Trip
  • 39. 2006 : The Journey is the Destination Awarded $100,000 CTEA grant for equipment Faculty Training Wrote grants for 2006- present for in house faculty training 2 day weekend workshops Approx 20 faculty (4 fulltime) Various Trainers Me + Invited Trainers Adobe (Rick Miller) SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined
  • 40. SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined 2010 11 sections of Beginning Photography using Lightroom Students supply own camera Worked collaboratively with other faculty member to create Assignments and Lab exercises for consistent exit skills Continue to share and train 9 other faculty via online website / material
  • 41. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined LAB vs. LECTURE Lab is 3 hours per week Lecture is 3 hours per week Use Lectures to highlight photographers and creative concepts Contacts Series is on Youtube, (15 min vignettes) Netflix has a lot of Instant Downloads SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Dylan Pan, Final Project
  • 42. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined LECTURE Skype for Photographer Interviews Make sure students prepare questions and research in advance Concepts & Critiques Museum/Gallery/Studio field trips Creative Assignments (due dates 2 + weeks out) 100pts SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Cristin Gaitan, Light as Subject
  • 43. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined LAB: Teaching Technology Learn How to teach in a computer Lab More hands on and step- by-step with Instructor Dont focus on lecturing Keep control of the lab with tools like remote access Create a set of sample files for student use Then ask students to apply those principles to their own work SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Elliot Owen, Light as Subject
  • 44. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Use Labs for technical training Have planned lab exercises (Shooting and Lightroom) Use lab partner model and small groups Make sure that lab exercise is due at the end of lab Have some open labs for feedback and work in process Shooting Field trips SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai Kylie Mitson, , Self Portrait
  • 45. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined SPE WEST 2010 Erika Gentry & John Tonai USE VIRUTAL TOOLS Blend of face to face classroom discussions & lectures and online delivery of: Longer term creative assignments & short technical lab exercises Put all lecture content online for review so that the face-to-face discussions can move at a more interactive pace. Adobetv.com links / as well as in class shorts such as Contacts Implement a blend of in class critique methods AND online (flickr) etc. Make the flickr critiques due first (before face-to-face) Include these interactive components in the grading ruberic.
  • 46. Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined Education Blog: www.erikagentry.wordpress.com www.erikagentry.wordpress.com
  • 47. Showcase their work Point to these works as examples to review www.erikagentry.wordpress.com Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined
  • 48. Social media is built into our tools Show your students how to use them Integrate them into the learning, sharing and critique process www.erikagentry.wordpress.com Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined
  • 49. Social media is built into our tools and culture Show your students how to use them well Integrate them into the learning, sharing and critique process www.erikagentry.wordpress.com Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined
  • 50. Erikas List Email list for students Constant Contact or other email management Students can re-syndicate to facebook, twitter etc.. www.erikagentry.wordpress.com
  • 51. Just because you build it doesnt mean they will look at it. Syndicate using social media and email networks to point them to your content & sources. Develop assignments that point students to your site and approved course resources. Have students build wikis for class. www.erikagentry.wordpress.com Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology A Relationship Examined
  • 52. You can access this presentation at www.erikagentry.wordpress.com Search for keyword SPE WEST http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spewest_creativit y Q & A Syllabi swap (35 people) 7 groups of 5, 15 minute share each. Go to Gallery Reception upstairs 5th Floor www.erikagentry.wordpress.com Cultivating Creativity While Teaching Technology Share
  • 55. Beginning Photography, Color Study Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 57. Beginning Photography, Self Portrait Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 58. Beginning Photography , Rules of Composition Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 59. Beginning Photography, Color Study Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 60. Beginning Photography, Final Project Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 61. Beginning Photography, Final Project Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 62. Beginning Photography, Final Project Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 63. Beginning Photography, Motion and Depth Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 65. Beginning Photography, Final Project Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 66. Beginning Photography, Final Project Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 67. Beginning Photography, Final Project Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 68. Beginning Photography, Environmental Portrait Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 70. Beginning Photography, Color Study Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 73. Beginning Photography, Environmental Portrait Prof: Erika Gentry
  • 74. Beginning Photography, Light As Subject Prof: Erika Gentry

Editor's Notes

  • #2: How we see what we see? Looking at photographs with some degree of care.
  • #4: Personal experience digital technology Photography 8x10 b/w, DSLR, alternative U of M tested Dicomed Digital backs 1995-1997 While shooting Bequerel Dags and Ambrotypes MFA-Projected installation
  • #5: Personal experience with implementing and adapting digital technology
  • #6: Primitive technology (by todays standards) Expensive equipment had to be supplied-students couldnt afford Based on hybrid workflow-film capture/scanned
  • #7: Grant provided 2 cameras for 20 students/semester 2 Scanners donated to school Photoshop 3.0 [Tiger Mountain] (LAYERS)
  • #8: Researched curricular issues teaching digital like film-cant take advantages of strengths of digital, address weaknesses
  • #9: PHO/PHT201 Lighting People Core Instructor 5th class in lower division sequence Worked with other core instructors Successes,/failures/philosophy of photographic processes
  • #10: Film curriculum from 1970s-modified for digital Basic Photo film>Basic Digital Photography>Advanced BW/Transparency/Photo Design/Lighting Techniques
  • #11: Film curriculum from 1970s-modified for digital Basic Photo film>Basic Digital Photography>Advanced BW/Transparency/Photo Design/Lighting Techniques
  • #12: Issues to consider
  • #13: Do we teach manual settings? In-camera settings vs Lightroom/ACR/Photoshop
  • #14: Too much technical emphasis can stifle creativity Not enough can restrict growth Equate to pinhole, toy cameras, automatic cameras
  • #15: Yes, but how much depends on intent of student Take interesting images, less important Wanting to become professional-extremely important
  • #16: Students already photograph with same equipment/process vs most b/w film students had limited/no experience with process Defult settings result in acceptable photos Frustrations when setting/shooting in manual Open Shoot sessions allow students require students to gradually increase control to images (first 3 weekends)
  • #17: Exercises vs Assignments Exercises technical skills/learn by doing, comparing resulting images Emphasize knowing when camera is fooled by lighting/situations Optimizing exposures, WB, Shutter speeds, Apertures
  • #18: Easy to shoot a lot of images then decide which is best 2 rolls of film = 72 exposures Photograph entire roll, process, contact sheet to see what they did. Chimping
  • #19: Assignments to address both Write down a story-submit it, then photograph it [Pre-visual] Unknown location field trip [Post-visual] Assignments also address composition/framing/point of view, etc
  • #20: We need to rethink our approach Not the same as b/w film education Opportunity to reinvent curriculum Reject pre-conceived notions and challenge assumptions
  • #21: Assuming that techniques, assignments, attitudes are the same since they are both photography limits success of curriculum Strengths Film>discipline, process, hands-on Digital>correct immediately, can address color/b&w issues,
  • #22: Most of us are digital immigrants and/or were taught by film natives Another way of thinking is discovering digital is like being born again Excited and think it is the only way to do it. Pre-conceived notions are set by this experience Film is better for learning photography-especially black and white (see next) Digital is better for learning photography (each one is different-has strengths and weaknesses) Easy to cheat / manipulate imagery in digital (harder to cheat in digitalEXIF) Digital is easy (easy for simple technical, just as difficult to create meaningful images Digital is cheaper (equipment costs more) Digital is faster (is faster better-is slower better)
  • #23: Digital/Film program allows you to teach elements of photography that digital is weaker or lacks (process, delayed gratification) Made digital part of intro, made film into second class in curriculum option (can go to Digital Photo Manipulation)
  • #24: Classes built around these elements
  • #25: Classes built around these elements
  • #26: Classes built around these elements
  • #27: Classes built around these elements
  • #28: Classes built around these elements
  • #37: I have been an Educator since 1996 and have taught at at four year public and private art colleges, to undergraduatess and graduates as well as to professionals in one-on-one and workshops settings. But one of the most rewarding and challenging places for me to teach has been at the 2 year community college, CCSF. CCSF is a unique institution in many ways:
  • #38: CCSF is Diverse: Diverse multi-cultural and socio-economic populations No entrance requirements (tests, gpa, etc) High population of adult learners High population of ESL (english as a second language) students High population of students that need help with basic skills (reading, writing, etc)
  • #39: Its Vocational Funds are from government Industry Advisory Board CTEA Grant writing Still strong desire to support fine art in that vocational definition Hired to re-write curriculum Migrate from black and white Photo 1 to something more vocational.
  • #40: The Journey is the Destination Awarded $100,000 CTEA grant for equipment Wrote grants for yearly in house faculty training to present - (one I did myself) and have since helped several institutions migrate and train faculty. Invited GRPH and MMSP to maximize attendance We found that many part time faculty with families and other work commitments were much more interested in staying local rather than attending distant conferences Approx 20 faculty (4 fulltime) Adobe (Rick Miller) may come and train if you ask
  • #41: 2010 11 sections of Beginning Photography using Lightroom Students supply own camera Worked collaboratively with other faculty member to create Assignments and Lab exercises for consistent exit skills Continue to share and train 9 other faculty via online website / material
  • #42: LAB vs. LECTURE Lab is 3 hours per week Lecture is 3 hours per week Use Lectures to highlight photographers and creative concepts Contacts Series is on Youtube, (15 min vignettes) Netflix has a lot of Instant Downloads
  • #43: LECTURE Skype for Photographer Interviews Make sure students prepare questions and research in advance Concepts & Critiques Museum/Gallery/Studio field trips Creative Assignments (due dates 2 + weeks out) 100pts
  • #44: LAB: Teaching Technology Learn How to teach in a computer Lab More hands on and step-by-step with Instructor Dont focus on lecturing Keep control of the lab with tools like remote access Create a set of sample files for student use Then ask students to apply those principles to their own work
  • #45: Use Labs for technical training Have planned lab exercises (Shooting and Lightroom) Use lab partner model and small groups Make sure that lab exercise is due at the end of lab Have some open labs for feedback and work in process Shooting Field trips
  • #46: USE VIRUTAL TOOLS Blend of face to face classroom discussions & lectures and online delivery of: Longer term creative assignments & short technical lab exercises Put all lecture content online for review so that the face-to-face discussions can move at a more interactive pace. Adobetv.com links / as well as in class shorts such as Contacts Implement a blend of in class critique methods AND online (flickr) etc. Make the flickr critiques due first (before face-to-face) Include these interactive components in the grading ruberic.
  • #47: An Education Blog List of resources Portal to Individual Class websites Class websites have assignment links Video tutorials (Photoshop) RSS Feeds Articles relating to the course of study Enthusiasm for the Photo Community
  • #48: Showcase their work Point to these works as examples to review
  • #49: Education Blog List of resources RSS Feeds Articles relating to the course of study Enthusiasm for the Photo Community
  • #50: Part of using social media well is building community. I find that the class does better face to face critiques after having reviewing images in flickr first. Its also a way to compare and learn about the translation from electronic file to print. I wish their were better more specific tools for Photographic Educators (Flickr / Yahoo) are you listening?
  • #51: Just because you build it doesnt mean they will look at it. Use email outreach and syndicate your blog via social media networks to point them to your content & sources. Make a facebook group for your class and use appropriate privacy settings Develop assignments that point students to your site and approved resources.
  • #52: Just because you build it doesnt mean they will look at it. Use email outreach and syndicate your blog via social media networks to point them to your content & sources. Make a facebook group for your class and use appropriate privacy settings Develop assignments that point students to your site and approved resources.
  • #53: Just because you build it doesnt mean they will look at it. Use email outreach and syndicate your blog via social media networks to point them to your content & sources. Make a facebook group for your class and use appropriate privacy settings Develop assignments that point students to your site and approved resources.