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1MELISSA ELLIOTT (C): 0784 880 5715
E-mail: elliott.melissa.margaret@gmail.com
Current Address
111 Roberts Wharf
Neptune Street
Leeds, West Yorkshire
(H): 0113 245 7850
Permanent Address
2326 Otami Trail
Mississauga, ON,
L5H 3N3
To obtain a full-time teaching job within KS1 or Reception
Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario, May 2010- July 2010
Beginner French Class I
Working towards certification as a French Core Teacher
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Sept 2009- May 2010
Bachelor of Education, Primary/Junior Specification
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, 2004 - 2008
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and Communications
Protocol Education, Leeds, West Yorkshire, Oct 2010- current
Assignment: Supply Teacher
 Employ appropriate classroom management techniques for all KS1 and KS2 classrooms
 Deliver engaging, when needed, lesson plans and activities
 Practice safeguarding of all children, ensuring the classroom provides a positive and secure atmosphere
Edenrose Public School, Mississauga, Ontario, March 2010- April 2010
Assignment: Year 5 Teacher, practicum experience
 Developed skills within lesson plan delivery
 Supported students in extra-curricular activities- run club, choir, spring concert, and science mechanisms
 Provided educational and physical activity to a wide variety of ages- Reception to Year 5
 Worked with fellow staff members, behavioral associates, teacher/ librarian, and Vice Principal to ensure
effective and extensive educational standards for the students
Neil T.C. Matheson Public School, Mississauga, Ontario, November 2009- December 2009
Assignment: Year 1/2 Teacher, practicum experience
 Employed positive re-enforcement on a regular basis, keeping the classroom running smoothly
 Participated in parent teacher interviews, enhancing background knowledge on all students
 Executed diversity and exercised inclusive teaching practices to ensure successful learning for all students
 Prepared assessment data and participated in a moderation meeting regarding literacy standards
 Arrived prepared and organized for each lesson and each day
Summer Programs, City of Mississauga, Mississauga, ON, May 2005- September 2010
Recent Assignment: Summer Supervisor Camps
 Coached and developed a successful and inclusive staff of 12
 Responsible for three Community Camps located out of a popular Mississauga Community Centre
 Ensured the safety and well-being of participants while organizing a fun camp environment
 Collated and compiled data on staff progress and staff midterm and final evaluations
 Effectively communicated with supervisor, off-site team, and other on-site programs
 Continually problem solved to work towards modifying difficult behavioral concerns
 Diligently completed all administrative tasks on time and in an organized fashion
Residence Life, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, May 2007- April 2008
Assignment: University Life Residence Don
 Effectively managed a community and residence building of 28 and 150 students, respectively
 Planned community events and organized weekly floor meetings
 Played dual roles as a student and mentor
 Actively listened to student concerns and discussed strategies for future
 Tactfully dealt with a variety of difficult students and situations throughout the entire residence building
 Contributed to team activities and staff unification
 Managed staff issues and brought about team cohesiveness and co-operation.
Volunteer, Sheridan Park Public School, Mississauga, ON May 2010- June 2010
Assignment: Classroom Assistant- Year 1 and Year 2
 Worked with the classroom teacher to deliver classroom lessons and assignments
 Assisted with student homework, French and English
 Increased student productivity while working on assignment dioramas
 Provided relief to both students and teachers during a stressful time of year
Volunteer, Neil T.C. Matheson Public School, Mississauga, ON May 2010- June 2010
Assignment: Classroom Assistant- Year 1/2 and 4
 Worked with students one-on-one gathering reading and writing assessment data
 Participated in and assisted with daily math lessons in two combined year 1 classes
 Supervised during Physical Education classes and outdoor recess time
Student Buddy, Best Buddies of Canada, Waterloo, ON, September 2005- December 2007
 Worked with an adult with autism
 Planned monthly outings for one on- one time with my buddy
 Attended organized events with buddy and rest of group
Day Care Assistant, St Columbia's Anglican Church, Waterloo, Ontario, September  December 2006
 Assisted in executing activities for 12-15 children ages 2-4
 Managed arts and crafts activities
 Encouraged positive play
 Positive role model
 Award of Excellence and Inclusion
Awarded to my summer program staff and myself by the behavior management team, inclusive of the city Child and
Youth Worker, for diligent diversity practices and effective behavior management
Received: July 2010
 Creative Development within a Team Award
Awarded to my team while attending a work conference session- most creative and inspiring workplace incentive program
Received: January 2009
 Residence Life Award- Most Valuable Team Member
Awarded for my leadership within my residence staff team and residence community
Received: May 2008
 Avid Runner
Completed over 4 half marathons in 2009 and completed first full marathon in October 2009
 Currently training for trail running events in North America
 Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
 Familiar with SmartBoard technology and the effectiveness of technology within the classroom
 Beginner French learner
I am an inclusive teacher who believes in encouraging all students to achieve their personal bests. I bring a well-rounded approach to the classroom that allows me to bring
a balanced, structured, and comprehensive learning environment for all students. I believe physical activity and healthy nutrition to be one of the corner stones of effective
learning, and I work to incorporate daily physical activity into my lessons. I bring my own healthy lifestyle to be a positive role model.
My pillars of strength envelope my ability to remain calm throughout the daily stresses of a teachers life and my ability to look deeper into students behaviors for what
may be the root of the concern. I have been complemented on my ability to look at ease during a busy, loud, and hectic day within the classroom and my humble ability to
receive criticism and improve.
I enjoy working as a part of a team and thrive on the aspects that join educational members together- working with behavioral associates, teaching assistants, year teams,
office staff, and custodial team. I always promise to bring my full efforts to my profession, my students and my fellow staff.
I work hard to educate our future and it is my goal to inspire them to always be their personal greatest selves.

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Teaching Resumecompatible

  • 1. 1MELISSA ELLIOTT (C): 0784 880 5715 E-mail: elliott.melissa.margaret@gmail.com Current Address 111 Roberts Wharf Neptune Street Leeds, West Yorkshire LS9 8DW (H): 0113 245 7850 Permanent Address 2326 Otami Trail Mississauga, ON, Canada L5H 3N3 GOALS To obtain a full-time teaching job within KS1 or Reception EDUCATION/ QUALIFICATIONS Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario, May 2010- July 2010 Beginner French Class I Working towards certification as a French Core Teacher Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Sept 2009- May 2010 Bachelor of Education, Primary/Junior Specification Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, 2004 - 2008 Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and Communications SCHOOL EXPERIENCE Protocol Education, Leeds, West Yorkshire, Oct 2010- current Assignment: Supply Teacher Employ appropriate classroom management techniques for all KS1 and KS2 classrooms Deliver engaging, when needed, lesson plans and activities Practice safeguarding of all children, ensuring the classroom provides a positive and secure atmosphere Edenrose Public School, Mississauga, Ontario, March 2010- April 2010 Assignment: Year 5 Teacher, practicum experience Developed skills within lesson plan delivery Supported students in extra-curricular activities- run club, choir, spring concert, and science mechanisms Provided educational and physical activity to a wide variety of ages- Reception to Year 5 Worked with fellow staff members, behavioral associates, teacher/ librarian, and Vice Principal to ensure effective and extensive educational standards for the students Neil T.C. Matheson Public School, Mississauga, Ontario, November 2009- December 2009 Assignment: Year 1/2 Teacher, practicum experience Employed positive re-enforcement on a regular basis, keeping the classroom running smoothly Participated in parent teacher interviews, enhancing background knowledge on all students Executed diversity and exercised inclusive teaching practices to ensure successful learning for all students Prepared assessment data and participated in a moderation meeting regarding literacy standards Arrived prepared and organized for each lesson and each day
  • 2. MELISSA ELLIOTT EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE Summer Programs, City of Mississauga, Mississauga, ON, May 2005- September 2010 Recent Assignment: Summer Supervisor Camps Coached and developed a successful and inclusive staff of 12 Responsible for three Community Camps located out of a popular Mississauga Community Centre Ensured the safety and well-being of participants while organizing a fun camp environment Collated and compiled data on staff progress and staff midterm and final evaluations Effectively communicated with supervisor, off-site team, and other on-site programs Continually problem solved to work towards modifying difficult behavioral concerns Diligently completed all administrative tasks on time and in an organized fashion Residence Life, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, May 2007- April 2008 Assignment: University Life Residence Don Effectively managed a community and residence building of 28 and 150 students, respectively Planned community events and organized weekly floor meetings Played dual roles as a student and mentor Actively listened to student concerns and discussed strategies for future Tactfully dealt with a variety of difficult students and situations throughout the entire residence building Contributed to team activities and staff unification Managed staff issues and brought about team cohesiveness and co-operation. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Volunteer, Sheridan Park Public School, Mississauga, ON May 2010- June 2010 Assignment: Classroom Assistant- Year 1 and Year 2 Worked with the classroom teacher to deliver classroom lessons and assignments Assisted with student homework, French and English Increased student productivity while working on assignment dioramas Provided relief to both students and teachers during a stressful time of year Volunteer, Neil T.C. Matheson Public School, Mississauga, ON May 2010- June 2010 Assignment: Classroom Assistant- Year 1/2 and 4 Worked with students one-on-one gathering reading and writing assessment data Participated in and assisted with daily math lessons in two combined year 1 classes Supervised during Physical Education classes and outdoor recess time Student Buddy, Best Buddies of Canada, Waterloo, ON, September 2005- December 2007 Worked with an adult with autism Planned monthly outings for one on- one time with my buddy Attended organized events with buddy and rest of group Day Care Assistant, St Columbia's Anglican Church, Waterloo, Ontario, September December 2006 Assisted in executing activities for 12-15 children ages 2-4 Managed arts and crafts activities
  • 3. Encouraged positive play Positive role model MELISSA ELLIOTT AWARDS Professional Award of Excellence and Inclusion Awarded to my summer program staff and myself by the behavior management team, inclusive of the city Child and Youth Worker, for diligent diversity practices and effective behavior management Received: July 2010 Creative Development within a Team Award Awarded to my team while attending a work conference session- most creative and inspiring workplace incentive program Received: January 2009 University Residence Life Award- Most Valuable Team Member Awarded for my leadership within my residence staff team and residence community Received: May 2008 INTERESTS/ ACTIVITIES Athletics Avid Runner Completed over 4 half marathons in 2009 and completed first full marathon in October 2009 Currently training for trail running events in North America EXTRA SKILLS Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Familiar with SmartBoard technology and the effectiveness of technology within the classroom Beginner French learner PERSONAL STATEMENT WHY ME? I am an inclusive teacher who believes in encouraging all students to achieve their personal bests. I bring a well-rounded approach to the classroom that allows me to bring a balanced, structured, and comprehensive learning environment for all students. I believe physical activity and healthy nutrition to be one of the corner stones of effective learning, and I work to incorporate daily physical activity into my lessons. I bring my own healthy lifestyle to be a positive role model. My pillars of strength envelope my ability to remain calm throughout the daily stresses of a teachers life and my ability to look deeper into students behaviors for what may be the root of the concern. I have been complemented on my ability to look at ease during a busy, loud, and hectic day within the classroom and my humble ability to receive criticism and improve. I enjoy working as a part of a team and thrive on the aspects that join educational members together- working with behavioral associates, teaching assistants, year teams, office staff, and custodial team. I always promise to bring my full efforts to my profession, my students and my fellow staff. I work hard to educate our future and it is my goal to inspire them to always be their personal greatest selves.