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The Critically Endangered Gorilla 
A choose your own adventure to 
explore the conservation efforts of 
the Gorilla
There are many factors impacting the 
survival of the Gorilla. Click one to 
learn more. 
Low Food Sources What Can We Do?
When the natural habitats of the Gorillas 
are destroyed by deforestation it can 
cause a lot of problems for the species. 
When their natural habitat is destroyed, 
they are forced to move away, but 
sometimes they can run out of food on 
their way to new habitats. 
Sometimes, when Gorillas are moving to a 
new habitat they can run across Human 
traps and be killed for sport, meat or 
Often though, when Gorillas are moving 
to new habitats they are killed by the 
many soldiers in Africa involved in the 
civil war. 
Natural Habitats for the Gorillas are 
running out fast 
Human diseases have also begun to 
affect Gorillas 
H O M E 
Because of the small number of Gorilla 
habitats and populations disease has 
become a major concern for Gorillas. 
These problems seem to spread very 
rapidly and even the healthiest of the 
troops arent able to survive it. In 2006 
more than 5,000 of them died from the 
Ebola virus in Africa. The people of Africa 
often feel that they are in direct 
competition with the gorillas. They feel 
that by destroying them they will allow 
humans there the chance to live a better 
With the increased exposure to humans 
Gorillas have been exposed to illnesses 
that they have no defence for, or 
immunity to. Such as, Measles, mange, 
and intestinal parasites.
H O M E 
Poaching is very hard to keep in check, 
and even the live capture of Gorillas for 
smuggling to the black market for the pet 
trade is almost impossible to track or 
stop. The Gorillas are killed for their meat, 
referred to as "bush meat" this is illegal, 
and yet still they are butchered on site, 
making capturing the guilty highly 
Hunting of Gorillas takes place in Africa 
too, in order to stop them from eating the 
crops that are grown for the village 
people to live on. 
In many parts of the world, body parts of 
gorillas are sold as souvenirs. While that 
may seem completely out of line to some 
of us, for others it is simply one more way 
in which they can prove their wealth. 
Gorillas are poached for many reasons
Low Food Supplies 
Gorillas have a very specific diet 
H O M E 
The Gorilla consumes parts of at least 142 
plant species and only 3 types of fruit 
(there is hardly any fruit available due to 
the high altitude. About 86% of their diet 
is leaves, shoots, and stems, 7% is roots, 
3% is flowers, 2% is fruit, and 2% ants, 
snails, and grubs. 
The deforestation of their natural habitat 
means that 86% of their diet is being 
Although gorillas can survive on fruit, nuts 
and various insects, for their population 
to be sustainable there needs to be more 
action taken in the conservation of their 
natural habitats.
Conservation Efforts 
Watch this video to see what some organisations are doing to aid the Gorilla 
What other measure should be taken to protect the gorilla? What impacts on 
their biome is impacting their survival and how can they be helped? 

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Critically Endangered; The Gorilla

  • 1. The Critically Endangered Gorilla A choose your own adventure to explore the conservation efforts of the Gorilla
  • 2. There are many factors impacting the survival of the Gorilla. Click one to learn more. Deforestation Poaching Disease Low Food Sources What Can We Do?
  • 3. Deforestation When the natural habitats of the Gorillas are destroyed by deforestation it can cause a lot of problems for the species. When their natural habitat is destroyed, they are forced to move away, but sometimes they can run out of food on their way to new habitats. Sometimes, when Gorillas are moving to a new habitat they can run across Human traps and be killed for sport, meat or souvenirs. Often though, when Gorillas are moving to new habitats they are killed by the many soldiers in Africa involved in the civil war. Natural Habitats for the Gorillas are running out fast H O M E
  • 4. Disease Human diseases have also begun to affect Gorillas H O M E Because of the small number of Gorilla habitats and populations disease has become a major concern for Gorillas. These problems seem to spread very rapidly and even the healthiest of the troops arent able to survive it. In 2006 more than 5,000 of them died from the Ebola virus in Africa. The people of Africa often feel that they are in direct competition with the gorillas. They feel that by destroying them they will allow humans there the chance to live a better life. With the increased exposure to humans Gorillas have been exposed to illnesses that they have no defence for, or immunity to. Such as, Measles, mange, and intestinal parasites.
  • 5. Poaching H O M E Poaching is very hard to keep in check, and even the live capture of Gorillas for smuggling to the black market for the pet trade is almost impossible to track or stop. The Gorillas are killed for their meat, referred to as "bush meat" this is illegal, and yet still they are butchered on site, making capturing the guilty highly improbable Hunting of Gorillas takes place in Africa too, in order to stop them from eating the crops that are grown for the village people to live on. In many parts of the world, body parts of gorillas are sold as souvenirs. While that may seem completely out of line to some of us, for others it is simply one more way in which they can prove their wealth. Gorillas are poached for many reasons
  • 6. Low Food Supplies Gorillas have a very specific diet H O M E The Gorilla consumes parts of at least 142 plant species and only 3 types of fruit (there is hardly any fruit available due to the high altitude. About 86% of their diet is leaves, shoots, and stems, 7% is roots, 3% is flowers, 2% is fruit, and 2% ants, snails, and grubs. The deforestation of their natural habitat means that 86% of their diet is being destroyed. Although gorillas can survive on fruit, nuts and various insects, for their population to be sustainable there needs to be more action taken in the conservation of their natural habitats.
  • 7. Conservation Efforts Watch this video to see what some organisations are doing to aid the Gorilla population. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1uvVtRAhws What other measure should be taken to protect the gorilla? What impacts on their biome is impacting their survival and how can they be helped? H O M E