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The Cincinnati Bike Flash Map 
Campaign: Using a Crowdsourcing 
Strategy to Map Bike Routes in 
Gayle Foster 
Social Media Strategist
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council 
of Governments 
The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional 
Council of Governments (OKI) is a council of 
local governments, business organizations 
and community groups committed to 
developing collaborative strategies to 
improve the quality of life and the economic 
vitality of the region.
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council 
of Governments
What would not work for this project. 
Sending emails to 
bicycle contacts 
requesting feedback 
on safety problems, 
detours, new routes, 
We did the traditional outreach method 
two years ago but
They did not work 
The most effective 
outreach strategy 
was to basically camp 
out at different 
bike shops and get 
patrons to complete 
a survey. 
34 surveys 
How did you get the 
idea for 
It all started with some of the best 
networkers in the world!
Kids are great at sharing experiences!
We saw children crowded around the 
bike maps at a transportation fair and we listened to 
them explain the areas where they ride their bikes with 
their parents. 
So we followed their lead!
What is Crowdsourcing 
Crowdsourcing is distributed problem 
solving. By distributing tasks to a large 
group of people, you are able to mine 
collective intelligence, assess quality and 
process work in parallel. 
Crowdsourcing on 
It all depends on what you want to do.
It all depends on who you want to reach.
Build the right platform and they will come. 
Aaron Crary developed our platform
? PREFERRED BICYCLE ROUTES (blue) are the preferred 
routes for bicycle travel. In some locations the blue 
route is the best of several choices in a corridor. 
? USE WITH CAUTION ROUTES (yellow) require greater 
rider precaution because of either traffic or terrain. 
They may be the only suitable route in some corridors. 
to have even more traffic, higher speeds, narrow 
pavement or poor sight distances. 
? DIFFICULT LOCATIONS (red dot) are usually 
intersections with poor sight distance, more than four 
streets, high speed traffic or multiple turn lanes.
Clear Communications that will 
Tell the story 
Why we are doing it this way 
What we hope to do with the information 
Define the expectation 
Instructions on what you want
Share it in a video
Share it with friends & fans
Make it Engaging! 
? Give it a short life to create a sense of urgency. 
? Hold contests, chat sessions and Face time 
(video), Q&A, Flash Map Contests, and 
? Sponsor community chats with Bloggers and 
ask them to blog on the Flash.
Create a sense of Community 
? Explain how their contribution will 
benefit all bicyclists. 
? Encourage people to share with others 
? Exit the control. Do not try to censor, 
manipulate, guide, steer or coerce.
The Flash Bike Map Team 
Left: Brad Mason, Graphic Design, Don Burrell, Senior Bike Planner , 
Gayle Foster , Social Media Strategist, Aaron Crary Senior GIS Analyst

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Crowdsourcing for Bike Map Planning

  • 1. FLASH MAP The Cincinnati Bike Flash Map Campaign: Using a Crowdsourcing Strategy to Map Bike Routes in Cincinnati. Gayle Foster Social Media Strategist
  • 2. Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) is a council of local governments, business organizations and community groups committed to developing collaborative strategies to improve the quality of life and the economic vitality of the region.
  • 4. What would not work for this project. Sending emails to bicycle contacts requesting feedback on safety problems, detours, new routes, etc.
  • 5. We did the traditional outreach method two years ago but
  • 6. They did not work The most effective outreach strategy was to basically camp out at different bike shops and get patrons to complete a survey. 34 surveys completed.
  • 7. How did you get the idea for crowdsourcing?
  • 8. It all started with some of the best networkers in the world!
  • 9. Kids are great at sharing experiences!
  • 10. We saw children crowded around the bike maps at a transportation fair and we listened to them explain the areas where they ride their bikes with their parents. So we followed their lead!
  • 11. What is Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing is distributed problem solving. By distributing tasks to a large group of people, you are able to mine collective intelligence, assess quality and process work in parallel. Crowdsourcing on Freebase.com
  • 12. It all depends on what you want to do.
  • 13. It all depends on who you want to reach.
  • 14. Build the right platform and they will come. Aaron Crary developed our platform
  • 15. ? PREFERRED BICYCLE ROUTES (blue) are the preferred routes for bicycle travel. In some locations the blue route is the best of several choices in a corridor. ? USE WITH CAUTION ROUTES (yellow) require greater rider precaution because of either traffic or terrain. They may be the only suitable route in some corridors. ? NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BICYCLE TRAVEL (red) tend to have even more traffic, higher speeds, narrow pavement or poor sight distances. ? DIFFICULT LOCATIONS (red dot) are usually intersections with poor sight distance, more than four streets, high speed traffic or multiple turn lanes.
  • 16. Clear Communications that will Tell the story Why we are doing it this way What we hope to do with the information Define the expectation Instructions on what you want
  • 17. Share it in a video
  • 18. Share it with friends & fans
  • 19. Make it Engaging! FLASH IT! ? Give it a short life to create a sense of urgency. ? Hold contests, chat sessions and Face time (video), Q&A, Flash Map Contests, and Webcasts. ? Sponsor community chats with Bloggers and ask them to blog on the Flash.
  • 20. Create a sense of Community ? Explain how their contribution will benefit all bicyclists. ? Encourage people to share with others ? Exit the control. Do not try to censor, manipulate, guide, steer or coerce.
  • 21. The Flash Bike Map Team Left: Brad Mason, Graphic Design, Don Burrell, Senior Bike Planner , Gayle Foster , Social Media Strategist, Aaron Crary Senior GIS Analyst