Travel and Social Media. The Lonely Planet StoryStephanie Giraud
Lonely Planet has traditionally provided travel guidebooks and information but is expanding into social media and other digital platforms to engage with travelers throughout their journey. They aim to inspire travel through authoritative content while also enabling connections between travelers by aggregating user-generated content and reviews. Moving forward, Lonely Planet seeks to leverage new technologies like mobile and social networking to engage travelers every day and provide an integrated experience across print, online, television and mobile platforms.
Bay Area Bike Share provides bike rentals through a mobile app and stations located strategically in busy areas. Their target market is active working professionals who live outside city centers and commute into the city. Research found heavy users live outside the city. Problems include empty/full stations during peaks, a 30 minute time limit, and an inconvenient payment system. Recommendations include a racing challenge event and contest to promote the brand, rotating bikes between stations, and offering gift cards as payment. The conclusion is that customer experiences and word of mouth are powerful marketing tools.
Overland Travel Volunteering - The Muskoka Foundation - A new take on Volunto...Jay Shapiro
Planning an Overland Expedition? This presentation will explain how you can use your trip to make a difference in the communities you visit. The Muskoka Foundation provides meaningful volunteer opportunities for global travelers.
The Active Transportation Alliance presented on their neighborhood bikeways campaign. Their goals are to increase bike commute mode share to 5% and reduce bike crashes by 50% by 2015 by creating a network of 100 miles of protected bike lanes and other bikeways. They advocate to local leaders and community members to support these infrastructure projects. The presentation provided tips for effective advocacy, such as building relationships, taking a bottom-up approach, and regularly communicating with the Department of Transportation.
Presentation by Sally Petersen of AWOL Tours. Given on 13 February 2012 for the Responsible Cape Town Pecha Kucha, part of Responsible Tourism Week 2012.
Responsible Tourism for Travellers M Hatchuel 2012Martin Hatchuel
What is Responsible Tourism? How do I do it? Why is it different to eco-tourism, sustainable tourism, or any other -ism tourism? How ill it benefit me? And how will it benefit the people I visit?
NYU, Stern Advantage, Marketing project: Repositioning Vespa Piaggio in the US market as Women's new accessory with speciffic targeting at young women in the metropolitan area.
This document provides information about biking in Georgia, including statistics on biking participation, guides to different types of biking like mountain biking and bicycle touring, a list of upcoming biking events, reviews of some of the best biking trails, a discussion of biking laws and safety, and resources for staying connected to the biking community in Georgia. The goal is to promote biking in the state and provide resources for people interested in taking up biking or learning more.
This website is a blog dedicated to sharing information about textiles, including their history and production. It contains numerous articles and photos related to topics like natural and synthetic fibers, weaving, dyeing, printing techniques and textile designs from around the world. The blog aims to educate readers and promote appreciation for textiles, their technologies, and their cultural significance.
Erin Jordan has a Master's degree in Communication with a focus on Public Relations from the University of Houston. She also has a Bachelor's degree in Integrated Marketing Communication and Communication minor from Abilene Christian University. She has over 5 years of experience in communications and public relations work, including positions at Landmark Aviation, Fleishman-Hillard, Bippitus, and Kimberly Public Affairs. Her skills include Microsoft Office, AP style, content management, graphic design, and social media management. She has received several honors and awards for her work in public relations and communications.
El documento lista varios buenos propsitos para el a?o entrante, incluyendo practicar un deporte, aceptar nuevos desafos, ser diferente, hacer nuevos amigos, olvidar los problemas, reconciliarse con la vida y la gente, enamorarse, disfrutar de la naturaleza, so?ar, renovar el vestuario, escuchar a los mayores, rer y sonrer, cantar de corazn, demostrar amor, cuidar la apariciencia, ser curioso y tener iniciativa propia, bromear con amigos, viv
El grupo de siete estudiantes cre una empresa para producir y vender hebillas y colitas. Dividieron las tareas entre comprar materiales, producir los artculos en la casa de una integrante, y completar los documentos legales. Vendieron con xito sus productos en la escuela y obtuvieron ganancias mayores a las esperadas.
Este documento proporciona informacin bsica sobre Internet y sus componentes. Explica que Internet es una red descentralizada de computadoras que se conectan a travs de protocolos TCP/IP. Describe los elementos clave como el terminal, la conexin, el modem y los navegadores web que permiten a los usuarios acceder e interactuar con la informacin en Internet.
Equity in Bike Share: Practical Methods for Addressing Equity and Measuring Outcomes
Abstract: Bike share systems across the country have experienced enormous success in ridership and popularity, but riders are not always representative of the local population. This panel focuses on how to design, administer, communicate about, and evaluate programs to reach people most in need of this healthy, affordable travel option.
Presenter: Morgan Whitcomb Sam Schwartz Engineering
Co-Presenter: Melissa Ballate Blue Daring
Co-Presenter: Andrew Duvall University of Colorado Denver
Co-Presenter: Nicole Freedman City of Boston
This document discusses smarter choices theory and practice for encouraging sustainable travel. Smarter choices involve promotional measures to boost uptake of alternatives to driving alone. Key tools include travel planning with employers, schools and residents, as well as public transport information and promotion. Personal travel planning delivered at key life events, like moving house, can be particularly effective by helping people establish new sustainable travel habits during times of disruption. Integrating smarter choices initiatives with transport infrastructure improvements increases impact. Nudging people towards sustainable options as the default choice also shows promise according to the theories discussed.
This document outlines a campaign in Sheffield, UK to promote "Space for Cycling" and make the city more bike-friendly. It discusses the origins of the Space for Cycling movement in London and how the campaign has expanded nationally. The campaign aims to get local councilor candidates to pledge support for specific cycling improvements in each of Sheffield's 28 wards. Volunteers are being recruited to help spread awareness of the campaign and Big Ride event in April through activities in their local wards like flyering and social media. The goal is to increase cycling and pressure local politicians and highways officials to prioritize bike infrastructure and safety.
Bike share is a region-wide program that allows the public to rent bicycles docked at self-service stations. You can access the bikes with a day pass or annual membership. Pick them up at one station and drop them off at another. Bike share serves both locals and visitors; a fun and healthy way to reach your destination. Bike share complements other forms of public transit and supports local businesses.
Bike share is rolling in 500 cities worldwide with over 500,000 bikes. By the end of next year, 75 cities in North America will have a program, including our region!
Coast Bike Share is Tampas community Bike Share Program. Residents and visitors will have access to 300 public bicycles distributed throughout downtown, Ybor City, and Hyde Park. Use the bikes to commute to work, do errands, visit friends, or just for fun!
Bike Share will enhance transportation options by making it possible to quickly access a public bicycle near places of employment, tourist destinations, educational institutions, and transit stops. The program seeks to encourage bicycle usage as an environmentally-friendly and congestion reducing transportation option.
This document discusses a presentation about promoting bicycling to school, especially in lower-income communities. The presentation covers topics like overcoming the stigma around bicycling, funding and organizing bicycle fleets for schools, organizing successful bike trains, improving bicycle parking and storage, building relationships with the bicycling community, and creating supportive school policies around bicycling. The presenters are from the Safe Routes to School National Partnership and discuss their experience providing technical assistance and best practices for safe routes to school programs.
The document proposes the Dear Driver project to improve communication between cyclists and drivers in urban areas. It aims to address the challenges of effective listening during near-accident situations. The solution involves a Dear Driver letter that cyclists can give to drivers to diffuse hostility and promote understanding. It also plans videos modeling polite exchanges and an online platform for further discussion. The goal is to minimize listening challenges like a lack of time and space during incidents and a history of animosity, in order to foster mutual understanding between cyclists and drivers.
Session 63: How the Nashville Area MPO Bike/Ped Study Changed Funding Decisio...Sharon Roerty
How does a region of 22 municipalities, 3,300 miles of major roadways, and 1.3 million people covering 2,900 square miles determine where to invest in sidewalks, bikeways, and greenways? This session will focus on key successes from middle Tennessees first regional bicycle and pedestrian study including a public involvement process that engaged nearly 2,100 participants and the creation of a unique formula-based non-motorized project evaluation process impacting MPO funding.
Walking Action exchange 3 Sept 09 1.4 Web VersionVictoria Walks
The document summarizes a meeting of Walking Action Groups and others interested in promoting walking for transportation. The meeting covered introducing Victoria Walks, discussing how WAGs operate and their activities, sharing an example of a successful local WAG, and providing tips for working with local councils to advocate for more walkable communities. Attendees learned about auditing walking environments, identifying issues, and advocating for improvements to make areas safer and more accessible for pedestrians.
Effective, Inviting & Inclusive Campaigning - Workshop and Ideas-sharingMatt Turner
This is the workshop presentation I gave at the CTC/CycleNation conference in October 2015.
It focuses on specific ideas that CycleSheffield have used as part of our campaigning work.
Download the slides to see all the notes.
This website is a blog dedicated to sharing information about textiles, including their history and production. It contains numerous articles and photos related to topics like natural and synthetic fibers, weaving, dyeing, printing techniques and textile designs from around the world. The blog aims to educate readers and promote appreciation for textiles, their technologies, and their cultural significance.
Erin Jordan has a Master's degree in Communication with a focus on Public Relations from the University of Houston. She also has a Bachelor's degree in Integrated Marketing Communication and Communication minor from Abilene Christian University. She has over 5 years of experience in communications and public relations work, including positions at Landmark Aviation, Fleishman-Hillard, Bippitus, and Kimberly Public Affairs. Her skills include Microsoft Office, AP style, content management, graphic design, and social media management. She has received several honors and awards for her work in public relations and communications.
El documento lista varios buenos propsitos para el a?o entrante, incluyendo practicar un deporte, aceptar nuevos desafos, ser diferente, hacer nuevos amigos, olvidar los problemas, reconciliarse con la vida y la gente, enamorarse, disfrutar de la naturaleza, so?ar, renovar el vestuario, escuchar a los mayores, rer y sonrer, cantar de corazn, demostrar amor, cuidar la apariciencia, ser curioso y tener iniciativa propia, bromear con amigos, viv
El grupo de siete estudiantes cre una empresa para producir y vender hebillas y colitas. Dividieron las tareas entre comprar materiales, producir los artculos en la casa de una integrante, y completar los documentos legales. Vendieron con xito sus productos en la escuela y obtuvieron ganancias mayores a las esperadas.
Este documento proporciona informacin bsica sobre Internet y sus componentes. Explica que Internet es una red descentralizada de computadoras que se conectan a travs de protocolos TCP/IP. Describe los elementos clave como el terminal, la conexin, el modem y los navegadores web que permiten a los usuarios acceder e interactuar con la informacin en Internet.
Equity in Bike Share: Practical Methods for Addressing Equity and Measuring Outcomes
Abstract: Bike share systems across the country have experienced enormous success in ridership and popularity, but riders are not always representative of the local population. This panel focuses on how to design, administer, communicate about, and evaluate programs to reach people most in need of this healthy, affordable travel option.
Presenter: Morgan Whitcomb Sam Schwartz Engineering
Co-Presenter: Melissa Ballate Blue Daring
Co-Presenter: Andrew Duvall University of Colorado Denver
Co-Presenter: Nicole Freedman City of Boston
This document discusses smarter choices theory and practice for encouraging sustainable travel. Smarter choices involve promotional measures to boost uptake of alternatives to driving alone. Key tools include travel planning with employers, schools and residents, as well as public transport information and promotion. Personal travel planning delivered at key life events, like moving house, can be particularly effective by helping people establish new sustainable travel habits during times of disruption. Integrating smarter choices initiatives with transport infrastructure improvements increases impact. Nudging people towards sustainable options as the default choice also shows promise according to the theories discussed.
This document outlines a campaign in Sheffield, UK to promote "Space for Cycling" and make the city more bike-friendly. It discusses the origins of the Space for Cycling movement in London and how the campaign has expanded nationally. The campaign aims to get local councilor candidates to pledge support for specific cycling improvements in each of Sheffield's 28 wards. Volunteers are being recruited to help spread awareness of the campaign and Big Ride event in April through activities in their local wards like flyering and social media. The goal is to increase cycling and pressure local politicians and highways officials to prioritize bike infrastructure and safety.
Bike share is a region-wide program that allows the public to rent bicycles docked at self-service stations. You can access the bikes with a day pass or annual membership. Pick them up at one station and drop them off at another. Bike share serves both locals and visitors; a fun and healthy way to reach your destination. Bike share complements other forms of public transit and supports local businesses.
Bike share is rolling in 500 cities worldwide with over 500,000 bikes. By the end of next year, 75 cities in North America will have a program, including our region!
Coast Bike Share is Tampas community Bike Share Program. Residents and visitors will have access to 300 public bicycles distributed throughout downtown, Ybor City, and Hyde Park. Use the bikes to commute to work, do errands, visit friends, or just for fun!
Bike Share will enhance transportation options by making it possible to quickly access a public bicycle near places of employment, tourist destinations, educational institutions, and transit stops. The program seeks to encourage bicycle usage as an environmentally-friendly and congestion reducing transportation option.
This document discusses a presentation about promoting bicycling to school, especially in lower-income communities. The presentation covers topics like overcoming the stigma around bicycling, funding and organizing bicycle fleets for schools, organizing successful bike trains, improving bicycle parking and storage, building relationships with the bicycling community, and creating supportive school policies around bicycling. The presenters are from the Safe Routes to School National Partnership and discuss their experience providing technical assistance and best practices for safe routes to school programs.
The document proposes the Dear Driver project to improve communication between cyclists and drivers in urban areas. It aims to address the challenges of effective listening during near-accident situations. The solution involves a Dear Driver letter that cyclists can give to drivers to diffuse hostility and promote understanding. It also plans videos modeling polite exchanges and an online platform for further discussion. The goal is to minimize listening challenges like a lack of time and space during incidents and a history of animosity, in order to foster mutual understanding between cyclists and drivers.
Session 63: How the Nashville Area MPO Bike/Ped Study Changed Funding Decisio...Sharon Roerty
How does a region of 22 municipalities, 3,300 miles of major roadways, and 1.3 million people covering 2,900 square miles determine where to invest in sidewalks, bikeways, and greenways? This session will focus on key successes from middle Tennessees first regional bicycle and pedestrian study including a public involvement process that engaged nearly 2,100 participants and the creation of a unique formula-based non-motorized project evaluation process impacting MPO funding.
Walking Action exchange 3 Sept 09 1.4 Web VersionVictoria Walks
The document summarizes a meeting of Walking Action Groups and others interested in promoting walking for transportation. The meeting covered introducing Victoria Walks, discussing how WAGs operate and their activities, sharing an example of a successful local WAG, and providing tips for working with local councils to advocate for more walkable communities. Attendees learned about auditing walking environments, identifying issues, and advocating for improvements to make areas safer and more accessible for pedestrians.
Effective, Inviting & Inclusive Campaigning - Workshop and Ideas-sharingMatt Turner
This is the workshop presentation I gave at the CTC/CycleNation conference in October 2015.
It focuses on specific ideas that CycleSheffield have used as part of our campaigning work.
Download the slides to see all the notes.
Webinar: Can cycling and walking help release the longevity dividend?ILC- UK
If we are to maximise the longevity dividend, we all need to live healthier not just longer. Too many of us are being forced out of work too early due to poor health. And poor health results in lower consumer spending.
The Governments recently published obesity policy paper recognised the importance of remaining active. And COVID-19 has inspired cities across the world to invest in cycle infrastructure. Places like Paris, Milan, and New York, historically hostile to cycling have created hundreds of miles of temporary infrastructure.
Yet in the UK, as we get older, we cycle less.
The picture with walking isnt much better, In England, men aged between 30 and 69 actually walk slightly more as they age while women walk considerably less. As we hit our 70s there is a significant drop-off in miles walked by men and women.
But we know that whatever our age, active travel works. We also know that supporting people to get to and around our town centres is vital if we are to begin to see an economic rebound. New and improved E-bikes and Scooters could play their part.
We have a relatively short window to deliver policy changes which could better support more of us to cycle and walk.
Speakers included:
Susan Claris, Associate Director, Transport Consulting, Arup
Dr Ian Walker, FHEA, Department of Psychology, University of Bath
Cllr Suzanne Bartington, Oxfordshire County Councillor
Tom McPhail, Director of Public Affairs, Pure Electric
Bike Week is the biggest nationwide cycling event in the UK. A national celebration of cycling, Bike Week helps you get more out of life C by getting on your bike and exploring your local community.
Bike Week focuses on encouraging families to taking up cycling as a regular activity in their local community. Bike Week is the time to live local and get cycling.
Bike Week is free to enter and open to everyone C you can either take part in an event or organise one yourself, you dont have to be an experienced cyclist either, anyone can set up a Bike Week event.
To find out more about organising a Bike Week Event, or to see what events are going on in your area, go to
The Bicycle Trails Action Team meeting agenda included:
1. Welcome and comments from Mayor Tom DeBaun
2. Karen Martin discussing a Blue River Trail transportation grant
3. Denise Holland presenting on an Active Living Workshop grant
4. Creation of a Mayor's Active Transportation Advisory Committee
The meeting aimed to provide updates on bicycle trail projects, grants, and the formation of a new advisory committee to support active transportation initiatives in Shelbyville.
The document discusses a campaign inspired by London Cycling Campaign to get local councils and politicians to pledge support for making more space for cycling. It outlines the momentum from other cycling initiatives and growing public support. The plan is to recruit supporters, map council responses, and pressure MPs before conferences to include cycling in agendas. The goal is long-term funding and infrastructure to create safe spaces and conditions to encourage more cycling.
The document summarizes GROC's (Genesee Region Off-Road Cyclists) 2010 members' meeting. It discusses GROC's mission and committees, history of volunteer involvement, current projects including new trails at Tryon Park and West Bay Park, plans to obtain non-profit status, and ways for people to get involved through volunteering.
Transforming Active Transportation Through Electrification, Sergio LopezForth
The Community Electric Bike Program sought to test how electric bikes could benefit underserved communities and improve transportation options. It partnered with a nonprofit community center to provide 10 used electric bikes to participants over 3 cohorts. The majority of the 28 participants were male and did not own a regular bicycle. They reported traveling around 4,000 miles over 10 weeks. However, some barriers included the durability of the bikes in rain and potholes as well as a lack of rain gear. Overall, the project showed electric bikes' potential for faster, easier transportation but introduced challenges around adoption in new communities.
These slides are a summary of the conversations our participants had at our conversation cafe event on Sat 13 Sept at Anglia Ruskin University. With thanks to all of our supporters at who helped us put on the event, and for everyone (over 50 of you) who took part!
This presentation had made for decrease the transport and friendly environment creation. Some different idea to use bicycle in the city to move from place to place in a large area.
The Evolving Bicycle Ecosystem Around Suburban CommunitiesJonathon Geels
The US is experiencing a dramatic rise in cities and the amenities that attract people to them. At the same time, however, Bedroom Communities still dominate the landscape and play an important role in the success of the region as a whole. Their location around the periphery of cities puts a strain on county budgets statewide: in how to fund and maintain infrastructure projects, while continuing to focus on safety, and ensure a high quality of life. As we see active living efforts connect people to cities and their amenities, the transition of these bedroom communities in taking on more urban qualities will play an important role in the success of broad active transportation networks.
The document is a newsletter from the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition that discusses the organization's accomplishments in 2012 and goals for 2013. Some of the key accomplishments in 2012 included building out bike lanes on Fell and Oak Streets, expanding the bike corral program, improving safety on Cesar Chavez Street, and repaving sections of Market Street. The Coalition also helped elect endorsed political candidates. In 2013, the Coalition aims to continue its "Connecting the City" campaigns to improve routes like Polk Street, Market Street, and the Embarcadero. It encourages members to participate in identifying other areas needing safety improvements.
GRAB Market Expansion of Online Transportation Businesses in IndonesiaAJHSSR Journal
ABSTRACT: This research aims to determine the impact of market expansion carried out by Grab, an online
transportation service provider company from Singapore, on the online transportation business in Indonesia. The
research method used in preparing this thesis is a descriptive method, with data collection techniques in the form
of literature reviews sourced from various literature such as books, journals, articles, official internet sites, news
portals, and reports related to this research. The results of this research show that the market expansion activities
carried out by Grab in Indonesia have had an impact, namely the enactment of the latest regulations and laws
regarding online transportation business operations in Indonesia. Apart from that, the presence of Grab in
Indonesia also revives competition in the online transportation business in Indonesia in the initial process of its
development, several experts believed the science of International Relations covered all relations between
countries, was very dynamic and developed in accordance with the conditions of the natural environment and the
conditions of the human social environment. In Schwarzenbeger's opinion, International Relations is the subject
of sociology which studies international society. In this way, the science of International Relations in a general
sense does not only cover politics, but also includes other elements such as social, economic, cultural, defense
and security, tourism, and cultural exchange. (Perwita & Yani, 2005). The dynamic scope of International
Relations science and the increasing development of the times have finally given rise to other elements of
International Relations science. One of them is the element of international trade which is part of the economic
element of the science of International Relations. Barro (2003) explains that economic growth is closely related
to the openness of a country's economy, where international trade will have a positive and significant impact on
economic growth. Therefore, almost every country has carried out international trade activities. The driving
factors why countries carry out activities are differences in natural resources, differences in production factors,
different economic conditions, not all countries can produce certain goods, the existence of a profit motive in
trade, and competition between nations.
Keywords: GRAB, Online Transportation, Business Service, E-commerce, Indonesia
Choosing the Right Social Media Agency in Dubai_ A Complete Guide.pdfSafcodes LLC
In today's digital era, businesses in Dubai need a strong online presence to stay ahead of the competition. Social media marketing plays a crucial role in brand awareness, customer engagement, and lead generation. However, choosing the right social media agency in Dubai can be challenging with so many options available. This guide will help you understand what to look for when selecting the best agency for your business.
A comprehensive Local SEO Audit evaluates your online presence to identify strengths and weaknesses, ensuring your business is easily discoverable by local customers. Key elements include auditing your Google Business Profile, checking NAP consistency, optimizing on-page SEO for local pages, conducting local keyword research, performing a technical SEO audit, assessing content relevance, reviewing social media engagement, analyzing local traffic metrics, auditing local citations, and evaluating backlinks for local authority.
In todays competitive job market, having a strong LinkedIn presence is essential for both individuals and businesses. Whether youre looking to enhance your professional network, promote your brand, or connect with potential clients, buying LinkedIn accounts can be a strategic move. Purchasing pre-established accounts allows you to leverage existing connections and credibility, providing an instant boost to your online visibility.
When you buy LinkedIn accounts, you gain access to a platform with millions of professionals across various industries. This enables you to tap into new opportunities, engage with industry leaders, and showcase your expertise. Its an effective way to save time and effort in building a network from scratch.
Amplifying Black Voices: The Power of Social Media Listening & Inclusive Mark...Jasper Colin
As Black History Month 2025 wraps up, social media has only scratched the surface of how different generations engage with Black culture, history, and representation.
Carnival Across The Globe: Social Media InsightsUNICEPTA
UNICEPTA analyzed the public discourse on social media throughout the year regarding various Carnival festivities across the globe. Which carnival generates the most engagement on social media? Which countries are in the focus of the public?
Carnival captivates millions worldwide, but which festivities spark the most engagement on social media? UNICEPTA analyzed global public discourse throughout the year to uncover which Carnival celebrations generate the highest buzz online. From Rio to Cologne, from Mardi Gras to Barranquilla - our data-driven insights reveal which countries dominate the conversation and how regional traditions shape engagement. Discover the key trends, cultural significance, and social media impact of the worlds most celebrated Carnivals.
The Relationship Between Stressful Environment and Academic Performance Among...AJHSSR Journal
ABSTRACT : This study aimed to deduce the academic performance of the University of Mindanao Criminology
students and its relationship with stressful environments and mediated by their psychological well-being. The
stratified simple random sampling technique selected 300 Criminology students as respondents. The study utilized
an adapted questionnaire to gather the needed data. The study used Mean, Pearson Product Moment Correlation,
Medgraph using Sobel z-test, and path analysis to analyze the collected data. The study disclosed that the
Criminology students' psychological well-being and academic performance are high. On the other hand, the
stressful environment they experienced was rated moderately. A significant correlation was observed between the
stressful environment and the academic performance of Criminology. Furthermore, there is a significant
correlation between the stressful environment and the psychological well-being of Criminology students and the
psychological well-being and academic performance of the Criminology students. The mediation test revealed
that psychological well-being fully mediated the relationship between the stressful environment the Criminology
students experience and their academic performance.
KEYWORDS - stressful environment, academic performance, psychological wellbeing, mediation.
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The Cincinnati Bike Flash Map
Campaign: Using a Crowdsourcing
Strategy to Map Bike Routes in
Gayle Foster
Social Media Strategist
2. Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council
of Governments
The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional
Council of Governments (OKI) is a council of
local governments, business organizations
and community groups committed to
developing collaborative strategies to
improve the quality of life and the economic
vitality of the region.
4. What would not work for this project.
Sending emails to
bicycle contacts
requesting feedback
on safety problems,
detours, new routes,
5. We did the traditional outreach method
two years ago but
6. They did not work
The most effective
outreach strategy
was to basically camp
out at different
bike shops and get
patrons to complete
a survey.
34 surveys
10. We saw children crowded around the
bike maps at a transportation fair and we listened to
them explain the areas where they ride their bikes with
their parents.
So we followed their lead!
11. What is Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing is distributed problem
solving. By distributing tasks to a large
group of people, you are able to mine
collective intelligence, assess quality and
process work in parallel.
Crowdsourcing on
14. Build the right platform and they will come.
Aaron Crary developed our platform
15. ? PREFERRED BICYCLE ROUTES (blue) are the preferred
routes for bicycle travel. In some locations the blue
route is the best of several choices in a corridor.
? USE WITH CAUTION ROUTES (yellow) require greater
rider precaution because of either traffic or terrain.
They may be the only suitable route in some corridors.
to have even more traffic, higher speeds, narrow
pavement or poor sight distances.
? DIFFICULT LOCATIONS (red dot) are usually
intersections with poor sight distance, more than four
streets, high speed traffic or multiple turn lanes.
16. Clear Communications that will
Tell the story
Why we are doing it this way
What we hope to do with the information
Define the expectation
Instructions on what you want
19. Make it Engaging!
? Give it a short life to create a sense of urgency.
? Hold contests, chat sessions and Face time
(video), Q&A, Flash Map Contests, and
? Sponsor community chats with Bloggers and
ask them to blog on the Flash.
20. Create a sense of Community
? Explain how their contribution will
benefit all bicyclists.
? Encourage people to share with others
? Exit the control. Do not try to censor,
manipulate, guide, steer or coerce.
21. The Flash Bike Map Team
Left: Brad Mason, Graphic Design, Don Burrell, Senior Bike Planner ,
Gayle Foster , Social Media Strategist, Aaron Crary Senior GIS Analyst