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Milltow n
Dingle, Kerry
Married to Caroline and have two children Grainne and Aoife.
For the past 5 years I have been the Sales and Depot Manager for Fastway Couriers in Kerry in
the Logistics Sector, dealing with all business sectors be it Personal, Sole Traders, SMEs of
Corporate/GovernmentClients inthe provision of DistributionPackages all tailoredto eachsectors
individual needs. Ialso Managed the FastwayKerryWarehouseDepotgaining much experience
in both the movement and management of freight nationally and internationally irrespective of
whether it is to the UK, Europe or Worldwide.
For the most part of the past 16 years I have been involved in Direct Sales to the Personal to
Business sectors selling Support Services, IT packages and Educational packages to Financial
Services, Accounting Companies and to Personal clients
I am very adaptableandwiththe experience thatIhave gainedin dealing with clients on a face to
face basis allows me to diversifyinto promoting anyproduct/service to anyPersonal /Business
Sector be it to a Sole Trader, SME or Corporate client.
I have now beenmade Redundant byFastwayCouriers as theyare nowundergoinga cost
cutting /business restructuringplan and am availablefor an immediatestartfor anyposition Iam
successful inbeingconsidered for..
I am looking for position,andam availablefor an immediatestart, which willprovidemewiththe
opportunityto expandand developmyskills and to offermechallenges to achieve both atwork
and ata personallevel.
I am a professionalof highstandardswithcommitmenttowardssetgoals for anintense
sense of accomplishment byhardwork.
Depot and Sales Manager
04/11  12/15 Fastway Couriers, Dooneen, Castleisland, Co Kerry.
My Role withinFastwayCouriers was bothSales ManagerandDepotManager for theKerry
FastwayCouriers area GlobalLogistics Companyoperatingin Irelandfor over 15 years offering
a costeffective,reliable,fastcollection and deliveryservicethroughoutthe 32counties ofIreland
and provides online parceltrackingfor usewithinSME,B2B,FMCG,Healthcare,Pharma
Industries and to anyother business wishing to useour Serviceto distributewithin Ireland& the
UK and now Europe and Worldwide.
Sales duties;
- Business Developmentand Sales bywayofTele-Sales,ColdCalling,Onlinemediacampaigns,
developing a referralnetwork to both SMEs and CorporateClients.
-Targets were always metandsurpassedatalltimes
-Setting upnewDelivery/Collection points inshops throughoutthecountyin association with
Payzone mainlyfor the personalmarket.
- Negotiating to develop new accounts.
- Offering/Installing New OnlineTechnologies to our clients andprovidingthe necessarytraining
requiredto operatesame.
- KeyAccountingManagementofnew and existing accounts.
- Developingthe BrandAwareness
-SubmissionofDocumentationrelatingto paymentterms
Depot duties;
-Managementofall freight entering and leavingthe Depoton a dailybasis to ensure prompt
-managedfleetof15 plus vans anddrivers dailyto ensureservice is maintained to the highest
- work order Administration
-Shipping paperwork
-Ensure thatallHealthandSafetyRegulations arealways adhered to atalltimes.
-ManagedAll Office Administrationrequiredto run theDepoteffectively
Southern Director
05/10  03/11 Shareladder, Milltown, Dingle, Co Kerry
Commencedin May2010as National Sales Manager for Shareladderwithpersonal responsibility
for the Munster region.
In Oct 2010 Itook over the Franchise for the Munster andSouth Leinster Regions  Iremained in
charge ofallSales Reps.Responsiblefor allhiring and trainingofSales Reps nationwide.Setting
up and conducting Seminars/Workshops nationwide for Clients, Trade Shows and Corporate
Ensuring good customer relations. Take responsibility for clients training and continuous support
whilst they subscribe to our service.
National Sales Manager
3/2008  04/10 Learn about Shares, Farney Villa, Dyer Street, Drogheda, Co Louth
National Sales Manager (Promoted march 2009) in charge of all Sales Reps Nationwide.
Responsible of all hiring and training of Sales reps. Services include Appointments made by
telephone thencallingon bothResidentialand Business Clients to promote Companyservices and
secure sales. Product sold is a Training program that trains clients to actively trade on the stock
market with minimal risk All other associated services like Portfolio Managers and Account with
preferred Stockbrokers also arranged as part of package.
Office Manager
7/2006  2/2008 Dingle Developments Ltd,Dingle,Co Kerry
Office Managerofa well-establishedPropertyDevelopmentCompanywhereMyduties included
the following
 Entire responsibilityfor Debtors and Creditors Ledger
 Monthly Bank Reconciliations
 Complete all VAT Returns,PAYE, PRSI and revenue returns
 Prepare monthlyManagementaccounts and liaise with external accountants
 Monitor Cash flow
 Ensure the streamlined organisation,managementand functionalityof the office
 Train and Develop Office staff in all duties when necessary
 Ensure that good Customer Service is paramount
 Sourcing and Purchasingofmaterials for thecompany.
 Preparequotations for Developments
 Obtain quotations from Sub-Contractors.
 Manage Sub-Contractors Accounts
Made Redundant 1/2/2008 due to downturn in construction industry.
Business Manager
3/2005 - 6/2006 Contact4 limited,DingleBusiness Park,Milltown,Dingle,Co.Kerry,
Centre Manager (100/120 agents on site).Responsiblefor RunningCentre.Arranging
Campaigns for clients andensuringthatall the9 Teams onthe floor,teams comprisedof13
agents,on a dailybasis had theirtargets and thatthesewere metand exceeded.
6/1979 St.Patricks College,Castleisland,CoKerry
Leaving Certificate:Irish D (H)EnglishD (H)Maths B (O)Geog.B (H)FrenchD (O) (O) Ordinary(H)
6/1977 St.Brendans College,Killarney,Co Kerry
 Intermediate Certificate:IrishB (O)EnglishC (H)Maths C (H)HistoryB (H)GeographyC
(H)FrenchD (O)ScienceC (H)CommerceB (H)
 (O) = Ordinary(H) = Higher
 Fetec Certificate inSales/MarketingSkills (FS)
 Certified to drive andoperate counter balance3,000Kg forklift
 Manual HandlingCertificate
 FirstAid Instructor with Civil Defense
References - Available on Request
Eddie Twomey
Current Eddie_Twomey C.V. 2015

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Current Eddie_Twomey C.V. 2015

  • 1. Eddie Twomey Milltow n Dingle, Kerry 086-0226175 eotuama@eircom.net Profile Married to Caroline and have two children Grainne and Aoife. For the past 5 years I have been the Sales and Depot Manager for Fastway Couriers in Kerry in the Logistics Sector, dealing with all business sectors be it Personal, Sole Traders, SMEs of Corporate/GovernmentClients inthe provision of DistributionPackages all tailoredto eachsectors individual needs. Ialso Managed the FastwayKerryWarehouseDepotgaining much experience in both the movement and management of freight nationally and internationally irrespective of whether it is to the UK, Europe or Worldwide. For the most part of the past 16 years I have been involved in Direct Sales to the Personal to Business sectors selling Support Services, IT packages and Educational packages to Financial Services, Accounting Companies and to Personal clients I am very adaptableandwiththe experience thatIhave gainedin dealing with clients on a face to face basis allows me to diversifyinto promoting anyproduct/service to anyPersonal /Business Sector be it to a Sole Trader, SME or Corporate client. I have now beenmade Redundant byFastwayCouriers as theyare nowundergoinga cost cutting /business restructuringplan and am availablefor an immediatestartfor anyposition Iam successful inbeingconsidered for.. Objective I am looking for position,andam availablefor an immediatestart, which willprovidemewiththe opportunityto expandand developmyskills and to offermechallenges to achieve both atwork and ata personallevel. I am a professionalof highstandardswithcommitmenttowardssetgoals for anintense sense of accomplishment byhardwork. Depot and Sales Manager 04/11 12/15 Fastway Couriers, Dooneen, Castleisland, Co Kerry. My Role withinFastwayCouriers was bothSales ManagerandDepotManager for theKerry Region. FastwayCouriers area GlobalLogistics Companyoperatingin Irelandfor over 15 years offering a costeffective,reliable,fastcollection and deliveryservicethroughoutthe 32counties ofIreland and provides online parceltrackingfor usewithinSME,B2B,FMCG,Healthcare,Pharma Industries and to anyother business wishing to useour Serviceto distributewithin Ireland& the UK and now Europe and Worldwide. Sales duties; - Business Developmentand Sales bywayofTele-Sales,ColdCalling,Onlinemediacampaigns, developing a referralnetwork to both SMEs and CorporateClients. -Targets were always metandsurpassedatalltimes -Setting upnewDelivery/Collection points inshops throughoutthecountyin association with Payzone mainlyfor the personalmarket. - Negotiating to develop new accounts. - Offering/Installing New OnlineTechnologies to our clients andprovidingthe necessarytraining requiredto operatesame. - KeyAccountingManagementofnew and existing accounts. - Developingthe BrandAwareness -Invoicing -SubmissionofDocumentationrelatingto paymentterms
  • 2. Depot duties; -Managementofall freight entering and leavingthe Depoton a dailybasis to ensure prompt delivery. -managedfleetof15 plus vans anddrivers dailyto ensureservice is maintained to the highest caliber. - work order Administration -Shipping paperwork -Ensure thatallHealthandSafetyRegulations arealways adhered to atalltimes. -ManagedAll Office Administrationrequiredto run theDepoteffectively Southern Director 05/10 03/11 Shareladder, Milltown, Dingle, Co Kerry Commencedin May2010as National Sales Manager for Shareladderwithpersonal responsibility for the Munster region. In Oct 2010 Itook over the Franchise for the Munster andSouth Leinster Regions Iremained in charge ofallSales Reps.Responsiblefor allhiring and trainingofSales Reps nationwide.Setting up and conducting Seminars/Workshops nationwide for Clients, Trade Shows and Corporate Presentations Ensuring good customer relations. Take responsibility for clients training and continuous support whilst they subscribe to our service. National Sales Manager 3/2008 04/10 Learn about Shares, Farney Villa, Dyer Street, Drogheda, Co Louth National Sales Manager (Promoted march 2009) in charge of all Sales Reps Nationwide. Responsible of all hiring and training of Sales reps. Services include Appointments made by telephone thencallingon bothResidentialand Business Clients to promote Companyservices and secure sales. Product sold is a Training program that trains clients to actively trade on the stock market with minimal risk All other associated services like Portfolio Managers and Account with preferred Stockbrokers also arranged as part of package. Office Manager 7/2006 2/2008 Dingle Developments Ltd,Dingle,Co Kerry Office Managerofa well-establishedPropertyDevelopmentCompanywhereMyduties included the following Entire responsibilityfor Debtors and Creditors Ledger Monthly Bank Reconciliations Complete all VAT Returns,PAYE, PRSI and revenue returns Prepare monthlyManagementaccounts and liaise with external accountants Monitor Cash flow Ensure the streamlined organisation,managementand functionalityof the office Train and Develop Office staff in all duties when necessary Ensure that good Customer Service is paramount Sourcing and Purchasingofmaterials for thecompany. Preparequotations for Developments Obtain quotations from Sub-Contractors. Manage Sub-Contractors Accounts Made Redundant 1/2/2008 due to downturn in construction industry.
  • 3. Business Manager 3/2005 - 6/2006 Contact4 limited,DingleBusiness Park,Milltown,Dingle,Co.Kerry, Centre Manager (100/120 agents on site).Responsiblefor RunningCentre.Arranging Campaigns for clients andensuringthatall the9 Teams onthe floor,teams comprisedof13 agents,on a dailybasis had theirtargets and thatthesewere metand exceeded. Education 6/1979 St.Patricks College,Castleisland,CoKerry SecondarySchool Leaving Certificate:Irish D (H)EnglishD (H)Maths B (O)Geog.B (H)FrenchD (O) (O) Ordinary(H) Higher 6/1977 St.Brendans College,Killarney,Co Kerry SecondarySchool Intermediate Certificate:IrishB (O)EnglishC (H)Maths C (H)HistoryB (H)GeographyC (H)FrenchD (O)ScienceC (H)CommerceB (H) (O) = Ordinary(H) = Higher Skills Fetec Certificate inSales/MarketingSkills (FS) Certified to drive andoperate counter balance3,000Kg forklift Manual HandlingCertificate MicrosoftOfficeSuite,Skype FirstAid Instructor with Civil Defense References - Available on Request Signed:________________________ Eddie Twomey