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NNAAMMEE :: Carlo Ceresa
DOB: 2nd January 1959.
ADDRESS: Via Nuova Bellavista, 3
80056 Ercolano (NA) - Italy.
PHONE: 081- 270765
MOBILE: 338 - 1808430.
E-MAIL: satellit33@hotmail.it
OCCUPATION: Technical Consultant.
STATUS: Married - Separated (two children).
 Senior Surveyor
 Cost Accountant
 3d Modeller
 Web Designer
 General cost-accounting and yard accounting:
Public Works, (railways, highways and industrial water projects).
 Technical Engineering and Architectural services:
- CAD drawings of plans and structures.
- Architectural CAD drawings.
- CAD mapping.
- Digitalizing of topographical surveys.
- Tree-dimensional modelling for environmental projection and feasibility studies:
(Three-dimensional modelling of internal designs, external plans and arrangements,
reconstruction of sites such as: urban and industrial areas and public works).
 Computing and cost accounting regarding technological structures:
to realize Fiber Optic projects(walk-in schemes) and Electric Computing (low tension).
 Virtual Projects:
- Realization advertisements and animation.
- Selection audio and video files.
- Assemblage of multimedia products.
- Ideation web pages.
1982-85 AR.TE.CO S.r.l., via Campegna - Napoli. (Framework Engineering). Draftsperson.
1985-86 VU.TE.CO s.a.s. di De Rosa & C. San Giorgio a Cremano (NA). Technical Seller.
1986-88 V. SCOGNAMIGLIO Pianura  Napoli. (Arts Factory). Technical Manager.
1988-89 ICLA S.p.a. via Nuova Agnano,11  Napoli. (Road Works). On site assistant.
1989-90 ICLA S.p.a. via Nuova Agnano,11  Napoli. Cost accountant and draftsperson.
1990-92 ICLA S.p.a. - Yards T.Office, Vomero. Technical cost accountant and draftsperson.
1990-93 Engineer Leonardo Pagnini, via Petrarca, 93/8,Vomero. Technical field assistant.
1992-94 ICLA Costruzioni Generali S.p.a.  (Public Works). Analyst of as built projects.
1994-96 ICLA C.G. S.p.a.  Yards T.Office 81. Cost accountant and draftsman.
1996 Engineer Vittorio Biggieri, via Luca da Penne, 3 - Napoli. Technical field assistant.
1996-99 ICLA C.G. S.p.a.  Yards T.Office 81.Cost accountant and draftsperson.
2002/July S.T.I.GE. S.r.l. via S. Lucia, 34 Napoli. (Technical Engineering Services). Technical assistant.
2002/Sept. T.M. S.r.l. v. Lepanto, 137 Napoli. (Computing of technological structures).Technical Manager.
2002 S.T.I.GE. S.r.l. via S. Lucia, 34 Napoli. (Technical Engineering Services). Technical assistant.
2002-03 T.M. S.r.l. via Lepanto, 137 - Napoli. (Computing of technological structures).Technical Manager
2003-04 S.T.I.GE. S.r.l. via S. Lucia, 34 Napoli. . (Technical Engineering Services). Technical assistant.
2004-06 S.T.I.GE. S.r.l. via S. Lucia, 34 Napoli. (Technical Engineering Services). On site assistant.
2006 CREDENDINO S.p.A. CDN Is. F /3, Napoli. (Imp. Costruzioni). Technical Manager.
2006- 07 Ing. Maravolo G., Via B. Buozzi, 49  S. Sebastiano  Napoli. Technical assistant.
2007 Ing. Gaetano Gabriele  Galleria Vanvitelli, Vomero  Napoli - . (Technical Engineering
Services).  Technical field assistant.
2007-08 Ing. Ezio Corrado  Via S. Salvatore IIa Trav., Gricignano di Aversa (CE)
(Technical Engineering Services).
2009-12 PROMOPROJECT S.r.L. - (Technical Engineering Services).
2013 Unemployed ( INPS - Unemployment income year 2013) .
2014- 16 PROMOPROJECT S.r.L. - (Technical Engineering Services). Technical assistant.
1989-90 - Agnano 90. (Road Construction for World Cup 90).
- 2nd
Trunk Road. (Naples urban area). Via Galdieri Yard/ Vomero.
- Sewage Construction. Volla (near Naples).
- Industrial Water Works Reconstruction Projects  Cellole/Serino (nr. Caserta).
- Water Plans and secondary road-net work: Expressway Connection between Nerico and Muro
Lucano (PZ). (Italy).
1990-92 3rd
Trunk Road. (Naples urban area). Via Pigna Yard/Vomero.
1992-94 - Work of Construction: Industrial Area of Calitri Avellino/Campania  Italy.
- Work of Construction: Connection Expressway between industrial area of Baragiano
Scalo and Muro Lucano city. Potenza/Basilicata  Italy.
- Work of Construction: Connection Expressway between Calitri and the highway
S.S. 401 Ofantina. Avellino/Campania (Italy).
1994-96 Work of Construction: Connection Expressway between Muro Lucano city and
highway S.S. 401 Ofantina :
Secondary road-net work and crossing: Exit to Pescopagano- Basilicata/Campania (Italy).
1995 Work of Completion: Sewage-net work of Benevento.
1996-99 Works of Construction: Connection Expressway between Muro Lucano city and the
highway S.S. 401 Ofantina:
- Secondary road-net work and crossing: Exit toward Pescopagano.
- Crossroad exit: A.N.A.S.- Works of Completion- Basilicata/Campania - Italy.
2002 Emergency Industrial Water Work Repairs 2002: Areas between Naples and Caserta.
2003 Works of adjustment and expansion of the water supply and local sewerage - Campania -
Interventions for the mitigation of the hydrogeological risk - Vairano Partenora (CE)
SviluppoItalia  Manufactoring district, ex Area Saffa, Marcianise (CE).
2003 Preliminary draft: Turist Seaport of Siculiana Marina
2004 Reorganization areas roads, parking lots and internal roads dell'Ist.Nazionale for the
Study and Treatment of Cancer G. Pascale  Naples - Italy
2005 Sviluppo Italia Manufactoring district, ex Area Saffa, Marcianise (CE).
(Preliminary draft 2nd
2004 Emergency social-economic-environment of the catchment area of the River Sarno "-
Completion of the drainage system works - I属 Part.
Comune di Ottaviano (NA). Definitive project.
2004 Works of rehabilitation and functionality of conduct DN1000 Monterusciello-Ischia in
Localit Schiana, Comune di Pozzuoli (NA). Executive project.
2004 Emergency for Reclamation and Water Protection in the Campania Region "
(Cuma Collector - Emissary of Coroglio - Link road to the system sewage)
Completion of access to the Sewage works structure - Piedigrotta.
2004 AcquaLatina S.p.A.  System for the supply of the seaside region of Lazio Region-
down Area - Final design - II属 Trunk.
2005 Emergency social-economic-environment of the catchment area of the River Sarno
Completion of the drainage system works - II属 Trunk. Comune di Ottaviano (NA).
Definitive project.
2006 Sector integrated water cycle - objective law - Completion and adaptation of
Area water supply system Flegreo-Domitiana. " - Eni Acqua Campania S.p.A. 
Regione Campania. Progetto Definitivo.
2005 " Completion of the drainage system works " - Comune di Nocera Inferiore 
Regione Campania - Definitive project - I属 Trunk.
2007 Emergency social-economic-environment of the catchment area of the River Sarno
 Completion of the drainage system works - I属 Trunk.
Comune di Nola (NA) - Executive project.
2008 Construction of Turist Seaport with associated ground infrastructure and resort
Marina di Vigliena  San Giovanni a Teduccio, Napoli.
 Clients: Comune di Napoli - Autorit portuale.
Implementer: Portofiorito S.p.A. - Definitive and Executive project.
2006 Emergency social-economic-environment of the catchment area of the River Sarno
 Completion of the drainage system works - II属 Trunk.. Comune di Nola (NA).
Executive project.
2007 - Plant of water-sanitary distribution system for the ' Wellness Center '
Porta del Parco di Bagnoli  Napoli.
- " Adaptation Works and Functional Rehabilitation of Elementary School
IV 属 circle in via De Lauzieres " - Portici City - Naples.
2008 Water supply infrastructure design Molisano Central Side - Final design.
Adaptation and upgrading the water network " Molisano Right side" Final design.
2007-08 R.F.I. S.p.a.  Direction Investment - Suppression Rail Crossing Program
and cleansing acoustic emissions  Caserta.  Public Works in Angri and Scafati (SA),
KM.28+843  29+407  30+845 : n属 1 viaduct - n属 1 underpass  n属 3 pedestrian
catwalks  Final design.
2009 R.F.I. S.p.a.  Direction Investment - Suppression Rail Crossing
Program and cleansing acoustic emissions  Caserta.  Public Works in San Egidio
Montalbino (SA),  Link road between Via Ugo Foscolo and viaduct made at
Km. 32+547  - Final design.
2009  13 Promoproject S.r.l.  Engineering Services Company General cost-accounting and yard
accounting: Italian Public Works, (railways, highways and industrial water projects).
 Work planning.
 Tunnel Construction.
 Foundations and Bulkheads.
 Viaducts in steel and concrete.
 Works of Support and Consolidation, Walls, Piles and Jet-Piles.
 Excavation of roads..
 Construction trunk roads and supporting structure schemes.
 Secondary road works.
 Industrial water system projects.
 Guardrail programming.
 Road covering (asphalt etc.).
 Road illumination.
 Traffic lights and signs system..
 Contab  Primus Win (Cost-Account).
 Strade 4  Strade 7 (Highway and Road Engineering).
 Autocad 11-12-Light-14-2000 04-07-13 (CAD drawings).
 Microsoft Word 5-6-7-2000.
 Excel 5-7-2000.
 3d Studio 3-4- Max (3-dimensional drawings).
 Paint Shop Pro  Photoshop  Publisher.
 GEORES (Computing Industrial Electrical Works).
 Industrial College Filippo Silvestri, Portici (Na).
 Technical Surveyors Institute L. Murialdo, San Giuseppe Vesuviano (Na).
 Virtual projects maker, Poetries writer, Water Colour painter, Piano, Rugby, Soccer player,
Historical romance reader.
- Author of an historical Essay published in Italian language:  Il Genocidio Negato
The Denied Genocide  Sept 2013. ISBN : 979-12-200-0177-9
E-mail: satellit33@hotmail.it
E-mail: satellit33@libero.it

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Curriculum 2016_Eng

  • 1. RREESSUUMMEE NNAAMMEE :: Carlo Ceresa DOB: 2nd January 1959. POB: CROTONE/CALABRIA (IT). ADDRESS: Via Nuova Bellavista, 3 80056 Ercolano (NA) - Italy. PHONE: 081- 270765 MOBILE: 338 - 1808430. E-MAIL: satellit33@hotmail.it satellit33@libero.it OCCUPATION: Technical Consultant. NATIONALITY: Italian. STATUS: Married - Separated (two children). 1) QQUUAALLIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS Senior Surveyor Cost Accountant Draftsman 3d Modeller Web Designer 22)) TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL AABBIILLIITTIIEESS General cost-accounting and yard accounting: Public Works, (railways, highways and industrial water projects). Technical Engineering and Architectural services: - CAD drawings of plans and structures. - Architectural CAD drawings. - CAD mapping. - Digitalizing of topographical surveys. - Tree-dimensional modelling for environmental projection and feasibility studies: (Three-dimensional modelling of internal designs, external plans and arrangements, reconstruction of sites such as: urban and industrial areas and public works). Computing and cost accounting regarding technological structures: to realize Fiber Optic projects(walk-in schemes) and Electric Computing (low tension). Virtual Projects: - Realization advertisements and animation. - Selection audio and video files. - Assemblage of multimedia products. - Ideation web pages.
  • 2. 33)) EENNGGIINNEEEERRIINNGG WWOORRKK RREECCOORRDD 1982-85 AR.TE.CO S.r.l., via Campegna - Napoli. (Framework Engineering). Draftsperson. 1985-86 VU.TE.CO s.a.s. di De Rosa & C. San Giorgio a Cremano (NA). Technical Seller. 1986-88 V. SCOGNAMIGLIO Pianura Napoli. (Arts Factory). Technical Manager. 1988-89 ICLA S.p.a. via Nuova Agnano,11 Napoli. (Road Works). On site assistant. 1989-90 ICLA S.p.a. via Nuova Agnano,11 Napoli. Cost accountant and draftsperson. 1990-92 ICLA S.p.a. - Yards T.Office, Vomero. Technical cost accountant and draftsperson. 1990-93 Engineer Leonardo Pagnini, via Petrarca, 93/8,Vomero. Technical field assistant. 1992-94 ICLA Costruzioni Generali S.p.a. (Public Works). Analyst of as built projects. 1994-96 ICLA C.G. S.p.a. Yards T.Office 81. Cost accountant and draftsman. 1996 Engineer Vittorio Biggieri, via Luca da Penne, 3 - Napoli. Technical field assistant. 1996-99 ICLA C.G. S.p.a. Yards T.Office 81.Cost accountant and draftsperson. 2002/July S.T.I.GE. S.r.l. via S. Lucia, 34 Napoli. (Technical Engineering Services). Technical assistant. 2002/Sept. T.M. S.r.l. v. Lepanto, 137 Napoli. (Computing of technological structures).Technical Manager. 2002 S.T.I.GE. S.r.l. via S. Lucia, 34 Napoli. (Technical Engineering Services). Technical assistant. 2002-03 T.M. S.r.l. via Lepanto, 137 - Napoli. (Computing of technological structures).Technical Manager 2003-04 S.T.I.GE. S.r.l. via S. Lucia, 34 Napoli. . (Technical Engineering Services). Technical assistant. 2004-06 S.T.I.GE. S.r.l. via S. Lucia, 34 Napoli. (Technical Engineering Services). On site assistant. 2006 CREDENDINO S.p.A. CDN Is. F /3, Napoli. (Imp. Costruzioni). Technical Manager. 2006- 07 Ing. Maravolo G., Via B. Buozzi, 49 S. Sebastiano Napoli. Technical assistant. 2007 Ing. Gaetano Gabriele Galleria Vanvitelli, Vomero Napoli - . (Technical Engineering Services). Technical field assistant. 2007-08 Ing. Ezio Corrado Via S. Salvatore IIa Trav., Gricignano di Aversa (CE) (Technical Engineering Services). 2009-12 PROMOPROJECT S.r.L. - (Technical Engineering Services). 2013 Unemployed ( INPS - Unemployment income year 2013) . 2014- 16 PROMOPROJECT S.r.L. - (Technical Engineering Services). Technical assistant. 4) PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKKSS :: 1989-90 - Agnano 90. (Road Construction for World Cup 90). - 2nd Trunk Road. (Naples urban area). Via Galdieri Yard/ Vomero. - Sewage Construction. Volla (near Naples). - Industrial Water Works Reconstruction Projects Cellole/Serino (nr. Caserta). - Water Plans and secondary road-net work: Expressway Connection between Nerico and Muro Lucano (PZ). (Italy). 1990-92 3rd Trunk Road. (Naples urban area). Via Pigna Yard/Vomero. 1992-94 - Work of Construction: Industrial Area of Calitri Avellino/Campania Italy. - Work of Construction: Connection Expressway between industrial area of Baragiano Scalo and Muro Lucano city. Potenza/Basilicata Italy. - Work of Construction: Connection Expressway between Calitri and the highway S.S. 401 Ofantina. Avellino/Campania (Italy). 1994-96 Work of Construction: Connection Expressway between Muro Lucano city and highway S.S. 401 Ofantina : Secondary road-net work and crossing: Exit to Pescopagano- Basilicata/Campania (Italy). 1995 Work of Completion: Sewage-net work of Benevento.
  • 3. 1996-99 Works of Construction: Connection Expressway between Muro Lucano city and the highway S.S. 401 Ofantina: - Secondary road-net work and crossing: Exit toward Pescopagano. - Crossroad exit: A.N.A.S.- Works of Completion- Basilicata/Campania - Italy. 2002 Emergency Industrial Water Work Repairs 2002: Areas between Naples and Caserta. 2003 Works of adjustment and expansion of the water supply and local sewerage - Campania - Interventions for the mitigation of the hydrogeological risk - Vairano Partenora (CE) SviluppoItalia Manufactoring district, ex Area Saffa, Marcianise (CE). 2003 Preliminary draft: Turist Seaport of Siculiana Marina 2004 Reorganization areas roads, parking lots and internal roads dell'Ist.Nazionale for the Study and Treatment of Cancer G. Pascale Naples - Italy 2005 Sviluppo Italia Manufactoring district, ex Area Saffa, Marcianise (CE). (Preliminary draft 2nd Phase). 2004 Emergency social-economic-environment of the catchment area of the River Sarno "- Completion of the drainage system works - I属 Part. Comune di Ottaviano (NA). Definitive project. 2004 Works of rehabilitation and functionality of conduct DN1000 Monterusciello-Ischia in Localit Schiana, Comune di Pozzuoli (NA). Executive project. 2004 Emergency for Reclamation and Water Protection in the Campania Region " (Cuma Collector - Emissary of Coroglio - Link road to the system sewage) Completion of access to the Sewage works structure - Piedigrotta. 2004 AcquaLatina S.p.A. System for the supply of the seaside region of Lazio Region- down Area - Final design - II属 Trunk. 2005 Emergency social-economic-environment of the catchment area of the River Sarno Completion of the drainage system works - II属 Trunk. Comune di Ottaviano (NA). Definitive project. 2006 Sector integrated water cycle - objective law - Completion and adaptation of Area water supply system Flegreo-Domitiana. " - Eni Acqua Campania S.p.A. Regione Campania. Progetto Definitivo. 2005 " Completion of the drainage system works " - Comune di Nocera Inferiore Regione Campania - Definitive project - I属 Trunk. 2007 Emergency social-economic-environment of the catchment area of the River Sarno Completion of the drainage system works - I属 Trunk. Comune di Nola (NA) - Executive project. 2008 Construction of Turist Seaport with associated ground infrastructure and resort Marina di Vigliena San Giovanni a Teduccio, Napoli. Clients: Comune di Napoli - Autorit portuale. Implementer: Portofiorito S.p.A. - Definitive and Executive project. 2006 Emergency social-economic-environment of the catchment area of the River Sarno Completion of the drainage system works - II属 Trunk.. Comune di Nola (NA).
  • 4. Executive project. 2007 - Plant of water-sanitary distribution system for the ' Wellness Center ' Porta del Parco di Bagnoli Napoli. - " Adaptation Works and Functional Rehabilitation of Elementary School IV 属 circle in via De Lauzieres " - Portici City - Naples. 2008 Water supply infrastructure design Molisano Central Side - Final design. Adaptation and upgrading the water network " Molisano Right side" Final design. 2007-08 R.F.I. S.p.a. Direction Investment - Suppression Rail Crossing Program and cleansing acoustic emissions Caserta. Public Works in Angri and Scafati (SA), KM.28+843 29+407 30+845 : n属 1 viaduct - n属 1 underpass n属 3 pedestrian catwalks Final design. 2009 R.F.I. S.p.a. Direction Investment - Suppression Rail Crossing Program and cleansing acoustic emissions Caserta. Public Works in San Egidio Montalbino (SA), Link road between Via Ugo Foscolo and viaduct made at Km. 32+547 - Final design. 2009 13 Promoproject S.r.l. Engineering Services Company General cost-accounting and yard accounting: Italian Public Works, (railways, highways and industrial water projects). 5) PPRROOFFEESSSSIIOONNAALL CCOOUURRSSEESS Work planning. Tunnel Construction. Foundations and Bulkheads. Viaducts in steel and concrete. Works of Support and Consolidation, Walls, Piles and Jet-Piles. Excavation of roads.. Construction trunk roads and supporting structure schemes. Interconnections. Secondary road works. Industrial water system projects. Guardrail programming. Road covering (asphalt etc.). Road illumination. Traffic lights and signs system.. 66)) CCOOMMPPUUTTIINNGG SSYYSSTTEEMMSS UUSSEEDD SSIINNCCEE 11999900 Contab Primus Win (Cost-Account). Strade 4 Strade 7 (Highway and Road Engineering). Autocad 11-12-Light-14-2000 04-07-13 (CAD drawings). Microsoft Word 5-6-7-2000. Excel 5-7-2000. 3d Studio 3-4- Max (3-dimensional drawings). Paint Shop Pro Photoshop Publisher. GEORES (Computing Industrial Electrical Works).
  • 5. 7) EEDDUUCCAATTIIOONNAALL RREECCOORRDD Industrial College Filippo Silvestri, Portici (Na). Technical Surveyors Institute L. Murialdo, San Giuseppe Vesuviano (Na). 8) HHOOBBBBIIEESS AANNDD IINNTTEERREESSTTSS Virtual projects maker, Poetries writer, Water Colour painter, Piano, Rugby, Soccer player, Historical romance reader. - Author of an historical Essay published in Italian language: Il Genocidio Negato The Denied Genocide Sept 2013. ISBN : 979-12-200-0177-9 E-mail: satellit33@hotmail.it E-mail: satellit33@libero.it