Hope Gunderson has extensive experience in customer service, volunteer management, and education. She holds a Master's degree in Interpersonal Communication from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and currently works as Store Manager for Plowsharing Crafts. Previously she held roles managing off-site sales and has experience teaching Interpersonal Communication and Public Speaking at the university level. She has participated in workshops on diversity and emergency preparedness and engages in regular community service through organizations supporting fair trade and habitat restoration.
EDUCATION PRESENTATION: Digital and Social Media: Supporting Attainment, Aspi...Dowshan Humzah
Understand how digital and social media can help schools and those working in the education sector to support attainment, aspiration, 'employability' and social mobility for young people from challenged and less-privileged backgrounds. In particular, this can help deliver more engaging lessons, support outstanding teaching, assist job searches and be applied within a business/professional environment.
Presentation at ConVerge 2010. Barriers faced when delivering Certificate IV in Training and Assessment with a blended delivery model and how they were overcome
Session 1 Claire Simon Accrington AcademyMike Blamires
This document summarizes a partnership project between five schools to assess the impact of initial teacher training (ITT) on student achievement. The schools collaborated to create DVDs and guidance showing how ITT trainees worked with students in different subject areas and age groups. They found that involving trainees had positive impacts such as new ideas for ITT programs, lasting school partnerships, and increased student achievement in its widest sense. The project strengthened the professional development network between the schools.
The document summarizes the agenda and discussions from an Advisory Committee meeting about connections for individuals who are deaf-blind. It includes:
1) Welcome and introductions from staff and committee members.
2) Updates on events and projects around the state facilitated by the Center for Blind and Severely Sight-Impaired (CBSS), including a family picnic, training opportunities, and policy changes.
3) A presentation about a demonstration project at Delrey School implementing a multi-sensory literacy approach in partnership with CBSS.
This document summarizes a presentation about applying for grants to enhance K-12 classrooms. It lists the presenters, goals of discussing why and how grants can change classrooms, and types of beginner, intermediate, and advanced breakout sessions. It provides information on the Teacher Innovation Grants of $400-1,200 deadline of November 28, 2014, and encourages attending the January 31, 2015 BEF Teacher EXPO for workshops, speakers, and proven innovative lessons. Details are given on the Adapter Grant opportunity requiring EXPO attendance, choosing a favorite presentation, and adapting it with a unique twist. Contact information is provided for the Broward County Grant Department.
Training One2one keynote july13 "My students today are your top talent tomorrow"Diane Gayeski
This document discusses the changing nature of today's college students and how educational approaches need to adapt. It notes that traditional teaching methods no longer work with the "new learner" who is anxious, constantly connected, and more demanding. Today's students need accommodations for various disabilities and lifestyles. They also desire more mobility through study abroad and internships. The document suggests engaging students through challenges and real-world problems rather than traditional lecturing. It advocates delivering content online but using the classroom for discussion. Social media is transforming the entire college experience through tools like prospective student networking portals and mobile audio channels. The biggest takeaway is that instructors need new training methods focused on teaching students how to learn rather than what to learn
This document is a resume for Ziyong Huang that outlines his education, work experience, leadership experience, skills, and activities. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of Arizona with a GPA of 3.7 and double majors in Marketing and Managing Information Systems. His work experience includes being an investor at PitchVantage and serving on the board of the Eller Global Business Leader Program. He has held leadership roles such as Vice President of Communication for the Eller College Chinese Student Council.
Michael Brandt Curriculum Vitae - July 2017Michael Brandt
Michael John Brandt is a senior banking executive with over 20 years of experience in leadership roles across retail banking, business banking, and insurance. He has a proven track record of managing large teams and portfolios, with responsibilities including over $1 billion in lending and $800 million in deposits. Brandt is currently the Head of Distribution Management for Insurance at National Australia Bank, where he leads the development and execution of the insurance channel sales and governance strategy.
Curriculum vitae, 2011 (en construcci坦n)miguelgalban
Este curr鱈culum vitae resume la trayectoria acad辿mica y profesional de Miguel ngel Galb叩n Garc鱈a. Detalla su educaci坦n m辿dica en Venezuela y Estados Unidos, sus numerosos cargos y experiencia en hospitales venezolanos, sus actividades docentes, publicaciones, reconocimientos y presentaciones internacionales. Miguel ngel Galb叩n Garc鱈a es un experto ortopedista venezolano con una destacada carrera en cirug鱈a reconstructiva de extremidades.
Este curr鱈culum vitae resume la informaci坦n personal, educaci坦n, certificaciones, experiencia laboral y capacitaciones de Victor Manuel Gutierrez. Incluye detalles sobre sus estudios primarios, secundarios y superiores, as鱈 como sus m叩s de 30 experiencias laborales en cargos como atenci坦n al cliente, marketing, ventas y administraci坦n. Tambi辿n enumera los cursos y capacitaciones que ha tomado en temas como ofim叩tica, ingl辿s, turismo, gerencia, y maquillaje y belleza.
Este documento apresenta o programa Pr坦-Universit叩rio da Secretaria de Educa巽達o do Estado de S達o Paulo, que oferece 5.000 vagas para alunos do ensino m辿dio da rede p炭blica se prepararem para ingressar no ensino superior. O programa 辿 uma parceria entre a Secretaria de Educa巽達o e a Universidade de S達o Paulo e visa promover igualdade de oportunidades aos estudantes da rede p炭blica atrav辿s de material did叩tico e apoio pedag坦gico.
Este documento presenta un portafolio de biolog鱈a realizado por el estudiante Deryan Flores para el curso de nivelaci坦n general en la Universidad T辿cnica de Machala. Incluye su curr鱈culum vitae, autobiograf鱈a, introducci坦n al portafolio, agradecimientos, dedicatoria, justificaci坦n, objetivos, y contenidos generales sobre diversos temas de biolog鱈a como la biolog鱈a como ciencia, biolog鱈a celular, bases qu鱈micas de la vida y origen de la vida.
Este documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o sobre o curso "Linguagem, Trabalho e Tecnologia" ministrado pelo professor L炭cio Lima. O professor destaca que o objetivo do curso 辿 reflex達o sobre comunica巽達o, mercado de trabalho e novas tecnologias para preparar os alunos para o ingresso no mercado de trabalho. O material cont辿m textos sucintos e breves ensaios sobre os assuntos abordados ao longo do semestre.
A carta de recomenda巽達o 辿 para Luiz Roberto Pinto, que trabalhou como T辿cnico em Edifica巽達o na Casa do Gesso Decora巽探es LTDA de agosto de 2014 a mar巽o de 2015, tendo se mostrado competente, respons叩vel e pontual sob a supervis達o direta do propriet叩rio Lucas Nascimento, que recomenda seus servi巽os.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de curr鱈culos y sus caracter鱈sticas. Se discuten el curr鱈culo abierto vs cerrado, el curr鱈culo expl鱈cito vs latente y el curr鱈culo oculto. El curr鱈culo abierto se centra en el proceso de aprendizaje, da importancia a las diferencias individuales y eval炭a el progreso del estudiante. El curr鱈culo cerrado tiene objetivos y contenidos predeterminados e iguales para todos. El curr鱈culo expl鱈cito se centra en habilidades cognitivas mientras que el latente se transmite impl鱈cit
A Igreja Adventista de Salamim emite cartas de recomenda巽達o para tr棚s membros - Osimar Ara炭jo Silva, M叩rcio Ara炭jo Silva e Elisabete Marques da Silva - confirmando seu status ativo e regular de acordo com os princ鱈pios b鱈blicos e doutrin叩rios da igreja. As cartas s達o assinadas pelo anci達o Jo達o Marques da Silva e secret叩rio Odemir Rosa da Silva.
Gu鱈a para saber como hacer un buen Curriculum Vitae, con claves y consejos muy 炭tiles. Incluye herramientas, plantillas y ejemplos para crear CVs profesionales . Puedes el art鱈culo entero en este enlace https://claudioinacio.com/2018/06/05/como-hacer-un-buen-curriculum-vitae/
CARGO: Ingeniero en Sistemas
FUNCIONES: encargado en toda a parte de sistemas y computo (hadware y
JEFE INMEDIATO: Juan Carlos Gomez
TELEFONO: 3102569874
1 enero 2012 actualidad
Universidad de Bucaramanga
CARGO: Monitor
AREA: Ingenier鱈a de Sistemas
JEFE INMEDIATO: Jorge Hern叩ndez
1 febrero 1999 - 31 diciembre 1999
Universidad de Bucaramanga
CARGO: Auxiliar de investigaci坦n
AREA: Ingenier鱈a de S
Maria Ahern has experience in marketing, customer service, and education. She has held internships in marketing, social media management, and website design. Additionally, she has worked as a customer service representative, teacher's assistant, and led extracurricular activities. Maria obtained her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a Marketing major and Design minor from Washington University. She is proficient in Spanish and various software programs.
Luke Modzier graduated from Rutgers University with a B.S. in Exercise Science and Sport Studies. He currently works as a Student Services Counselor at NYU Polytechnic Online School of Engineering, where he provides counseling and recruitment services to prospective and current students. Prior to this, he held various leadership, marketing, and customer service roles at Rutgers University and local school districts, demonstrating skills in advising, public speaking, social media, and team building.
Megan Yoder is a student at Indiana University pursuing degrees in Operations Management with minors in Spanish and Environmental Management. She has a strong interest in social entrepreneurship and using business to help those in poverty and create sustainability. She has volunteer experience in healthcare clinics, equine therapy, and as an international missionary. Megan also has work experience in medical offices and as the editor-in-chief of her high school yearbook. She is currently the chair of networking for a social entrepreneurship student organization.
- Seeks a full-time student affairs position beginning summer or fall 2014 with demonstrated experience developing programs, advising students, and assessing initiatives at Chatham University.
- Possesses skills in oral and written communication, leadership development, program implementation, and working with diverse students as shown through graduate assistantships and internships.
- Holds a master's degree in counseling and a bachelor's degree in psychology and has gained experience in residence life, academic advising, orientation, and community outreach roles at Edinboro University.
Sara Meyers is a Master's student in School Counseling at Ohio State University with relevant counseling experience including internships at two high schools. She has a strong academic background with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and education minor from The College of Wooster. Her resume demonstrates experience in individual and group counseling, classroom lessons, collaboration, and use of data to identify student needs.
Sarah Reckinger earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Operations & Information Management from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She gained global experience studying abroad in Barcelona and participating in leadership activities such as guiding first year students as a peer mentor. Additionally, she biked across the US for 75 days to raise awareness and funds for affordable housing initiatives.
Presentation from the 2024 New Bonner Staff Orientation. This session explains how to develop, manage, and sustain a range of community partnerships and projects for students' community work and campus-wide engagement.
Lauren Hallau has over 15 years of experience in education, communications, and yoga instruction. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Spanish Education as well as a full-stack web development certificate. Her professional experience includes teaching 4th grade, coordinating internal communications and training, assisting with marketing and membership services, and founding an education focused yoga program.
Join our Mob: Developing the Career Potential of Aboriginal StudentsMATSITI
Indigenous people are under-represented in many professions including education. This presentation includes proven strategies and resources to develop the career potential of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
Michael Brandt Curriculum Vitae - July 2017Michael Brandt
Michael John Brandt is a senior banking executive with over 20 years of experience in leadership roles across retail banking, business banking, and insurance. He has a proven track record of managing large teams and portfolios, with responsibilities including over $1 billion in lending and $800 million in deposits. Brandt is currently the Head of Distribution Management for Insurance at National Australia Bank, where he leads the development and execution of the insurance channel sales and governance strategy.
Curriculum vitae, 2011 (en construcci坦n)miguelgalban
Este curr鱈culum vitae resume la trayectoria acad辿mica y profesional de Miguel ngel Galb叩n Garc鱈a. Detalla su educaci坦n m辿dica en Venezuela y Estados Unidos, sus numerosos cargos y experiencia en hospitales venezolanos, sus actividades docentes, publicaciones, reconocimientos y presentaciones internacionales. Miguel ngel Galb叩n Garc鱈a es un experto ortopedista venezolano con una destacada carrera en cirug鱈a reconstructiva de extremidades.
Este curr鱈culum vitae resume la informaci坦n personal, educaci坦n, certificaciones, experiencia laboral y capacitaciones de Victor Manuel Gutierrez. Incluye detalles sobre sus estudios primarios, secundarios y superiores, as鱈 como sus m叩s de 30 experiencias laborales en cargos como atenci坦n al cliente, marketing, ventas y administraci坦n. Tambi辿n enumera los cursos y capacitaciones que ha tomado en temas como ofim叩tica, ingl辿s, turismo, gerencia, y maquillaje y belleza.
Este documento apresenta o programa Pr坦-Universit叩rio da Secretaria de Educa巽達o do Estado de S達o Paulo, que oferece 5.000 vagas para alunos do ensino m辿dio da rede p炭blica se prepararem para ingressar no ensino superior. O programa 辿 uma parceria entre a Secretaria de Educa巽達o e a Universidade de S達o Paulo e visa promover igualdade de oportunidades aos estudantes da rede p炭blica atrav辿s de material did叩tico e apoio pedag坦gico.
Este documento presenta un portafolio de biolog鱈a realizado por el estudiante Deryan Flores para el curso de nivelaci坦n general en la Universidad T辿cnica de Machala. Incluye su curr鱈culum vitae, autobiograf鱈a, introducci坦n al portafolio, agradecimientos, dedicatoria, justificaci坦n, objetivos, y contenidos generales sobre diversos temas de biolog鱈a como la biolog鱈a como ciencia, biolog鱈a celular, bases qu鱈micas de la vida y origen de la vida.
Este documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o sobre o curso "Linguagem, Trabalho e Tecnologia" ministrado pelo professor L炭cio Lima. O professor destaca que o objetivo do curso 辿 reflex達o sobre comunica巽達o, mercado de trabalho e novas tecnologias para preparar os alunos para o ingresso no mercado de trabalho. O material cont辿m textos sucintos e breves ensaios sobre os assuntos abordados ao longo do semestre.
A carta de recomenda巽達o 辿 para Luiz Roberto Pinto, que trabalhou como T辿cnico em Edifica巽達o na Casa do Gesso Decora巽探es LTDA de agosto de 2014 a mar巽o de 2015, tendo se mostrado competente, respons叩vel e pontual sob a supervis達o direta do propriet叩rio Lucas Nascimento, que recomenda seus servi巽os.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de curr鱈culos y sus caracter鱈sticas. Se discuten el curr鱈culo abierto vs cerrado, el curr鱈culo expl鱈cito vs latente y el curr鱈culo oculto. El curr鱈culo abierto se centra en el proceso de aprendizaje, da importancia a las diferencias individuales y eval炭a el progreso del estudiante. El curr鱈culo cerrado tiene objetivos y contenidos predeterminados e iguales para todos. El curr鱈culo expl鱈cito se centra en habilidades cognitivas mientras que el latente se transmite impl鱈cit
A Igreja Adventista de Salamim emite cartas de recomenda巽達o para tr棚s membros - Osimar Ara炭jo Silva, M叩rcio Ara炭jo Silva e Elisabete Marques da Silva - confirmando seu status ativo e regular de acordo com os princ鱈pios b鱈blicos e doutrin叩rios da igreja. As cartas s達o assinadas pelo anci達o Jo達o Marques da Silva e secret叩rio Odemir Rosa da Silva.
Gu鱈a para saber como hacer un buen Curriculum Vitae, con claves y consejos muy 炭tiles. Incluye herramientas, plantillas y ejemplos para crear CVs profesionales . Puedes el art鱈culo entero en este enlace https://claudioinacio.com/2018/06/05/como-hacer-un-buen-curriculum-vitae/
CARGO: Ingeniero en Sistemas
FUNCIONES: encargado en toda a parte de sistemas y computo (hadware y
JEFE INMEDIATO: Juan Carlos Gomez
TELEFONO: 3102569874
1 enero 2012 actualidad
Universidad de Bucaramanga
CARGO: Monitor
AREA: Ingenier鱈a de Sistemas
JEFE INMEDIATO: Jorge Hern叩ndez
1 febrero 1999 - 31 diciembre 1999
Universidad de Bucaramanga
CARGO: Auxiliar de investigaci坦n
AREA: Ingenier鱈a de S
Maria Ahern has experience in marketing, customer service, and education. She has held internships in marketing, social media management, and website design. Additionally, she has worked as a customer service representative, teacher's assistant, and led extracurricular activities. Maria obtained her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a Marketing major and Design minor from Washington University. She is proficient in Spanish and various software programs.
Luke Modzier graduated from Rutgers University with a B.S. in Exercise Science and Sport Studies. He currently works as a Student Services Counselor at NYU Polytechnic Online School of Engineering, where he provides counseling and recruitment services to prospective and current students. Prior to this, he held various leadership, marketing, and customer service roles at Rutgers University and local school districts, demonstrating skills in advising, public speaking, social media, and team building.
Megan Yoder is a student at Indiana University pursuing degrees in Operations Management with minors in Spanish and Environmental Management. She has a strong interest in social entrepreneurship and using business to help those in poverty and create sustainability. She has volunteer experience in healthcare clinics, equine therapy, and as an international missionary. Megan also has work experience in medical offices and as the editor-in-chief of her high school yearbook. She is currently the chair of networking for a social entrepreneurship student organization.
- Seeks a full-time student affairs position beginning summer or fall 2014 with demonstrated experience developing programs, advising students, and assessing initiatives at Chatham University.
- Possesses skills in oral and written communication, leadership development, program implementation, and working with diverse students as shown through graduate assistantships and internships.
- Holds a master's degree in counseling and a bachelor's degree in psychology and has gained experience in residence life, academic advising, orientation, and community outreach roles at Edinboro University.
Sara Meyers is a Master's student in School Counseling at Ohio State University with relevant counseling experience including internships at two high schools. She has a strong academic background with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and education minor from The College of Wooster. Her resume demonstrates experience in individual and group counseling, classroom lessons, collaboration, and use of data to identify student needs.
Sarah Reckinger earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Operations & Information Management from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She gained global experience studying abroad in Barcelona and participating in leadership activities such as guiding first year students as a peer mentor. Additionally, she biked across the US for 75 days to raise awareness and funds for affordable housing initiatives.
Presentation from the 2024 New Bonner Staff Orientation. This session explains how to develop, manage, and sustain a range of community partnerships and projects for students' community work and campus-wide engagement.
Lauren Hallau has over 15 years of experience in education, communications, and yoga instruction. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Spanish Education as well as a full-stack web development certificate. Her professional experience includes teaching 4th grade, coordinating internal communications and training, assisting with marketing and membership services, and founding an education focused yoga program.
Join our Mob: Developing the Career Potential of Aboriginal StudentsMATSITI
Indigenous people are under-represented in many professions including education. This presentation includes proven strategies and resources to develop the career potential of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
Samantha MacMillan is a 2015 graduate of Nichols College with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and a 3.97 GPA. She held several leadership roles including President of Zeta Alpha Phi Scholastic Honor's Society and membership in the Student Retention Council and Student Government Association. Her internship experience includes compiling and analyzing mathematics education data and evaluating customer accounts receivables. She also worked as a peer tutor, admissions ambassador, and parts photographer.
This candidate has extensive experience in nonprofit management, program development, and community empowerment. They have a Bachelor's degree in International Leadership Studies and Studio Art from Marietta College, as well as study abroad experience in Madrid. Their career objective is to use their knowledge and creative skills to design meaningful experiences that positively impact clients.
Brandi R. Truesdell is seeking a position that utilizes her skills and ambition. She has a Bachelor's degree in Communication from Appalachian State University. Her previous experience includes internships in youth ministry and positions in education, customer service, and administration. She has strong skills in communication, customer service, Microsoft Office, and working with people of all ages.
This document is a resume for Donielle Turturro. It lists her contact information, personal mission as a school counselor to inspire students, and skills including strong interpersonal skills and experience with Microsoft programs. It details her education including a Master's degree in school counseling from Kean University and Bachelor's degree in psychology from The College of New Jersey. Her current position is as a career and technical educator at Thomas Edison Career and Technical Academy where she prepares and teaches cosmetology curriculum. Prior experience includes an internship as a school counselor at Robert Morris School #18 where duties involved counseling, classroom lessons, and collaboration.
Andrea Renee Scott is a fourth grade teacher at St. Louis Spanish Immersion School with experience as a staff support assistant and substitute teacher. She also works part-time as a claims coordinator for Innovative Claims Service. Scott has worked in marketing roles for Best Buy and as a residential educator for Middlebury Monterey Language Academy. She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Lindenwood University with a minor in Spanish.
Claudine Mondesir has experience in program development, lesson planning, classroom supervision, tutoring, and working with students with developmental disabilities. She has a Master's degree in Public Administration and Bachelor's degrees in Psychology & Education and Early Childhood Education. Her experience includes working as an Intake Coordinator, Head Teacher, and Teacher Assistant. She has strong communication, organizational, and cultural sensitivity skills.
Pierre-Andre K Pascal has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Visual Arts from Union College. He has experience in various roles such as program coordinator for Massachusetts Mentor, supervising at-risk youth for Youth Options Unlimited, and personal training. He has also held leadership positions with the Academic Opportunity Program and National Society of Black Engineers at Union College.
Paige Tanenbaum has over 25 years of experience in education and project management. She holds a Master of Education degree and has worked as a teacher, administrator, and tutor. Currently, she runs her own calligraphy business and also works as a medical assistant. She has strong communication, organizational, and technology skills and a track record of successfully managing diverse projects.
Hillary Larson is a digital organizer and content creator seeking a role where she can cover important topics and contribute her skills in generating leads, creative storytelling, and producing written and visual content. She has experience strategizing and implementing digital campaigns around clean energy at Environment America and running public interest campaigns as director of WashPIRG. Her education includes a bachelor's degree in journalism from Boston University.
Kelly Pilarski seeks a position with a stable organization where she can utilize her customer relations and sales skills. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a specialization in sales from Michigan State University. Her experience includes internships at Kohl's Department Stores and calling alumni as an MSU Greenline caller. She also has experience leading music and presentations for children at her church's vacation bible school.
Chaim Shapiro is a hands-on career services professional who provides strategic vision and planning, employer relations, student counseling, and assessment. He markets his career services office through strong communication and problem-solving skills. He is active in professional leadership, offering transformative ideas and attention to detail. As a social media pioneer for career services, he leads LinkedIn networking and founded the #CareerServChat Twitter chat.
Hope Gunderson
1006 B North Main Street, Edwardsville, Il 62025
M.A. May 2014
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Area of Emphasis: Interpersonal Communication
B.A. August 2012
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Major: Interpersonal Communication
Minor: Religious Studies
Senior Project: That is Not a Way to Talk to Your Professor: E-mail
Expectations Between College Students and Professors
Store Manager for Plowsharing Crafts February 2016- Present
Marketing and logistics of all store event and promotions
Managed volunteers each week to ensure the store was well-covered
Provided excellent customer service to keep customers and clients
Worked with vendor and suppliers from developing nations to keep new and appealing stock
Educated groups and individuals about the principles of fair trade and the mission of
Plowsharing Crafts
Coordinated group education events for local groups
Off-site Sales Managerfor Plowsharing Crafts August 2014- January 2016
Marketing and logistics of all off-site sales in the St. Louis area for Plowsharing Crafts
Planed, set-up, and tore-down product displays at each sale
Coordinated to ensure that as many as ten sales per weekend were all staffed by trained
2. Managed volunteers staffing each sale and ensured that they had the proper product, staffing,
and knowledge to execute a successful sale
Corresponded with event planners and organizers to start new events, organize events, and
maintain reoccurring events
Adult Circulation Clerk May 2014- August 2014
Provided Customer Service
Used the computer system to check books in and out, renew books, add books and patrons to
the system, assign specific due dates to special loans, and other related tasks
Answered phone calls in order to provide information, perform an aforementioned task,
record patron information, or transfer calls to designated persons
Graduate Teaching Assistant August 2012 May 2014
Sole instructor of 2 courses in interpersonal communication each semester
Instructed students on integral concepts of interpersonal communication
Facilitated class discussion and application on theories and concepts of real world situations
Designed activities for class time to keep students engaged and support integration of class
Created and graded assignments and exams to test student learning of class concepts
Circulation Student Worker August 2009 August 2012
Provided Customer Service including conflict resolution with difficult patrons.
Used the computer system to check books in and out, renew books, add books and patrons to
the system, assign specific due dates to special loans, and other related tasks.
Answered phone calls in order to provide information, perform an aforementioned task,
record patron information, or transfer calls to designated persons
Trained new workers to ensure they are capable of performing these tasks effectively and
Billing student worker requiring locating missing materials, mailing overdue notices, and
clerical work
Central States Communication Association G.I.F.T presentation April 2013
Title: What not to say: Communication competence online
National Communication Association November 2013
Title: That is Not a Way to Talk to Your Professor: E-mail Expectations Between College
Students and Professors
Interpersonal Communication August 2012 May 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistantship
Solo Instructor
3. Public Speaking August 2013 May 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistantship
Solo Instructor
Guest lecture in Computer Mediated Communication November 2012
Topic: Online break-ups and Facebook surveillance
David B. Valley Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Safe Zone Ally Training October 2012
Attended presentation on gay and lesbian issues in the classroom
Learned strategies for being more welcoming to members of the LGBTQ community inside
and outside of the classroom
Emergency Preparedness training October 2012
Attended presentation on preparation for potential emergencies such as tornadoes,
earthquakes, severe thunderstorms, and hostile intruders
Blackboard Online Lecture Training July 2012
Attended presentation on how to use blackboard to lecture online
Chik-fil-a Debate October 2012
Invited to participate by student body president in a campus debate over the continued
presence of Chik-fil-a in the campus cafeteria
Plowsharing Crafts May 2013 August 2014
Customer service, inventory, pricing, manning the store, other jobs as needed
Gateway Greening March - September 2011
Weeding, planting, and harvesting demonstration gardens, other jobs as needed
Habitat for Humanity June 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011
About once per year
2007 trip to Catamayo, Ecuador to help build a church for local congregation
Digging, painting, roofing, putting in windows, distributing water, cleaning, sifting dirt,
mixing concrete, other jobs as needed
Vacation Bible School, Toranto, Canada 2008
4. Music Coordinator/ Story Teller (Volunteer): facilitated learning of bible stories, games,
music and dancing for children ages 4-13
REACH June 2004
Helped remodel a home for an underprivileged older gentleman in Ohio
Painting, roofing, siding
Erin Swank- Youth Program Director- Eden UCC
Patrice Estes- Plowsharing Crafts Kirkwood Store Manager
Kelly Romoser- Marketing Director- CR Office Technologies