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Hope Gunderson
1006 B North Main Street, Edwardsville, Il 62025
M.A. May 2014
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Area of Emphasis: Interpersonal Communication
B.A. August 2012
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Major: Interpersonal Communication
Minor: Religious Studies
Senior Project: That is Not a Way to Talk to Your Professor: E-mail
Expectations Between College Students and Professors
Store Manager for Plowsharing Crafts February 2016- Present
 Marketing and logistics of all store event and promotions
 Managed volunteers each week to ensure the store was well-covered
 Provided excellent customer service to keep customers and clients
 Worked with vendor and suppliers from developing nations to keep new and appealing stock
 Educated groups and individuals about the principles of fair trade and the mission of
Plowsharing Crafts
 Coordinated group education events for local groups
Off-site Sales Managerfor Plowsharing Crafts August 2014- January 2016
 Marketing and logistics of all off-site sales in the St. Louis area for Plowsharing Crafts
 Planed, set-up, and tore-down product displays at each sale
 Coordinated to ensure that as many as ten sales per weekend were all staffed by trained
 Managed volunteers staffing each sale and ensured that they had the proper product, staffing,
and knowledge to execute a successful sale
 Corresponded with event planners and organizers to start new events, organize events, and
maintain reoccurring events
Adult Circulation Clerk May 2014- August 2014
 Provided Customer Service
 Used the computer system to check books in and out, renew books, add books and patrons to
the system, assign specific due dates to special loans, and other related tasks
 Answered phone calls in order to provide information, perform an aforementioned task,
record patron information, or transfer calls to designated persons
Graduate Teaching Assistant August 2012  May 2014
 Sole instructor of 2 courses in interpersonal communication each semester
 Instructed students on integral concepts of interpersonal communication
 Facilitated class discussion and application on theories and concepts of real world situations
 Designed activities for class time to keep students engaged and support integration of class
 Created and graded assignments and exams to test student learning of class concepts
Circulation Student Worker August 2009  August 2012
 Provided Customer Service including conflict resolution with difficult patrons.
 Used the computer system to check books in and out, renew books, add books and patrons to
the system, assign specific due dates to special loans, and other related tasks.
 Answered phone calls in order to provide information, perform an aforementioned task,
record patron information, or transfer calls to designated persons
 Trained new workers to ensure they are capable of performing these tasks effectively and
 Billing student worker requiring locating missing materials, mailing overdue notices, and
clerical work
Central States Communication Association G.I.F.T presentation April 2013
 Title: What not to say: Communication competence online
National Communication Association November 2013
 Title: That is Not a Way to Talk to Your Professor: E-mail Expectations Between College
Students and Professors
Interpersonal Communication August 2012  May 2014
 Graduate Teaching Assistantship
 Solo Instructor
Public Speaking August 2013  May 2014
 Graduate Teaching Assistantship
 Solo Instructor
Guest lecture in Computer Mediated Communication November 2012
 Topic: Online break-ups and Facebook surveillance
David B. Valley Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Safe Zone Ally Training October 2012
 Attended presentation on gay and lesbian issues in the classroom
 Learned strategies for being more welcoming to members of the LGBTQ community inside
and outside of the classroom
Emergency Preparedness training October 2012
 Attended presentation on preparation for potential emergencies such as tornadoes,
earthquakes, severe thunderstorms, and hostile intruders
Blackboard Online Lecture Training July 2012
 Attended presentation on how to use blackboard to lecture online
Chik-fil-a Debate October 2012
 Invited to participate by student body president in a campus debate over the continued
presence of Chik-fil-a in the campus cafeteria
Plowsharing Crafts May 2013  August 2014
 Customer service, inventory, pricing, manning the store, other jobs as needed
Gateway Greening March - September 2011
 Weeding, planting, and harvesting demonstration gardens, other jobs as needed
Habitat for Humanity June 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011
 About once per year
 2007 trip to Catamayo, Ecuador to help build a church for local congregation
 Digging, painting, roofing, putting in windows, distributing water, cleaning, sifting dirt,
mixing concrete, other jobs as needed
Vacation Bible School, Toranto, Canada 2008
 Music Coordinator/ Story Teller (Volunteer): facilitated learning of bible stories, games,
music and dancing for children ages 4-13
REACH June 2004
 Helped remodel a home for an underprivileged older gentleman in Ohio
 Painting, roofing, siding
 Erin Swank- Youth Program Director- Eden UCC
 Patrice Estes- Plowsharing Crafts Kirkwood Store Manager
 Kelly Romoser- Marketing Director- CR Office Technologies

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Curriculum Vitae 2017

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITA Hope Gunderson CONTACT INFORMATION 1006 B North Main Street, Edwardsville, Il 62025 618.696.2387 hopemkgunderson@gmail.com EDUCATION: M.A. May 2014 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Area of Emphasis: Interpersonal Communication B.A. August 2012 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Major: Interpersonal Communication Minor: Religious Studies Senior Project: That is Not a Way to Talk to Your Professor: E-mail Expectations Between College Students and Professors WORK EXPERIENCE: Store Manager for Plowsharing Crafts February 2016- Present Marketing and logistics of all store event and promotions Managed volunteers each week to ensure the store was well-covered Provided excellent customer service to keep customers and clients Worked with vendor and suppliers from developing nations to keep new and appealing stock Educated groups and individuals about the principles of fair trade and the mission of Plowsharing Crafts Coordinated group education events for local groups Off-site Sales Managerfor Plowsharing Crafts August 2014- January 2016 Marketing and logistics of all off-site sales in the St. Louis area for Plowsharing Crafts Planed, set-up, and tore-down product displays at each sale Coordinated to ensure that as many as ten sales per weekend were all staffed by trained volunteers
  • 2. Managed volunteers staffing each sale and ensured that they had the proper product, staffing, and knowledge to execute a successful sale Corresponded with event planners and organizers to start new events, organize events, and maintain reoccurring events Adult Circulation Clerk May 2014- August 2014 Provided Customer Service Used the computer system to check books in and out, renew books, add books and patrons to the system, assign specific due dates to special loans, and other related tasks Answered phone calls in order to provide information, perform an aforementioned task, record patron information, or transfer calls to designated persons Graduate Teaching Assistant August 2012 May 2014 Sole instructor of 2 courses in interpersonal communication each semester Instructed students on integral concepts of interpersonal communication Facilitated class discussion and application on theories and concepts of real world situations Designed activities for class time to keep students engaged and support integration of class concepts Created and graded assignments and exams to test student learning of class concepts Circulation Student Worker August 2009 August 2012 Provided Customer Service including conflict resolution with difficult patrons. Used the computer system to check books in and out, renew books, add books and patrons to the system, assign specific due dates to special loans, and other related tasks. Answered phone calls in order to provide information, perform an aforementioned task, record patron information, or transfer calls to designated persons Trained new workers to ensure they are capable of performing these tasks effectively and efficiently Billing student worker requiring locating missing materials, mailing overdue notices, and clerical work CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS: Central States Communication Association G.I.F.T presentation April 2013 Title: What not to say: Communication competence online National Communication Association November 2013 Title: That is Not a Way to Talk to Your Professor: E-mail Expectations Between College Students and Professors TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Interpersonal Communication August 2012 May 2014 Graduate Teaching Assistantship Solo Instructor
  • 3. Public Speaking August 2013 May 2014 Graduate Teaching Assistantship Solo Instructor Guest lecture in Computer Mediated Communication November 2012 Topic: Online break-ups and Facebook surveillance AWARD David B. Valley Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award WORKSHOPS ATTENDED: Safe Zone Ally Training October 2012 Attended presentation on gay and lesbian issues in the classroom Learned strategies for being more welcoming to members of the LGBTQ community inside and outside of the classroom Emergency Preparedness training October 2012 Attended presentation on preparation for potential emergencies such as tornadoes, earthquakes, severe thunderstorms, and hostile intruders Blackboard Online Lecture Training July 2012 Attended presentation on how to use blackboard to lecture online SERVICE UNIVERSITY SERVICE: Chik-fil-a Debate October 2012 Invited to participate by student body president in a campus debate over the continued presence of Chik-fil-a in the campus cafeteria COMMUNITY SERVICE: Plowsharing Crafts May 2013 August 2014 Customer service, inventory, pricing, manning the store, other jobs as needed Gateway Greening March - September 2011 Weeding, planting, and harvesting demonstration gardens, other jobs as needed Habitat for Humanity June 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 About once per year 2007 trip to Catamayo, Ecuador to help build a church for local congregation Digging, painting, roofing, putting in windows, distributing water, cleaning, sifting dirt, mixing concrete, other jobs as needed Vacation Bible School, Toranto, Canada 2008
  • 4. Music Coordinator/ Story Teller (Volunteer): facilitated learning of bible stories, games, music and dancing for children ages 4-13 REACH June 2004 Helped remodel a home for an underprivileged older gentleman in Ohio Painting, roofing, siding REFERENCES Erin Swank- Youth Program Director- Eden UCC 618-514-1924 eswank@eden-ucc.org Patrice Estes- Plowsharing Crafts Kirkwood Store Manager 314-315-7590 pestes@plowsharing,org Kelly Romoser- Marketing Director- CR Office Technologies 1-618-402-1346 krcromoser@gmail.com