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Updated 5/10/15
Curriculum Vitae
William J. Wright
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
PhD. Neuroscience, 2015-2020 (expected)
Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC
B.S. Biology with concentration in Neuroscience, 2011- 2015
Magna Cum Laude, Overall GPA – 3.81, Science GPA – 3.97
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
REU Summer Training in Alcohol Research (STAR) Program, May – July, 2014
One of eleven fellows
Under Dr. Kimberly Nixon, PhD.
REU Summer Training in Alcohol Research(STAR) grant, 2014
NIAAA training grant awarded to the University of Kentucky for the REU STAR program
Awarded to 11 undergraduate students each summer over the course of five summers
Grant: R25AA022823
Old Main Scholarship, 2011 – Present
Awarded based on leadership, academic achievement, and character
$20,000 - $15,000
South Carolina Palmetto Fellow Scholarship, 2011- Present
Awarded to students who achieve SAT over 1200 (ACT 27) or above, achieve a cumulative 3.50
GPA and rank in top 6% of graduating class
Harry D. Dobbs Scholarship, 2012-Present
Awarded based on academic performance to students majoring in biology
Dean’s List, Wofford College, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014
Awarded to students who achieve a GPA of 3.6 or greater for a given semester
Southern Conference Academic Honor Roll, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014
Awarded to NCAA Division I Athletes in the Southern Conference who achieve a 3.0 GPA in an
academic year.
Updated 5/10/15
Southern Conference Commissioner’s Medal, 2012-2013, 2013-2014
Awarded to NCAA Division I Athletes in the Southern Conference who achieve a 3.5 GPA in an
academic year
Wofford College, September, 2014 – May, 2015
Undergraduate Researcher; Advisor: Dr. David W. Pittman, PhD & Dr. Sarah E. Hostein, PhD.
Performing research in the psychology department of Wofford College examining the
effects antidepressant medications have on palatability of foods. Examining specifically
the parabrachial nucleus.
University of Kentucky, May 2014 – July 2014
Undergraduate Research Fellow; Advisor: Dr. Kimberly Nixon, PhD.
Performed research exploring the effects of alcohol on neurodegeneration and
neurogenesis in the hippocampus of rats. Conducted a study examining the effects of the
TSPO selective ligand Ro5-4864 on alcohol induced neurodegeneration and
neurogenesis. Also participated in other ongoing studies in the Nixon lab.
Wofford College, September, 2013 – April, 2014
Undergraduate Researcher; Advisor: Dr. Stacey Hettes, PhD.
Performed research in the biology department at Wofford College examining the role of
NMDA receptor activation in the lateral hypothalamus in the regulation of feeding and
hunting behavior in rats.
Experimental Techniques
Transcranial microinjections
Intraparitoneal injections
Intragastric gavage
Subcutaneous injections
Histological analysis
Light and florescent microscopy
Rapid Decapitation
Transcardial perfusion
Blood sampling (tail)
Animal handling (adult and adolescent rats)
Statistical data analysis
William Wright* (2014) Enhancement of Hippocampal Reactive Neurogenesis during Alcohol
Abstinence. Wofford College Bi-annual Science Research Symposium. Talk delivered at
Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, December 2014.
Updated 5/10/15
William Wright* (2014), The Effects of Ro5-4864 on Alochol-Induced Neurodegeneration and
Reactive Neurogenesis. University of Kentucky, College of Pharmacy Annual Summer
Research Symposium. Talk delivered at University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, July, 2014.
William Wright*, Savannah Mack*, Maria Davenport*, Stacey Hettes (2013), The Hunger
Games: Catching Crickets, Suppression of predatory hunting in rats. Wofford College Bi-annual
Science Research Symposium. Talk delivered at Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, December,
Candice E. van Skike, William J. Wright*, Kimberly Nixon (2015) Effects of the TSPO Ligand
Ro5-4864 on Hippocampal Cell Proliferation in a Rat Model of Alcoholism. Research Society on
Alcoholism Abstracts. Poster to be presented at Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting
in San Antonio, T.X., June 2015.
William Wright*, Maria Davenport*, Stacey Hettes (2014) Lateral Hypothalamic Glutamate
Receptors Mediate Predation of Crickets by Sprague-Dawley Rats. Association of Southeastern
Biologists Abstracts, P191. Poster presentation delivered at the Association of Southeastern
Biologists meeting, Spartanburg, S.C., April 2014.
*indicates undergraduate researcher
Physiology Teaching Assistant, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, September 2014-December
To assist instructor with running lab sessions, grading of assignments, and be available for
students needing help with coursework.
Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, Spartanburg, SC, January 2014
Shadowed several different doctors in various fields at Spartanburg Regional throughout the
month of January.
Mary Black Health System, Spartanburg, SC, January 2014
Shadowed several different doctors in various surgical fields at Mary Black throughout the
month of January
Special Olympic Volunteer, Anderson SC, 2009-2011
Email: wrightwj@email.wofford.edu
Updated 5/10/15
Cell Phone: 864-965-8684

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Curriculum Vitae

  • 1. Updated 5/10/15 Curriculum Vitae William J. Wright EDUCATION University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA PhD. Neuroscience, 2015-2020 (expected) Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC B.S. Biology with concentration in Neuroscience, 2011- 2015 Magna Cum Laude, Overall GPA – 3.81, Science GPA – 3.97 University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY REU Summer Training in Alcohol Research (STAR) Program, May – July, 2014 One of eleven fellows Under Dr. Kimberly Nixon, PhD. ACADEMIC AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS REU Summer Training in Alcohol Research(STAR) grant, 2014 NIAAA training grant awarded to the University of Kentucky for the REU STAR program Awarded to 11 undergraduate students each summer over the course of five summers Grant: R25AA022823 Old Main Scholarship, 2011 – Present Awarded based on leadership, academic achievement, and character $20,000 - $15,000 South Carolina Palmetto Fellow Scholarship, 2011- Present Awarded to students who achieve SAT over 1200 (ACT 27) or above, achieve a cumulative 3.50 GPA and rank in top 6% of graduating class $10,000 Harry D. Dobbs Scholarship, 2012-Present Awarded based on academic performance to students majoring in biology $1,000 Dean’s List, Wofford College, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014 Awarded to students who achieve a GPA of 3.6 or greater for a given semester Southern Conference Academic Honor Roll, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 Awarded to NCAA Division I Athletes in the Southern Conference who achieve a 3.0 GPA in an academic year.
  • 2. Updated 5/10/15 Southern Conference Commissioner’s Medal, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 Awarded to NCAA Division I Athletes in the Southern Conference who achieve a 3.5 GPA in an academic year RESEARCHEXPERIENCE Wofford College, September, 2014 – May, 2015 Undergraduate Researcher; Advisor: Dr. David W. Pittman, PhD & Dr. Sarah E. Hostein, PhD. Performing research in the psychology department of Wofford College examining the effects antidepressant medications have on palatability of foods. Examining specifically the parabrachial nucleus. University of Kentucky, May 2014 – July 2014 Undergraduate Research Fellow; Advisor: Dr. Kimberly Nixon, PhD. Performed research exploring the effects of alcohol on neurodegeneration and neurogenesis in the hippocampus of rats. Conducted a study examining the effects of the TSPO selective ligand Ro5-4864 on alcohol induced neurodegeneration and neurogenesis. Also participated in other ongoing studies in the Nixon lab. Wofford College, September, 2013 – April, 2014 Undergraduate Researcher; Advisor: Dr. Stacey Hettes, PhD. Performed research in the biology department at Wofford College examining the role of NMDA receptor activation in the lateral hypothalamus in the regulation of feeding and hunting behavior in rats. Experimental Techniques Transcranial microinjections Intraparitoneal injections Intragastric gavage Subcutaneous injections Immunohistochemistry Histological analysis Light and florescent microscopy Vibratome Euthanasia Rapid Decapitation Transcardial perfusion Blood sampling (tail) Animal handling (adult and adolescent rats) Ethogram Statistical data analysis TALKS William Wright* (2014) Enhancement of Hippocampal Reactive Neurogenesis during Alcohol Abstinence. Wofford College Bi-annual Science Research Symposium. Talk delivered at Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, December 2014.
  • 3. Updated 5/10/15 William Wright* (2014), The Effects of Ro5-4864 on Alochol-Induced Neurodegeneration and Reactive Neurogenesis. University of Kentucky, College of Pharmacy Annual Summer Research Symposium. Talk delivered at University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, July, 2014. William Wright*, Savannah Mack*, Maria Davenport*, Stacey Hettes (2013), The Hunger Games: Catching Crickets, Suppression of predatory hunting in rats. Wofford College Bi-annual Science Research Symposium. Talk delivered at Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, December, 2013. POSTER PRESENTATIONS Candice E. van Skike, William J. Wright*, Kimberly Nixon (2015) Effects of the TSPO Ligand Ro5-4864 on Hippocampal Cell Proliferation in a Rat Model of Alcoholism. Research Society on Alcoholism Abstracts. Poster to be presented at Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting in San Antonio, T.X., June 2015. William Wright*, Maria Davenport*, Stacey Hettes (2014) Lateral Hypothalamic Glutamate Receptors Mediate Predation of Crickets by Sprague-Dawley Rats. Association of Southeastern Biologists Abstracts, P191. Poster presentation delivered at the Association of Southeastern Biologists meeting, Spartanburg, S.C., April 2014. *indicates undergraduate researcher RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE Physiology Teaching Assistant, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, September 2014-December 2014 To assist instructor with running lab sessions, grading of assignments, and be available for students needing help with coursework. Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, Spartanburg, SC, January 2014 Shadowed several different doctors in various fields at Spartanburg Regional throughout the month of January. Mary Black Health System, Spartanburg, SC, January 2014 Shadowed several different doctors in various surgical fields at Mary Black throughout the month of January VOLUNTEER WORK Special Olympic Volunteer, Anderson SC, 2009-2011 CONTACT INFORMATION: Email: wrightwj@email.wofford.edu