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Curriculum Vitae
Leigh Harte
082 656 3309
Overview Of Myself
 Excellent Interpersonal and Organizational Skills
 Ambitious and self motivated.
 Can work as a team player and individually.
 Ambitious and strive for excellence.
 Confident and take pride in all that I do.
 Loyal and reliable.
Long-term goal
 To Own a farm so that I can do a recreation holiday
camp for children in school holidays. The reason for
this is majority of parents work and kids sit at home all
day or go out in the street. This will elevate the problem
and develop the kids mentally and physically and give
peace of mind to the parents.
 My Short Term-goal is to pay off my house, school fees
and University fees.
The Present Situation
 I am a 43 year old white single women.
 I have a 14 year old son.
 I currently reside in Wellington.
 I have a vehicle with Code 08 drivers licence.
 I currently speak and write English and Afrikaans.
 I currently can also speak Zulu not fluently.
 I am immediately available to commence work.
 I matriculated.
Development up to present
 I started off as a receptionist for Club Caravelle which
is a Holiday Resort.
 I went into the Motor Industry at Daewoo Motors as a
Sales Executive. I then went onto Toyota. I ended up at
Renault as I loved the brand.
 I went on to be the Regional Manager of Carfind in the
Western Cape and Eastern Cape.
Functions and Skills
 Liaising with all levels of Management and Clients. Management and set up of
policies and procedures. Monitoring and reporting to Head Office.
 Development, engagement and motivation of the team.
 Co-ordinating of day to day operations and overall efficient running of the office.
 Maintaining optimum customer service and relationships.
 Maintaining and Updating of Reports, SLA's, Salaries, Invoicing and Debtors.
 Sales and Marketing  New Business and Existing Clients. Strong focus on enhancing
growth. Target / incentive driven.
 Time Management and ability to effectively prioritize. Decision Making. Ability to
work under pressure.
 Presentations, Telesales.
 Administrative Skills.
Key Skills
 Computer Literate, Microsoft Office, Excel, Outlook, MS Word
 Powerpoint, Cloud
 Typing (60w.p.m)
 Additional Courses:
 Sales Training - Renault
 2012  Optima  Leadership Development Programme for Sales
Managers. AMH Top Deals  Sales Managers.
Contactable References
 Daewoo Motors  Mark Hancox  083 225 6011

 Renault Motors  Eugene Du Pless  082 801 5068
 - Andre Sadie - 083 500 8181
 Carfind (PTY) - Frank McDouall - 084 252 5252
 - Mike De Charmoy- 081 030 0275

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Curriculum Vitae - Leigh Harte

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Leigh Harte 082 656 3309 leighannharte@gmail.com
  • 2. Overview Of Myself Excellent Interpersonal and Organizational Skills Ambitious and self motivated. Can work as a team player and individually. Ambitious and strive for excellence. Confident and take pride in all that I do. Loyal and reliable. Strong.
  • 3. Long-term goal To Own a farm so that I can do a recreation holiday camp for children in school holidays. The reason for this is majority of parents work and kids sit at home all day or go out in the street. This will elevate the problem and develop the kids mentally and physically and give peace of mind to the parents. My Short Term-goal is to pay off my house, school fees and University fees.
  • 4. The Present Situation I am a 43 year old white single women. I have a 14 year old son. I currently reside in Wellington. I have a vehicle with Code 08 drivers licence. I currently speak and write English and Afrikaans. I currently can also speak Zulu not fluently. I am immediately available to commence work. I matriculated.
  • 5. Development up to present I started off as a receptionist for Club Caravelle which is a Holiday Resort. I went into the Motor Industry at Daewoo Motors as a Sales Executive. I then went onto Toyota. I ended up at Renault as I loved the brand. I went on to be the Regional Manager of Carfind in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape.
  • 6. Functions and Skills Liaising with all levels of Management and Clients. Management and set up of policies and procedures. Monitoring and reporting to Head Office. Development, engagement and motivation of the team. Co-ordinating of day to day operations and overall efficient running of the office. Maintaining optimum customer service and relationships. Maintaining and Updating of Reports, SLA's, Salaries, Invoicing and Debtors. Sales and Marketing New Business and Existing Clients. Strong focus on enhancing growth. Target / incentive driven. Time Management and ability to effectively prioritize. Decision Making. Ability to work under pressure. Presentations, Telesales. Administrative Skills.
  • 7. Key Skills Computer Literate, Microsoft Office, Excel, Outlook, MS Word Powerpoint, Cloud Typing (60w.p.m) Additional Courses: Sales Training - Renault 2012 Optima Leadership Development Programme for Sales Managers. AMH Top Deals Sales Managers.
  • 8. Contactable References Daewoo Motors Mark Hancox 083 225 6011 Renault Motors Eugene Du Pless 082 801 5068 - Andre Sadie - 083 500 8181 Carfind (PTY) - Frank McDouall - 084 252 5252 - Mike De Charmoy- 081 030 0275