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.:: B.S. Computer Systems Engineer::.
Ariel González Díaz.
044 (55)4390 0639
(844)417 49 71
@ ariel_omar@hotmail.com
Made my professional growth based in integrity and honesty; improving talents & skill to accomplish my
professional goals in the lower time as possible
• Languages: English Proficiency (Write / Speak)
• Information Technology: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Internet, Visual Basic, Language C , C++,
Macromedia Dream Weaver, Flash, Director7/ HTML;
• Challenge acceptance, Leadership, persistence, team work, creative, learning on the fly, action oriented, customer
focus, carrier ambition.
• Promoted to higher level into GMM Central Offices at Mexico D.F.
• Acknowledgment by GMM President’s Award for “ VDC Transition project” (September 2012)
• Acknowledgment by GMM President’s Award for “Reach the Revenue recognition” (September 2011)
• Planner for Logistic area
• Planner for Indirect Purchasing area
• Capitan of Logistics Bowling GMM Ramos Arizpe 2010
• GENERAL MOTOR DE MÉXICO Supplier Quality (Jan 2015 – Actual day )
• Sr. Supplier Quality Engineer
o Responsible for assuring the quality of the products from Tiers 1, 2 that supplies direct parts to the
GMNA plants as raw material.
o On charge to provide PPAP to the parts and assure that complies with the safety requirements
o Greenbelt on Run at Rate; in order to assure the performance of supplier according to hired rate.
o Greenbelt on PFMEA.
o Certified QSB+, GD&T auditor, PFMEA, 5’S
o Perform Audits for specific controls and problem solving.
• Responsible for being the bridge between related areas; engineering; purchasing; direct customer; and suppliers to
provide support on:
Launches /Fast Response /Continuous Improvements/Risk Reduction Strategy/ Procedures /Auditing;
• GENERAL MOTOR DE MÉXICO Purchasing Indirect Material (Aug 2013- Jan 2015 )
• Sr. Buyer for Blue Print, Material Handling & Packaging
Current position:
o On charge of purchase the services for Blue Print services machined parts for die cast, refurbish services
for dies and components, tools etc for all North America plants.
o Leading negotiation; running competitive BID’s and sourcing’s focused on saving initiatives and the
services for the stakeholders.
o Purchase material handling services; racks, services for repair, maintenance of racks dollies and
minomies; dynamic & statics racks; conveyors and spare parts to fix any down machine.
o Purchase packaging for the services of spare parts & productive material that complies with all regulation
to ship by land, airfreight or overseas any export complains; in wood or corrugated boxes; new
development with treatment of VCI for machined or metal parts (blocks, cylinders; cylinder heads,
transmissions, cases etc)
• Logistic Coordinator Toluca & SLP plants (inbound) (Sep 2008- Aug 2013 )
o Related with material area; and packaging for Assembly & Power train plants of San Luis Potosi &
o Giving follow up to critical shipment; via I/O; air shipments and over the road
o Supporting with claims analysis
o Champion for I/O operation reviewing lanes assignation and correct Transit Times to deliver on time at
different plants.
o Dealing with Ocean carriers; truck and freight forwarders to achieve the material is deliver on time
o Improving cost reduction initiatives to improve optimal cube utilization and seeking obtain the best
performance for lanes contracted for plants.
o Constant audit for logistic cost for plants and suppliers payments on time.
o Give support for critical shipments; as expedited & charters according the operation requirement.
Heavy Haul Machinery & Equipment coordinator (Projects)
o Coordinate special move request for new projects & launches
o Follow up the master dot to assure the flawless launches
o Keep custom process and provide paperwork to reach the transit time.
o Set up specialized equipment to pick up at OEM’s facilities
o Coordinate the Logistic operation for prototype vehicles to the proving test areas
o Giving follow up to critical shipment (Airfreights, intercontinental, over the road); to assure delivering on
o Give follow up to shipments and provide status with reporting in a weekly meeting review.
o Run bid to obtain the better supplier and savings for the project and company.
o Improve and search solution to common problems to reach the objectives and generate new process to
solve any issue in the future.
o Continuous improvement with standard procedures and deviation according the needs for each shipment.
o Developing suppliers that bring to the company saving cost initiatives & proposal for reach the
organization objectives.
Procurement Buyer (Purchasing Logistics Services)
o Run for BID’s for contract expirations
o Running studies for supplier performance and running Pre RFQ’s and Sourcing recommendations;
Technical Review etc.
o Write contacts to hire Logistics services as yard managing & related
o Hire services for accessorial proposes
o Looking for cost reduction initiatives and performing recommendation with logistics operation team.
Transportation Quality Analyst (Logistic Quality)
(September 2008-2012)
o Responsible for transportation process get followed by yard management suppliers
o Responsible that the export vehicles arrive to final destination without discrepancies
o Claims follow up to assure find the rout cause and solve the problem to avoid & prevent damages.
o Responsible for the preparation for export vehicles; with ocean cover and all insolation for export
vehicles for different markets for Mexican plants (coating protection, accessorial installed and VIN
o Provide the propel instruction and process for the suppliers to secure the vehicles into different
transportation modes; for Rail, Truck & Vessel.
o Active participation in meeting as CPIT, and customer reports; and quality to solve problems related with
o Project; initiatives support; for new launches on changes of model years vehicles; new markets; or
prototype vehicles.
o Assure all GM process is implemented with suppliers for our products.
o Oriented to the customer service & oriented to the results.
• Previous experience in GMM August 2007 – September 2008
Team Group Leader (Production)
o Responsible for sub assembly trims doors area.
o Leading operation team as TGL for operation achieving the production target
o Implementing GMS at area and seeking for scrap reduction initiative.
o Active participation with solving process operation team
Process Control Manager (Quality)
o Responsible for Trim, Chassis, Power train & Final line for assembly line
o On charge to assure the quality of the production.
o Avoid claims by customer by GMS implementation
o Solving problems detected in GCA area; and customer reports
o Leading camping to solve problems before the vehicles are delivered to the final customer
o Red X studies and solution.
• Internship at BHER Mexico Jan 2007 – Aug 2007
- Responsible of security project for access plant and CCTV video, installation and functionality.
- Teaching Office curses advanced and elementary level and induction curses.
- On charge of purchasing for I.T. department and also Help Desk.
• Internship at MAHLE Pistones May 2001 – Dec 2001
- Programming capacitating classes
- Teaching elementary courses.
- Control and pursuit of labor curricula.
Level Career Institute Date
Master Degree MBA U.A.N.L. 2010 – 2015
University B.S. Computer Systems
Instituto Tecnológico de
2002 – 2007
College T.S.U. Ofimática
Universidad Tecnológica
de Coahuila 1999 – 2001
.::General Information::.
Born in April 30, 1981 in Reynosa, Tamps. Mx.
Living in Saltillo; Since January 2015.
Marital Status: Single.

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CurriculumVitae Ariel Gonzalez 01-16

  • 1. C U R R I C U L U M .:: B.S. Computer Systems Engineer::. Ariel González Díaz. 044 (55)4390 0639 (844)417 49 71 @ ariel_omar@hotmail.com .:: PERSONAL GOAL::. Made my professional growth based in integrity and honesty; improving talents & skill to accomplish my professional goals in the lower time as possible .::TALENTS & SKILLS::. • Languages: English Proficiency (Write / Speak) • Information Technology: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Internet, Visual Basic, Language C , C++, Macromedia Dream Weaver, Flash, Director7/ HTML; • Challenge acceptance, Leadership, persistence, team work, creative, learning on the fly, action oriented, customer focus, carrier ambition. .::ACHIEVEMENTS MADE & EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES::. • Promoted to higher level into GMM Central Offices at Mexico D.F. • Acknowledgment by GMM President’s Award for “ VDC Transition project” (September 2012) • Acknowledgment by GMM President’s Award for “Reach the Revenue recognition” (September 2011) • Planner for Logistic area • Planner for Indirect Purchasing area • Capitan of Logistics Bowling GMM Ramos Arizpe 2010 .:: EXPERIENCE::. • GENERAL MOTOR DE MÉXICO Supplier Quality (Jan 2015 – Actual day ) • Sr. Supplier Quality Engineer o Responsible for assuring the quality of the products from Tiers 1, 2 that supplies direct parts to the GMNA plants as raw material. o On charge to provide PPAP to the parts and assure that complies with the safety requirements o Greenbelt on Run at Rate; in order to assure the performance of supplier according to hired rate. o Greenbelt on PFMEA. o Certified QSB+, GD&T auditor, PFMEA, 5’S o Perform Audits for specific controls and problem solving. • Responsible for being the bridge between related areas; engineering; purchasing; direct customer; and suppliers to provide support on: Launches /Fast Response /Continuous Improvements/Risk Reduction Strategy/ Procedures /Auditing; etc. • GENERAL MOTOR DE MÉXICO Purchasing Indirect Material (Aug 2013- Jan 2015 ) • Sr. Buyer for Blue Print, Material Handling & Packaging Current position: 1
  • 2. C U R R I C U L U M o On charge of purchase the services for Blue Print services machined parts for die cast, refurbish services for dies and components, tools etc for all North America plants. o Leading negotiation; running competitive BID’s and sourcing’s focused on saving initiatives and the services for the stakeholders. o Purchase material handling services; racks, services for repair, maintenance of racks dollies and minomies; dynamic & statics racks; conveyors and spare parts to fix any down machine. o Purchase packaging for the services of spare parts & productive material that complies with all regulation to ship by land, airfreight or overseas any export complains; in wood or corrugated boxes; new development with treatment of VCI for machined or metal parts (blocks, cylinders; cylinder heads, transmissions, cases etc) • Logistic Coordinator Toluca & SLP plants (inbound) (Sep 2008- Aug 2013 ) o Related with material area; and packaging for Assembly & Power train plants of San Luis Potosi & Toluca o Giving follow up to critical shipment; via I/O; air shipments and over the road o Supporting with claims analysis o Champion for I/O operation reviewing lanes assignation and correct Transit Times to deliver on time at different plants. o Dealing with Ocean carriers; truck and freight forwarders to achieve the material is deliver on time o Improving cost reduction initiatives to improve optimal cube utilization and seeking obtain the best performance for lanes contracted for plants. o Constant audit for logistic cost for plants and suppliers payments on time. o Give support for critical shipments; as expedited & charters according the operation requirement. Heavy Haul Machinery & Equipment coordinator (Projects) (2012) o Coordinate special move request for new projects & launches o Follow up the master dot to assure the flawless launches o Keep custom process and provide paperwork to reach the transit time. o Set up specialized equipment to pick up at OEM’s facilities o Coordinate the Logistic operation for prototype vehicles to the proving test areas o Giving follow up to critical shipment (Airfreights, intercontinental, over the road); to assure delivering on time. o Give follow up to shipments and provide status with reporting in a weekly meeting review. o Run bid to obtain the better supplier and savings for the project and company. o Improve and search solution to common problems to reach the objectives and generate new process to solve any issue in the future. o Continuous improvement with standard procedures and deviation according the needs for each shipment. o Developing suppliers that bring to the company saving cost initiatives & proposal for reach the organization objectives. Procurement Buyer (Purchasing Logistics Services) (2012) o Run for BID’s for contract expirations o Running studies for supplier performance and running Pre RFQ’s and Sourcing recommendations; Technical Review etc. o Write contacts to hire Logistics services as yard managing & related o Hire services for accessorial proposes o Looking for cost reduction initiatives and performing recommendation with logistics operation team. Transportation Quality Analyst (Logistic Quality) 2
  • 3. C U R R I C U L U M (September 2008-2012) o Responsible for transportation process get followed by yard management suppliers o Responsible that the export vehicles arrive to final destination without discrepancies o Claims follow up to assure find the rout cause and solve the problem to avoid & prevent damages. o Responsible for the preparation for export vehicles; with ocean cover and all insolation for export vehicles for different markets for Mexican plants (coating protection, accessorial installed and VIN etching). o Provide the propel instruction and process for the suppliers to secure the vehicles into different transportation modes; for Rail, Truck & Vessel. o Active participation in meeting as CPIT, and customer reports; and quality to solve problems related with transportation. o Project; initiatives support; for new launches on changes of model years vehicles; new markets; or prototype vehicles. o Assure all GM process is implemented with suppliers for our products. o Oriented to the customer service & oriented to the results. • Previous experience in GMM August 2007 – September 2008 Team Group Leader (Production) o Responsible for sub assembly trims doors area. o Leading operation team as TGL for operation achieving the production target o Implementing GMS at area and seeking for scrap reduction initiative. o Active participation with solving process operation team Process Control Manager (Quality) o Responsible for Trim, Chassis, Power train & Final line for assembly line o On charge to assure the quality of the production. o Avoid claims by customer by GMS implementation o Solving problems detected in GCA area; and customer reports o Leading camping to solve problems before the vehicles are delivered to the final customer o Red X studies and solution. • Internship at BHER Mexico Jan 2007 – Aug 2007 - Responsible of security project for access plant and CCTV video, installation and functionality. - Teaching Office curses advanced and elementary level and induction curses. - On charge of purchasing for I.T. department and also Help Desk. • Internship at MAHLE Pistones May 2001 – Dec 2001 - Programming capacitating classes - Teaching elementary courses. - Control and pursuit of labor curricula. .::School::. Level Career Institute Date Master Degree MBA U.A.N.L. 2010 – 2015 3
  • 4. C U R R I C U L U M University B.S. Computer Systems Engineer Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo 2002 – 2007 College T.S.U. Ofimática Universidad Tecnológica de Coahuila 1999 – 2001 .::General Information::. Born in April 30, 1981 in Reynosa, Tamps. Mx. Living in Saltillo; Since January 2015. Marital Status: Single. 4