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CV  Graeme Archibald
1. Professional/Vocational Qualifications:
Graeme joined Millar and Bryce as a trainee searcher in 1980 undertaking conveyancing
reports for solicitors before graduating to lead our complex enquiries section and focusing
on identifying titles to land, working closely with clients involved in historic land referencing
schemes where he built up a broad experience of transport, planning and regeneration
issues gained through working with both the public and private sectors. Graeme was
instrumental in establishing the in-house Millar and Bryce land referencing team and
introducing Geographical information systems into both Millar and Bryce and the land
referencing market in general. His management roles included managing multi-functional,
professional teams within a Prince2 environment delivering transport schemes to match
both funding and political deadlines.
Since establishing land referencing as part of the core Millar and Bryce products he has led
our team on the 3 largest infrastructure projects being undertaken in Scotland and gained
a foothold in the wider UK market, this work has included advice on;
 Land Purchases
 Land Disposals
 Compulsory Purchase
 Occupations from or by Third Parties
 Utility and similar arrangements
 Rights and Obligations that run with the land
 Crichel Down Rules
 Stakeholder Interface
 Planning applications
 Blight notices
 Activities relating to Development Consent Orders
Graemes experience and knowledge of the land registration process, the workings of the
public and private sectors and direct experience of the Private/Hybrid and parliamentary
Bill Process, together with his political awareness make him a suitable candidate for the
role of :
2. Professional/Vocational Qualifications:
 Millar and Bryce land apprenticeship graduate
 Prince 2 foundation and practice
 ESRI trained GIS specialist
3. Key Skills
Graemes transferable skills involve :
 Private Bill and Parliamentary Experience
 Stakeholder & Interface Management
 Leading multi-disciplinary teams
 Broad technical knowledge and application in relation to processes to establish
statutory documentation for transport projects
 An understanding of the political processes at both local and national levels
 Client relationship management
 Communication with all spectrums of society recognizing the need to tailor that
communication to varying audiences
 Professional judgment and experience
4. Relevant Experience:
Project Name: Queen Street Station (Transport and Works Scotland) Order 2016
Client: Maclay Murray & Spens/Network Rail
Position: Land referencing manager
Key accountabilities: Acting as interface manager with internal Millar and Bryce teams,
Network Rails external legal consultants and stakeholders in connection with land referencing
activities. Role has involved managing internal land reference team, dealing with land owners,
utility companies, local authorities and land agents to verify ownership details.
Benefits delivered/Value added: As a result of Graemes knowledge of dealing with land
owners, land agents and statutory bodies he was able to draw on previous experience
regarding the preparation and delivery of the book of reference and statutory land plans
The nature of the area and levels of interest in land and property covered by the contract
involves almost constant change; these changes had to be reflected in the land referencing
information which was provided in the Book of Reference in accordance with the timescale for
delivery to Parliament. To achieve this Graeme was instrumental in introducing the process of
Collaborative Work Planning as a result of previous experience of a similar project in a similar
geographical environment. Daily dialogue between the land reference team and stakeholder
mangers of all external teams enhanced an excellent working relationship, which was further
enriched by our new web mapping delivery system which leads to efficiencies and streamlining
of work flows and the ability to meet Parliamentary deadlines.
As part of the approach to achieve this deliverable the following factors were taken into
 The necessity to recognise that projects fail for a variety of reasons when faced with
unforeseen challenges
 To meet such challenges a pragmatic approach needs to be applied and as such there
is a need to think outside of the box and introduce experience and lessons learnt from
other projects such as Waverley Steps Transport and Work Act Scotland 2012 and
Airdrie to Bathgate and Linked Improvement Bill 2007.
 Knowledge of Private/Hybrid Bill and Parliamentary process linked to experience of
giving evidence to Government and local Government Committees
 Interface Management
 Understanding of project and processes/governance
Project Name: THE NETWORK RAIL (WAVERLEY STEPS) ORDER 2012 (Transport and Works
Scotland 2007)
Client: MacRoberts/Network Rail
Position: Land referencing manager
Key accountabilities: Acting as interface manager with internal Millar and Bryce teams,
Network Rails external legal and engineering consultants and project stakeholders in
connection with land referencing activities. Role has involved managing internal land reference
team, dealing with land owners, utility companies, local authorities and land agents to verify
ownership details.
Benefits delivered/Value added As a result of Graemes knowledge of dealing with land
owners, land agents and statutory bodies he was able to draw on previous experience
regarding the preparation and delivery of the book of reference and statutory land plans.
The nature of the area and levels of interest in land and property covered by the contract
involves almost constant change; these changes had to be reflected in the land referencing
information which was provided in the Book of Reference in accordance with the timescale for
delivery to Parliament. The project was sensitive in nature as the Waverley steps lay within a
World Heritage Site and between two Historical Grade A listed Buildings.
By quickly recognising the complex land interest structure and bringing experiences from other
projects both within the public and private sectors Graeme was able to initiate a framework to
meet the challenges of a fixed Parliamentary timetable. Failure to take such an approach would
have resulted in Parliamentary deadlines not being achieved and potential addition costs which
could have jeopardised the project.
Project Name: The Waverley Railway (Scotland) Act 2006
Client: Brodies/Scottish Borders Council
Position: Land referencing manager
Key accountabilities: responsible for advising the client on all land ownership interests
introducing a number of new management reporting processes through our in-house
geographical information system (GIS) designed to deliver best value and cost efficiencies.
Benefits delivered/Value added: Appointed at the land acquisition stage post royal assent to
assist in the re-reference after objections from parties not included in the submitted book of
reference delayed the parliamentary process. The original book of reference contained just
over 400 ownerships with 2075 identifiable interests; the re-reference disclosed 960 owners
with 4935 identifiable interests.
It was essential, from our clients perspective that project costs were tightly controlled and all
land referencing was delivered to an agreed budget. To ensure that this was achieved, Millar &
Bryce agreed a fixed rate per interested party regardless of the work undertaken on
identifying and referencing the parties. This approach mitigated our client of any risk of
additional costs for unforeseen circumstances and provided complete control of the land
referencing project cost. Our internal GIS system was adopted by the project and was used
throughout the land acquisition programme delivering both ownership information and new
plans to support the land acquisition.

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  • 1. CV Graeme Archibald 1. Professional/Vocational Qualifications: Graeme joined Millar and Bryce as a trainee searcher in 1980 undertaking conveyancing reports for solicitors before graduating to lead our complex enquiries section and focusing on identifying titles to land, working closely with clients involved in historic land referencing schemes where he built up a broad experience of transport, planning and regeneration issues gained through working with both the public and private sectors. Graeme was instrumental in establishing the in-house Millar and Bryce land referencing team and introducing Geographical information systems into both Millar and Bryce and the land referencing market in general. His management roles included managing multi-functional, professional teams within a Prince2 environment delivering transport schemes to match both funding and political deadlines. Since establishing land referencing as part of the core Millar and Bryce products he has led our team on the 3 largest infrastructure projects being undertaken in Scotland and gained a foothold in the wider UK market, this work has included advice on; Land Purchases Land Disposals Compulsory Purchase Occupations from or by Third Parties Utility and similar arrangements Rights and Obligations that run with the land Crichel Down Rules Stakeholder Interface Planning applications Blight notices Activities relating to Development Consent Orders Graemes experience and knowledge of the land registration process, the workings of the public and private sectors and direct experience of the Private/Hybrid and parliamentary Bill Process, together with his political awareness make him a suitable candidate for the role of : 2. Professional/Vocational Qualifications: Millar and Bryce land apprenticeship graduate Prince 2 foundation and practice ESRI trained GIS specialist 3. Key Skills Graemes transferable skills involve : Private Bill and Parliamentary Experience Stakeholder & Interface Management Leading multi-disciplinary teams Broad technical knowledge and application in relation to processes to establish statutory documentation for transport projects An understanding of the political processes at both local and national levels Client relationship management Communication with all spectrums of society recognizing the need to tailor that communication to varying audiences Professional judgment and experience
  • 2. 4. Relevant Experience: Project Name: Queen Street Station (Transport and Works Scotland) Order 2016 Client: Maclay Murray & Spens/Network Rail Position: Land referencing manager Key accountabilities: Acting as interface manager with internal Millar and Bryce teams, Network Rails external legal consultants and stakeholders in connection with land referencing activities. Role has involved managing internal land reference team, dealing with land owners, utility companies, local authorities and land agents to verify ownership details. Benefits delivered/Value added: As a result of Graemes knowledge of dealing with land owners, land agents and statutory bodies he was able to draw on previous experience regarding the preparation and delivery of the book of reference and statutory land plans The nature of the area and levels of interest in land and property covered by the contract involves almost constant change; these changes had to be reflected in the land referencing information which was provided in the Book of Reference in accordance with the timescale for delivery to Parliament. To achieve this Graeme was instrumental in introducing the process of Collaborative Work Planning as a result of previous experience of a similar project in a similar geographical environment. Daily dialogue between the land reference team and stakeholder mangers of all external teams enhanced an excellent working relationship, which was further enriched by our new web mapping delivery system which leads to efficiencies and streamlining of work flows and the ability to meet Parliamentary deadlines. As part of the approach to achieve this deliverable the following factors were taken into consideration The necessity to recognise that projects fail for a variety of reasons when faced with unforeseen challenges To meet such challenges a pragmatic approach needs to be applied and as such there is a need to think outside of the box and introduce experience and lessons learnt from other projects such as Waverley Steps Transport and Work Act Scotland 2012 and Airdrie to Bathgate and Linked Improvement Bill 2007. Knowledge of Private/Hybrid Bill and Parliamentary process linked to experience of giving evidence to Government and local Government Committees Interface Management Understanding of project and processes/governance Project Name: THE NETWORK RAIL (WAVERLEY STEPS) ORDER 2012 (Transport and Works Scotland 2007) Client: MacRoberts/Network Rail Position: Land referencing manager Key accountabilities: Acting as interface manager with internal Millar and Bryce teams, Network Rails external legal and engineering consultants and project stakeholders in connection with land referencing activities. Role has involved managing internal land reference team, dealing with land owners, utility companies, local authorities and land agents to verify ownership details. Benefits delivered/Value added As a result of Graemes knowledge of dealing with land owners, land agents and statutory bodies he was able to draw on previous experience regarding the preparation and delivery of the book of reference and statutory land plans. The nature of the area and levels of interest in land and property covered by the contract involves almost constant change; these changes had to be reflected in the land referencing information which was provided in the Book of Reference in accordance with the timescale for delivery to Parliament. The project was sensitive in nature as the Waverley steps lay within a World Heritage Site and between two Historical Grade A listed Buildings.
  • 3. By quickly recognising the complex land interest structure and bringing experiences from other projects both within the public and private sectors Graeme was able to initiate a framework to meet the challenges of a fixed Parliamentary timetable. Failure to take such an approach would have resulted in Parliamentary deadlines not being achieved and potential addition costs which could have jeopardised the project. Project Name: The Waverley Railway (Scotland) Act 2006 Client: Brodies/Scottish Borders Council Position: Land referencing manager Key accountabilities: responsible for advising the client on all land ownership interests introducing a number of new management reporting processes through our in-house geographical information system (GIS) designed to deliver best value and cost efficiencies. Benefits delivered/Value added: Appointed at the land acquisition stage post royal assent to assist in the re-reference after objections from parties not included in the submitted book of reference delayed the parliamentary process. The original book of reference contained just over 400 ownerships with 2075 identifiable interests; the re-reference disclosed 960 owners with 4935 identifiable interests. It was essential, from our clients perspective that project costs were tightly controlled and all land referencing was delivered to an agreed budget. To ensure that this was achieved, Millar & Bryce agreed a fixed rate per interested party regardless of the work undertaken on identifying and referencing the parties. This approach mitigated our client of any risk of additional costs for unforeseen circumstances and provided complete control of the land referencing project cost. Our internal GIS system was adopted by the project and was used throughout the land acquisition programme delivering both ownership information and new plans to support the land acquisition.