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Mark Davison
D.O.B 9/5/1987
55 Shortridge Terrace
Email: mark_davison2@hotmail.com
Tel. 07812994137
Personal Profile
I am trustworthy, reliable, hard working and conscientious with a
willingness to learn. I am a good team player and have no problems in
forming good working relationships. My strengths are in numeracy and
analytical techniques. After 8 years experience working in an accounts
department and having recently completed my ACCA qualifications I feel
I am ready to build upon pursuing a career in accountancy and financial
ACCA Qualified – February 2015
Degree – studied at Newcastle University 2005-2008
2:2 BSc(Hons) in Accounting & Maths
A Levels – studied at Whitley Bay High School 2003-2005
A Level Grade A in Mathematics
A Level Grade A in History
A Level Grade B in Economics
AS Level Grade B in Geography
GCSE’s –studied at Marden High School 1998-2003
Mathematics – A*
English Language – A
English Literature – B
Double Science – AA
History – A
Geography – A
French – B
Media Studies - C
Employment History
June 2016 – present
Position held: Holiday Sales Business Analyst
Parkdean Resorts Ltd
1 Gosforth Park Way
Gosforth Business Park
NE12 8ET
• Created new month end journals and systems for posting – holiday
sales revenue (fleet, income promise, sub-hire and tenting &
touring), VAT on holiday sales, advanced cash & commission,
cancellations, non-arrivals, insurance, aged debt, transport,
deferred income.
• Created new journals and systems for posting the weekly stats
journal (full weeks and arrivals) – fleet, IPS, SH, touring, Hotel
• Familiarised myself with new software systems – i.e. Resnet, Fox
Pro, RMS Hotel
• Performed full reconciliations from the beginning of time to
highlight variances and troubleshoot potential problems held within
the system prior to the merger.
• PHI (Personal Holiday Insurance) Transfers performed daily and
Bishop Skinner rec – legal requirement.
• Revenue reconciliation file setup to match sun systems with
• Accruals & prepayments
Position held: Stock & Holiday Homes Sales Assistant Financial
July 2015 – June 2016
• Responsible for the ordering and maintaining of stock – primarily
being caravans and lodges to be distributed around 24 holiday
• Perform stock analysis to forecast trends; predicting which type of
unit we’ll need more/less of at a particular point in time.
• Responsible for stock allocation throughout the business
• Experience of carrying out cashflows, profit and loss statements
and adjustments, balance sheet statements and adjustments and
Position held: Stock and Fixed Asset Assistant Accountant
April 2012 – July 2015
• Managing levels of stock ensuring they are not too
excessive/limited (usually around £5m)
• Move units of stock between entities (balance sheet moves)
• Prepayments and accruals to the P & L – i.e. transport prepayment
• Communicating with suppliers on a daily basis
• Communicating with 24 parks on a daily/weekly basis
• Dealing with supply/demand factors – what the park’s require at a
particular point
• Analysing trends and offering advice based on this information –
i.e. what is selling well?
• Depreciation of assets
• Reporting on the current value of stock making suggestions for
provisions to the directors
• Processing invoices suggesting to accounts payable the priority of
suppliers that should be paid.
• Month end P&L and Balance sheet Recs
• £500 uplift system – adjusting unit costs to incentivise sales
managers to strive for better margins
• Pitch report – analysing what is on each pitch for pitch utilisation
purposes. I.e. vacant/staff/HF. Approx 10,000 pitches.
• Dealing with finance repossession queries (i.e BBV)
• Forecasting what stock may be required in the future
• Raising purchase orders, goods receipting, matching
• Transfer of units between different statuses – i.e. hire
fleet/stock/staff. Transferring the values in the asset register.
• Hire fleet rec – reconciling 3 systems containing data on 4000 HF
• Motor vehicle register – maintaining up-to-date information of all
owned and lease vehicles as well as sending notifications for
MOT/Tax Disc renewal
• Capital expenditure – monitoring cost v budget
• Capcon review – analysing and changing pitch information where
• VAT calculations – different rules for standard and reduced rate
VAT on caravans and lodges
• Stock cash flow – forecasting what outstanding monies are due and
• Stock ageing report – analysing and reporting on units that may
have been held in stock for a particular length of time.
• Maximum selling price – advising parks on what is appropriate to
be the maximum selling price of each stock van.
• Using initiative to come up with potential cost savings – i.e.
actively seeking quotes from different transport companies.
Potential saving of 20% on transport costs.
• Managing a workload while simultaneously working towards my
ACCA qualification
• Meeting strict deadlines – i.e. month end, year end recs and
June 2008 – February 2012
McNulty Offshore Construction Ltd
Commercial Road
South Shields
NE33 1RZ
Position Held: Accounts Clerk
• Worked mainly on the Purchase Ledger side of operations which
involves processing a high volume of invoices and ensuring suppliers
are paid on time. This also involves the posting of cash/cheques and
journals to the appropriate accounts in order to keep the creditors
balances up-to-date
• Maintaining up-to-date records for over 200 suppliers (e.g. bank
details, addresses, contacts, etc...)
• Cost Allocation - coding each invoice tot he appropriate cost centre
and attributing to the correct job code. This is then used for financial
analysis in relation to the budgets set out at the start of a project.
• Planning and Budgeting - working closely with our finance manager,
it is my job to calculate job costing forecasts for the company over the
next few weeks of business, allowing the finance manager to ensure
enough funds are available.
• Negotiating settlements with suppliers - this is especially important if
an instance arises where we are not able to pay the supplier in question
on time. It is my job to negotiate either a later payment date or a part
payment with that supplier that is agreeable to both parties.
• Maintaining relationships with suppliers - I would say I have a strong
working relationship with all suppliers as I am told they appreciate my
openness, honesty and straight-talking regarding any queries they may
have on their account.
• Reconciling bank statements
• Dealing with foreign currency transfers using exchange rates
• Labour Costs - I was asked to help calculate a variety of labour costs
for a supplier we use for subcontracted labour. This involved taking
into account the current rate of inflation as well as the proposed
figures from each company that differed slightly. Using the RPI rate
of inflation and the financial status of our company, I was able to
advise our Commercial department of appropriate labour rates for a
variety of professions (e.g. Welders, Platers, Scaffolders, etc...) as well
as taking into account alternative rates for nightshift and weekend
• Costing Analysis - I am instructed by our finance manager to go
analyse costs for specific projects and applications submitted within
those projects - this involves looking at the totals of each application,
whether this remains unpaid, prioritising what should be paid next and
what area the cost is attributed to.
• Analysing expenses - looking at expenses forms handed in by various
employees and clients and attributing each cost to the appropriate area
(e.g. fuel, posting, lunches, etc...)
• General office tasks such as photocopying, scanning, faxing, etc...
Key Achievements
• Being given access to the company's bank account enabling me to
setup and authorise millions of pounds worth of expense payments to
a vast array of suppliers
• Being given control of the day-to-day running of the Purchase Ledger
department after my previous supervisor went semi-retired in January
• Having an active input into the proposition of potential creditor’s lists,
the amounts to pay and the date on which it should be processed.
• Developing my computer skills - especially in excel (e.g. using pivot
tables, sum if functions, etc...)
• Developing relationships with co-workers both in my own department
and in the company as a whole - this has involved helping organise
nights out and a weekly football get-together.
Mr Michael Jones
Group Financial Controller
McNulty Group Holdings Limited
Commercial Road
South Shields
NE33 1RZ
Email: Michael.Jones@mcnultyoffshore.com
Mr Bill Laurie
McNulty Offshore Construction Ltd
Commercial Road
South Shields
NE33 1RZ
Email: Bill.Laurie@mcnultyoffshore.com
Mrs Marian Sweeney
Parkdean Holidays
Gosforth Business Park
NE12 8ET
Email: MarianSweeney@parkdeanholidays.com
Mr Richard Murley
Parkdean Holidays
Gosforth Business Park
NE12 8ET
Email: RichardMurley@parkdeanholidays.com
Mr Jordan Stoyanov
School of Mathematics & Statistics
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Email: jordan.stoyanov@ncl.ac.uk
Supplementary Information
I would like the opportunity to gain more varied experience which will
test my knowledge and skills. I have an excellent sickness record, with
only 3 days sick in the past 5 years. I am a keen sportsman and
particularly enjoy participating in team sports such as football and
Personal Statement
From an early age I have had an ambition to become a qualified
accountant as I feel it is an area that can play to my strengths. This has
been a major factor in my choice of degree and A level subjects as well as
my experience of working in the accounts department of a manufacturing
company. I have enjoyed working in a close knit office environment
since I graduated from university in 2008, although I feel the time is now
right to move on with my career. I have always relished the prospect of
working as part of a team both inside and outside of work. I have been
part of a football team every year since the age of 9 representing school
and university teams, occasionally captaining. I have also been part of a
cricket team every year since the age of 12 representing Tynemouth CC
and Northumberland. I particularly enjoy the camaraderie that comes
with playing team sports and the social aspect associated with it. I have
also been involved in fundraising and charity work connected with sport,
for example family fun days, fireworks nights, collections, etc… I also
completed the Great North Run in 2015 for Cancer Research with my

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  • 1. Mark Davison D.O.B 9/5/1987 55 Shortridge Terrace Jesmond NE2 2JE Email: mark_davison2@hotmail.com Tel. 07812994137 Personal Profile I am trustworthy, reliable, hard working and conscientious with a willingness to learn. I am a good team player and have no problems in forming good working relationships. My strengths are in numeracy and analytical techniques. After 8 years experience working in an accounts department and having recently completed my ACCA qualifications I feel I am ready to build upon pursuing a career in accountancy and financial information. Education ACCA Qualified – February 2015 Degree – studied at Newcastle University 2005-2008 2:2 BSc(Hons) in Accounting & Maths A Levels – studied at Whitley Bay High School 2003-2005 A Level Grade A in Mathematics A Level Grade A in History A Level Grade B in Economics AS Level Grade B in Geography GCSE’s –studied at Marden High School 1998-2003 Mathematics – A* English Language – A English Literature – B Double Science – AA History – A Geography – A French – B Media Studies - C
  • 2. Employment History June 2016 – present Position held: Holiday Sales Business Analyst Parkdean Resorts Ltd 1 Gosforth Park Way Gosforth Business Park NE12 8ET • Created new month end journals and systems for posting – holiday sales revenue (fleet, income promise, sub-hire and tenting & touring), VAT on holiday sales, advanced cash & commission, cancellations, non-arrivals, insurance, aged debt, transport, deferred income. • Created new journals and systems for posting the weekly stats journal (full weeks and arrivals) – fleet, IPS, SH, touring, Hotel • Familiarised myself with new software systems – i.e. Resnet, Fox Pro, RMS Hotel • Performed full reconciliations from the beginning of time to highlight variances and troubleshoot potential problems held within the system prior to the merger. • PHI (Personal Holiday Insurance) Transfers performed daily and Bishop Skinner rec – legal requirement. • Revenue reconciliation file setup to match sun systems with Traveler/Resnet • Accruals & prepayments Position held: Stock & Holiday Homes Sales Assistant Financial Controller July 2015 – June 2016 • Responsible for the ordering and maintaining of stock – primarily being caravans and lodges to be distributed around 24 holiday parks. • Perform stock analysis to forecast trends; predicting which type of unit we’ll need more/less of at a particular point in time.
  • 3. • Responsible for stock allocation throughout the business • Experience of carrying out cashflows, profit and loss statements and adjustments, balance sheet statements and adjustments and forecasts. Position held: Stock and Fixed Asset Assistant Accountant April 2012 – July 2015 • Managing levels of stock ensuring they are not too excessive/limited (usually around £5m) • Move units of stock between entities (balance sheet moves) • Prepayments and accruals to the P & L – i.e. transport prepayment • Communicating with suppliers on a daily basis • Communicating with 24 parks on a daily/weekly basis • Dealing with supply/demand factors – what the park’s require at a particular point • Analysing trends and offering advice based on this information – i.e. what is selling well? • Depreciation of assets • Reporting on the current value of stock making suggestions for provisions to the directors • Processing invoices suggesting to accounts payable the priority of suppliers that should be paid. • Month end P&L and Balance sheet Recs • £500 uplift system – adjusting unit costs to incentivise sales managers to strive for better margins • Pitch report – analysing what is on each pitch for pitch utilisation purposes. I.e. vacant/staff/HF. Approx 10,000 pitches. • Dealing with finance repossession queries (i.e BBV)
  • 4. • Forecasting what stock may be required in the future • Raising purchase orders, goods receipting, matching • Transfer of units between different statuses – i.e. hire fleet/stock/staff. Transferring the values in the asset register. • Hire fleet rec – reconciling 3 systems containing data on 4000 HF units • Motor vehicle register – maintaining up-to-date information of all owned and lease vehicles as well as sending notifications for MOT/Tax Disc renewal • Capital expenditure – monitoring cost v budget • Capcon review – analysing and changing pitch information where necessary • VAT calculations – different rules for standard and reduced rate VAT on caravans and lodges • Stock cash flow – forecasting what outstanding monies are due and when • Stock ageing report – analysing and reporting on units that may have been held in stock for a particular length of time. • Maximum selling price – advising parks on what is appropriate to be the maximum selling price of each stock van. • Using initiative to come up with potential cost savings – i.e. actively seeking quotes from different transport companies. Potential saving of 20% on transport costs. • Managing a workload while simultaneously working towards my ACCA qualification • Meeting strict deadlines – i.e. month end, year end recs and postings. June 2008 – February 2012
  • 5. McNulty Offshore Construction Ltd Commercial Road South Shields NE33 1RZ Position Held: Accounts Clerk • Worked mainly on the Purchase Ledger side of operations which involves processing a high volume of invoices and ensuring suppliers are paid on time. This also involves the posting of cash/cheques and journals to the appropriate accounts in order to keep the creditors balances up-to-date • Maintaining up-to-date records for over 200 suppliers (e.g. bank details, addresses, contacts, etc...) • Cost Allocation - coding each invoice tot he appropriate cost centre and attributing to the correct job code. This is then used for financial analysis in relation to the budgets set out at the start of a project. • Planning and Budgeting - working closely with our finance manager, it is my job to calculate job costing forecasts for the company over the next few weeks of business, allowing the finance manager to ensure enough funds are available. • Negotiating settlements with suppliers - this is especially important if an instance arises where we are not able to pay the supplier in question on time. It is my job to negotiate either a later payment date or a part payment with that supplier that is agreeable to both parties. • Maintaining relationships with suppliers - I would say I have a strong working relationship with all suppliers as I am told they appreciate my openness, honesty and straight-talking regarding any queries they may have on their account. • Reconciling bank statements • Dealing with foreign currency transfers using exchange rates • Labour Costs - I was asked to help calculate a variety of labour costs for a supplier we use for subcontracted labour. This involved taking into account the current rate of inflation as well as the proposed figures from each company that differed slightly. Using the RPI rate of inflation and the financial status of our company, I was able to advise our Commercial department of appropriate labour rates for a variety of professions (e.g. Welders, Platers, Scaffolders, etc...) as well as taking into account alternative rates for nightshift and weekend work. • Costing Analysis - I am instructed by our finance manager to go analyse costs for specific projects and applications submitted within those projects - this involves looking at the totals of each application,
  • 6. whether this remains unpaid, prioritising what should be paid next and what area the cost is attributed to. • Analysing expenses - looking at expenses forms handed in by various employees and clients and attributing each cost to the appropriate area (e.g. fuel, posting, lunches, etc...) • General office tasks such as photocopying, scanning, faxing, etc... Key Achievements • Being given access to the company's bank account enabling me to setup and authorise millions of pounds worth of expense payments to a vast array of suppliers • Being given control of the day-to-day running of the Purchase Ledger department after my previous supervisor went semi-retired in January 2011 • Having an active input into the proposition of potential creditor’s lists, the amounts to pay and the date on which it should be processed. • Developing my computer skills - especially in excel (e.g. using pivot tables, sum if functions, etc...) • Developing relationships with co-workers both in my own department and in the company as a whole - this has involved helping organise nights out and a weekly football get-together. References Mr Michael Jones Group Financial Controller McNulty Group Holdings Limited Commercial Road South Shields NE33 1RZ Email: Michael.Jones@mcnultyoffshore.com Mr Bill Laurie Director McNulty Offshore Construction Ltd Commercial Road
  • 7. South Shields NE33 1RZ Email: Bill.Laurie@mcnultyoffshore.com Mrs Marian Sweeney Parkdean Holidays Gosforth Business Park Gosforth NE12 8ET Email: MarianSweeney@parkdeanholidays.com Mr Richard Murley Parkdean Holidays Gosforth Business Park Gosforth NE12 8ET Email: RichardMurley@parkdeanholidays.com Mr Jordan Stoyanov School of Mathematics & Statistics Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU Email: jordan.stoyanov@ncl.ac.uk Supplementary Information I would like the opportunity to gain more varied experience which will test my knowledge and skills. I have an excellent sickness record, with only 3 days sick in the past 5 years. I am a keen sportsman and particularly enjoy participating in team sports such as football and cricket. Personal Statement From an early age I have had an ambition to become a qualified accountant as I feel it is an area that can play to my strengths. This has been a major factor in my choice of degree and A level subjects as well as my experience of working in the accounts department of a manufacturing
  • 8. company. I have enjoyed working in a close knit office environment since I graduated from university in 2008, although I feel the time is now right to move on with my career. I have always relished the prospect of working as part of a team both inside and outside of work. I have been part of a football team every year since the age of 9 representing school and university teams, occasionally captaining. I have also been part of a cricket team every year since the age of 12 representing Tynemouth CC and Northumberland. I particularly enjoy the camaraderie that comes with playing team sports and the social aspect associated with it. I have also been involved in fundraising and charity work connected with sport, for example family fun days, fireworks nights, collections, etc… I also completed the Great North Run in 2015 for Cancer Research with my brother.