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August 18, 2015
CPA-Philippines, License Number: 0109510
CPAPNG Member Number:AS 6574
Filipino Passport Holder: EB 6627115 expiry dtd 23/10/2017
PhilippineAddress: Davao City
PNG Address: Rabaul, East New Britain Province
Email: dvopng@gmail.com Mobile Number: (675) 7110 5699
 A Highly Motivated Individual
 Can work under pressure and without Supervision
 Positive Working Attitude.
 With High Inter-personal relationship among work mates regardless of races.
 Around ten (10) years accounting experience in middle management level with an exposure to
manufacturing, importer, wholesaler and distributor industry.
 Two years accounting experience in banking industry specializing in micro-financing.
 Three years accounting experience in School / University environment.
 Excellent computer working experience, with a strong exposure to Microsoft office package.
 Proactive and able to do all works related to Accounts & Finance independently
 Excellent in Office Administration, Public Relation & Secretarial Duties.
 Can do Budgeting / Costing / Planning / Payroll, etc..
 Good command over English Language in Spoken & Written/ self correspondence.
 Experienced in Inventory / Warehousing / Import / Customs Clearance.
 Self-motivated and pleasing mannered/Well experienced in dealing with Banks.
 Tactful and having excellent problem solving skills.
Location: Rabaul, ENBP, PNG
Period: From Dec 17, 2004 up to present
Job Description & Responsibilities:
Accounts Payable (A/P)
 Ensure compliance with internal control policies and procedures in line with the Organization policies
and procedures at all times.
 To check and ensure correct charging / coding of proper accounting heads General Ledger.
 To ensure complete documentation as per companys policy before processing payment of Invoice.
 To supervise accounts staff and extend assistance as and when necessary.
 Impart training to the staff on regular basis to improve their skill set in order to be more productive in
their respective area.
 Completion of monthly VAT /GST & Business Payment Tax returns and periodical submissions to
PNG statutory bodies.
 To prepare cash pay outs in advance on a daily basis and coordinate with the CFO to ensure the
suppliers are paid in line with the credit terms
 Prepare weekly cash flow pay out in advance for imports and coordinate with the CFO for timely
booking foreign exchange contract.
August 18, 2015
 To coordinate with suppliers for any discrepancies on transaction.
Accounts Receivable (A/R)
 To ensure credit policy is being maintained at all times in line with company policies and report to the
CFO if there is any variance / deviation.
 Conduct daily cash checking & verification against sales transaction of the day.
 To verify and authorize before extending adhoc credit to customer accounts depending up on the
 Analyze daily overdue customers statements and follow up with the Depot / Sales department for
early realization.
 To ensure customers who fail to comply with credit terms are put on stop supply until they will clear
their accounts.
 Supervision on Fortnightly payroll calculation for National employees and monthly payroll report.
 To update employee master for any increment as approved by the management.
 To authorize payroll disbursement every fortnight.
 Monthly analysis of payroll reports  budget vs actual and explain the variance.
 To check and confirm payroll deductions (paye tax, NPF, & Staff advances) are carried out in
appropriate manner.
Landed Costing & Stock Valuation
 Costing analysis on imported items - both Raw Materials & Traded Goods.
 To ensure correct costs are accounted & reflected properly in the Landed cost calculation.
 Based on the landed costing, recommended suggested selling price taking into account the sales
margin policy of the company
 To ensure selling price are updated according to the standard price as set by management.
 Inventory valuation of finished goods and Raw Materials for monthly and annual accounts.
 To ensure monthly stock on hand are valued and accounted properly.
Financial Accounts
 Collection of daily Production data and make sure they are in order.
 Preparation of monthly management accounts, including Production Report - referred to as Monthly
MIS reports for the Top Mgt of the company.
 To respond queries and explain in details for any variances.
 Monthly analysis of general ledger, income & expenditure and finished product margins. Compare
Actual against budget and explain variances.
 Monthly analysis of balance sheet.
 Control of cash receipts in all branches and supervision of bank reconciliation.
 Control of Petty Cash in all branches. To ensure petty cash are being used in line with company policy
 Regular maintenance of Creditors, Debtors, Expenses, and Balance sheet Ledger
 Bank Reconciliation statements and preparation of Financial Statements. Generation of Revenue
reports on a monthly basis,
 Accounting of Sales and Purchase Invoices and bills
 Supervision of monthly general ledger reconciliations on Ledger accounts.
 Reconciliations include:
Profit & Loss: Rent & Rates, Subscriptions, Interest Paid, Bad Debts, Lease Pmts, Depreciation,
Balance Sheet: Provn for Long Service Leave & Annual Leave, Accruals,
Debtors & Creditors, Bank, Wages Control, PAYE tax, Prepayments,
Deposits, A/R Suspense, Staff Advance, Trade Creditors & Debtors, Fixed
Assets & others
 Preparation of Annual reconciliation as per audit requirement and assisting auditors on the datas
needed in relation with the audit.
August 18, 2015
 Inter-branch Account Reconciliation.
 Review of reports produced by the MIS department for completeness and accuracy. Assist MIS dept in
resolving issues. Report to FC on unresolved issues.
 Administration of admin staff.
 Administration of office supplies and staff amenities.
 Other duties as designated by the Financial Controller from time to time.
 Relieve office duty of other department as need arises.
Cheque / Bank Authorized Signatory.
Before signing any of the cheques / bank documents, the following are being carried out:
 Check and ensure that invoices processed for payments are correct and that documentations is in
accordance with the company policy.
 To check documentation are authenticate.
 To ensure correct details on every cheque drawn to pay supplier accounts.
Period: June 03, 2002 to July 28, 2004
Job Description: Accounting Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
 monitoring of daily foreign exchange rate
 in-charge of the recording daily transaction of the bank
 preparation of financial statement for head office & branch
 monitoring daily movement & transaction of funds deposit in bank
 preparation of monthly bank reconciliation
 in-charge for the weekly, monthly, quarterly reports for Central Bank of the Philippines
 in-charge for the monthly remittances for Bureau of Internal Revenue
Period: June 07, 1999  April 30, 2002
under Student Training Assistance Program (STAP)
1.) Bank reconciliation analyst (Jan.2002-April 2002)
2.) General Ledger (GL) Operator (Jan. 2001-Dec.2001)
3.) Accounts Receivable Clerk (Aug. 2000-Dec.2000)
4.) Audit Analysis Clerk (Aug. 1999  July 2000)
5.) Bookkeeping Clerk (June 1999  July 1999)
August 18, 2015
Age: 35 years old
Civil Status: Married
No of Kids: Nil
Birth date: February 25, 1980
Birth place: Sugod, Monkayo Comval Province
Height: 55
Weight: 144 lbs.
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Chief Financial Officer Assistant Chief Accountant
Pacific Industries Ltd University of Mindanao
P.O Box 3096, Kokopo  Rabaul Bolton St., Davao City
East New Britain Province Tel#: 63 82 2221339
Papua New Guinea
Tel#: 675 9821154 MR. RUEL L. RUBIA
State Auditor, Commission on Audit
MR. PAUL CHUE Davao City
Managing Director Tel#: 227-2625
Pacific Industries Limited
Port Moresby, PNG, Tel#: 675 325 1544

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  • 1. August 18, 2015 JENNEFER T.ABARCA CPA-Philippines, License Number: 0109510 CPAPNG Member Number:AS 6574 Filipino Passport Holder: EB 6627115 expiry dtd 23/10/2017 PhilippineAddress: Davao City PNG Address: Rabaul, East New Britain Province Email: dvopng@gmail.com Mobile Number: (675) 7110 5699 BRIEF PERSONAL DESCRIPTION & CAREER SUMMARY: A Highly Motivated Individual Can work under pressure and without Supervision Positive Working Attitude. With High Inter-personal relationship among work mates regardless of races. Around ten (10) years accounting experience in middle management level with an exposure to manufacturing, importer, wholesaler and distributor industry. Two years accounting experience in banking industry specializing in micro-financing. Three years accounting experience in School / University environment. Excellent computer working experience, with a strong exposure to Microsoft office package. Proactive and able to do all works related to Accounts & Finance independently Excellent in Office Administration, Public Relation & Secretarial Duties. Can do Budgeting / Costing / Planning / Payroll, etc.. Good command over English Language in Spoken & Written/ self correspondence. Experienced in Inventory / Warehousing / Import / Customs Clearance. Self-motivated and pleasing mannered/Well experienced in dealing with Banks. Tactful and having excellent problem solving skills. WORK EXPERIENCES: Employer: PACIFIC INDUSTRIES LTD Type: MANUFACTURING / WHOLESALER / DISTRIBUTOR Position: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT / OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Reporting to: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Location: Rabaul, ENBP, PNG Period: From Dec 17, 2004 up to present Job Description & Responsibilities: AS FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT / OFFICE ADMINISTRATION: Accounts Payable (A/P) Ensure compliance with internal control policies and procedures in line with the Organization policies and procedures at all times. To check and ensure correct charging / coding of proper accounting heads General Ledger. To ensure complete documentation as per companys policy before processing payment of Invoice. To supervise accounts staff and extend assistance as and when necessary. Impart training to the staff on regular basis to improve their skill set in order to be more productive in their respective area. Completion of monthly VAT /GST & Business Payment Tax returns and periodical submissions to PNG statutory bodies. To prepare cash pay outs in advance on a daily basis and coordinate with the CFO to ensure the suppliers are paid in line with the credit terms Prepare weekly cash flow pay out in advance for imports and coordinate with the CFO for timely booking foreign exchange contract.
  • 2. August 18, 2015 To coordinate with suppliers for any discrepancies on transaction. Accounts Receivable (A/R) To ensure credit policy is being maintained at all times in line with company policies and report to the CFO if there is any variance / deviation. Conduct daily cash checking & verification against sales transaction of the day. To verify and authorize before extending adhoc credit to customer accounts depending up on the needs. Analyze daily overdue customers statements and follow up with the Depot / Sales department for early realization. To ensure customers who fail to comply with credit terms are put on stop supply until they will clear their accounts. Payroll Supervision on Fortnightly payroll calculation for National employees and monthly payroll report. To update employee master for any increment as approved by the management. To authorize payroll disbursement every fortnight. Monthly analysis of payroll reports budget vs actual and explain the variance. To check and confirm payroll deductions (paye tax, NPF, & Staff advances) are carried out in appropriate manner. Landed Costing & Stock Valuation Costing analysis on imported items - both Raw Materials & Traded Goods. To ensure correct costs are accounted & reflected properly in the Landed cost calculation. Based on the landed costing, recommended suggested selling price taking into account the sales margin policy of the company To ensure selling price are updated according to the standard price as set by management. Inventory valuation of finished goods and Raw Materials for monthly and annual accounts. To ensure monthly stock on hand are valued and accounted properly. Financial Accounts Collection of daily Production data and make sure they are in order. Preparation of monthly management accounts, including Production Report - referred to as Monthly MIS reports for the Top Mgt of the company. To respond queries and explain in details for any variances. Monthly analysis of general ledger, income & expenditure and finished product margins. Compare Actual against budget and explain variances. Monthly analysis of balance sheet. Control of cash receipts in all branches and supervision of bank reconciliation. Control of Petty Cash in all branches. To ensure petty cash are being used in line with company policy Regular maintenance of Creditors, Debtors, Expenses, and Balance sheet Ledger Bank Reconciliation statements and preparation of Financial Statements. Generation of Revenue reports on a monthly basis, Accounting of Sales and Purchase Invoices and bills Supervision of monthly general ledger reconciliations on Ledger accounts. Reconciliations include: Profit & Loss: Rent & Rates, Subscriptions, Interest Paid, Bad Debts, Lease Pmts, Depreciation, etc Balance Sheet: Provn for Long Service Leave & Annual Leave, Accruals, Debtors & Creditors, Bank, Wages Control, PAYE tax, Prepayments, Deposits, A/R Suspense, Staff Advance, Trade Creditors & Debtors, Fixed Assets & others Preparation of Annual reconciliation as per audit requirement and assisting auditors on the datas needed in relation with the audit.
  • 3. August 18, 2015 Inter-branch Account Reconciliation. Review of reports produced by the MIS department for completeness and accuracy. Assist MIS dept in resolving issues. Report to FC on unresolved issues. Administration of admin staff. Administration of office supplies and staff amenities. Other duties as designated by the Financial Controller from time to time. Relieve office duty of other department as need arises. Cheque / Bank Authorized Signatory. Before signing any of the cheques / bank documents, the following are being carried out: Check and ensure that invoices processed for payments are correct and that documentations is in accordance with the company policy. To check documentation are authenticate. To ensure correct details on every cheque drawn to pay supplier accounts. Employer: MICRO ENTERPRISE BANK, INC. Period: June 03, 2002 to July 28, 2004 Job Description: Accounting Assistant Duties and Responsibilities: monitoring of daily foreign exchange rate in-charge of the recording daily transaction of the bank preparation of financial statement for head office & branch monitoring daily movement & transaction of funds deposit in bank preparation of monthly bank reconciliation in-charge for the weekly, monthly, quarterly reports for Central Bank of the Philippines in-charge for the monthly remittances for Bureau of Internal Revenue Employer: UNIVERSITY OF MINDANAO (UM) Period: June 07, 1999 April 30, 2002 under Student Training Assistance Program (STAP) 1.) Bank reconciliation analyst (Jan.2002-April 2002) 2.) General Ledger (GL) Operator (Jan. 2001-Dec.2001) 3.) Accounts Receivable Clerk (Aug. 2000-Dec.2000) 4.) Audit Analysis Clerk (Aug. 1999 July 2000) 5.) Bookkeeping Clerk (June 1999 July 1999)
  • 4. August 18, 2015 PERSONAL DATA: Age: 35 years old Civil Status: Married No of Kids: Nil Birth date: February 25, 1980 Birth place: Sugod, Monkayo Comval Province Height: 55 Weight: 144 lbs. Sex: Female Nationality: Filipino Religion: Catholic CHARACTER REFERENCES: SUNDARARAJAN KRISHNAN MR. CEFERINO DOMINGO Chief Financial Officer Assistant Chief Accountant Pacific Industries Ltd University of Mindanao P.O Box 3096, Kokopo Rabaul Bolton St., Davao City East New Britain Province Tel#: 63 82 2221339 Papua New Guinea Tel#: 675 9821154 MR. RUEL L. RUBIA State Auditor, Commission on Audit MR. PAUL CHUE Davao City Managing Director Tel#: 227-2625 Pacific Industries Limited Port Moresby, PNG, Tel#: 675 325 1544