Experienced general counsel and chief human capital officer with over 30 years of experience in both public and private sectors. She has strong expertise in labor law, crisis management, talent acquisition, cybersecurity, and managing outside counsel. She is currently the general counsel and chief human capital officer of a publicly listed financial institution, overseeing all legal and HR functions. Previously, she held senior legal roles providing counsel on complex litigation and regulatory issues.
Sexual harassment training ab 1825 compliance in 2017Michele Collu
This document discusses California's AB 1825 sexual harassment prevention training requirements for employers. It provides an overview of the law's history and milestones, who must be trained, and what effective interactive training entails. Employers must train supervisors within 6 months of hire or promotion. Training content must include definitions of harassment and discrimination, remedies, strategies for prevention, and more. EverFi's online training meets these requirements through instructional design experts, attorneys, and real-world scenarios. It also addresses new requirements regarding abusive conduct and compliance culture. Records must be kept for two years.
Mialeeka Williams is an experienced attorney with over 13 years of experience guiding companies through complex intellectual property transactions. She has served as lead counsel for major companies like The Coca-Cola Company and Rhodia Inc., providing legal advice and managing intellectual property portfolios. Her experience includes contract negotiation, intellectual property strategy development, litigation management, and regulatory compliance counseling. She is skilled in various areas of law including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and commercial transactions.
John Tacker is an attorney and human resources executive based in Moline, Illinois. He has over 20 years of experience in legal, HR, and management roles, including as vice president and general counsel of a defense contractor. He is licensed to practice law in several states and currently serves as an adjunct professor at multiple colleges teaching business, management, and law courses.
Michael Moore is a federal employee with over 36 years of experience at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He currently provides consulting services to EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) on leadership development, program evaluation, and labor relations. He has extensive experience managing teams and programs across EPA in areas such as human resources, facilities, budgeting, and communications.
Harry Broadman is an expert in emerging markets with over 35 years of experience structuring complex cross-border transactions. He has extensive experience in markets worldwide, including China, India, Latin America, Russia, and Africa. Broadman's industry expertise spans banking, energy, infrastructure, and manufacturing. He is currently the CEO of Proa Global Partners, a global management consultancy focused on emerging markets strategy and investment.
David Paschane is the Vice President of Next Veterans. He has a background in behavioral science and worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs from 2004-2013. Christopher Neiweem is also the Vice President of Next Veterans. He is an Iraq War veteran and lobbyist who founded his own government relations firm before joining Next Veterans. Next Veterans partners with organizations that support veterans' career transitions and apply behavioral science to organizational outcomes.
Ty Hyderally is the owner of Hyderally & Associates, P.C., an employment law firm with offices in New Jersey and New York. He has been recognized as a top leader in employment law in Northern New Jersey. The firm aggressively litigates employment cases on behalf of clients against both small and large corporations. Mr. Hyderally has extensive experience conducting arbitrations and litigating employment cases in several states. He is admitted to practice law in both state and federal courts in New Jersey and New York.
Epic Financial Funding, LLC helps finance large scale projects with their main focus and expertise in viable renewable energy projects. The company is able to offset the higher initial capital costs associated with renewable generation by strategically aligning itself with key financial partners and by utilizing sophisticated financing structures to raise capital required to develop a project. We know that purchasing, installing and maintaining green energy systems such as wind and solar can require a significant outlay of both capital and resources. Epic¡¯s founders have combined decades of corporate experience with innovative and entrepreneurial problem solving to truly understand today¡¯s developers.
Rocky Jaramillo Rushing has over 20 years of experience in the California State Legislature, including serving as Chief of Staff for multiple Senators and an Assemblywoman. He has extensive experience in policy development, political navigation, and managing legislative offices. He has successfully guided significant legislation through the legislative process and is recognized as a skilled leader within the Capitol.
In this month's podcast, we visit with attorney Chris Bourgeacq about the NLRB's recent actions to make it easier for labor unions to organize employers' workplaces. Chris will be host the Austin Human Resource Management Association's Legal and Regulatory Roundtable on May 24th.
This document summarizes an employment law seminar discussing the EEOC's new guidance on criminal background checks. The guidance aims to address disparate impact concerns but provides some defenses for employers. It recommends targeted screens over blanket exclusions and allowing individualized assessments. It also discusses the tension between Title VII, negligent hiring liability, and some state laws requiring background checks. Employers are advised to narrowly tailor criminal screening policies based on relevant offenses and jobs, and to provide opportunities to appeal exclusions.
Long Version Resume Of Steven Chase April 24, 2012 Word 2007Franchise_Attorney
The document provides a summary of Steven A. Chase's professional experience and employment history. It details his experience in franchise law since 1992, including drafting and negotiating franchise agreements and disclosure documents. It also outlines his most recent role as Senior Franchise Paralegal/Attorney at Blockbuster since 2011, and previous in-house counsel roles providing legal support on contracts, regulatory compliance, and litigation management for franchisors.
Resume & Additional Experience as Business & Legal ProfessionalGeorge Pisaruk
George Pisaruk is an experienced legal and business professional seeking a position. He has over 25 years of experience working in corporate and government positions, including as general counsel for several companies. Pisaruk has expertise in areas such as mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, corporate finance, and employment law. He is proficient at working both independently and collaboratively in dynamic environments.
El documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas del correo directo, que consiste en enviar informaci¨®n publicitaria por correo postal o electr¨®nico. Explica que el objetivo es evitar ser descartado usando mensajes atractivos y sugerentes en sobres coloridos o con formas especiales. Tambi¨¦n recomienda usar frases cortas, dirigirse a una persona y presentar argumentos positivos de diferentes maneras.
ºÝºÝߣs prepared to be presented at a GSoC introductory session at University of Moratuwa focusing on motivating the students to apply for the program.
The document defines and describes several key computing concepts: servers process requests from clients and share data resources; typical servers include database, mail, web, and application servers. Browsers are used to retrieve and view web resources and include buttons like back, forward, refresh and home. Cookies are small pieces of data stored in a user's browser to allow websites to remember information about a user's activity. The cloud refers to a network of servers that provide computing power and services to users through a monthly subscription model. A URL is a web address that specifies the location of a web resource.
Este proyecto busca fortalecer la conciencia ambiental en los estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad educativa a trav¨¦s del reciclaje y aprovechamiento de desechos. Se formar¨¢ un equipo ambiental y se realizar¨¢n talleres, cineforos y campa?as para promover el cuidado de los recursos naturales. El objetivo es mejorar las condiciones de vida mediante la recolecci¨®n y clasificaci¨®n de basuras cada tercer d¨ªa.
The document provides an exercise program for Annie, a 55-year-old woman with a history of heart attack, asthma, arthritis, and high blood pressure. The program focuses on improving her cardiorespiratory health through walking 3-4 times per week for 30 minutes. It also includes strength training with 5 pound weights twice a week and flexibility exercises 3-5 times per week. The program aims to progress walking intensity and increase strength training weights gradually based on Annie's abilities and medical clearance.
Este documento presenta diferentes teor¨ªas sobre la informaci¨®n. Brevemente describe las teor¨ªas objetivas de Shannon y Weaver, Tom Stonier y Marcia Bates, las cuales consideran la informaci¨®n como una realidad f¨ªsica medible. Luego presenta teor¨ªas subjetivas como las de Pratt, Belkin y Dervin, que ven la informaci¨®n como algo construido social y cognitivamente por los sujetos. Finalmente introduce el paradigma socio-cognitivo, en el cual las estructuras de conocimiento son sociales e hist¨®ricas.
The document summarizes a traffic volume study conducted by a student group. They collected traffic data over 20 minutes using direct manual counting methods at an intersection in Dhaka. A total of 1132 passenger car units per hour passed through during the study period, indicating a level of service of D. Based on expansion factors, they estimated an average daily traffic of 18,658 vehicles and annual average daily traffic of 32,764 vehicles. The study had some limitations but provided useful findings on vehicle composition and directional flow. Recommendations included adopting automatic counting methods and improving transportation infrastructure.
The document introduces the topic of the environment and discusses humanity's relationship with Earth. It notes that all organisms depend on one another and the different gases in the atmosphere, which plants and animals use for photosynthesis and respiration. However, it raises concerns that the Earth may not be safe in human hands due to threats like deforestation, pollution, and e-waste, which can lead to problems such as drought, food scarcity, and disease. In conclusion, it encourages being aware of protecting the Earth and making efforts to think green and build a greener world.
Este documento resume la diferencia entre un concepto y una definici¨®n en 3 oraciones o menos. Un concepto es una idea formada en la mente basada en experiencias, que se expone de manera general. Una definici¨®n describe las cualidades esenciales de un tema de manera explicativa y precisa. Mientras un concepto agrupa conocimientos de manera amplia, una definici¨®n provee una proposici¨®n un¨ªvoca.
This document contains information from a traffic study conducted on a road connecting various departments at a university. The study found that:
1) The 85th percentile speed on the road was higher than the posted speed limit of 25 kmph, especially in the straight section in front of the Biotechnology department.
2) Bicycles made up the majority of vehicles on the road, with generally low traffic during the day.
3) Speed breakers were not fully effective in reducing speeds to the limit, and adding another breaker in front of the Biotechnology department was recommended.
Este documento resume las propiedades b¨¢sicas de las par¨¢bolas, incluyendo su ecuaci¨®n can¨®nica, la ubicaci¨®n del v¨¦rtice y el eje de simetr¨ªa, cortes con los ejes coordenados y puntos sim¨¦tricos, y c¨®mo las par¨¢bolas pueden trasladarse mediante cambios en los par¨¢metros de la ecuaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n menciona algunas aplicaciones de las par¨¢bolas en la arquitectura, el deporte y la ac¨²stica.
John Tacker is an experienced human resources executive and attorney seeking a new opportunity. He has 20 years of experience managing HR functions, including at a defense contractor and manufacturing company. He also has experience as a labor relations specialist for the US Army, handling employee relations, negotiations, and disputes. Tacker holds multiple degrees including a JD, LLM, and MBA and is a member of several professional organizations.
The document provides a summary of Laura Westphal's professional experience and qualifications. It outlines her experience managing complex projects and departments across both private and public sectors. She has expertise in legal, compliance, HR, research, and policy development matters. Her experience includes roles as a Commissioner overseeing police conduct, Chief Operating Officer of an interdisciplinary business, and Managing Partner of a law firm.
Rocky Jaramillo Rushing has over 20 years of experience in the California State Legislature, including serving as Chief of Staff for multiple Senators and an Assemblywoman. He has extensive experience in policy development, political navigation, and managing legislative offices. He has successfully guided significant legislation through the legislative process and is recognized as a skilled leader within the Capitol.
In this month's podcast, we visit with attorney Chris Bourgeacq about the NLRB's recent actions to make it easier for labor unions to organize employers' workplaces. Chris will be host the Austin Human Resource Management Association's Legal and Regulatory Roundtable on May 24th.
This document summarizes an employment law seminar discussing the EEOC's new guidance on criminal background checks. The guidance aims to address disparate impact concerns but provides some defenses for employers. It recommends targeted screens over blanket exclusions and allowing individualized assessments. It also discusses the tension between Title VII, negligent hiring liability, and some state laws requiring background checks. Employers are advised to narrowly tailor criminal screening policies based on relevant offenses and jobs, and to provide opportunities to appeal exclusions.
Long Version Resume Of Steven Chase April 24, 2012 Word 2007Franchise_Attorney
The document provides a summary of Steven A. Chase's professional experience and employment history. It details his experience in franchise law since 1992, including drafting and negotiating franchise agreements and disclosure documents. It also outlines his most recent role as Senior Franchise Paralegal/Attorney at Blockbuster since 2011, and previous in-house counsel roles providing legal support on contracts, regulatory compliance, and litigation management for franchisors.
Resume & Additional Experience as Business & Legal ProfessionalGeorge Pisaruk
George Pisaruk is an experienced legal and business professional seeking a position. He has over 25 years of experience working in corporate and government positions, including as general counsel for several companies. Pisaruk has expertise in areas such as mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, corporate finance, and employment law. He is proficient at working both independently and collaboratively in dynamic environments.
El documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas del correo directo, que consiste en enviar informaci¨®n publicitaria por correo postal o electr¨®nico. Explica que el objetivo es evitar ser descartado usando mensajes atractivos y sugerentes en sobres coloridos o con formas especiales. Tambi¨¦n recomienda usar frases cortas, dirigirse a una persona y presentar argumentos positivos de diferentes maneras.
ºÝºÝߣs prepared to be presented at a GSoC introductory session at University of Moratuwa focusing on motivating the students to apply for the program.
The document defines and describes several key computing concepts: servers process requests from clients and share data resources; typical servers include database, mail, web, and application servers. Browsers are used to retrieve and view web resources and include buttons like back, forward, refresh and home. Cookies are small pieces of data stored in a user's browser to allow websites to remember information about a user's activity. The cloud refers to a network of servers that provide computing power and services to users through a monthly subscription model. A URL is a web address that specifies the location of a web resource.
Este proyecto busca fortalecer la conciencia ambiental en los estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad educativa a trav¨¦s del reciclaje y aprovechamiento de desechos. Se formar¨¢ un equipo ambiental y se realizar¨¢n talleres, cineforos y campa?as para promover el cuidado de los recursos naturales. El objetivo es mejorar las condiciones de vida mediante la recolecci¨®n y clasificaci¨®n de basuras cada tercer d¨ªa.
The document provides an exercise program for Annie, a 55-year-old woman with a history of heart attack, asthma, arthritis, and high blood pressure. The program focuses on improving her cardiorespiratory health through walking 3-4 times per week for 30 minutes. It also includes strength training with 5 pound weights twice a week and flexibility exercises 3-5 times per week. The program aims to progress walking intensity and increase strength training weights gradually based on Annie's abilities and medical clearance.
Este documento presenta diferentes teor¨ªas sobre la informaci¨®n. Brevemente describe las teor¨ªas objetivas de Shannon y Weaver, Tom Stonier y Marcia Bates, las cuales consideran la informaci¨®n como una realidad f¨ªsica medible. Luego presenta teor¨ªas subjetivas como las de Pratt, Belkin y Dervin, que ven la informaci¨®n como algo construido social y cognitivamente por los sujetos. Finalmente introduce el paradigma socio-cognitivo, en el cual las estructuras de conocimiento son sociales e hist¨®ricas.
The document summarizes a traffic volume study conducted by a student group. They collected traffic data over 20 minutes using direct manual counting methods at an intersection in Dhaka. A total of 1132 passenger car units per hour passed through during the study period, indicating a level of service of D. Based on expansion factors, they estimated an average daily traffic of 18,658 vehicles and annual average daily traffic of 32,764 vehicles. The study had some limitations but provided useful findings on vehicle composition and directional flow. Recommendations included adopting automatic counting methods and improving transportation infrastructure.
The document introduces the topic of the environment and discusses humanity's relationship with Earth. It notes that all organisms depend on one another and the different gases in the atmosphere, which plants and animals use for photosynthesis and respiration. However, it raises concerns that the Earth may not be safe in human hands due to threats like deforestation, pollution, and e-waste, which can lead to problems such as drought, food scarcity, and disease. In conclusion, it encourages being aware of protecting the Earth and making efforts to think green and build a greener world.
Este documento resume la diferencia entre un concepto y una definici¨®n en 3 oraciones o menos. Un concepto es una idea formada en la mente basada en experiencias, que se expone de manera general. Una definici¨®n describe las cualidades esenciales de un tema de manera explicativa y precisa. Mientras un concepto agrupa conocimientos de manera amplia, una definici¨®n provee una proposici¨®n un¨ªvoca.
This document contains information from a traffic study conducted on a road connecting various departments at a university. The study found that:
1) The 85th percentile speed on the road was higher than the posted speed limit of 25 kmph, especially in the straight section in front of the Biotechnology department.
2) Bicycles made up the majority of vehicles on the road, with generally low traffic during the day.
3) Speed breakers were not fully effective in reducing speeds to the limit, and adding another breaker in front of the Biotechnology department was recommended.
Este documento resume las propiedades b¨¢sicas de las par¨¢bolas, incluyendo su ecuaci¨®n can¨®nica, la ubicaci¨®n del v¨¦rtice y el eje de simetr¨ªa, cortes con los ejes coordenados y puntos sim¨¦tricos, y c¨®mo las par¨¢bolas pueden trasladarse mediante cambios en los par¨¢metros de la ecuaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n menciona algunas aplicaciones de las par¨¢bolas en la arquitectura, el deporte y la ac¨²stica.
John Tacker is an experienced human resources executive and attorney seeking a new opportunity. He has 20 years of experience managing HR functions, including at a defense contractor and manufacturing company. He also has experience as a labor relations specialist for the US Army, handling employee relations, negotiations, and disputes. Tacker holds multiple degrees including a JD, LLM, and MBA and is a member of several professional organizations.
The document provides a summary of Laura Westphal's professional experience and qualifications. It outlines her experience managing complex projects and departments across both private and public sectors. She has expertise in legal, compliance, HR, research, and policy development matters. Her experience includes roles as a Commissioner overseeing police conduct, Chief Operating Officer of an interdisciplinary business, and Managing Partner of a law firm.
2CFBB8E1-3901-4E0E-95A5-20C1B857C3B3-R most recent resume updated 012517Turner Tracy
Tracy Turner has over 15 years of experience in the insurance industry, including senior roles at Transamerica Life Insurance Company and AARP. She has a background in claims processing, customer service, and training. Turner holds education in accounting and project management. She currently works as a Senior Claims Specialist at Transamerica, investigating complex insurance and non-insurance claims. In addition to her professional experience, Turner has volunteered in leadership roles with the Baltimore Freedom Middle/High School PTO and Baltimore City Public Schools PCAB.
Sunbal Virk has over 10 years of experience in legal and administrative roles. He currently works as a remote interpreter for Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu between clients and medical/legal services. Previously he has interned at various legal organizations, handling cases, negotiations, and research. He received his JD and LL.M from Ohio Northern University and has strong computer and language skills.
Robert F. Copple has extensive expertise in law, technology, regulation, complex litigation, and dispute resolution. He has led litigation teams resulting in $300 million in settlements and managed a $50 million legal budget. Copple has expertise in areas such as regulatory negotiations, compliance programs, data management, cyber security, eDiscovery, and biotechnology. He has experience as an arbitrator and mediator and has worked at law firms and for Motorola, where he managed legal offices.
Higher Education Resume November 14, 2015Patricia Mock
Lorna Mock has over 20 years of experience as a legal professional, professor, and advocate. She has taught law students and provided hands-on supervision as a professor at Thomas M. Cooley Law School. Prior to that, she managed the second largest Legal Aid office in Tennessee, directing operations, carrying a case load, and enforcing equal employment procedures. Mock has received numerous honors for her legal skills and advocacy, including coaching national championship teams and appointments to the Supreme Court Rules Commission. She brings solution-oriented skills in various areas of law along with strong communication and leadership abilities.
This summary provides an overview of the key qualifications and experience of Matthew R. Mekeel. He has over 16 years of experience in leadership, operations management, and customer service. He is currently a Route Sales Support for Aramark and was previously the Director of Focus House, a residential facility, for 4 years. He is skilled in areas such as budget management, policy development, and project management.
Susan Smith is an HR and compliance professional with over 20 years of experience. She has held roles such as Director of HR, Compliance, and Facilities at Healthcare Management Administrators and HR Director at Country Doctor Community Health Centers. She has expertise in areas such as employee relations, recruiting, benefits administration, and ensuring legal compliance. She holds certifications as a Senior Certified HR Professional, Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional, and Senior Professional in Human Resources.
Sharon Mayes has over 30 years of experience in human resources, currently serving as a Senior Employee Relations Consultant for Coca-Cola Refreshments. Her responsibilities include conducting investigations into employment issues, ensuring resolutions comply with policies and law, and documenting findings. Previously she held HR leadership roles at various companies, managing employee relations functions and teams. She aims to sit for the SPHR certification in late 2012.
C. Tiffany Phillips-Kromah is applying for a job opening and summarizing her experience and qualifications. She has over 5 years of experience as a U.S. government specialist, where she investigated discrimination cases and negotiated settlements totaling over $5 million. She holds a B.S. in Business and M.A. in Management, and has received two Secretary's Exceptional Achievement Awards for her work resolving discrimination cases.
Gregory VanZant has over 30 years of experience in human resources, including expertise in employee relations, labor relations, and managing human resources functions. He is currently an Employee Relations Manager for Polk County, where he facilitates conflict resolution and administers union contracts. Previously, he held various HR leadership roles at Mosaic and Meijer, where he provided HR support, managed employee relations cases, and negotiated collective bargaining agreements. He has a Bachelor's degree in Communications from Morehead State University.
An experienced general counsel/entrepreneur and law office owner offers a strong legal foundation and diverse business skills. The quest for generalized and specific experience and knowledge in both law and business: litigation and transactions; domestic and global; for established enterprises and start-ups; created a uniquely valuable skill set, forged upon bold choices and under the occasional weight of both tough times and victories. Bringing a creativity and a character mostly unknown to 'business-as-usual' approaches, I also immensely value and respect the proper role of established processes. An opportunity to apply all of this for a worthy organization answers my professional and personal calling and offers expansive mutual benefit to any enterprise.
Stephanie L. Paternostro is an attorney and life coach seeking a position that allows her to optimize revenue and customer satisfaction. She has over 15 years of experience as an attorney focusing on family law and has owned her own law practice. She is also a certified life and career coach. Paternostro has extensive litigation experience, is skilled in legal research, and is proficient in client relations and business development.
ANNISE D. HAWKINS34 Sharpless Blvd, Westampton, NJ 08060 (609).docxrossskuddershamus
34 Sharpless Blvd, Westampton, NJ 08060 (609) 309-2553
¡¤ Highly experienced Legal Assistant with a wide variety of administrative, organizational, and communication skills.
¡¤ Professional and positive manner, skilled in personal interactions, comfortable working in fast-paced environment.
¡¤ Extensive analytical and research skills.
Masters of Public Administration (MPA) Graduation: June 2014
Strayer University, Trevose, PA
Major: Public Administration
Courses Include:
Managerial Economics & Globalization
Modern Public Administration
Politics, Policy and Ethics in the Public Sector
Leadership and Conflict Resolution
Constitutional and Admin Law
Public Personnel Management
Information Systems for Decision-Making
Research Methods and Strategic Communication
Quantitative Methods
Public Policy Analysis & Planning
Public Budgeting and Finance
Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Graduation: December 2010
Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
Major: Communication Studies (specialized in interpersonal/organizational skills)
GPA: 3.5/4.0
Courses Include:
Introduction to Communications
Communication Theory
Small Group Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Mass Media and their influences
Communication studies research methods
Introduction to advertising
Public speaking
Associate of Arts Degree
May 2008
Burlington County College, Pemberton, New Jersey
Major: American Sign Language Interpreting Program
GPA: 3.6/4.0
Member of Golden Key International Honor Society-Strayer University-2012
Alumni President-Burlington County College-2011 to Present
Member of Golden Key International Honor Society- Rowan University-2010
Alumni Board Member- Burlington County College ¨C 2008 to present
VP of Public Relations, Sigma Alpha Lambda-Honor Society ¨C 2009
President, Phi Theta Kappa-International Honor Society-bcc-2008
President, American Sign Language Club, BCC-2006/2008
Senator, Student Government Association (SGA) ¨C BCC-2006/2008
Lead Case Technician
Social security Administration
Office of Disability Adjudication & review March 2011 ¨C Present
Pennsauken, NJ
¡¤ Lead a group of 16 employees by monitoring and balancing their daily/weekly workload.
¡¤ Make necessary adjustments to accomplish timely case processing.
¡¤ Ensure that the work is moving promptly and in date order (First In First Out-FIFO)
¡¤ Work with group members to identify and prevent backlogs.
¡¤ Prepare regular progress reports with regard to workload, workflow and specific data on case backlog for the group.
¡¤ Serves as liaison with District Offices, claimant¡¯s, representatives, Congressional offices, other government agencies and government officials regarding status of pending cases.
¡¤ I monitor timeframes regarding a.
Nationwide directory of attorneys who specialize in internal investigations of alleged workplace misconduct, such as harassment, discrimination, bribery, retaliation, fraud, etc.
This document provides an agenda and summary for the "Western Labour and Employee Relations Forum" conference taking place January 28-29, 2016 in Vancouver, BC. The conference will focus on managing relationships between employers, unions, and employees in light of challenges like downsizing and global competition, as well as updates on relevant laws and policies. Topics will include human rights issues, accommodating disabilities, social media and technology use, collective bargaining, and enhancing productivity through constructive relationships. The conference aims to help labour relations professionals stay informed on important issues and collaborative solutions.
Joseph T. Ruble is an experienced executive vice president, general counsel, and chief administrative officer with over 25 years of experience advising publicly traded companies. He has a proven track record of leading strategic planning, corporate development, legal operations, and human resources at a $750 million revenue company with over 3,000 employees globally. Ruble has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, securities law, litigation, and building compliance programs internationally.
Andrew Staab has over 25 years of experience representing employee benefit plans and advising on legal and compliance issues. He has served as an attorney for several law firms, focusing on representing Taft-Hartley fringe benefit trusts. He currently serves as the Training Center Director for the Minnesota and North Dakota Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Journeyman and Apprentice Training Trust Fund. He regularly speaks at industry conferences on topics such as financial literacy, apprenticeship programs, dealing with ethical issues, and effective administration.
Cybersecurity: Managing Risk Around New Data ThreatsEthisphere
This document summarizes a webcast on cybersecurity risks and strategies for managing them. It discusses the development of the NIST cybersecurity framework to encourage voluntary adoption of best practices. It also notes incentives recommended to the President to promote framework adoption, such as cyber insurance, grants, liability limitations, and streamlined regulations. The document then provides brief biographies of the three speakers on the webcast, who are experts on cybersecurity law and policy from large law firms and companies.
Bronwyn Stanford has over 20 years of experience in leadership roles within the Florida Department of Children and Families. She holds a Juris Doctorate degree from Stetson College of Law and Master's and Bachelor's degrees from Western Michigan University. Currently, she serves as the Regional Managing Director for the Southern Region of DCF, overseeing operations in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties with a budget of over $250 million. Previously at DCF, she held roles such as Statewide Deputy Director of Children's Legal Services and Regional Director of the SunCoast Region.
175 First Street South ¡ñ St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 ¡ñ (727) 488-4550 ¡ñ dianemorton1031@gmail.com
Experienced General Counsel/Chief Human Capital Officer (EVP) currently with publicly listed financial institution
(C1 Financial NYSE: BNK). Experience in public and private sector with strong background in Labor Law, Crisis
management, Public and Private Boards (advice, presentations, and guidance), Talent acquisition and retention,
Cybersecurity (response, strategy and policy) and Management of outside counsel (litigation review, billing
oversight, strategic guidance). Former high profile Assistant State Attorney and General Counsel to law enforcement
and fire service.
C1 FINANCIAL, Saint Petersburg, Florida
General Counsel and Chief Human Capital Officer, 2015-2016
? Managed all legal aspects of rapid growth financial institution (33 branches across Florida) including labor and employment
matters, vendor management, technology contracts and policy, cybersecurity, commercial agreements, loan and lending
issues. Principal advisor to the CEO for reputational risk, litigation strategy, strategic planning for personnel. Advisor to all
Senior Executives on legal and personnel issues.
? M&A experience: having grown to $1.7 billion in assets as of September 2015, the Bank entered into a merger agreement with
the Bank of the Ozarks in November 2015, closed in June, 2016. Represented the Bank as General Counsel in the merger
stage as well as a shareholder class action suit successfully settled.
? Managed and retained outside counsel including litigation guidance, review of all litigation motions and documents, billing
oversight and negotiation.
? Cybersecurity ¨C planned responses in concert with CIO, strategic policy implementation, review of mock exercises to test
compliance and safety.
? Responsible for enterprise wide-compliance and filing in wide range of governmental agencies including DOT, OSHA, DOL,
EEOC, FMLA, FLSA, Wage and Hour, Veterans 100, Affirmative Action.
? Project manager for complete redrafting of Policy Handbook including legal update and compliance with various governmental
? Talent acquisition and retention, partnering with all Senior Executives to fill talent needs and future planning, interviewing of
candidates, draft of offer and contracts.
? Data Analytics and analysis pertaining to enterprise wide-efficiency for both talent and business usage.
? Chief Executive responsible for Human Resources department management including review of all disciplinary issues, staffing
the department and overhaul of background checks and vendors, HR Audit, overtime management, turnover monitoring,
onboarding, off-boarding, employee engagement, benefits negotiation and oversight, response to employee inquiries, vendor
selection and management, payroll, oversight of benefits team.
? Board of Directors presentation at monthly meeting including legal advice on various issues.
? Crisis Management including security issues in cooperation with Federal and local law enforcement, reputational risk
management pertaining to crisis issues.
? Employee training on various legal and industry issues including lectures and legal updates.
? Developed and maintained effective relationships with Senior Executives and divisional groups to plan strategy for talent
retention, budgetary issues, and business unit goals.
MCALLISTER, OLIVARIUS, London, United Kingdom
Senior Counsel, 2014-2015
https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/¡bQjIt93kE4k9xfD4ebNhGULTugR9KASWZpns6O_KNJoavjbZxTnw 11/28/16, 2W13 PM
Page 1 of 3
2. ? Senior Counsel in complex litigation cases, and Team Leader for Associates and Staff members.
? Responsible for initiating and developing all stages of intricate representation (multi-party) in both U.S. and UK cases,
including initial client interviews, and witness development interviews.
? Legal issues included Title IX, Pell Grant fraud, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and various labor issues.
? Ethical analysis of all matters, analysis of regulatory bodies impacting case outcomes, lecture and teach, and various subject
matters to outside organizations.
? Network in both legal and non-legal community, and manage outside counsel including quality of work and billing.
DIANE BAILEY MORTON, PA, St. Petersburg, Florida
Principal, 1997-2014
Directed general trial practice specializing in labor and employment. Represented management and plaintiffs in all areas of litigation including state
court, federal court, EEOC, arbitration, and hearings before all levels of government. Served as general counsel to Tampa Police Union, Tampa
Firefighters Union, and Southwest PBA.
? Operated as lead counsel in collective bargaining, lead trial counsel in impasse hearings before governmental bodies, and lead trial counsel in
all stages of arbitrations for numerous issues with successful outcomes including reinstatement of position.
? Lectured locally and nationally on issues pertaining to domestic violence, sexual harassment, expert witnesses, and pension reform.
STETSON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE of LAW, St. Petersburg, Florida, Visiting Professor or Law, 1996-1997. Taught as a full time
professor of Criminal Procedure, Forensic Evidence, and Trial Advocacy.
STATE OF FLORIDA, Clearwater, Florida, Assistant State Attorney, 6th Circuit Florida, 1985-1996. Served as prosecuting attorney for Sixth
Circuit special prosecution unit, assigned to high profile sex crimes, homicides, and child abuse cases, with significant jury trial experience for
capital cases. Operated as forensic expert in numerous areas including DNA evidence. Considered statewide expert on child abuse and child
homicide cases. Functioned as national and statewide lecturer on issues including expert witnesses, forensic evidence, and ethics for new
prosecutors. Appeared before numerous governmental agencies on child welfare issues and reviewed potential legislation on child welfare issues.
Juris Doctor, 1984
B.A., Political Science, 1981
? ACC Mid-Year Corporate Counsel Meeting-Facilitator for CLO Legal Insurance meeting (April 2016)
? Society of Corporate Secretaries & Governance Professionals-Essentials 2016 (January 2016)
? General Counsel Summit-ACC conference exclusive to GC/CLO, London UK (October 2015)
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? Freshman Moot Court-Best Oral Advocate (Book Award)
? Victor Wehle Trial Practice Award (Faculty Award)
? Cecil Bailey Award-Most Promising Graduate (Female) (Faculty Award)
? Stetson Law Review ¨CAssociate Editor
? Stetson Trial Team-Statewide and Southeastern Regional Competition
? St. Petersburg Opera Company¡ªBoard of Trustees, Governance Chair.
? American Stage-Board of Trustees of professional regional theater, Sponsor and Producer of numerous productions.
? City of St. Petersburg International Relations Commission¡ªHomestay parent for numerous Japanese students as part of cultural
exchange program, Delegate to Takamatsu, Japan diplomatic mission representing City of St. Petersburg.
? Florida Bar Grievance Committee- Elected Chair by peers to preside over Ethics complaints against attorneys, Special
Assignments from the Bar regarding high profile investigations.
? University of South Florida Alumni Association¡ªBoard of Directors, Served during the interview process and transition to new
University president.
? Palladium Theater-Inaugural Board of Trustees converting a church to a performing arts space.
? Great Exploration Children¡¯s Museum-Board of Trustees and Treasurer, pro bono General Counsel for oversight of legal issues
as well as litigation, management of outside counsel.
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