John Tacker is an experienced human resources executive and attorney seeking a new opportunity. He has 20 years of experience managing HR functions, including at a defense contractor and manufacturing company. He also has experience as a labor relations specialist for the US Army, handling employee relations, negotiations, and disputes. Tacker holds multiple degrees including a JD, LLM, and MBA and is a member of several professional organizations.
John Tacker is an attorney and human resources executive based in Moline, Illinois. He has over 20 years of experience in legal, HR, and management roles, including as vice president and general counsel of a defense contractor. He is licensed to practice law in several states and currently serves as an adjunct professor at multiple colleges teaching business, management, and law courses.
This document summarizes key topics from a chapter on employee rights and HR communications. It discusses current issues regarding employee rights such as drug testing, honesty tests, whistleblowing, and employee monitoring. It also examines the employment-at-will doctrine and exceptions to it. The chapter outlines guidelines for employee discipline and counseling. Finally, it discusses using an employee handbook and various communication methods to enhance employee rights and engagement.
This document discusses employee rights and HR communications. It covers several key pieces of employment rights legislation including the Privacy Act of 1974, Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1971, Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, Polygraph Protection Act of 1988, and Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988. Current issues related to employee rights such as drug testing, honesty tests, whistleblowing, and employee monitoring are also examined. The employment-at-will doctrine and exceptions are defined. Guidelines for discipline, counseling, and using employee communications like handbooks are provided.
Chapter 16 Employee Rights and DisciplineRayman Soe
1. The document discusses employee rights and discipline, including statutory rights, contractual rights, employment-at-will, and exceptions.
2. It covers due process and just cause for employee discipline or termination. Alternative dispute resolution methods are also discussed.
3. Employee privacy rights regarding records and monitoring are summarized. Access, correction of records, and restrictions on sharing information are addressed.
This document summarizes key equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation in the United States, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and others. It discusses how these laws prohibit discrimination in hiring, compensation, and terms of employment based on characteristics such as race, sex, religion, age, and disability. It also outlines enforcement of these laws by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and legal standards and Supreme Court cases related to discrimination.
Chapter 5 Managing Equal Employment and DiversityRayman Soe
This document discusses managing equal employment and diversity in organizations. It covers topics like affirmative action, managing employees of different genders, ages, disabilities, religions and managing workplace diversity. The key goals of diversity management discussed are reducing discrimination complaints and costs, improving organizational performance, and enhancing recruiting and retention through a diverse workforce.
Sexual harassment training ab 1825 compliance in 2017Michele Collu
This document discusses California's AB 1825 sexual harassment prevention training requirements for employers. It provides an overview of the law's history and milestones, who must be trained, and what effective interactive training entails. Employers must train supervisors within 6 months of hire or promotion. Training content must include definitions of harassment and discrimination, remedies, strategies for prevention, and more. EverFi's online training meets these requirements through instructional design experts, attorneys, and real-world scenarios. It also addresses new requirements regarding abusive conduct and compliance culture. Records must be kept for two years.
The document discusses the legal context of human resource management. It covers key laws prohibiting discrimination, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Forms of illegal discrimination include disparate treatment and disparate impact. The document also discusses legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, and Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Employers must evaluate their compliance with anti-discrimination and other employment laws.
William Franzblau, Esquire - Senior Counsel Resume - 2015William Franzblau
William Franzblau is a senior counsel and corporate executive with over 20 years of experience as in-house counsel and over 8 years of experience as Chief Financial Officer for various public and private companies. He has a proven track record of providing strategic leadership to optimize corporate profitability while managing risks. Currently he works as a legal consultant for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and healthcare companies.
Walt Metz is an experienced general counsel, corporate secretary, and business partner with over 25 years of experience advising companies in transportation, logistics, and warehousing industries. He has held in-house counsel roles at several large companies, establishing the first legal department at Americold Realty Trust and facilitating major transactions. Currently working as an independent consultant, Metz is seeking a new career challenge utilizing his skills in litigation management, risk management, M&A, and strategic planning.
The document advertises two employment law workshops in Asia on November 15th and 16th, 2016 in Singapore. The first workshop on November 15th focuses on employment law in China and will cover the country's evolving labor regulations, common employment issues and compliance challenges in China, as well as managing terminations and restructurings. The second workshop on November 16th focuses on employment law in Vietnam and will address topics like employee termination, dismissals and disciplinary measures, and labor dispute resolution. Both workshops will be led by practicing lawyers from their respective countries.
Stephen H Joseph Resume Labor And Employmentvegasshj
Stephen H. Joseph is an attorney based in New Jersey with over 40 years of experience in labor and employment law. He received his law degree from Georgetown University and has worked as general counsel for several companies. Currently, he operates his own law firm focusing on business law issues including labor disputes and employment matters.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964)
An employer cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin with respect to employment.
All public or private employers of 15 or more persons.
All private and public educational institutions, the federal government, and state and local governments
All public and private employment agencies
All labor unions with 15 or more members
Memphis Biz Journal.Countering Risks Of Employment Related Actions.4.10.09Barbara Richman, SPHR
This article discusses 10 questions employers should consider to help ensure compliance with employment laws and reduce risks of litigation. It notes that while avoidance may seem like a natural response to legal complexity, employers are better served becoming familiar with fundamental compliance issues and identifying tools and resources. Specifically, the questions address issues like understanding applicable laws; training on frequent sources of litigation like wage/hour laws; keeping up with new regulations; providing required employee information and training; conducting compliance audits; maintaining updated policies and procedures; properly documenting job descriptions, interviews, performance and disciplinary actions. Addressing these areas can help organizations meet legal obligations and decrease liabilities.
Este documento descreve 5 projetos idealizados pela ag¨ºncia Wiz Interactive que nunca foram implementados. O primeiro projeto resume um site proposto para promover a alta velocidade ferrovi¨¢ria em Portugal, permitindo aos usu¨¢rios uma experi¨ºncia imersiva de viagem virtual de trem. O segundo resumo descreve uma estrat¨¦gia ousada proposta para uma operadora de telefonia lidar com reclama??es no Facebook, criando empatia entre clientes e a empresa.
Este documento clasifica las drogas en tres categor¨ªas (depresoras, estimulantes y alucin¨®genas) y proporciona informaci¨®n sobre los efectos, formas de consumo y datos estad¨ªsticos de siete drogas comunes: alcohol, hero¨ªna, tabaco, caf¨¦, coca¨ªna, ¨¦xtasis y marihuana. Tambi¨¦n incluye brevemente el LSD.
Marcos Mart¨ªnez, ha firmado recientemente un convenio de colaboraci¨®n con la...Marcos Mart¨ªnez
El presidente de la Diputaci¨®n, Marcos Mart¨ªnez, ha firmado recientemente un convenio de colaboraci¨®n con la Asociaci¨®n de Familiares de Enfermos de Alzheimer y Otras Demencias del Bierzo.
The document discusses the historical dimension of film from 1927-1939, including the transition to sound films in 1927, technical developments in the 1930s like the introduction of color photography and limitations on camera movement due to soundproofing, and business developments of the 1930s like the establishment of the major studios, dominance of the studio system, popularity of genres like musicals and westerns, the rise of animated features, America's dominance of the global film market, and the introduction of the production code to censor films.
El documento describe la estrategia de b¨²squeda utilizada para encontrar art¨ªculos sobre vendajes del pie y el tobillo usando los t¨¦rminos "vend*" AND ("pie" OR "tobillo"). Explica que se encontraron 48 documentos y que uno con texto completo en Dialnet fue seleccionado como ejemplo. Tambi¨¦n indica que se debe buscar el ISSN de uno de los documentos en el cat¨¢logo de Fama para acceder a la versi¨®n electr¨®nica.
O documento discute o processo de briefing como gerador de neg¨®cio, incluindo 11 etapas: 1) antes da reuni?o, 2) briefing do cliente, 3) pesquisa, 4) mapear a paisagem digital, 5) entender como funciona, 6) debriefing, 7) segundo briefing, 8) processo criativo, 9) cross-selling, 10) mapa anual, 11) avalia??o e evolu??o. O objetivo ¨¦ gerar neg¨®cio para o cliente atrav¨¦s de uma abordagem estrat¨¦gica que integra pesquisa, vis?o criativa e rentabiliza??o de o
This document provides a study guide for the 1952 MGM musical "Singin' in the Rain". It includes sections on the technical, dramatic, auteur, historical, and genre dimensions of the film. Key details summarized include that the film was produced by Arthur Freed and directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. It also transitions Hollywood from silent films to talkies and uses innovative filming and editing techniques in its musical numbers.
The lithium ion battery supply chain in an energy storage revolution.
The Benchmark World Tour 2016 was a series from free seminars on this subject with a focus on raw material demand of graphite, lithium, and cobalt.
William Franzblau, Esquire - Senior Counsel Resume - 2015William Franzblau
William Franzblau is a senior counsel and corporate executive with over 20 years of experience as in-house counsel and over 8 years of experience as Chief Financial Officer for various public and private companies. He has a proven track record of providing strategic leadership to optimize corporate profitability while managing risks. Currently he works as a legal consultant for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and healthcare companies.
Walt Metz is an experienced general counsel, corporate secretary, and business partner with over 25 years of experience advising companies in transportation, logistics, and warehousing industries. He has held in-house counsel roles at several large companies, establishing the first legal department at Americold Realty Trust and facilitating major transactions. Currently working as an independent consultant, Metz is seeking a new career challenge utilizing his skills in litigation management, risk management, M&A, and strategic planning.
The document advertises two employment law workshops in Asia on November 15th and 16th, 2016 in Singapore. The first workshop on November 15th focuses on employment law in China and will cover the country's evolving labor regulations, common employment issues and compliance challenges in China, as well as managing terminations and restructurings. The second workshop on November 16th focuses on employment law in Vietnam and will address topics like employee termination, dismissals and disciplinary measures, and labor dispute resolution. Both workshops will be led by practicing lawyers from their respective countries.
Stephen H Joseph Resume Labor And Employmentvegasshj
Stephen H. Joseph is an attorney based in New Jersey with over 40 years of experience in labor and employment law. He received his law degree from Georgetown University and has worked as general counsel for several companies. Currently, he operates his own law firm focusing on business law issues including labor disputes and employment matters.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964)
An employer cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin with respect to employment.
All public or private employers of 15 or more persons.
All private and public educational institutions, the federal government, and state and local governments
All public and private employment agencies
All labor unions with 15 or more members
Memphis Biz Journal.Countering Risks Of Employment Related Actions.4.10.09Barbara Richman, SPHR
This article discusses 10 questions employers should consider to help ensure compliance with employment laws and reduce risks of litigation. It notes that while avoidance may seem like a natural response to legal complexity, employers are better served becoming familiar with fundamental compliance issues and identifying tools and resources. Specifically, the questions address issues like understanding applicable laws; training on frequent sources of litigation like wage/hour laws; keeping up with new regulations; providing required employee information and training; conducting compliance audits; maintaining updated policies and procedures; properly documenting job descriptions, interviews, performance and disciplinary actions. Addressing these areas can help organizations meet legal obligations and decrease liabilities.
Este documento descreve 5 projetos idealizados pela ag¨ºncia Wiz Interactive que nunca foram implementados. O primeiro projeto resume um site proposto para promover a alta velocidade ferrovi¨¢ria em Portugal, permitindo aos usu¨¢rios uma experi¨ºncia imersiva de viagem virtual de trem. O segundo resumo descreve uma estrat¨¦gia ousada proposta para uma operadora de telefonia lidar com reclama??es no Facebook, criando empatia entre clientes e a empresa.
Este documento clasifica las drogas en tres categor¨ªas (depresoras, estimulantes y alucin¨®genas) y proporciona informaci¨®n sobre los efectos, formas de consumo y datos estad¨ªsticos de siete drogas comunes: alcohol, hero¨ªna, tabaco, caf¨¦, coca¨ªna, ¨¦xtasis y marihuana. Tambi¨¦n incluye brevemente el LSD.
Marcos Mart¨ªnez, ha firmado recientemente un convenio de colaboraci¨®n con la...Marcos Mart¨ªnez
El presidente de la Diputaci¨®n, Marcos Mart¨ªnez, ha firmado recientemente un convenio de colaboraci¨®n con la Asociaci¨®n de Familiares de Enfermos de Alzheimer y Otras Demencias del Bierzo.
The document discusses the historical dimension of film from 1927-1939, including the transition to sound films in 1927, technical developments in the 1930s like the introduction of color photography and limitations on camera movement due to soundproofing, and business developments of the 1930s like the establishment of the major studios, dominance of the studio system, popularity of genres like musicals and westerns, the rise of animated features, America's dominance of the global film market, and the introduction of the production code to censor films.
El documento describe la estrategia de b¨²squeda utilizada para encontrar art¨ªculos sobre vendajes del pie y el tobillo usando los t¨¦rminos "vend*" AND ("pie" OR "tobillo"). Explica que se encontraron 48 documentos y que uno con texto completo en Dialnet fue seleccionado como ejemplo. Tambi¨¦n indica que se debe buscar el ISSN de uno de los documentos en el cat¨¢logo de Fama para acceder a la versi¨®n electr¨®nica.
O documento discute o processo de briefing como gerador de neg¨®cio, incluindo 11 etapas: 1) antes da reuni?o, 2) briefing do cliente, 3) pesquisa, 4) mapear a paisagem digital, 5) entender como funciona, 6) debriefing, 7) segundo briefing, 8) processo criativo, 9) cross-selling, 10) mapa anual, 11) avalia??o e evolu??o. O objetivo ¨¦ gerar neg¨®cio para o cliente atrav¨¦s de uma abordagem estrat¨¦gica que integra pesquisa, vis?o criativa e rentabiliza??o de o
This document provides a study guide for the 1952 MGM musical "Singin' in the Rain". It includes sections on the technical, dramatic, auteur, historical, and genre dimensions of the film. Key details summarized include that the film was produced by Arthur Freed and directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. It also transitions Hollywood from silent films to talkies and uses innovative filming and editing techniques in its musical numbers.
The lithium ion battery supply chain in an energy storage revolution.
The Benchmark World Tour 2016 was a series from free seminars on this subject with a focus on raw material demand of graphite, lithium, and cobalt.
Desde el plan de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres el alumnado ha realizado la carta a los Reyes Magos, pidiendo cosas para mejorar las relaciones interpersonales y prevenir la violencia sexista.
La econom¨ªa inca se basaba en el parentesco y la reciprocidad en lugar de dinero o mercados. Las personas ten¨ªan la obligaci¨®n de ayudar a los miembros de su familia extendida (ayllu) mediante el intercambio de bienes y servicios. Los excedentes de alimentos, textiles y cer¨¢mica se almacenaban en dep¨®sitos estatales llamados collcas y se redistribu¨ªan para apoyar a grupos aliados y durante desastres, cumpliendo el principio de la redistribuci¨®n. La agricultura, ganader¨ªa y pesca er
La fisioterapia pedi¨¢trica se centra en el desarrollo motor de los ni?os y en tratar enfermedades como las neurol¨®gicas. La fisioterapia neurol¨®gica en ni?os se basa en el desarrollo motor adecuado y en estrategias para mejorar la funci¨®n, el equilibrio y la coordinaci¨®n. Una de las enfermedades tratadas es la par¨¢lisis cerebral, la cual puede ser causada por factores prenatales, perinatales o posnatales y afecta el tono y movimiento muscular.
Domingo Becerra has over 20 years of experience in leadership roles in the military, construction, and human resources. He has a Master's degree in Leadership and Management and is bilingual. His experience includes instructing over 1800 military personnel, managing construction projects up to $8 million, and investigating unfair labor practice complaints.
Ernesto P Romero HR Services 041816 + DiversityErnesto Romero
This document is a resume for Ernesto P. Romero summarizing his experience in professional and technical recruitment, diversity recruitment, EEO-AA compliance, human resources, and employment administration over nearly 40 years working in both the public and private sectors. It details his roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments in positions with the Department of Labor, American Institutes for Research, Proquest, Santa Cruz County, the State of California EDD, and other employers.
Sharon Mayes has over 30 years of experience in human resources, currently serving as a Senior Employee Relations Consultant for Coca-Cola Refreshments. Her responsibilities include conducting investigations into employment issues, ensuring resolutions comply with policies and law, and documenting findings. Previously she held HR leadership roles at various companies, managing employee relations functions and teams. She aims to sit for the SPHR certification in late 2012.
Martin Skawski has over 15 years of progressive human resources experience, including benefits administration, employment law compliance, and HR generalist work. He holds an SPHR certification and bachelor's degree in human resources. Skawski is fluent in English and Polish with international experience.
Experienced general counsel and chief human capital officer with over 30 years of experience in both public and private sectors. She has strong expertise in labor law, crisis management, talent acquisition, cybersecurity, and managing outside counsel. She is currently the general counsel and chief human capital officer of a publicly listed financial institution, overseeing all legal and HR functions. Previously, she held senior legal roles providing counsel on complex litigation and regulatory issues.
Steven Vidal is seeking a new position as a credentialed HR Professional. He has over 25 years of experience in human resources management. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and is PHR certified. Vidal is seeking to leverage his expertise developing HR policies and procedures, managing recruiting and staffing, and implementing HR technology systems like applicant tracking and performance management tools. He provides examples of projects he has led, such as an iCIMS implementation and crafting severance agreements. Vidal is confident he can add value to a new organization with his strong background in all areas of HR management.
This document contains a summary of Kelly S. Lewis's experience and qualifications for a human resources generalist position. It includes her contact information, an overview of her extensive experience in human resources administration, development and employee relations. It also lists her HR skills and responsibilities in areas such as recruiting, benefits administration, payroll processing, employee relations and training. Her professional experience section outlines her current role as an HR Generalist Administrator for Flowers Baking Company, including responsibilities for managing HR policies and procedures, benefits, payroll, records maintenance and safety programs.
The document is a resume for Quentin G. Marvin, a human resources professional with over 20 years of experience in associate relations, policy enforcement, employment law, recruiting, training and development. He has held senior human resources roles at several large companies and consulting firms, and has expertise in avoiding discrimination, harassment and legal liability.
James Cambron Resume Hr Generalist 15 Plus Yrs. Exp. 2010Jcambron
James Cambron has over 15 years of experience in human resources, safety, security, training, and risk management in both the public and private sectors. He has held positions such as Director of Human Resources, Coordinator of Human Resources and Safety, and Manager of Human Resources. Cambron also has experience as a consultant providing human resources services to small and medium sized companies. He is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Human Resource Management and holds certifications in areas such as safety training and as a Notary Public.
Hugh W. White has over 30 years of experience in human resources, including developing HR departments, ensuring legal compliance, and representing companies in employment-related matters. He has expertise in areas such as recruiting, benefits administration, policy development, and training. Most recently, White was the HR Director for a manufacturing company, where he established their HR programs and systems, represented the company in various investigations and cases, and helped them avoid unionization attempts. Prior to that, he held HR and security roles for a security services company, where he oversaw personnel at multiple nuclear power plants.
Aaliz Adrienne Wills is the Principal of Strategic HR Solutions, a human resources consulting firm she founded in 1994. She has over 15 years of experience in human resources management roles across various industries, including manufacturing, high-tech, entertainment, and law firms. Wills specializes in developing strategic HR plans, policy development, benefits administration, and other areas. Prior to founding her own firm, she served as HR Director for several companies, becoming an HR Manager at age 24. She aims to provide strategic guidance and limit liability for her clients through her expertise in labor law and organizational change.
George N. Harakas is applying for a human resources position. He has over 18 years of experience in human resources management with skills in areas such as benefits management, policy development, and employment law. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and is pursuing professional certification in human resources. In his letter, he provides details of his experience, education, and accomplishments to demonstrate how he would be a valuable asset to the organization.
C. Tiffany Phillips-Kromah is applying for a job opening and summarizing her experience and qualifications. She has over 5 years of experience as a U.S. government specialist, where she investigated discrimination cases and negotiated settlements totaling over $5 million. She holds a B.S. in Business and M.A. in Management, and has received two Secretary's Exceptional Achievement Awards for her work resolving discrimination cases.
Maria S. Alvarez has served as the Human Resources Associate for Univision Communications' East Coast region since 2003. In this role, she oversees onboarding and offboarding of employees, maintains competitive benefits programs, ensures compliance with employment laws, and acts as a liaison between HR and management. Alvarez strives to make new employees feel welcome from day one and avoids legal issues by following all regulations. She also continues her education in HR and maintains confidential employee information. Previously, Alvarez worked as an HR Administrator from 2000-2003 and holds bachelor's degrees in Language Interpretation and Translation as well as Industrial Psychology.
Priscilla J. Franks is a human resources professional with over 15 years of experience in HR, operations, and management. She has worked in HR roles for several companies in Kansas, including as an HR consultant, HR manager, and HR generalist. Her experience includes responsibilities such as payroll, benefits administration, recruitment, compliance, and training. She has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and is fluent in Spanish.
Darryl Burns is a senior human resources manager with extensive experience spanning multiple industries including automotive manufacturing, construction, and defense contracting. He has a track record of building effective HR teams and programs, managing employee relations, implementing strategic workforce and talent acquisition plans, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. Burns currently works as the industrial relations manager for a construction division where he oversees human resources functions for 750 employees across multiple states and projects.
Clarence Neal has over 17 years of experience in human resources recruitment. He has worked as a recruiter for various healthcare staffing agencies and hospitals. Neal is skilled in full cycle recruitment including sourcing candidates, interviewing, negotiating offers, and onboarding. He has a proven track record of successfully filling positions and increasing company revenue. Neal holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and is proficient in various applicant tracking and HR systems.
Human resources management (HRM) involves managing an organization's workforce and is becoming increasingly important. HRM deals with policies and systems related to recruiting, performance evaluation, compensation, and employee discipline. It also helps organizations comply with employment laws and maintain consistency in areas like compensation and promotions. As the workforce becomes more complex due to factors like new technologies and foreign competition, HRM plays a central role in strategic business decisions and matching employee skills to organizational goals. Maintaining engaged employees also gives organizations a competitive advantage in today's market.
Richard Foxman has over 15 years of experience in human resources leadership in both the public and private sectors. He has a proven track record of building relationships, implementing efficiencies, and providing organizational development advice. Some of his accomplishments include managing the recruitment and hiring of over 100 individuals, facilitating training programs, and leading the implementation of new HR systems. Currently he works as the Deputy Director of Administrative Operations for the Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services where he has developed new procedures to improve payments and reduce costs.
Address: 3506 51st
Street, Moline, Illinois 61265 Phone: 1.563-271-1989 Email: Jtacker@IABAR.ORG
Seeking the next great opportunity to excel, that will test my knowledge, skills and abilities, and allow continuance of my
record of superior achievement, innovative ideas, and team focused leadership.
Executive Management of a 10 Million Dollar Defense Contractor
Contracts ¨C Mergers ¨C Acquisitions ¨C Property ¨C Joint Ventures - Legal/Regulatory Compliance
Federal/State Government - International Contracts
HRIS ¨C FLSA ¨C SCA ¨C Performance Management ¨C Recruitment ¨C Staffing -Training
Employee Relations ¨C Civil Rights ¨C Labor Relations ¨C ADR ¨C Collective Bargaining
97% win record on Arbitrations ? Reduced a 1.1 Million Dollar Debt to a Bank Lender to $400K?a $175k debt to a CPA firm to
$24K?$90K debt to Company to outside counsel to $45K. Acquired 3 Computer Next Generation Software Companies.
Resolved 2 Tax issues with the IRS ? one from 16K to ¡®0¡¯? one from $24,000 down to $4,000. Improved a pig iron
manufacturing operation to open-mold pour, increasing productivity over 300% ?Built a recognized State of the Art HR
function for a multimillion Dollar Company, with no previous HR program.
o I ensure the environment of the assigned Manufacturing Operations Plant aligns with Pella¡¯s People Focus Culture
and Pella¡¯s Total Competiveness System (TCS) specific to Leadership and Values.
o I am a leader and business partner planning and administering policies, programs and processes related to human
resources identification of legal requirements and government reporting regulations affecting the human resources
function; ensuring team member relations policies, procedures, and reporting are in compliance with federal and
state law; coordination of required HR training needed in manufacturing: interviewing, hiring, terminations,
promotions/progression, performance management, and safety.
o I supervise an HR workforce that includes an Occupational Health Nurse where I oversee FMLA/ADA.
o I am also the onsite lead and expert on harassment and discrimination, compliance, policy and procedures as well as
cultural training needs to ensure a people-focused environment. I advise manufacturing management in appropriate
resolution of team member relations issues and corrective action
o I prepare the HR budges; develop and coordinate continuous improvement of team member relations, assists in the
development and execution of processes and programs; in: recruitment, selection, onboarding, retention, health
services, plant schedules, training programs, compensation plans, wage surveys, factory progression (job bidding),
safety program coordination , unemployment, workers' compensation, disability, orientation, HRIS, team member
activities, team member handbook, and metric analysis
o Motivate HR Rep(s) to achieve continuous process improvement, self-development, cross training, safe behaviors,
high performance teamwork, and a customer focus toward team members and managers
? Vice President ¨C Executive Management/General Counsel/ and Director of HR oversight/direction
o Advocate in litigation in State Court and United States Courts/Courts of Appeal.
o Wrote, Negotiated, and Managed the Company¡¯s Contract¡¯s under Common Law, State Law, UCC, FAR and DFAR.
o Participated in over 70 major business development initiatives, and Lead 5
o Supervise a cadre of Attorneys and outside counsel in Iowa, Nevada, and Virginia
o Supervised a top-performing HR program to include: Generalists, Recruiters, Payroll, HRIS, and Benefits Managers.
o Lead Corporate Headquarters in Davenport, Iowa; Managed Company Property for Iowa;
1 | P a g e
Address: 3506 51st
Street, Moline, Illinois 61265 Phone: 1.563-271-1989 Email: Jtacker@IABAR.ORG
o Facilities Security Officer for a TS Facility.
o Assumed lead role, in the interpretation and execution of international contract administration, for efforts in Saudi
Arabia, Australia, Iraq, Afghanistan, India; and CONUS United States.
o Program Manager for a Multi-Million Dollar Large Business Prime Contractor, supervising Software and Land-
Satellite Engineers
o Created and implemented an Ombudsman (ADR Program) that played a vital role in reducing the increasing number
of grievances, pending unfair labor practice allegations, and requests for mid-contract bargaining, from several
hundred, to a reduction to 30 the first year.
o Supervised and provided oversight and guidance to a team of mediators that resulted in zero disputes, requests to
bargain from the unions, unfair labor practices, and EEO complaints.
o Personally established and maintained one of the first Army labor management partnerships
o Served as member of counsel and labor relations experts for the United States Departments of Defense Management
Advisory Council
o As the Management Advocate for the United States Government, I worked collaboratively with the National
Association of Government Employees, National Federation of Federal Employees, and the International Association
of Machinists and Aerospace Workers in addressing and resolving employee-related issues.
o As the Advocate for the Government I also handled various EEO complaints, Unfair Labor Practices, and grievances
for the government that rooted from Contract Violations and allegations of Discrimination
o Chief Negotiator for the Government, with multiple Collective Bargaining Contracts
o In my HR role, I was responsible for the oversite of recruitment, staffing, training, Human Resources Information
System (HRIS) Management, while having direct responsibility as the Management Advocate for all employee
relations issues.
o Spearheaded four major studies of management practices and managed more than 300 employee disciplinary issues.
Deputy Director; Chief of Training; Chief of Contingency Contracting; Chief of the Far East Theater
o Human Resources, Management, Diversity, Business, and Business Law courses.
o Business, Business Law, Principles of Management, Human Resources, Financial Accounting, and Managerial
Accounting courses.
o Business Law
o Human Resources, Principles of Management, Business Law, Introduction to Computer Science, Paralegal Studies,
Legal Research, and four progressive management classes for fire service Command Officers.
Licensed to practice law in: Michigan | Iowa | United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois United States
Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit | United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces United States Tax Court | United
States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit United States Court for Veterans Claims | United States Court for Federal
Claims United States Supreme Court
Collective Bargaining ¨C Black Hawk Community College; Employee Relations ¨C University of Michigan; Labor Arbitration ¨C
University of Michigan Graduate School of Business Administration; Mediation ¨CJustice Center of Atlanta
2 | P a g e
Address: 3506 51st
Street, Moline, Illinois 61265 Phone: 1.563-271-1989 Email: Jtacker@IABAR.ORG
Black Hawk College, Moline Illinois, Alumni Hall of Fame Inductee?Marycrest College, Davenport Iowa, Outstanding
Achievement Alumni Award?United States Army Commander¡¯s Award for Civilian Service (twice) ? Official Commendation ¨C
Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom ? AV Rating of Super Lawyer Status, Highly Credentialed Attorney
¨CAttorneys.US ? Designated Master Lawyer by the Michigan State Bar Association 2014 ? Iowa Leadership Award - US
Institute for Advancement of Trade and Commerce (USIATC) 2014
American Bar Association | Iowa Bar | Michigan Bar | Federal Bar / Moot Court Judge ¨C Iowa / Senior Professional in Human
Resources - SHRM / Senior Certified Professional in Human Resources ¨C SHRM / Member ¨C Military Pro Bono Project /
Member ¨C American Bar Association Advisory Board / Member, Advisory Board ¨C Quad City Area Labor Management Council
St. Thomas University, Miami, FL - Post-Doctoral Master of Laws (LLM) in Intercultural Human Rights:
St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA - Master of Business Administration (MBA):
Northwestern California University School of Law, Sacramento, CA Juris Doctorate (JD):
Northwestern California University School of Law, Sacramento, CA - Bachelor of Laws (LLB):
MaryCrest College, Davenport, IA - Dual Bachelor¡¯s Degrees in Business and Computer Science Software Engineering
3 | P a g e