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Address Solhemsv辰gen 1D
178 34 EKER
Phone +46709-17 80 14
E-mail pegus100@outlook.com
Date of birth June 21st 1964
Work Experience
Business & Alliance Manager Citrix 2012-
Atea Sverige AB
As a result of us building a team for all strategic partners I was asked to handle Citrix along with Microsoft. We
have after that successfullygrown our new sales business by 30% yearly and are the leading partner in Sweden within
both license sales and solution sales. We are also the most successful partner regarding Advisory Rewards.
Business & Alliance Manager Microsoft 2010-2014
Atea Sverige AB
When there became a need for a professional and strategic approach to one of our most important partners, Microsoft,
I was asked to look into this development by Lars Petersson, CEO. Atea did at this point not have an organization
or method of handling partners this way. I was stimulatedimmediately by the possibility to use all my experience and
knowledge from Atea and be able to grow within the company. For the last two years only, we have developed a
similar structure for all our strategic partners, but this was not the case the first two years. The result was fantastic
with a much more powerful relationship, good processes, structuredhandling of the partnership. We have also had a
continuedgrowth of 10-30% yearly along with the services in solution sales. There is of course still much to do and
many ideas and wishes fromboth organizations but the steps that have been taken these last four years are huge.
Location Manager/CEO rebro, 35-40 associates 2005-2010
Atea Sverige AB
My responsibility continuedafter Ateaacquisition of Martinsson. For five years, both great and tough years, which
developed me as a leader and businessman and we moved rapidly to a much larger business in HW/SW with a
revenue of about 100 Mkr
Location Manager/CEO rebro, 25-35 associates 2002-2005
Martinsson AB
As a result of the acquisition when Martinsson bought IMS I was offeredthe opportunity to integrate both offices with
approx. 20 employees in both organizations. We continuedgoodgrowth and at one point were the 3rd
most profitable
office in Sweden. I was appointed by Lars Petterson and Bj旦rn-Erik Karlsson (Biznode)
Location Manager/CEO rebro, 20-25 associates 2001-2002
IMS Data Sverige AB
At this point I had the opportunity to use all my experience and competence to develop the rebro office under a
period of big changes in the market and corporate world. We managed to get a goodstable growth along with customer
and employee satisfaction. Iwas appointed by G旦ran Hjelte (IT-Hantverkarna) and Anders Tufvesson (Print Atea)
Services Manager, 11-15 Consultants 2000-2001
IMS Internet Consulting AB
As one of three Services Managers I was responsible for my teams success in revenue, quality and people management
with good results.
Sales Manager, 7-9 salespeople 1999-2000
IMS Data i rebro AB (HW, SW, Services, Education & Business Software)
After a successful period of two years I was given the chance to lead our sales department when the current manager
became CEO of the company. We had a substantial growth and I was a member of the Corporate Management
Business Manager 1997-1999
IMS Data i rebro AB
I immediately felt at home and had the opportunity to quickly grow in to a leading role after two years.
Account and Marketing Manager IT 1993-1997
Standard Konsulting AB
I was offeredthis opportunity after presenting amarket plan produced within my Marketing Education. I developed a
new strategy for sales and offering for this company that became very successful. This was a rather small business that
reached 10 people in total when I decided to move on for greater things.
Numerous jobs and small own businesses in the US 1982 -1993
and Sweden during this period
Martinsson/Atea Academy 2000 -
Continuous education and training within sales and leadership
Solution Selling Sales Professional 2007
Lindgren & Partners, 4 dgr
Utveckling Grupp Ledare (UGL) 2006
Mercuri International, 1 vecka
IMS Business School 1999-2000
Sales and leadership
Developing your leadership 2000
Leadership 1999
Nova Aff辰rsutveckling
IBM Project management PL10 1998
Finance sales 1998
GE Capital
Consulting practices 1998
Cap Gemini
Corporate Sales 1995
S辰lj och Marknadsutveckling, Jack Silfving
Business, 16p 1993
Sj旦str旦m MarknadsF旦rnyelse
Marketing, 25p 1992-1993
Sj旦str旦m MarknadsF旦rnyelse
Higher Business Economics, 5p 1986-1987
UN Military training S1, Enk旦ping 1984
Military Service I3, rebro 1983-1984
Natural Science and IT 1980-1982
High School, Risbergska, rebro
Vasaskolan, rebro 1977-1979
Wagner Elementary School
Chicago, USA 1974-1976
Homefield Private Boy School 1970-1973
Bournemouth, England
Additional Information
Boardmember and Chairman 2006-2011
rebro Golfklubb
Chairman 2015-
Porsche Club Sweden Racing
Susanne Erkenmark
Partner Sales Lead Microsoft Sweden
+46 734 082927
Mats Ericson
Senior Channel Development Manager Citrix Sweden
+46 707 281200
Leif Anders Aasen
Business Development Director Atea AS
+47 900 49808
Magnus Toft
Country Manager MobileIron
+46 734 427777
Thobias Arnesson
Head of Architecture & Technology, IMCS Sweden, Sopra Steria
+46 709214292

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Cv pg 2015 eng rev 151001

  • 1. 1 C V P E T E R G U S T A F S S O N Address Solhemsv辰gen 1D 178 34 EKER Phone +46709-17 80 14 E-mail pegus100@outlook.com Date of birth June 21st 1964 Work Experience Business & Alliance Manager Citrix 2012- Atea Sverige AB As a result of us building a team for all strategic partners I was asked to handle Citrix along with Microsoft. We have after that successfullygrown our new sales business by 30% yearly and are the leading partner in Sweden within both license sales and solution sales. We are also the most successful partner regarding Advisory Rewards. Business & Alliance Manager Microsoft 2010-2014 Atea Sverige AB When there became a need for a professional and strategic approach to one of our most important partners, Microsoft, I was asked to look into this development by Lars Petersson, CEO. Atea did at this point not have an organization or method of handling partners this way. I was stimulatedimmediately by the possibility to use all my experience and knowledge from Atea and be able to grow within the company. For the last two years only, we have developed a similar structure for all our strategic partners, but this was not the case the first two years. The result was fantastic with a much more powerful relationship, good processes, structuredhandling of the partnership. We have also had a continuedgrowth of 10-30% yearly along with the services in solution sales. There is of course still much to do and many ideas and wishes fromboth organizations but the steps that have been taken these last four years are huge. Location Manager/CEO rebro, 35-40 associates 2005-2010 Atea Sverige AB My responsibility continuedafter Ateaacquisition of Martinsson. For five years, both great and tough years, which developed me as a leader and businessman and we moved rapidly to a much larger business in HW/SW with a revenue of about 100 Mkr Location Manager/CEO rebro, 25-35 associates 2002-2005 Martinsson AB As a result of the acquisition when Martinsson bought IMS I was offeredthe opportunity to integrate both offices with approx. 20 employees in both organizations. We continuedgoodgrowth and at one point were the 3rd most profitable office in Sweden. I was appointed by Lars Petterson and Bj旦rn-Erik Karlsson (Biznode) Location Manager/CEO rebro, 20-25 associates 2001-2002 IMS Data Sverige AB At this point I had the opportunity to use all my experience and competence to develop the rebro office under a period of big changes in the market and corporate world. We managed to get a goodstable growth along with customer and employee satisfaction. Iwas appointed by G旦ran Hjelte (IT-Hantverkarna) and Anders Tufvesson (Print Atea) Services Manager, 11-15 Consultants 2000-2001 IMS Internet Consulting AB As one of three Services Managers I was responsible for my teams success in revenue, quality and people management with good results. Cont.
  • 2. 2 Sales Manager, 7-9 salespeople 1999-2000 IMS Data i rebro AB (HW, SW, Services, Education & Business Software) After a successful period of two years I was given the chance to lead our sales department when the current manager became CEO of the company. We had a substantial growth and I was a member of the Corporate Management Team. Business Manager 1997-1999 IMS Data i rebro AB I immediately felt at home and had the opportunity to quickly grow in to a leading role after two years. Account and Marketing Manager IT 1993-1997 Standard Konsulting AB I was offeredthis opportunity after presenting amarket plan produced within my Marketing Education. I developed a new strategy for sales and offering for this company that became very successful. This was a rather small business that reached 10 people in total when I decided to move on for greater things. Numerous jobs and small own businesses in the US 1982 -1993 and Sweden during this period Education Martinsson/Atea Academy 2000 - Continuous education and training within sales and leadership Solution Selling Sales Professional 2007 Lindgren & Partners, 4 dgr Utveckling Grupp Ledare (UGL) 2006 Mercuri International, 1 vecka IMS Business School 1999-2000 Sales and leadership Developing your leadership 2000 Mgruppen Leadership 1999 Nova Aff辰rsutveckling IBM Project management PL10 1998 IBM Finance sales 1998 GE Capital Consulting practices 1998 Cap Gemini Corporate Sales 1995 S辰lj och Marknadsutveckling, Jack Silfving Business, 16p 1993 Sj旦str旦m MarknadsF旦rnyelse Marketing, 25p 1992-1993 Sj旦str旦m MarknadsF旦rnyelse Cont.
  • 3. 3 Higher Business Economics, 5p 1986-1987 TBV UN Military training S1, Enk旦ping 1984 Military Service I3, rebro 1983-1984 Natural Science and IT 1980-1982 High School, Risbergska, rebro Vasaskolan, rebro 1977-1979 Wagner Elementary School Chicago, USA 1974-1976 Homefield Private Boy School 1970-1973 Bournemouth, England Additional Information Boardmember and Chairman 2006-2011 rebro Golfklubb Chairman 2015- Porsche Club Sweden Racing References Susanne Erkenmark Partner Sales Lead Microsoft Sweden +46 734 082927 Susanne.Erkenmark@microsoft.com Mats Ericson Senior Channel Development Manager Citrix Sweden +46 707 281200 mats.ericson@citrix.com Leif Anders Aasen Business Development Director Atea AS +47 900 49808 Leif.Anders.Aasen@atea.no Magnus Toft Country Manager MobileIron +46 734 427777 mtoft@mobileiron.com Thobias Arnesson Head of Architecture & Technology, IMCS Sweden, Sopra Steria +46 709214292 thobias.arnesson@soprasteria.com