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Current position: Vyterra Coaching Services, LLC 2016 - present
Certi鍖ed Life and Physician Development Coach
N1813 Maple Heights Beach
Chilton, WI 53014
1-844-VYTERRA (898-3772)
Past positions:
General and Vascular Surgeon General and Vascular Surgeon Assistant Clinical Professor
Ministry Medical Group Physicians Plus Medical Group General and Vascular Surgery
2251 N Shore Drive 1 South Park Street UW Medical School
Rhinelander, WI 54501 Madison, WI 53715 Madison, WI 53792
(715) 361-4700 (608) 287-2100 (608) 263-7502
1996 - 2011 1991 - 1996 1991 - 1996
Education: University of Wisconsin - River Falls
River Falls, Wisconsin BS (Biochemistry) 1982
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut MD 1986
Post-graduate education:
Resident in General Surgery:
Univ. of CA - San Francisco Af鍖liated Hospitals 1986 - 1988
Univ. of WI Hospital and Clinics 1988 - 1991
Continuing Education:
Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching
Certi鍖ed Professional [Life] Coach (CPC) 2015
Net Institute
Certi鍖ed Professional Recovery Coach (CPRC) 2015
Physician Coaching Institute
Certi鍖ed Physician Development Coach (CPDC) 2016
Board quali鍖cations:
Diplomat, National Board of Medical Examiners, #328593 1987
Diplomat, American Board of Surgery, #37273 1992, 2002
Bruce K. Jacobson MD, CPDC
Curriculum Vitae
Bruce K. Jacobson MD, CPDC
Page 2
Honors and Awards:
Chancellors Award, University of Wisconsin - River Falls 1982
First Place, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 1984
Student research competition
Ferris Prize for Scienti鍖c Research, Yale Medical School 1986
Ministry Health Care Circle of Excellence Award 2010
Professional activities:
State Medical Society of Wisconsin 1988 - 2011
Dane County Medical Society 1993 - 1996
President 1996
Madison Surgical Society 1991 - 1996
Wisconsin Surgical Society 1991 - 2011
American College of Surgeons, Fellow (FACS) 1994 - 2011
Organizer/Instructor, Preperitoneal Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery 11/96
Physicians Plus Ambulatory Surgery Center
1. Jacobson, Bruce K and Baker, Christopher C: Immunosupression following excision of burn eschar and
syngeneic grafting in major thermal injury. Yale J Biol Med 57:797 - 808, 1984.
2. Jacobson, Bruce K: Studies on the effects of timing of wound excision on immunocompetence following
thermal injury in mice. Yale Medical School MD Thesis, 1986.
3. Jacobson BK, Cuono CB, Kupper TS, Baker CC: Immunological alterations following excisional
wounding and immediate repair with syngeneic or allogeneic skin grafts. J Burn Care and Rehab 9(4):354 -
357, 1988.
4. Jacobson, Bruce K, Kalayoglu, Munci: Treatment of hepatic veno-occlusive disease with a central
splenorenal shunt in an infant. J Pediatr Surg 27(4):531 - 533. 1992.
1. Jacobson, Bruce K, Kupper, Thomas S, Baker, Christopher C: Immunosupression following surgical
excision and syngeneic grafting in major thermal injury. Presented at the 16th annual meeting of the American
Burn Association, San Francisco, California, 1984.
2. Jacobson BK, Stenn KS, Baker CC, Cuono CB: Immunosupression following split thickness skin
grafting in a murine model. Presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council,
Portland, Oregon, 1985.
3. Jacobson, Bruce K, Harms, Bruce A, Starling, James R: Ileal reservoir reconstruction for ulcerative colitis
and polyposis. Presented at the meeting of the Wisconsin Surgical Society, Kohler, Wisconsin, 1989.

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  • 1. Current position: Vyterra Coaching Services, LLC 2016 - present Founder/Owner Certi鍖ed Life and Physician Development Coach N1813 Maple Heights Beach Chilton, WI 53014 1-844-VYTERRA (898-3772) VyterraCS@gmail.com VyterraCS.com Past positions: General and Vascular Surgeon General and Vascular Surgeon Assistant Clinical Professor Ministry Medical Group Physicians Plus Medical Group General and Vascular Surgery 2251 N Shore Drive 1 South Park Street UW Medical School Rhinelander, WI 54501 Madison, WI 53715 Madison, WI 53792 (715) 361-4700 (608) 287-2100 (608) 263-7502 1996 - 2011 1991 - 1996 1991 - 1996 Education: University of Wisconsin - River Falls River Falls, Wisconsin BS (Biochemistry) 1982 Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, Connecticut MD 1986 Post-graduate education: Resident in General Surgery: Univ. of CA - San Francisco Af鍖liated Hospitals 1986 - 1988 Univ. of WI Hospital and Clinics 1988 - 1991 Continuing Education: Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching Certi鍖ed Professional [Life] Coach (CPC) 2015 Net Institute Certi鍖ed Professional Recovery Coach (CPRC) 2015 Physician Coaching Institute Certi鍖ed Physician Development Coach (CPDC) 2016 Board quali鍖cations: Diplomat, National Board of Medical Examiners, #328593 1987 Diplomat, American Board of Surgery, #37273 1992, 2002 Bruce K. Jacobson MD, CPDC Curriculum Vitae
  • 2. Bruce K. Jacobson MD, CPDC Page 2 Honors and Awards: Chancellors Award, University of Wisconsin - River Falls 1982 First Place, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 1984 Student research competition Ferris Prize for Scienti鍖c Research, Yale Medical School 1986 Ministry Health Care Circle of Excellence Award 2010 Professional activities: State Medical Society of Wisconsin 1988 - 2011 Dane County Medical Society 1993 - 1996 President 1996 Madison Surgical Society 1991 - 1996 Wisconsin Surgical Society 1991 - 2011 American College of Surgeons, Fellow (FACS) 1994 - 2011 Organizer/Instructor, Preperitoneal Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery 11/96 Physicians Plus Ambulatory Surgery Center Bibliography 1. Jacobson, Bruce K and Baker, Christopher C: Immunosupression following excision of burn eschar and syngeneic grafting in major thermal injury. Yale J Biol Med 57:797 - 808, 1984. 2. Jacobson, Bruce K: Studies on the effects of timing of wound excision on immunocompetence following thermal injury in mice. Yale Medical School MD Thesis, 1986. 3. Jacobson BK, Cuono CB, Kupper TS, Baker CC: Immunological alterations following excisional wounding and immediate repair with syngeneic or allogeneic skin grafts. J Burn Care and Rehab 9(4):354 - 357, 1988. 4. Jacobson, Bruce K, Kalayoglu, Munci: Treatment of hepatic veno-occlusive disease with a central splenorenal shunt in an infant. J Pediatr Surg 27(4):531 - 533. 1992. Abstracts 1. Jacobson, Bruce K, Kupper, Thomas S, Baker, Christopher C: Immunosupression following surgical excision and syngeneic grafting in major thermal injury. Presented at the 16th annual meeting of the American Burn Association, San Francisco, California, 1984. 2. Jacobson BK, Stenn KS, Baker CC, Cuono CB: Immunosupression following split thickness skin grafting in a murine model. Presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council, Portland, Oregon, 1985. 3. Jacobson, Bruce K, Harms, Bruce A, Starling, James R: Ileal reservoir reconstruction for ulcerative colitis and polyposis. Presented at the meeting of the Wisconsin Surgical Society, Kohler, Wisconsin, 1989.