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Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth: REDACTED
Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana
Social Security Number: REDACTED
Home & Business Address: 57 Montague Street, Apt. 8A
Brooklyn, New York 11201-3358
Phone Number: (718) 625-2229 (Home); (917) 882-3587 (Cellular)
E-Mail Address: kenneth.grush@verizon.net
Languages: English, Spanish
University of Southwestern Louisiana 09/1966  05/1970
Lafayette, Louisiana B.A., Spanish
Cum Laude
Loyola University 05  08/1971
New Orleans, Louisiana 8 hrs. Physics
Pensacola Junior College 09/1972  05/1973
Pensacola, Florida 8 hrs. Org. Chemistry
University of New Orleans 06/1973  05/1974
New Orleans, Louisiana B.S.
Louisiana State University School of Medicine 08/1974  05/1978
New Orleans, Louisiana M.D.
Louisiana State University School of Allied 06/1974  12/1978
Health Sciences, Graduate School
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
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New Orleans, Louisiana
(Physiology, biochemistry graduate courses)
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Page 3
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
Sigma Delta Pi National Spanish Honorary Society
Phi Kappa Delta National Forensic Honor Society
1978 National Forensic Tournament Discussion Champion
American Heart Association Research Fellowship Award, 1976
Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation 07/1978  06/1979
Jefferson, Louisiana
Anesthesiology, Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans 07/1979  07/1981
(Now Med. Ctr. of LA at N.O., under LSUHSC at N.O.)
Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Texas Heart Institute 08/1981  08/1982
Houston, Texas
Intensive, specialty-sponsored training and CME in perioperative 03/1997  02/2008
TEE, combined with private study and intraoperative practice of
TEE modalities; successful passage of the National Board of
Echocardiography PTEeXAM in May, 2000.
U.S. Navy Ready Reserve 10/1970  10/1976
Active duty in Naval Reserve at 08/1971  06/1973
Hospital Corps School, San Diego, California and
Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida
Honorable discharge with rank of E-5
FLEX 05/1978
Louisiana (#MD.014741) 05/1978
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
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New York (#156424-1) 10/1983
New Jersey (#25MA05061300) 09/1987
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Page 5
American Board of Anesthesiology April 13, 1984
A.B.A. voluntary recertification August 15, 2009
American Society of Anesthesiologists 1979  Present
New York State Society of Anesthesiologists 1983  Present
International Anesthesia Research Society 1982  Present
Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists 1984  Present
Instructor in Anesthesiology, University of Texas 08/1982  05/1983
Health Science Center at Houston
Clinical Assistant Professor 10/1983  04/1987
Department of Anesthesiology, State University of New York
Health Science Center at Brooklyn (SUNY-HSCB)
Resident Clinical Instructor, SUNY-HSCB 10/1983  04/1987
Formal Resident Lectures: Fluids and 10/1983  04/1987
electrolytes and volume resuscitation, acid-
base balance, pharmacologic support of
the heart, and othersSUNY-HSCB
CRNA cardiac and pulmonary physiology lectures 10/1983  05/1985
Kings County School of Nurse Anesthesia
Grand Rounds moderator (rotating schedule) 10/1983  04/1987
Anesthesiology and nursing CME lectures 10/1987  03/1989
The Brooklyn Hospital Center
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds review lectures 03/1989  10/1991
The New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens
(formerly Booth Memorial Medical Center )
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Page 6
Silent Myocardial Ischemia
Newer Inotropic and Afterload Reducing Agents
Perioperative Coagulopathies
Resident and Fellow supervision and instruction in general 03/1997  02/2008
and cardiac anesthesiology and departmental training in the
performance of proficient complete and focused TEE
examinations; intradepartmental TEE consultant
Department of Veterans Affairs New York Harbor
Healthcare SystemNew York Campus
Conscious Sedation pre-credentialing classes for 10/2009  08/2010
non-anesthesiology medical staff
The Brooklyn Center
Associate Director, ICU, State University Hospital 09/1984  04/1987
Brooklyn, New York
Acting Director of Anesthesiology 07/1993  12/1993
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York
As Anesthesiology Department Equipment Coordinator for the 03/1997  02/2008
Manhattan VA, my duties included ensuring adequate stocking
of all items in our work room; arranging repairs and replacements
as needed; and preparing, submitting and purchasing approved
items in our annual routine and high cost equipment proposals.
Among other projects, I managed two upgrades of all physiologic
monitors, two upgrades of our departmental ultrasound systems,
and the purchase of an echocardiography networking system to
allow the retrieval of archived studies from and the transmission
of new studies to the cardiology server for formal interpretation and
real time, remote expert cardiology consultation during O.R. cases.
Attending Anesthesiologist 10/1983  04/1987
State University Hospital, Brooklyn, New York
Assistant Attending, Anesthesiology 10/1983  04/1987
Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York
Attending Anesthesiologist 01/1984  04/1987
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
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Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, New York
Attending Anesthesiologist 04/1987  08/1987
Brookdale Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York
Attending Anesthesiologist 10/1987  03/1989
The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York
Attending Anesthesiologist 03/1989  10/1991
The New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens, Flushing, N.Y.
Attending Anesthesiologist (Fee for service group) 10/1991  01/1993
Elizabeth General Medical Center, Elizabeth, New Jersey
Attending Anesthesiologist 03/1993  07/1994
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York
Attending Anesthesiologist 02/1995  03/1997
Western Queens Community Hospital, Astoria, New York
Attending Anesthesiologist 03/1997  02/2008
Department of Veterans Affairs New York Harbor
Healthcare System  New York Campus
Inquiries: Only to Debra Innella (binding ADR agreement),
Chief of Human Resources (718 630-3668)
Locum Tenens Provider: Consult Locum Tenens Timeline 03/2008  08/2009 &
document for assignments. 09/2010  Present
(Gap  See Brooklyn
Hospital, NAPA
Locum Tenens Agencies:
Onyx M.D.
Agent: Aaron Mikita (amikita@onyxmd.com)
1355 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite 700
Denver, CO 80222
877-4ONYX-MD (877 466-9963), ext. 230
Alliance Recruiting Resources, Inc.
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Page 8
Agent: Stephanie Ballenger (sballenger@alliancerr.com)
900 Rockmead Drive, suite 274
Kingwood, TX 77339-2150
Phone: (800) 759 8203 ext. 1155
Fax: (866) 394 9357
Mobile: (936) 446-8556
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Page 9
LT Medical, LLC (LocumTenens.com)
Account Director: Heather Kelly (Kelly@locumtenens.com)
Senior Acct. Executive: Heather Dauchert (HDauchert@locumtenens.com)
2655 Northwinds Pkwy.
Alpharetta, Georgia 30009
Phone: (800) 930-0748
(770) 643-5522
Attending Anesthesiologist 09/2009  08/2010
(NAPA, LLC contractual employee)
The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York
Riopelle J, M Naraghi, K Grush : Chronic neuralgia incidence following anesthetic therapy for
herpes zoster. Arch Dermatol 120: 747-750, 1984.
Giffin JP and KP Grush: Spinal cord injury. Seminars in Anesthesia, Vol. 6, No. 4 (December),
1987, pp. 246-259.
Giffin JP, KP Grush, and EA Abramowicz: Spinal cord injury. Anesthesiology Clinics of North
America, Vol. 7, No. 3 (September), 1989, pp. 631-651.
Grush KP, JP Giffin: Spinal cord injury. Eds. AR Abadir and SG Humayun. Anesthesia for Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery. St. Louis, Mosby--Yearbook, 1991, pp. 255-286.
Giffin JP, KP Grush, A Karlin, JE Cottrell, P Newfield: Spinal cord injury. Eds. P Newfield and
JE Cottrell. Handbook of Neuroanesthesia: Clinical and Physiologic Essentials. Boston,
Little, Brown & Company, 1991, pp. 338-366.
Giffin JP and KP Grush: Spinal cord injury treatment and the anesthesiologist. Eds. BY Lee, LE
Ostrander, GVB Cochran, and WW Shaw. The Spinal Cord Injured Patient: Comprehensive
Management. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 1991, pp. 183-201.
The effect of ammonium chloride on the activity of local anesthetics. Presentation,
Southern Society of Anesthesiologists Symposium, New Orleans, Spring, 1981
Unrecognized esophageal placement of endotracheal tubes. Abstract, Southern
Medical Society Convention, November, 1981
Valvular heart disease. Miniworkshop, New York State Society of Anesthesiologists
Postgraduate Assembly (NYSSA-PGA), New York City, December, 1984
Kenneth P. Grush, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Page 10
Valvular heart disease. Miniworkshop, NYSSA-PGA, New York City, December, 1985
Neurosurgical intensive care. Anesthesia for Neurosurgery, Anesthesia Care Team (ACT)
VI--Part II, Brooklyn, New York, November, 1985
Pharmacologic support of the failing heart. Miniworkshop, NYSSA-PGA, New York City,
December, 1986
Vmax 02 determination in trained exercising dogs. A.H.A. Student Research Fellowship,
sponsored by Harvey Miller, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, L.S.U. School of
Medicine, Summer, 1976 (unpublished data).
Does neural blockade or pharmacologic sympathectomy of acute and subacute herpes zoster
influence the rate of healing or the incidence of post herpetic neuralgia? Charity Hospital and
LSUMC at New Orleans Department of Anesthesiology resident research (see publications).
Invasive and noninvasive  using echocardiography, plethysmography, continuous oximetry, and
pressure waveform analysis and other modalities  assessment of cardiac function is a long held
interest. I would like to study the use of TEE in measuring cardiac systolic and diastolic function,
including use of the new modality of 3D TEE to analyze simultaneous regional wall motion
mechanics, as well as myocardial perfusion using recent advances in contrast echocardiography
and harmonic imaging.
Continuous intraoperative and perioperative measurement of total thoracic and lung
compliances, dead space, and shunt fraction as affected by various physical and pharmacologic
Clinical application and refinement of blood conservation strategies, crystalloid vs. colloid
volume resuscitation, and invasive and non-invasive assessment of intravascular volume and
preload status.
Assessment and optimization of the work of breathing in ventilator dependent patients and
modalities for improving their work capacity and efficiency.
REFERENCES Available upon request

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  • 1. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL DATA Date of Birth: REDACTED Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana Social Security Number: REDACTED Home & Business Address: 57 Montague Street, Apt. 8A Brooklyn, New York 11201-3358 Phone Number: (718) 625-2229 (Home); (917) 882-3587 (Cellular) E-Mail Address: kenneth.grush@verizon.net Languages: English, Spanish ACADEMIC TRAINING University of Southwestern Louisiana 09/1966 05/1970 Lafayette, Louisiana B.A., Spanish Cum Laude Loyola University 05 08/1971 New Orleans, Louisiana 8 hrs. Physics Pensacola Junior College 09/1972 05/1973 Pensacola, Florida 8 hrs. Org. Chemistry University of New Orleans 06/1973 05/1974 New Orleans, Louisiana B.S. Louisiana State University School of Medicine 08/1974 05/1978 New Orleans, Louisiana M.D. Louisiana State University School of Allied 06/1974 12/1978 Health Sciences, Graduate School
  • 2. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 2 New Orleans, Louisiana (Physiology, biochemistry graduate courses)
  • 3. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 3 HONORS Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society Sigma Delta Pi National Spanish Honorary Society Phi Kappa Delta National Forensic Honor Society 1978 National Forensic Tournament Discussion Champion American Heart Association Research Fellowship Award, 1976 INTERNSHIP Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation 07/1978 06/1979 Jefferson, Louisiana RESIDENCY Anesthesiology, Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans 07/1979 07/1981 (Now Med. Ctr. of LA at N.O., under LSUHSC at N.O.) FELLOWSHIP Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Texas Heart Institute 08/1981 08/1982 Houston, Texas POST-FELLOWSHIP SPECIALIZED TRAINING Intensive, specialty-sponsored training and CME in perioperative 03/1997 02/2008 TEE, combined with private study and intraoperative practice of TEE modalities; successful passage of the National Board of Echocardiography PTEeXAM in May, 2000. MILITARY SERVICE U.S. Navy Ready Reserve 10/1970 10/1976 Active duty in Naval Reserve at 08/1971 06/1973 Hospital Corps School, San Diego, California and Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida Honorable discharge with rank of E-5 LICENSURES FLEX 05/1978 Louisiana (#MD.014741) 05/1978
  • 4. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 4 New York (#156424-1) 10/1983 New Jersey (#25MA05061300) 09/1987
  • 5. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 5 BOARD CERTIFICATION American Board of Anesthesiology April 13, 1984 A.B.A. voluntary recertification August 15, 2009 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS American Society of Anesthesiologists 1979 Present New York State Society of Anesthesiologists 1983 Present International Anesthesia Research Society 1982 Present Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists 1984 Present ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Instructor in Anesthesiology, University of Texas 08/1982 05/1983 Health Science Center at Houston Clinical Assistant Professor 10/1983 04/1987 Department of Anesthesiology, State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn (SUNY-HSCB) TEACHING ACTIVITIES Resident Clinical Instructor, SUNY-HSCB 10/1983 04/1987 Formal Resident Lectures: Fluids and 10/1983 04/1987 electrolytes and volume resuscitation, acid- base balance, pharmacologic support of the heart, and othersSUNY-HSCB CRNA cardiac and pulmonary physiology lectures 10/1983 05/1985 Kings County School of Nurse Anesthesia Grand Rounds moderator (rotating schedule) 10/1983 04/1987 SUNY-HSCB Anesthesiology and nursing CME lectures 10/1987 03/1989 The Brooklyn Hospital Center Anesthesiology Grand Rounds review lectures 03/1989 10/1991 The New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens (formerly Booth Memorial Medical Center )
  • 6. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 6 Silent Myocardial Ischemia Newer Inotropic and Afterload Reducing Agents Perioperative Coagulopathies Resident and Fellow supervision and instruction in general 03/1997 02/2008 and cardiac anesthesiology and departmental training in the performance of proficient complete and focused TEE examinations; intradepartmental TEE consultant Department of Veterans Affairs New York Harbor Healthcare SystemNew York Campus Conscious Sedation pre-credentialing classes for 10/2009 08/2010 non-anesthesiology medical staff The Brooklyn Center ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES Associate Director, ICU, State University Hospital 09/1984 04/1987 Brooklyn, New York Acting Director of Anesthesiology 07/1993 12/1993 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York As Anesthesiology Department Equipment Coordinator for the 03/1997 02/2008 Manhattan VA, my duties included ensuring adequate stocking of all items in our work room; arranging repairs and replacements as needed; and preparing, submitting and purchasing approved items in our annual routine and high cost equipment proposals. Among other projects, I managed two upgrades of all physiologic monitors, two upgrades of our departmental ultrasound systems, and the purchase of an echocardiography networking system to allow the retrieval of archived studies from and the transmission of new studies to the cardiology server for formal interpretation and real time, remote expert cardiology consultation during O.R. cases. CLINICAL APPOINTMENTS Attending Anesthesiologist 10/1983 04/1987 State University Hospital, Brooklyn, New York Assistant Attending, Anesthesiology 10/1983 04/1987 Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York Attending Anesthesiologist 01/1984 04/1987
  • 7. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 7 Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, New York Attending Anesthesiologist 04/1987 08/1987 Brookdale Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York Attending Anesthesiologist 10/1987 03/1989 The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York Attending Anesthesiologist 03/1989 10/1991 The New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens, Flushing, N.Y. Attending Anesthesiologist (Fee for service group) 10/1991 01/1993 Elizabeth General Medical Center, Elizabeth, New Jersey Attending Anesthesiologist 03/1993 07/1994 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York Attending Anesthesiologist 02/1995 03/1997 Western Queens Community Hospital, Astoria, New York Attending Anesthesiologist 03/1997 02/2008 Department of Veterans Affairs New York Harbor Healthcare System New York Campus Inquiries: Only to Debra Innella (binding ADR agreement), Chief of Human Resources (718 630-3668) Locum Tenens Provider: Consult Locum Tenens Timeline 03/2008 08/2009 & document for assignments. 09/2010 Present (Gap See Brooklyn Hospital, NAPA below.) Locum Tenens Agencies: Onyx M.D. Agent: Aaron Mikita (amikita@onyxmd.com) 1355 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite 700 Denver, CO 80222 877-4ONYX-MD (877 466-9963), ext. 230 Alliance Recruiting Resources, Inc.
  • 8. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 8 Agent: Stephanie Ballenger (sballenger@alliancerr.com) 900 Rockmead Drive, suite 274 Kingwood, TX 77339-2150 Phone: (800) 759 8203 ext. 1155 Fax: (866) 394 9357 Mobile: (936) 446-8556
  • 9. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 9 LT Medical, LLC (LocumTenens.com) Account Director: Heather Kelly (Kelly@locumtenens.com) Senior Acct. Executive: Heather Dauchert (HDauchert@locumtenens.com) 2655 Northwinds Pkwy. Alpharetta, Georgia 30009 Phone: (800) 930-0748 (770) 643-5522 Attending Anesthesiologist 09/2009 08/2010 (NAPA, LLC contractual employee) The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York PUBLICATIONS Riopelle J, M Naraghi, K Grush : Chronic neuralgia incidence following anesthetic therapy for herpes zoster. Arch Dermatol 120: 747-750, 1984. Giffin JP and KP Grush: Spinal cord injury. Seminars in Anesthesia, Vol. 6, No. 4 (December), 1987, pp. 246-259. Giffin JP, KP Grush, and EA Abramowicz: Spinal cord injury. Anesthesiology Clinics of North America, Vol. 7, No. 3 (September), 1989, pp. 631-651. Grush KP, JP Giffin: Spinal cord injury. Eds. AR Abadir and SG Humayun. Anesthesia for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. St. Louis, Mosby--Yearbook, 1991, pp. 255-286. Giffin JP, KP Grush, A Karlin, JE Cottrell, P Newfield: Spinal cord injury. Eds. P Newfield and JE Cottrell. Handbook of Neuroanesthesia: Clinical and Physiologic Essentials. Boston, Little, Brown & Company, 1991, pp. 338-366. Giffin JP and KP Grush: Spinal cord injury treatment and the anesthesiologist. Eds. BY Lee, LE Ostrander, GVB Cochran, and WW Shaw. The Spinal Cord Injured Patient: Comprehensive Management. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 1991, pp. 183-201. ABSTRACTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITS The effect of ammonium chloride on the activity of local anesthetics. Presentation, Southern Society of Anesthesiologists Symposium, New Orleans, Spring, 1981 Unrecognized esophageal placement of endotracheal tubes. Abstract, Southern Medical Society Convention, November, 1981 Valvular heart disease. Miniworkshop, New York State Society of Anesthesiologists Postgraduate Assembly (NYSSA-PGA), New York City, December, 1984
  • 10. Kenneth P. Grush, M.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 10 Valvular heart disease. Miniworkshop, NYSSA-PGA, New York City, December, 1985 Neurosurgical intensive care. Anesthesia for Neurosurgery, Anesthesia Care Team (ACT) VI--Part II, Brooklyn, New York, November, 1985 Pharmacologic support of the failing heart. Miniworkshop, NYSSA-PGA, New York City, December, 1986 RESEARCH Vmax 02 determination in trained exercising dogs. A.H.A. Student Research Fellowship, sponsored by Harvey Miller, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, L.S.U. School of Medicine, Summer, 1976 (unpublished data). Does neural blockade or pharmacologic sympathectomy of acute and subacute herpes zoster influence the rate of healing or the incidence of post herpetic neuralgia? Charity Hospital and LSUMC at New Orleans Department of Anesthesiology resident research (see publications). CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Invasive and noninvasive using echocardiography, plethysmography, continuous oximetry, and pressure waveform analysis and other modalities assessment of cardiac function is a long held interest. I would like to study the use of TEE in measuring cardiac systolic and diastolic function, including use of the new modality of 3D TEE to analyze simultaneous regional wall motion mechanics, as well as myocardial perfusion using recent advances in contrast echocardiography and harmonic imaging. Continuous intraoperative and perioperative measurement of total thoracic and lung compliances, dead space, and shunt fraction as affected by various physical and pharmacologic interventions. Clinical application and refinement of blood conservation strategies, crystalloid vs. colloid volume resuscitation, and invasive and non-invasive assessment of intravascular volume and preload status. Assessment and optimization of the work of breathing in ventilator dependent patients and modalities for improving their work capacity and efficiency. REFERENCES Available upon request