Technology is becoming more integrated and harmonious, allowing activities like listening to music and navigation while driving. As the limits of silicon are reached, companies are investing billions in new technologies. One potential new technology is organic - reprogramming blood cells by injecting DNA to change their function. This could be used to create textiles, fuels, medicines or data storage. While most research focuses on medical uses, companies are also exploring biological technology to replace silicon. Reprogramming cells could allow technology to literally become part of and integrated with the human body.
Este documento analiza el rendimiento de tres tipos de inversiones entre diciembre de 2001 y diciembre de 2014: acciones del mercado de valores (Merval), propiedades inmobiliarias y oro. Determina que invertir en oro habr鱈a generado el mayor rendimiento (335%), seguido por acciones (293%) e inmuebles (207%). Sin embargo, concluye que comprar propiedades habr鱈a sido la mejor opci坦n debido al alto riesgo asociado con guardar oro y a la mayor volatilidad de las acciones frente a la estabilidad
El documento describe una perspectiva 辿tica para la inclusi坦n educativa. Propone eliminar la exclusi坦n y discriminaci坦n en las instituciones educativas y agregar igualdad para todos los estudiantes. Esto ayudar叩 a construir una mejor justicia social donde los individuos puedan establecer relaciones respetando las diferencias. Al mezclar estos ingredientes 辿ticos se formar叩 una pasta homog辿nea que dar叩 como resultado una pizza inclusiva.
Este documento discute los efectos de una ca鱈da en el valor del d坦lar blue en la econom鱈a argentina. Sostiene que una baja del d坦lar blue (1) reducir鱈a los costos innecesarios para las empresas, (2) incentivar鱈a a los exportadores a liquidar divisas, y (3) facilitar鱈a la importaci坦n de insumos, aumentando la inversi坦n, el empleo y la productividad. Si bien no resolver鱈a el problema de la inflaci坦n, una baja sostenida del d坦lar blue podr鱈a sentar las bases para una pol鱈tica econ坦mica m叩s
Este documento describe la importancia del Social CRM para las empresas inmobiliarias. Explica que el Social CRM permite a las empresas monitorear y gestionar las relaciones con los clientes a trav辿s de redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter y Google+. Tambi辿n describe los pasos clave para implementar con 辿xito una estrategia de Social CRM, incluida la designaci坦n de un responsable, establecer objetivos, seleccionar plataformas de CRM y redes sociales, y definir procesos y m辿tricas de medici坦n.
This document summarizes and discusses a video experiment where participants were discriminated against based on their eye color to simulate discrimination based on attributes like race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The experiment aimed to show participants who have never experienced such discrimination what it feels like in a short, intense period without time to adapt. When one participant found the experience too difficult, the instructor made her apologize to people who face such discrimination regularly. The document argues this experiment highlights that discrimination still exists in society and must be addressed through educating children to prevent its continuation into future generations.
Este documento describe los conceptos b叩sicos de las redes de computadoras, incluyendo las definiciones de Internet, red local (LAN), tarjeta de interfaz de red (NIC), elementos f鱈sicos y l坦gicos de una red, y algunas aplicaciones comunes como la web, voz y video. Explica que Internet es una red global de redes, mientras que una LAN conecta computadoras dentro de un ambiente cercano. Tambi辿n describe los componentes f鱈sicos como cables y dispositivos de red, y los elementos l坦gicos como protocolos que regulan la comunicaci坦n entre computador
La hoja de asistencia contiene los nombres, c辿dulas, n炭meros de tel辿fono, correos electr坦nicos y firmas de los estudiantes de la clase de Evaluaci坦n de los Aprendizajes I impartida por el profesor Jos辿 Chac坦n en la instituci坦n C.I.P.P.S.V. Cuamacoa. El coordinador del curso es Jose Luis Ni単o, quien puede ser contactado por tel辿fono o correo electr坦nico.
Mary Jo Galbraith is a physics graduate from Southern Nazarene University with a 3.82 GPA. She has research experience in optics, cybersecurity, and mathematics. Her research has been presented at multiple conferences. Galbraith has experience with programming languages, analysis tools, and laboratory work. She has worked as a tutor, student assistant, and volunteer. Galbraith is a member of several honors societies and organizations.
Este documento describe los materiales necesarios para construir una simple celda solar, incluyendo vidrio con 坦xido de esta単o e indio, moras, acetona, vinagre, un volt鱈metro, cristales de yodo, yoduro de potasio, etilenglicol y di坦xido de titanio. La idea principal es hacerla lo m叩s barata posible usando materiales de bajo costo como el di坦xido de titanio.
Este documento es una tarea escolar que incluye el nombre de la alumna Vanessa Mart鱈nez Ortiz, el n炭mero de tarea, el tema sobre las partes del escritorio de Windows, y la fecha de entrega del 27 de septiembre de 2015 para el grupo 101 de la escuela Conalep Tlalnepantla 1.
Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on 際際滷Share. In just a few sentences, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create visually engaging slideshows.
Water pollution is defined as any alteration in water quality that harms living things. It kills aquatic life and disrupts food chains. It also poses health risks to humans from contaminated seafood or water. The main causes of water pollution are waste disposal and chemicals. Children can help by reducing water waste, not littering beaches, and choosing environmentally-friendly products. Protecting water is important since nearly all life depends on it.
Biomass refers to any material produced by living organisms that can be used as fuel. There are several types of gases that can be produced from biomass, including biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, biomethanol, and others. In ancient Greece, wood was commonly burned for cooking and staying warm. Bioenergy is the stored chemical energy in plants, animals, and their waste. Increasing biomass production and bioenergy utilization in Europe will help provide sustainable energy sources.
This is the Quiz that Greek team proposed to all the other partners during the first session of the Quiz show activity of the Comenius project "Connect to a Green World" 2o Gymnasio Kaisarianis 2013-2015 and includes four different challenges.
La hoja de asistencia contiene los nombres, c辿dulas, n炭meros de tel辿fono, correos electr坦nicos y firmas de los estudiantes de la clase de Evaluaci坦n de los Aprendizajes I impartida por el profesor Jos辿 Chac坦n en la instituci坦n C.I.P.P.S.V. Cuamacoa. El coordinador del curso es Jose Luis Ni単o, quien puede ser contactado por tel辿fono o correo electr坦nico.
Mary Jo Galbraith is a physics graduate from Southern Nazarene University with a 3.82 GPA. She has research experience in optics, cybersecurity, and mathematics. Her research has been presented at multiple conferences. Galbraith has experience with programming languages, analysis tools, and laboratory work. She has worked as a tutor, student assistant, and volunteer. Galbraith is a member of several honors societies and organizations.
Este documento describe los materiales necesarios para construir una simple celda solar, incluyendo vidrio con 坦xido de esta単o e indio, moras, acetona, vinagre, un volt鱈metro, cristales de yodo, yoduro de potasio, etilenglicol y di坦xido de titanio. La idea principal es hacerla lo m叩s barata posible usando materiales de bajo costo como el di坦xido de titanio.
Este documento es una tarea escolar que incluye el nombre de la alumna Vanessa Mart鱈nez Ortiz, el n炭mero de tarea, el tema sobre las partes del escritorio de Windows, y la fecha de entrega del 27 de septiembre de 2015 para el grupo 101 de la escuela Conalep Tlalnepantla 1.
Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on 際際滷Share. In just a few sentences, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create visually engaging slideshows.
Water pollution is defined as any alteration in water quality that harms living things. It kills aquatic life and disrupts food chains. It also poses health risks to humans from contaminated seafood or water. The main causes of water pollution are waste disposal and chemicals. Children can help by reducing water waste, not littering beaches, and choosing environmentally-friendly products. Protecting water is important since nearly all life depends on it.
Biomass refers to any material produced by living organisms that can be used as fuel. There are several types of gases that can be produced from biomass, including biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, biomethanol, and others. In ancient Greece, wood was commonly burned for cooking and staying warm. Bioenergy is the stored chemical energy in plants, animals, and their waste. Increasing biomass production and bioenergy utilization in Europe will help provide sustainable energy sources.
This is the Quiz that Greek team proposed to all the other partners during the first session of the Quiz show activity of the Comenius project "Connect to a Green World" 2o Gymnasio Kaisarianis 2013-2015 and includes four different challenges.
Greek pedagogical team of the Comenius Project 2013-2015" Connect to a Green World" 2o Gymnasio Kaisarianis, set the rules, dates and all the details of the key activity "The Quiz Show"
The document summarizes a 4-day visit by foreign students to Greece as part of a Comenius exchange program. On the first day, the German, Turkish, Spanish, and Polish student groups visited classrooms and had an opening ceremony and welcome program. They had lunch at a park with traditional Greek plates. The second day included a visit to a metal recycling center and the Temple of Poseidon. The third day consisted of visits to Athens' center and the Acropolis Museum. The fourth day included trips to Mycenae, the Agamemnon's Tomb, Nafplio, and the ancient theater of Epidavros. The last day included a daily cruise visiting the islands of Argosar