This is the Quiz that Greek team proposed to all the other partners during the first session of the Quiz show activity of the Comenius project "Connect to a Green World" 2o Gymnasio Kaisarianis 2013-2015 and includes four different challenges.
Al momento de introducir a los peque単os a las figuras geom辿tricas en primer lugar se deben de plantear problemas donde se consideren las caracter鱈sticas de las figuras para as鱈 poder analizar los procedimientos que se llevaran a cabo, las decisiones tomadas y al mismo tiempo los conocimientos que han sido involucrados
El copiado de figuras es un problema geom辿trico para los ni単os , trata de un problema matem叩tico y de c坦mo los peque単os resuelven la problem叩tica que se les plantea; dice que se les pidi坦 a un grupo de peque単os de la edad de 5 a単os realizar un copiado de un cuadrado, pero sin calcar, gui叩ndose solamente de una hoja como modelo, con el fin de que los peque単os comenzaran a identificar los elementos de un cuadrado con la finalidad de poder lograr el copiado en base a su observaci坦n de c坦mo estaba echo en la primer hoja , la actividad se realiz坦 en tres sesiones ya que en una no tendr鱈an el suficiente conocimiento deseado.
El objetivo era que copiaran en la hoja cuadriculada un cuadrado, tratando de lograr que fuera igual al de la hoja presentada , al terminar de hacer su dibujo del cuadrado ten鱈an que haber superpuesto las hojas para ver si quedaban igual, en caso de que no quedaran de la misma manera deb鱈an de reflexionar y cuestionarse por qu辿 hab鱈a pasado esto, que les falto hacer, o en donde fue que se equivocaron , posteriormente aran el mismo cuadrado pero ya con los conocimientos previos no batallar鱈an tanto como la primera vez.
El copiado de figuras geom辿tricas forma parte de un conjunto de diferentes modalidades de construcciones geom辿tricas. Permiten la consideraci坦n de ciertas caracter鱈sticas de las figuras
El copiado permite comenzar a pensar en las figuras a partir de los elementos que las constituyen
El copiado no es para que simplemente lo copien. Si no m叩s que nada es para poder abordar las caracter鱈sticas de las figuras como por ejemplo cuantos bordes tienen, cuantas puntas, cuantos cuadritos tienen a un costado del cuadrado.
Una de las condiciones de los problemas es que no permitan una resoluci坦n inmediata
El hecho de que los conocimientos comiencen a difundirse dentro del grupo no implica que todos inmediatamente se apropien de ello.
Cabe mencionar que es importante que el ni単o pueda acezar a las matem叩ticas a trav辿s de actividades l炭dicas, ya que esto les permitir叩, no solo aprender, sino poner en funcionamiento, el an叩lisis, la resoluci坦n, la reflexi坦n la concentraci坦n, y para nosotros debe ser de suma importancia ver de qu辿 manera el ni単o va involucr叩ndose en la b炭squeda de soluciones, el copiado de las figuras tiene como finalidad que los peque単os conozcan las figuras y sus caracter鱈sticas.
This document provides information on various load securing products including: short link chain, ratchet load binders, towing chain, tension levers, lashing hooks, elephant feet, and edge protection. It lists item numbers, specifications, breaking strengths, weights, and applicable standards for each product type.
Zwiza lista szk坦 z jzykiem hiszpaskim w Warszawie. Je甜eli nie wiesz gdzie si uczy jzyka hiszpaskiego to ta lista jest dla Ciebie. Sprawd添 i wybierz odpowiednie miejsce w Warszawie.
The document discusses key trends driving needs for business apps, including the democratization of IT, mobile workforces, accelerating business, and exploding data volumes. It outlines priorities like increasing mobility, utilizing cloud services, and improving productivity. The document also covers features of modern apps like being mobile-ready, allowing users to build their own apps, and compatibility. Finally, it discusses challenges and envisions future apps incorporating voice control, changing collaboration tools, and new visualization and interaction capabilities.
This document discusses cybersecurity and hacking. It notes that connectivity and technology dependence is growing rapidly, increasing cyber threats. Hackers have unlimited time and low costs, needing to find only one vulnerability, while defenders have limited time and budgets. The document advocates for a proactive "cyber resilience" approach of continuous monitoring, detection and response to secure organizations and limit damage from incidents. It concludes by asking attendees if they have any questions or experiences regarding cybersecurity preparedness.
La tecnolog鱈a de la informaci坦n y de la comunicaci坦n est叩n presente en los diversos sectores de la sociedad este proceso influye en las formas de organizaci坦n social y productiva.
50 畛 thi + 叩p 叩n h畛c sinh gi畛i ti畉ng anh 9 Jackson Linh
This document contains an English exam for 9th grade students consisting of multiple choice questions testing vocabulary and grammar. The exam has four sections: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, and Writing. The vocabulary section contains questions about word definitions, completing sentences with appropriate words, and matching phrasal verbs to definitions. The grammar section contains exercises on using correct verb tenses and prepositions. The reading comprehension section includes fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and multiple choice questions about passages. The writing section asks students to rewrite sentences, combine sentences, and write a letter responding to a friend's request for travel advice. The exam provides a scoring breakdown and total possible points for each section.
The lecture discusses green design principles including biophilia effect, life cycle analysis, hierarchy of needs, and hunter-nurturer fixations. It provides examples of art and design works connected to green issues, such as Joseph Beuys' 7,000 Oaks project, Burntynsky's photographs of oil sands, and Elephant Parade sculptures. The lecture addresses why green design is important to create a more sustainable future and reduce environmental impacts of production and consumption.
The document outlines the agenda for an environmental science class which includes:
1) Collecting and returning graded quiz papers, discussing current events, and presenting on topics related to the earth's poles and fossil fuels.
2) Covering topics like the environmental impacts of extracting and burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Coal mining can pollute air and water while oil and gas production causes land disturbance and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
3) Discussing different strategies for the US energy system, including energy efficiency, developing alternative energy sources, addressing environmental damage from fossil fuel production, and securing future fossil fuel supplies.
This newspaper article discusses potential scenarios for improving integration of immigrants through digital technology and service design. It proposes developing cross-channel communication between public services to provide consistent, up-to-date information to staff and immigrants. This could help address cultural barriers caused by a lack of informing and training. The article also highlights organizations like the ILRC and ISAC that provide legal assistance and connections to services in order to protect immigrant rights and mitigate the impacts of changing policies.
This document provides vocabulary and grammar exercises related to environmental topics. It begins with vocabulary related to pollution sources and definitions. Grammar exercises practice future tenses including future simple and "be going to." The reading section discusses ways companies and concepts address environmental issues, such as McDonald's plans for biodiesel and a floating city concept.
Ecological architecture aims to conserve resources like building materials, water, air, and energy for future generations. It also creates spaces that are aesthetically pleasing to live and work in while being environmentally friendly. Some key aspects of ecological architecture include minimizing the project footprint, reusing materials, implementing rainwater harvesting, and designing roofs that can grow food to address issues like water security, energy needs, and protecting biodiversity.
Air is a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and is essential to life. It allows for sound, temperature changes, fires, breathing, and photosynthesis. However, human activities like industry, transportation and homes are polluting the air with toxic gases. The document recommends individual actions to help solve this problem, such as using energy-efficient light bulbs, alternative transportation like bicycles, and renewable energy sources like wind, water, solar and biofuels.
Forests and animals are both in danger. Carbon dioxide is the least dangerous pollutant but may be the most damaging. Despite Greenpeace's actions to prevent environmental disasters, most people cannot hear their voice in defense of the living world.
Forests and animals are both in danger. Carbon dioxide is the least dangerous pollutant but may be the most damaging. Despite Greenpeace's actions to prevent environmental disasters, most people cannot hear their voice in defense of the living world.
The document discusses environmental problems and provides a quiz to assess how environmentally friendly someone is. The 12-question quiz covers topics like water and electricity conservation, recycling, use of aerosol products, and willingness to support environmental causes. It then provides an answer key to tally scores and determine if someone is "forest green" and very environmentally conscious, has "room for improvement" by being more pale green, or "must be allergic to the color green" if they scored very low.
The document discusses several proposed economic solutions to address the greenhouse effect and global warming:
1) A "giant sunshade" placed in space to reflect some of the sun's energy away from Earth.
2) Releasing sulfur particles into the atmosphere to create a cooling effect similar to large volcanic eruptions.
3) Designing yachts that pump seawater to make clouds thicker and more reflective.
4) Creating "artificial trees" that can absorb more carbon dioxide than natural trees due to their tightly packed leaf-like structures.
All of these solutions would be extremely expensive but could work if all countries contributed funding.
The document presents information about global warming from a PowerPoint presentation, including that:
1) Global warming is a large, multi-faceted issue that affects the entire world and is very relevant today, being the sum of various environmental problems such as the thinning ozone layer and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
2) The thinning ozone layer is caused by human-produced chemicals that are destroying the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects the earth from UV radiation, and more UV rays are reaching the earth.
3) Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water, and methane allow more UV rays into the atmosphere but prevent them from exiting, trapping the heat and increasing the earth's temperature. Increased
This document contains an English quiz with multiple choice questions about environmental topics like arctic ice melt, population without electricity, and temperature increase. It also includes a matching exercise pairing words like "endangered species", "fossil fuels", and "climate crisis" with their definitions. Follow-up discussion questions are provided to prompt conversations about related issues like deforestation, alternative energy sources, and water conservation. The document aims to educate users about environmental problems while encouraging them to discuss solutions.
The document discusses the goals and activities of an English language lesson on environmental protection for Ukrainian students. The lesson aims to develop students' lexical, grammatical, reading and speaking skills while raising awareness about environmental issues. The lesson plan includes greeting the students, presenting the lesson topic and goals, warming up activities, discussions on environmental problems and solutions, a reading on the greenhouse effect and global warming, and a writing activity filling in a text about environmental problems.
This document contains an explanation text about photosynthesis. It begins with a general statement explaining that photosynthesis occurs in green plants, specifically in green leaves. It then provides a sequenced explanation of how photosynthesis works, describing that chlorophyll absorbs light energy and uses it to combine carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and oxygen. It closes by stating that plants use the glucose to make other compounds for growth and that oxygen is released.
Period 7 - Alexander Chiem- Global Warming has to be preventedmrsalcido
Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere and changing weather patterns. The main causes are carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels, methane from livestock, and deforestation. Prevention methods include recycling, switching to energy efficient light bulbs, and reducing fossil fuel usage through actions like carpooling. Addressing the causes of global warming is important to avoid future suffering from its effects.
50 畛 thi + 叩p 叩n h畛c sinh gi畛i ti畉ng anh 9 Jackson Linh
This document contains an English exam for 9th grade students consisting of multiple choice questions testing vocabulary and grammar. The exam has four sections: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, and Writing. The vocabulary section contains questions about word definitions, completing sentences with appropriate words, and matching phrasal verbs to definitions. The grammar section contains exercises on using correct verb tenses and prepositions. The reading comprehension section includes fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and multiple choice questions about passages. The writing section asks students to rewrite sentences, combine sentences, and write a letter responding to a friend's request for travel advice. The exam provides a scoring breakdown and total possible points for each section.
The lecture discusses green design principles including biophilia effect, life cycle analysis, hierarchy of needs, and hunter-nurturer fixations. It provides examples of art and design works connected to green issues, such as Joseph Beuys' 7,000 Oaks project, Burntynsky's photographs of oil sands, and Elephant Parade sculptures. The lecture addresses why green design is important to create a more sustainable future and reduce environmental impacts of production and consumption.
The document outlines the agenda for an environmental science class which includes:
1) Collecting and returning graded quiz papers, discussing current events, and presenting on topics related to the earth's poles and fossil fuels.
2) Covering topics like the environmental impacts of extracting and burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Coal mining can pollute air and water while oil and gas production causes land disturbance and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
3) Discussing different strategies for the US energy system, including energy efficiency, developing alternative energy sources, addressing environmental damage from fossil fuel production, and securing future fossil fuel supplies.
This newspaper article discusses potential scenarios for improving integration of immigrants through digital technology and service design. It proposes developing cross-channel communication between public services to provide consistent, up-to-date information to staff and immigrants. This could help address cultural barriers caused by a lack of informing and training. The article also highlights organizations like the ILRC and ISAC that provide legal assistance and connections to services in order to protect immigrant rights and mitigate the impacts of changing policies.
This document provides vocabulary and grammar exercises related to environmental topics. It begins with vocabulary related to pollution sources and definitions. Grammar exercises practice future tenses including future simple and "be going to." The reading section discusses ways companies and concepts address environmental issues, such as McDonald's plans for biodiesel and a floating city concept.
Ecological architecture aims to conserve resources like building materials, water, air, and energy for future generations. It also creates spaces that are aesthetically pleasing to live and work in while being environmentally friendly. Some key aspects of ecological architecture include minimizing the project footprint, reusing materials, implementing rainwater harvesting, and designing roofs that can grow food to address issues like water security, energy needs, and protecting biodiversity.
Air is a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and is essential to life. It allows for sound, temperature changes, fires, breathing, and photosynthesis. However, human activities like industry, transportation and homes are polluting the air with toxic gases. The document recommends individual actions to help solve this problem, such as using energy-efficient light bulbs, alternative transportation like bicycles, and renewable energy sources like wind, water, solar and biofuels.
Forests and animals are both in danger. Carbon dioxide is the least dangerous pollutant but may be the most damaging. Despite Greenpeace's actions to prevent environmental disasters, most people cannot hear their voice in defense of the living world.
Forests and animals are both in danger. Carbon dioxide is the least dangerous pollutant but may be the most damaging. Despite Greenpeace's actions to prevent environmental disasters, most people cannot hear their voice in defense of the living world.
The document discusses environmental problems and provides a quiz to assess how environmentally friendly someone is. The 12-question quiz covers topics like water and electricity conservation, recycling, use of aerosol products, and willingness to support environmental causes. It then provides an answer key to tally scores and determine if someone is "forest green" and very environmentally conscious, has "room for improvement" by being more pale green, or "must be allergic to the color green" if they scored very low.
The document discusses several proposed economic solutions to address the greenhouse effect and global warming:
1) A "giant sunshade" placed in space to reflect some of the sun's energy away from Earth.
2) Releasing sulfur particles into the atmosphere to create a cooling effect similar to large volcanic eruptions.
3) Designing yachts that pump seawater to make clouds thicker and more reflective.
4) Creating "artificial trees" that can absorb more carbon dioxide than natural trees due to their tightly packed leaf-like structures.
All of these solutions would be extremely expensive but could work if all countries contributed funding.
The document presents information about global warming from a PowerPoint presentation, including that:
1) Global warming is a large, multi-faceted issue that affects the entire world and is very relevant today, being the sum of various environmental problems such as the thinning ozone layer and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
2) The thinning ozone layer is caused by human-produced chemicals that are destroying the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects the earth from UV radiation, and more UV rays are reaching the earth.
3) Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water, and methane allow more UV rays into the atmosphere but prevent them from exiting, trapping the heat and increasing the earth's temperature. Increased
This document contains an English quiz with multiple choice questions about environmental topics like arctic ice melt, population without electricity, and temperature increase. It also includes a matching exercise pairing words like "endangered species", "fossil fuels", and "climate crisis" with their definitions. Follow-up discussion questions are provided to prompt conversations about related issues like deforestation, alternative energy sources, and water conservation. The document aims to educate users about environmental problems while encouraging them to discuss solutions.
The document discusses the goals and activities of an English language lesson on environmental protection for Ukrainian students. The lesson aims to develop students' lexical, grammatical, reading and speaking skills while raising awareness about environmental issues. The lesson plan includes greeting the students, presenting the lesson topic and goals, warming up activities, discussions on environmental problems and solutions, a reading on the greenhouse effect and global warming, and a writing activity filling in a text about environmental problems.
This document contains an explanation text about photosynthesis. It begins with a general statement explaining that photosynthesis occurs in green plants, specifically in green leaves. It then provides a sequenced explanation of how photosynthesis works, describing that chlorophyll absorbs light energy and uses it to combine carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and oxygen. It closes by stating that plants use the glucose to make other compounds for growth and that oxygen is released.
Period 7 - Alexander Chiem- Global Warming has to be preventedmrsalcido
Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere and changing weather patterns. The main causes are carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels, methane from livestock, and deforestation. Prevention methods include recycling, switching to energy efficient light bulbs, and reducing fossil fuel usage through actions like carpooling. Addressing the causes of global warming is important to avoid future suffering from its effects.
Water pollution is defined as any alteration in water quality that harms living things. It kills aquatic life and disrupts food chains. It also poses health risks to humans from contaminated seafood or water. The main causes of water pollution are waste disposal and chemicals. Children can help by reducing water waste, not littering beaches, and choosing environmentally-friendly products. Protecting water is important since nearly all life depends on it.
Biomass refers to any material produced by living organisms that can be used as fuel. There are several types of gases that can be produced from biomass, including biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, biomethanol, and others. In ancient Greece, wood was commonly burned for cooking and staying warm. Bioenergy is the stored chemical energy in plants, animals, and their waste. Increasing biomass production and bioenergy utilization in Europe will help provide sustainable energy sources.
Greek pedagogical team of the Comenius Project 2013-2015" Connect to a Green World" 2o Gymnasio Kaisarianis, set the rules, dates and all the details of the key activity "The Quiz Show"
The document summarizes a 4-day visit by foreign students to Greece as part of a Comenius exchange program. On the first day, the German, Turkish, Spanish, and Polish student groups visited classrooms and had an opening ceremony and welcome program. They had lunch at a park with traditional Greek plates. The second day included a visit to a metal recycling center and the Temple of Poseidon. The third day consisted of visits to Athens' center and the Acropolis Museum. The fourth day included trips to Mycenae, the Agamemnon's Tomb, Nafplio, and the ancient theater of Epidavros. The last day included a daily cruise visiting the islands of Argosar
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
Quiz greece
1. QUIZ PART 1(10 x 0.5 =5 points).
Alternative energy crossword
Complete the crossword
3 4
2. .........................IS ORGANIC MATTER
STRUCTURE OF A..............
INTENSIFIES................... EFFECT
7. BY......................... PAPER WE SAVE
9. ................ENERGY IS ENERGY DERIVED
4. .........................IS AN INEXPENSIVE NATURAL
7. REDUCE- ................. - RECYCLE
2. QUIZ-PART 2 ( 5 points)
1. This is an ancient monument in the centre
of Athens. How is it called?
2.For which purposes it was built?
3. 3. One of the depicted figures is Boreas. What is
the direction of this wind?
a. N
b. W
c. NW
d. E
4. How many winds are depicted?
5. Find a picture of a building in Europe that has
been influenced by the design of this monument
and paste it here.
4. QUIZ-PART 3(5 points)
t is a modern art movement and took place in cities
throughout Italy.
Crude , trivial and cheap materials such as stone ,
sand , wood , old newspapers , mutate into aesthetic
5. products with spiritual energy . This movement
restores a direct contact with natural materials such
as clay , coal , stone , glass , textiles , plants , animals
and promote the exchange of energy between opposing
poles . It also invites the viewer to become a
participant in the protest against the alleged
standardization and efficiency of modern technological
civilization , capturing the sense of changeable.
What is the name of this art movement?.........................
QUIZ-PART 4 (5 points)
To the following wordle find 5 English words
with Greek origin that are related to
ecology and environment
and then ..
WRITE these 5 words in the Greek language
using the letters of the Greek alphabet!!