Mother ke naam se nisbat kya yeh baat durust haiAther Rasool
Awam mein yeh baat mashhoor hai ke qayamat ke roz logon ko maa ke naam se puraka jaye ga yeh baat shareat mein durust nahi hai.
Kyun kay hadees pak hai ke.
Qiyamat ke din tumhe tumahray bapon ke naam se puraka jaye ga toh apne naam achay rakha karo
( Mashqat bahawala musnandh Ahmadh Abu Dawood )
Sahih bukhari mein bhi is unwan se aik baab qaim hai.
This document provides an overview of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, which defines seven layers of network communication. It describes each layer's functions and responsibilities, including the physical layer for transmitting bits, the data link layer for framing and addressing, the network layer for routing packets, the transport layer for process-to-process delivery, the session layer for dialog control, the presentation layer for data translation, and the application layer for user interfaces and services. The OSI model was designed by ISO in the late 1970s to provide a standard framework for network protocol implementation across different systems.
The document discusses the session layer in networking models. It explains that the session layer controls dialogues and connections between computers, establishing and managing connections between local and remote applications. It provides examples of session layer protocols like OSI and describes the purpose of the session layer is to assist interactions between presentation entities through session administration and dialogue services. The conclusion states that the session layer is responsible for communication between nodes and managing sessions, while noting that TCP/IP is now more commonly used than the OSI model.
The document summarizes the seven layers of the OSI model:
1) Physical layer - responsible for establishing and terminating connections between nodes and media characteristics.
2) Data link layer - handles data transfer through framing and physical addressing.
3) Network layer - manages logical addressing and routing between networks.
4) Transport layer - ensures messages are delivered completely through connection control, flow control and error control.
5) Session layer - establishes and manages connections through dialog control and synchronization.
6) Presentation layer - manages data encryption/compression and translation during exchange.
7) Application layer - supports network applications through APIs and uses services from lower layers.
This document provides an overview of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, which defines seven layers of network communication. It describes each layer's functions and responsibilities, including the physical layer for transmitting bits, the data link layer for framing and addressing, the network layer for routing packets, the transport layer for process-to-process delivery, the session layer for dialog control, the presentation layer for data translation, and the application layer for user interfaces and services. The OSI model was designed by ISO in the late 1970s to provide a standard framework for network protocol implementation across different systems.
The document discusses the session layer in networking models. It explains that the session layer controls dialogues and connections between computers, establishing and managing connections between local and remote applications. It provides examples of session layer protocols like OSI and describes the purpose of the session layer is to assist interactions between presentation entities through session administration and dialogue services. The conclusion states that the session layer is responsible for communication between nodes and managing sessions, while noting that TCP/IP is now more commonly used than the OSI model.
The document summarizes the seven layers of the OSI model:
1) Physical layer - responsible for establishing and terminating connections between nodes and media characteristics.
2) Data link layer - handles data transfer through framing and physical addressing.
3) Network layer - manages logical addressing and routing between networks.
4) Transport layer - ensures messages are delivered completely through connection control, flow control and error control.
5) Session layer - establishes and manages connections through dialog control and synchronization.
6) Presentation layer - manages data encryption/compression and translation during exchange.
7) Application layer - supports network applications through APIs and uses services from lower layers.
Den sande verdensanskuelse
En verdensanskuelse besvarer menneskehedens st淡reste og fundamentale sp淡rgsm奪l om eksistensens oprindelse, livets form奪l, samt tilstanden efter d淡den
Den korrekte l淡sning p奪 nedenst奪ende grundsp淡rgsm奪l, er den sande verdensanskuelse
Hvor kommer jeg fra? Hvem har skabt mig?
Hvorfor er jeg her? Hvad er form奪let med mit liv?
Hvor skal jeg hen? Hvad skal der ske efter d淡den?
Det f淡rste og mest grundl脱ggelse aspekt er, om der eksisterer en skaber
Skaberen er enten:
Opst奪et ud af intetheden
Har skabt sig selv
Er skabt af en anden
Er evig
N奪r noget er skabt, er det afh脱ngigt og er derfor ikke selv istand til at skabe( man kan fremstille et produkt, men man kan ikke skabe materialet til produktet).
En skaber er derfor n淡dt til at v脱re uafh脱ngig, ubegr脱nset og evig (har ingen start eller slutning).
Reglerne om 脱gtef脱llesammenf淡ring, permanent opholdstilladelse og dansk stats...Isam
Informations m淡de den 19. november 2014 , i N脱stved bibliotek's m淡de lokaler, Udl脱ndingestyrelsens opl脱g om reglerne om 脱gtef脱llesammenf淡ring, permanent opholdstilladelse og dansk statsborgerskab.
Isam Saeed - Koranens mirakler - islam konference okt.12Isam
This document discusses several purported miracles found through digital analysis of the Quran. It lists numerical patterns found by counting the occurrences of certain words in the Quran, such as "world" appearing 115 times compared to 115 times for "doomsday". It also discusses scientific concepts mentioned in the Quran such as human development from a drop of sperm and similarities between embryonic development and cosmic structures. The document argues these patterns and concepts support the divine origin of the Quran.
This document provides information about the United Kingdom and its constituent countries of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It discusses population statistics, famous landmarks, foods, sports, and other facts about each country. Key points mentioned include London and Edinburgh as the capital cities of England and Scotland, respectively, English breakfast and haggis as iconic foods, and rugby and football as popular sports. Religions, population demographics, and major tourist attractions are also summarized for each region.
Iraq once had a strong public health care system dating back 1000 years that was free for all and included specialized hospitals and residency training for physicians. The University of Al-Karaouine, founded in 859 CE, is considered the world's oldest degree-granting university. In the 1970s, Iraq had a high quality health care system relative to the region. However, after wars and sanctions in the 1980s and 1990s, health infrastructure and personnel declined dramatically with doctor and health worker shortages and lack of essential medicines. The education system was also historically based on religious and societal values.