Corporate brochure van The People Company. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met Ingrid van Gelder, Vestiging Arnhem (
A theoretical discovery and development of an anti-ebola drugGayathri Vijayakumar
The document details the discovery and development of a potential drug called Ebonavir to treat Ebola virus infection. It describes:
1) The selection of the Ebola virus protein VP35 as a drug target, as it plays a critical role in viral pathogenesis and immune suppression.
2) High-throughput screening to identify candidate compounds that inhibit VP35, leading to the selection of a lead compound called NCT1087.
3) Preclinical studies in cell cultures and animal models to evaluate NCT1087's safety, efficacy, and optimal dose. Phase I-III clinical trials are proposed to test NCT1087, now called Ebonavir, in humans.
This document provides a general overview of puzzles used for geocaching, including different types of puzzles, tips for solving puzzles, and ideas for creating puzzles. It discusses visual, code, trivia, and other types of puzzles people use to hide geocache locations. It also offers advice like taking notes while solving, looking for clues, using resources like ciphers tools, and taking breaks if getting stuck on a puzzle. The document encourages practicing puzzle solving and provides some geocaching puzzle creation tips.
Repurposing digital audiovisual resources for user communities possessing dif...Peter Stockinger
A digital data is, only a potential cognitive resource. It has to undergo more or less significant qualitative transformations in order to become a user or community relevant one. These qualitative transformations are performed through series of operations such as the constitution and classification of relevant corpora of digital records, the segmentation and classification of digital records, the content description and indexing or records, the versioning (commenting, enriching, translating, ) of given source records or again the (re-)publishing of digital records. In this report we discuss these qualitative transformations of digital data into cognitive resources sui generis as a re-authoring or repurposing activity in considering as one of the central activities in the field of digital knowledge production and delivery. This report has been realised in the framework of the EC founded R&D project LOGOS Knowledge on-demand for ubiquitous learning solutions (6th FP; 2006 2009).
1. Wnt-4 stimulation of human bone marrow stromal stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells of the maxilla is being studied to assess its effects on proliferation and differentiation.
2. Wnt-4 has been shown to stimulate osteogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells through the non-canonical p38 signaling pathway. PTH stimulates bone lining cells to produce Wnt-4 in vivo.
3. The study aims to assess the effects of Wnt-4 on proliferation and differentiation of human bone marrow stromal stem cells and dental pulp stem cells to better understand its role in stem cell biology.
4-H is a youth program that teaches citizenship,leadership, and life skills! This will show you some effective ways to market 4-H and promote 4-H to your friends.
Presentation On Wnt 4 and rhe role of HDAC4 & SIRT1 in bone biologyGayathri Vijayakumar
Wnt proteins are a family of conserved signaling proteins that regulate various processes including cell proliferation, fate determination, and embryonic development. They act through both canonical and non-canonical pathways. Wnt4 specifically promotes female development and suppresses male development. It also contributes to kidney and adrenal cortex development. Studies show Wnt4 enhances stem cell osteogenic differentiation by activating non-canonical pathways like P38MAPK. The NASA-Orthofix project examines the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on osteoblast proliferation, differentiation and mineralization using rat primary osteoblasts. Genes analyzed include osteocalcin, BAP, collagen I and GAPDH. Results show PEMF stimulation increases cell count, differentiation markers and mineralization
Corporate brochure van The People Company. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met Ingrid van Gelder, Vestiging Arnhem (
A theoretical discovery and development of an anti-ebola drugGayathri Vijayakumar
The document details the discovery and development of a potential drug called Ebonavir to treat Ebola virus infection. It describes:
1) The selection of the Ebola virus protein VP35 as a drug target, as it plays a critical role in viral pathogenesis and immune suppression.
2) High-throughput screening to identify candidate compounds that inhibit VP35, leading to the selection of a lead compound called NCT1087.
3) Preclinical studies in cell cultures and animal models to evaluate NCT1087's safety, efficacy, and optimal dose. Phase I-III clinical trials are proposed to test NCT1087, now called Ebonavir, in humans.
This document provides a general overview of puzzles used for geocaching, including different types of puzzles, tips for solving puzzles, and ideas for creating puzzles. It discusses visual, code, trivia, and other types of puzzles people use to hide geocache locations. It also offers advice like taking notes while solving, looking for clues, using resources like ciphers tools, and taking breaks if getting stuck on a puzzle. The document encourages practicing puzzle solving and provides some geocaching puzzle creation tips.
Repurposing digital audiovisual resources for user communities possessing dif...Peter Stockinger
A digital data is, only a potential cognitive resource. It has to undergo more or less significant qualitative transformations in order to become a user or community relevant one. These qualitative transformations are performed through series of operations such as the constitution and classification of relevant corpora of digital records, the segmentation and classification of digital records, the content description and indexing or records, the versioning (commenting, enriching, translating, ) of given source records or again the (re-)publishing of digital records. In this report we discuss these qualitative transformations of digital data into cognitive resources sui generis as a re-authoring or repurposing activity in considering as one of the central activities in the field of digital knowledge production and delivery. This report has been realised in the framework of the EC founded R&D project LOGOS Knowledge on-demand for ubiquitous learning solutions (6th FP; 2006 2009).
1. Wnt-4 stimulation of human bone marrow stromal stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells of the maxilla is being studied to assess its effects on proliferation and differentiation.
2. Wnt-4 has been shown to stimulate osteogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells through the non-canonical p38 signaling pathway. PTH stimulates bone lining cells to produce Wnt-4 in vivo.
3. The study aims to assess the effects of Wnt-4 on proliferation and differentiation of human bone marrow stromal stem cells and dental pulp stem cells to better understand its role in stem cell biology.
4-H is a youth program that teaches citizenship,leadership, and life skills! This will show you some effective ways to market 4-H and promote 4-H to your friends.
Presentation On Wnt 4 and rhe role of HDAC4 & SIRT1 in bone biologyGayathri Vijayakumar
Wnt proteins are a family of conserved signaling proteins that regulate various processes including cell proliferation, fate determination, and embryonic development. They act through both canonical and non-canonical pathways. Wnt4 specifically promotes female development and suppresses male development. It also contributes to kidney and adrenal cortex development. Studies show Wnt4 enhances stem cell osteogenic differentiation by activating non-canonical pathways like P38MAPK. The NASA-Orthofix project examines the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on osteoblast proliferation, differentiation and mineralization using rat primary osteoblasts. Genes analyzed include osteocalcin, BAP, collagen I and GAPDH. Results show PEMF stimulation increases cell count, differentiation markers and mineralization
Educaching combines GPS technology, geocaching, and classroom subjects into outdoor learning lessons. It allows students to develop skills like critical thinking, navigation, and teamwork. Teachers can enhance any subject by having students use GPS receivers to complete tasks like measuring areas, identifying trees, or answering review questions located at marked waypoints. While start-up costs and time requirements present limitations, grants and fundraising can help obtain needed GPS units and supplies. Example lessons demonstrate how concepts in math, science, and other subjects can be taught using GPS-based scavenger hunt activities.
There are two types of plant defenses: constitutive and inducible. Constitutive defenses such as cell walls, waxy cuticles, and bark are always present in plants, while inducible defenses like toxic chemicals and programmed cell death are produced when the plant is injured or detects pathogens. Secondary compounds found in many plants are also defensive as they are toxic to herbivores and microbes, and plants increase production of these compounds when under attack. Examples of medically useful secondary compounds include menthol, carotene, and sennoside.
Trackables are unique trading items that geocachers can trade, including travel bugs, geocoins, and custom items. Travel bugs are random items with tracking tags, while geocoins are coins with designs. Custom trackables come in various forms. The main rules are that trackables are not for keeping and should be moved to new locations. Logging involves entering the tracking number on the website to record when an item is picked up or dropped off. Proper logging helps keep trackables alive as they travel between geocachers.
Greasemonkey is a Firefox add-on that allows users to customize how Firefox interacts with websites through scripts. The document discusses several useful Greasemonkey scripts for enhancing the Geocaching website, including GCBBCode, Add Waypoint Finder, Bookmark Buttons, Gallery Enhancer, Bag-o-Tricks, VIP List, Map Enhancements, and Friends List Enhancements. These scripts add features like calendar options, font formatting, auto-filling of log pages, waypoint searching, bookmark customization, gallery view filtering, and friend activity alerts. The document provides links to find these and other scripts.
A presentation about enhancing public outreach events that I gave at the 2006 Nebraska Star Party.
NOTE: 際際滷 44 (Planet Distance Chart), has a typo. It should read 1 AU = 9 FT.
Social astronomy refers to using social networking and internet media to connect astronomers and the public. This can be done through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, citizen science projects, and creating various types of internet media like blogs, podcasts, and videos. Developing your own content and reaching out to audiences on social media are important for making connections, sharing resources, and educating others about astronomy.
The document describes a biosensor called BREATHSAFE速 for detecting H1N1 infections. It uses anti-hemagglutinin and anti-neuraminidase protein fragments immobilized on a glass slide as bioreceptors to detect the H1N1 viral proteins hemagglutinin and neuraminidase in respiratory secretions. When the viral proteins bind to the bioreceptors, secondary antibodies tagged with fluorophores bind, and fluorescence is excited and detected with a CCD camera, allowing for diagnosis. The sensor hardware will be inexpensive to manufacture and the disposable membranes will generate continuous revenue.
This document provides resources for solving various types of puzzle caches, including codes and ciphers, word puzzles, math puzzles, logic puzzles, trivia, and general puzzle resources. It lists specific geocaches that teach puzzle solving techniques as well as tools for decoding morse code, binary code, languages, and ciphers. Resources for solving word searches, crosswords, anagrams, unit conversions, area calculations, Sudoku, and logic problems are also included.
Squidoo is a website where users can create "lenses" about various topics and earn commissions by linking to products. To be successful on Squidoo, users need to get their lenses ranked highly on search engines through backlinking. This involves placing links from their lenses on other websites, blogs, forums and social media to drive traffic back to their lenses and increase sales. Regular backlinking is important to maintain high search rankings over time.
Cultural diversity and intercultural/crosscultural communication.Peter Stockinger
A general discussion of the following five topics :
1) The notion ofculture.
2) The notion ofcultural identity.
3) Challenges of intercultural (orcross-cultural) communication.
4) Typical and recurrent obstacles that impede a successful intercultural communication.
5) How to improve intercultural communication: the question of cultural awareness.
Dit zijn wij! - Dura Vermeer Bouw Hengelo Tess ter Avest
'Dit zijn wij!' is het merkboek van Dura Vermeer Bouw Hengelo. We zijn een bouwbedrijf. Maar we zijn ook zeker meer dan dat. Dit merkboek geeft een duidelijke kijk op wie we zijn als Dura Vermeer Bouw Hengelo en waar we voor willen gaan in de toekomst. Hier hoort een stukje historie bij: welke weg heeft geleid tot waar we nu zijn? Maar ook: ons Dura Vermeer, hoe ziet dat eruit in korte feitjes en weetjes. Daarbij komen de drijfveren van ons bedrijf aan het woord; de medewerkers.
2. Wij zijn Incassade Vanuit onze vestigingen in Amsterdam en Leeuwarden verzorgen de ruim 130 INspecialisten van Incassade in heel Nederland voor onze opdrachtgevers alle benodigde creditmanagementwerkzaamheden . Van facturatie, betaalbeheer via minnelijke- en gerechtelijke incasso tot en met executie. Onder de vlag Incassade Educatie voorziet Incassade zowel voor haar eigen organisatie alsook voor externe opdrachtgevers in trainingen en opleidingen.
3. Onze missie Bij Incassade staat duurzaamheid centraal. Al onze activiteiten zijn gericht op duurzame relaties , nu en in de toekomst. Relaties zijn waardevol, daarom vormt het betaald krijgen van facturen met behoud van de klantrelatie het uitgangspunt van ons INteam. Wij hebben bij de uitoefening oog voor de (sociaal) maatschappelijke gevolgen. Daarbij gaat het om duurzame relaties met onze opdrachtgevers, de klanten van onze opdrachtgevers, werknemers, de gemeenschap en het milieu.
4. Onze visie Onze ambitie is als maatstaf te worden gezien voor diensten aan zakelijke klanten op het gebied van betaalbeheer. Wij willen de trend zetten op het gebied van kwaliteit, efficiency, klantenservice, duurzaamheid en het realiseren van de beste resultaten in onze bedrijfstak tegen concurrerende tarieven .
5. De IN-gedachte IN komt van innen, incasseren, incasso en natuurlijk Incassade. IN geeft op een duidelijke en krachtige wijze weer wie wij zijn en wat wij doen. Wij onderscheiden ons van anderen door onze kenmerkende werkwijze: eigenzinnig, innovatief en duurzaam . In 辿辿n woord samengevat INslim.
6. Het INteam Van receptie tot directie en van administratie tot de INspecialisten, alle medewerkers vormen samen het INteam van Incassade. Daarbij heeft ieder zijn of haar specifieke rol in het realiseren van duurzame relaties.
7. INslim Voor onze opdrachtgevers weet Incassade als geen ander het rendement (verder) te optimaliseren. En rendement gaat bij Incassade verder dan alleen de eigen incassoscore. Rendement begint bij een optimale samenwerking , waarbij de operationele- en automatiseringsprocessen aan beide kanten gericht moeten zijn op efficiency en effectiviteit. Open communicatie met onze opdrachtgever alsook diens klanten speelt daarbij een cruciale rol.
8. INorde Samenwerken met Incassade betekent dat de klant kiest voor het beste resultaat. En dat gaat veel verder dan alleen het incasseren van diens vorderingen. Of het nu gaat om de continue scholing van mensen, onze eigen flexibele informatiesystemen, het toepassen van de nieuwste (operationele)technieken, alles is bij Incassade INorde .