ndice del libro "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft" 2捉 E...意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice del libro "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft" 2捉 Edici坦n. Publicado por 0xWord y escrito por Carlos Garc鱈a, Valent鱈n Mart鱈n y Pablo Gonz叩lez.https://0xword.com/es/libros/99-hacking-windows-ataques-a-sistemas-y-redes-microsoft.html
Malware en Android: Discovering, Reversing & Forensics意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice del libro de la editorial 0XWord dedicado al malware de Android. Escrito por Miguel ngel Garc鱈a del Moral trata de cubrir c坦mo funciona el malware en los markets de Android y cu叩les son las t辿cnicas para descubrirlo y analizarlo.
ndice del nuevo libro de 0xWord dedicado al mundo del hacking de los sistemas operativos OSX/macOS de Apple. Desde la configuraci坦n de seguridad a la explotaci坦n de vulnerabilidades. M叩s informaci坦n en http://0xword.com/es/libros/91-macos-hacking.html
Indice libro "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft"意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice del libro de 0xWord "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft". M叩s informaci坦n en: http://0xword.com/es/libros/99-hacking-windows-ataques-a-sistemas-y-redes-microsoft.html
Indice del libro "Infraestructuras Cr鱈ticas y Sistemas Industriales: Auditor...意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice de libro de 0xWord "Infraestructuras cr鱈ticas y sistemas industriales: Auditorias de seguridad y fortificaci坦n" en el que se muestra c坦mo realizar auditor鱈as de seguridad a sistemas industriales, y c坦mo fortificarlos. M叩s informaci坦n del libro en http://0xword.com/es/libros/85-infraestructuras-criticas-y-sistemas-industriales-auditorias-de-seguridad-y-fortificacion.html
ndice del libro "Pentesting con FOCA 2捉 Edici坦n" de @0xWord意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice de contenidos de la segunda edici坦n del libro "Pentesting con FOCA" de 0xWord escrito por Chema Alonso, Pablo Gonz叩lez y otros autores. Puedes adquirir el libro en https://0xword.com/es/libros/59-pentesting-con-foca.html
ndice del libro de "Hardening de Servidores GNU/Linux" 4捉 Edici坦n de 0xWord意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice del libro de "Hardening de Servidores GNU/Linux" 4捉 Edici坦n de 0xWord. Puedes conseguir el libro en la web de 0xWord: https://0xword.com/es/libros/38-libro-hardening-servidores-linux.html
ndice del Libro "C坦mo protegerse de los peligros en Internet"意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
En un mundo en continua digitalizaci坦n, en el que Internet y los dispositivos forman una parte cada vez m叩s relevante en nuestras vidas, es muy importante estar al d鱈a de los problemas y los riesgos a los que nos enfrentamos cuando nos comunicamos o, simplemente, cuando accedemos a la red para consultar informaci坦n.
Este libro pretende dar un repaso por los principales riesgos a los que nos exponemos todos los usuarios cuando nos conectamos a Internet as鱈 como cuando hacemos uso de todas las tecnolog鱈as a nuestra disposici坦n: ordenadores, dispositivos m坦viles, relojes inteligentes,
Lo hacemos dando un enfoque muy pr叩ctico, con un lenguaje asequible para todos, dirigido a j坦venes, mayores, padres e hijos, profesores, jubilados,y, en general, todo aquel que est辿 interesado en adentrarse en el mundo de la ciberseguridad desde el nivel m叩s b叩sico.
Hablaremos de todo el malware que nos rodea (los virus, los troyanos), las t辿cnicas que utilizan los ciberdelincuentes para timarnos y robarnos informaci坦n, las medidas que podemos tomar para protegernos y salvaguardar nuestra privacidady todo ello sin olvidarnos de temas tan importantes para los m叩s j坦venes como el ciberacoso y la protecci坦n de sus datos y, por supuesto, de los padres, para que est辿n al corriente de por d坦nde navegan sus hijos y c坦mo pueden protegerlos.
Un libro indispensable para aprender y, sobre todo, para concienciar que la seguridad en Internet es cosa de todos.
El libro est叩 disponible en: https://0xword.com/es/libros/131-como-protegerse-de-los-peligros-en-internet.html
ndice del libro: "Pentesting con Kali Silver Edition" de 0xWord意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice del libro: "Pentesting con Kali Silver Edition" de 0xWord, escrito por Pablo Gonz叩lez ( https://mypublicinbox.com/PabloGonzalez ), Chema Alonso ( https://mypublicinbox.com/ChemaAlonso ), Germ叩n S叩nchez, Jos辿 Miguel Soriano, Umberto Schiavo y Jhonatan Fiestas. M叩s informaci坦n en: https://0xword.com/es/libros/40-libro-pentesting-kali.html
Air tanah merupakan air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan bergabung membentuk lapisan tanah yang disebut akifer. Hidrologi mempelajari tentang air termasuk siklus hidrologi di mana air berpindah antara atmosfer, daratan, dan samudera melalui proses evaporasi, presipitasi, dan aliran permukaan maupun bawah tanah. Air tanah terbentuk dari air hujan yang menyusup ke dalam tanah dan bergerak di antara butir-butir tanah serta
This document provides an overview of Glenn Young's theory that Christianity was influenced by the ancient rivalry between the gods Ba'al and Yahweh. It summarizes key points from Young's analysis, including that Ba'al was the dominant and most popular god in the region for thousands of years, while Yahweh was relatively unknown. Archaeological discoveries at Ugarit revealed that the Canaanite culture made many contributions to religion and writing systems. Young argues that with political and social crises, one god could become another, and that Christianity incorporated elements of the older Ba'al religion.
The document provides analysis of the 2011 film Kill List and how it utilizes postmodern techniques. It discusses how the film takes inspiration from The Wicker Man and The Blair Witch Project in its costume design, imagery and symbols. It also analyzes how the film abruptly shifts tones from thriller to horror, leaves many elements unexplained, uses its plot as a metaphor for modern British society, and portrays an anti-religious message through its characters and cult scenes.
Sony conducted an immersive marketing campaign for the film District 9 that blurred the lines between reality and the fictional world of the movie. They set up websites, phone numbers, and an online game related to the organizations in the film. This included setting up a website for the fictional Multi-National United company from the movie that featured news and alerts. They also created a blog purportedly by a character in the film to further blend fiction and reality. Additionally, Sony released trailers and set up the official District 9 movie website that included a game where users could play as either a human or alien character.
Johnny English Reborn is a 2011 comedy sequel directed by Oliver Parker and starring Rowan Atkinson, Gillian Anderson, and Rosamund Pike. It is the second film in the Johnny English series parodying James Bond and was filmed on location in London, Hampshire, Macau, and Hong Kong using special effects like explosives, CGI, and green screen technology. The film premiered in October 2011 in London and was released in UK and US cinemas that month with promotional tours in other countries.
SOVEREIGNTY: The Zionist Alternative (English version)cjhs
In this 2nd issue of Sovereignty politicians, academicians and people in the field explain the disaster inherent in dividing the Land and present the Zionist alternative from the Right and is released as the international community is applying pressure on the government of Israel to divide the Land.
Iran and the Bomb - Strategic Considerations in the MIddle East - J.E. (Jenn...cjhs
Iran and the Bomb
Iran is very close to the point of achieving breakout: enriching uranium to weapons-grade purity, and demonstrating the capability to detonate a nuclear warhead.
In each of the elements of a nuclear weapon fissile material, warhead, and delivery system Iran has made substantial progress in the last decade. That progress has accelerated since the first UN sanctions were imposed in 2007.
Today, we have reached the critical point at which Irans next decision will be the decision to break out: begin enriching uranium to the highest, weapons-grade purity. By some calculations, Iran has enough uranium already enriched to a lower level for at least one bomb, and possibly two. Iran is almost ready, as well, to start up her 40-megawatt plutonium reactor at Arak, which would be a source of 1-2 bombs worth of plutonium per year. She is pursuing both the uranium and plutonium paths to a nuclear weapon.
Iran performed warhead-related experiments as far back as 2002-2003. She has also improved her missile capability, and today can reach Southeastern Europe and Israel with nuclear-capable missiles. There are strong indications that Iran is developing ICBMs; U.S. intelligence believes Iran will be able to test an ICBM by 2015. Beyond that, Iran is constructing a missile silo complex in the northwestern tip of Venezuela, from which her currently available, nuclear-capable missiles could reach Florida and part of Georgia.
Meanwhile, the likelihood that Iran will continue to engage in deception, in order to play for time, has only grown with the inauguration of Hassan Rouhani as the new president. Rouhani has boasted of the successful deceptions he perpetrated on the IAEA and European nations in the mid-2000s, when he was Irans chief nuclear negotiator.
Assuming there will be no military attack by the United States, what events might require Israel to mount a preemptive attack? Three to consider are an impending warhead test in Iran, the impending start-up of the plutonium reactor at Arak, and the impending operational deployment of the Russian S-300PMU2 air defense system, which would significantly change the anti-air threat posed by Iran.
The geopolitical consequences of a nuclear-armed Iran cannot be overstated. Other nations in the region (like Saudi Arabia, and possibly Egypt and Turkey) will want to acquire nuclear weapons for deterrence. Nuclear material and the requisite weapons technology are now widely available. But a nuclear Iran would also be able to wage proxy wars e.g., through Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations supported by Tehran with even more immunity than Iran has today.
Moreover, disarray in the NATO approach to missile defense, caused in large part by the Obama administrations cancellation of missile-defense plans, will be exacerbated by the growing Iranian threat.
Indice libro "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft"意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice del libro de 0xWord "Hacking Windows: Ataques a redes y sistemas Microsoft". M叩s informaci坦n en: http://0xword.com/es/libros/99-hacking-windows-ataques-a-sistemas-y-redes-microsoft.html
Indice del libro "Infraestructuras Cr鱈ticas y Sistemas Industriales: Auditor...意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice de libro de 0xWord "Infraestructuras cr鱈ticas y sistemas industriales: Auditorias de seguridad y fortificaci坦n" en el que se muestra c坦mo realizar auditor鱈as de seguridad a sistemas industriales, y c坦mo fortificarlos. M叩s informaci坦n del libro en http://0xword.com/es/libros/85-infraestructuras-criticas-y-sistemas-industriales-auditorias-de-seguridad-y-fortificacion.html
ndice del libro "Pentesting con FOCA 2捉 Edici坦n" de @0xWord意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice de contenidos de la segunda edici坦n del libro "Pentesting con FOCA" de 0xWord escrito por Chema Alonso, Pablo Gonz叩lez y otros autores. Puedes adquirir el libro en https://0xword.com/es/libros/59-pentesting-con-foca.html
ndice del libro de "Hardening de Servidores GNU/Linux" 4捉 Edici坦n de 0xWord意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice del libro de "Hardening de Servidores GNU/Linux" 4捉 Edici坦n de 0xWord. Puedes conseguir el libro en la web de 0xWord: https://0xword.com/es/libros/38-libro-hardening-servidores-linux.html
ndice del Libro "C坦mo protegerse de los peligros en Internet"意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
En un mundo en continua digitalizaci坦n, en el que Internet y los dispositivos forman una parte cada vez m叩s relevante en nuestras vidas, es muy importante estar al d鱈a de los problemas y los riesgos a los que nos enfrentamos cuando nos comunicamos o, simplemente, cuando accedemos a la red para consultar informaci坦n.
Este libro pretende dar un repaso por los principales riesgos a los que nos exponemos todos los usuarios cuando nos conectamos a Internet as鱈 como cuando hacemos uso de todas las tecnolog鱈as a nuestra disposici坦n: ordenadores, dispositivos m坦viles, relojes inteligentes,
Lo hacemos dando un enfoque muy pr叩ctico, con un lenguaje asequible para todos, dirigido a j坦venes, mayores, padres e hijos, profesores, jubilados,y, en general, todo aquel que est辿 interesado en adentrarse en el mundo de la ciberseguridad desde el nivel m叩s b叩sico.
Hablaremos de todo el malware que nos rodea (los virus, los troyanos), las t辿cnicas que utilizan los ciberdelincuentes para timarnos y robarnos informaci坦n, las medidas que podemos tomar para protegernos y salvaguardar nuestra privacidady todo ello sin olvidarnos de temas tan importantes para los m叩s j坦venes como el ciberacoso y la protecci坦n de sus datos y, por supuesto, de los padres, para que est辿n al corriente de por d坦nde navegan sus hijos y c坦mo pueden protegerlos.
Un libro indispensable para aprender y, sobre todo, para concienciar que la seguridad en Internet es cosa de todos.
El libro est叩 disponible en: https://0xword.com/es/libros/131-como-protegerse-de-los-peligros-en-internet.html
ndice del libro: "Pentesting con Kali Silver Edition" de 0xWord意艶鉛艶韓坦稼庄界温
ndice del libro: "Pentesting con Kali Silver Edition" de 0xWord, escrito por Pablo Gonz叩lez ( https://mypublicinbox.com/PabloGonzalez ), Chema Alonso ( https://mypublicinbox.com/ChemaAlonso ), Germ叩n S叩nchez, Jos辿 Miguel Soriano, Umberto Schiavo y Jhonatan Fiestas. M叩s informaci坦n en: https://0xword.com/es/libros/40-libro-pentesting-kali.html
Air tanah merupakan air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan bergabung membentuk lapisan tanah yang disebut akifer. Hidrologi mempelajari tentang air termasuk siklus hidrologi di mana air berpindah antara atmosfer, daratan, dan samudera melalui proses evaporasi, presipitasi, dan aliran permukaan maupun bawah tanah. Air tanah terbentuk dari air hujan yang menyusup ke dalam tanah dan bergerak di antara butir-butir tanah serta
This document provides an overview of Glenn Young's theory that Christianity was influenced by the ancient rivalry between the gods Ba'al and Yahweh. It summarizes key points from Young's analysis, including that Ba'al was the dominant and most popular god in the region for thousands of years, while Yahweh was relatively unknown. Archaeological discoveries at Ugarit revealed that the Canaanite culture made many contributions to religion and writing systems. Young argues that with political and social crises, one god could become another, and that Christianity incorporated elements of the older Ba'al religion.
The document provides analysis of the 2011 film Kill List and how it utilizes postmodern techniques. It discusses how the film takes inspiration from The Wicker Man and The Blair Witch Project in its costume design, imagery and symbols. It also analyzes how the film abruptly shifts tones from thriller to horror, leaves many elements unexplained, uses its plot as a metaphor for modern British society, and portrays an anti-religious message through its characters and cult scenes.
Sony conducted an immersive marketing campaign for the film District 9 that blurred the lines between reality and the fictional world of the movie. They set up websites, phone numbers, and an online game related to the organizations in the film. This included setting up a website for the fictional Multi-National United company from the movie that featured news and alerts. They also created a blog purportedly by a character in the film to further blend fiction and reality. Additionally, Sony released trailers and set up the official District 9 movie website that included a game where users could play as either a human or alien character.
Johnny English Reborn is a 2011 comedy sequel directed by Oliver Parker and starring Rowan Atkinson, Gillian Anderson, and Rosamund Pike. It is the second film in the Johnny English series parodying James Bond and was filmed on location in London, Hampshire, Macau, and Hong Kong using special effects like explosives, CGI, and green screen technology. The film premiered in October 2011 in London and was released in UK and US cinemas that month with promotional tours in other countries.
SOVEREIGNTY: The Zionist Alternative (English version)cjhs
In this 2nd issue of Sovereignty politicians, academicians and people in the field explain the disaster inherent in dividing the Land and present the Zionist alternative from the Right and is released as the international community is applying pressure on the government of Israel to divide the Land.
Iran and the Bomb - Strategic Considerations in the MIddle East - J.E. (Jenn...cjhs
Iran and the Bomb
Iran is very close to the point of achieving breakout: enriching uranium to weapons-grade purity, and demonstrating the capability to detonate a nuclear warhead.
In each of the elements of a nuclear weapon fissile material, warhead, and delivery system Iran has made substantial progress in the last decade. That progress has accelerated since the first UN sanctions were imposed in 2007.
Today, we have reached the critical point at which Irans next decision will be the decision to break out: begin enriching uranium to the highest, weapons-grade purity. By some calculations, Iran has enough uranium already enriched to a lower level for at least one bomb, and possibly two. Iran is almost ready, as well, to start up her 40-megawatt plutonium reactor at Arak, which would be a source of 1-2 bombs worth of plutonium per year. She is pursuing both the uranium and plutonium paths to a nuclear weapon.
Iran performed warhead-related experiments as far back as 2002-2003. She has also improved her missile capability, and today can reach Southeastern Europe and Israel with nuclear-capable missiles. There are strong indications that Iran is developing ICBMs; U.S. intelligence believes Iran will be able to test an ICBM by 2015. Beyond that, Iran is constructing a missile silo complex in the northwestern tip of Venezuela, from which her currently available, nuclear-capable missiles could reach Florida and part of Georgia.
Meanwhile, the likelihood that Iran will continue to engage in deception, in order to play for time, has only grown with the inauguration of Hassan Rouhani as the new president. Rouhani has boasted of the successful deceptions he perpetrated on the IAEA and European nations in the mid-2000s, when he was Irans chief nuclear negotiator.
Assuming there will be no military attack by the United States, what events might require Israel to mount a preemptive attack? Three to consider are an impending warhead test in Iran, the impending start-up of the plutonium reactor at Arak, and the impending operational deployment of the Russian S-300PMU2 air defense system, which would significantly change the anti-air threat posed by Iran.
The geopolitical consequences of a nuclear-armed Iran cannot be overstated. Other nations in the region (like Saudi Arabia, and possibly Egypt and Turkey) will want to acquire nuclear weapons for deterrence. Nuclear material and the requisite weapons technology are now widely available. But a nuclear Iran would also be able to wage proxy wars e.g., through Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations supported by Tehran with even more immunity than Iran has today.
Moreover, disarray in the NATO approach to missile defense, caused in large part by the Obama administrations cancellation of missile-defense plans, will be exacerbated by the growing Iranian threat.
Avi Bell - Beyond the UN: The Shape of Lawfare to Comecjhs
Palestine's admission to the UN would internationalize the Israeli-Palestinian conflict legally and allow Palestine to pursue legal claims against Israel in international courts and bodies. Palestine has signed a declaration recognizing the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to investigate and prosecute crimes committed on Palestinian territory since July 2002. Whether Palestine can be considered a state and join the ICC will depend on whether the UN General Assembly grants it observer state status.
This document provides a summary and analysis of a lesson plan about teaching the Holocaust and antisemitism through the examination of Der Giftpilz, an antisemitic children's picture book published in Nazi Germany in 1938. The summary outlines the key points of the lesson plan, including its educational goals and approach, as well as briefly summarizing and analyzing several of the images from Der Giftpilz to demonstrate how the lesson would examine the depictions of Jewish stereotypes and propaganda techniques through a historical and critical lens. The lesson aims to help students understand the roots and evolution of antisemitism while also developing skills in analyzing primary sources and recognizing how propaganda manipulates images and messages.
Rick Richman - Beyond the Two-State Non-Solution: One State, Three States, o...cjhs
The document discusses alternative solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict beyond the traditional two-state solution, including a one-state solution, a trilateral two-state solution involving Jordan, a three-state solution, recognizing Jordan as Palestine, or having no sovereign states and instead relying on international administration. It argues that proposals for a two-state solution along the 1967 lines combined with a right of return for Palestinian refugees would effectively undo Israel's creation and establish the situation before 1948.
The simpleton son asks when things will get better. The father tells him that scattered Jews are gradually uniting and rebuilding their national identity and pride in different places. He describes the growth of Zionism and Jewish nationalism among students in Europe. He tells how more reclaim their Jewish identity. He shares hopeful signs of the Hebrew language and culture thriving, including in Palestine despite challenges, as Jews work to establish a homeland there through great effort. The simple son accepts this hopeful message and is inspired to contribute to their people's future.
The Fabrication of the Palestinian People - How we swallowed the Bluffcjhs
On March 31, 1977 in the Dutch newspaper Trouw, in an interview with PLO executive committee member, Zahir Muhsein said:
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
The Arab-Israeli Conflict
Avoiding Damaging Words in the Battle of Narratives:
Guide for Making Intelligent Choices
8th Edition
By Michael Perloff
Authors Comments and Assumptions
The goal of this Guide is to reduce the use of counterproductive terminology that distorts and obscures the issues in this battle of narratives.
Using accurate terms is a key weapon in countering the propaganda and lies being used against Israel. Original source material, including testimonies and official documents, has been used whenever possible.
No consideration has been given to government policy, political correctness, or conventional wisdom. Nor was there a concern that this document could be interpreted as representing either a left wing or right wing perspective. Only evidence matters.
A main assumption is that mainstream Arab leaders mean what they say, write and teach their children about Israel and Jews regarding their objective to ultimately replace Israel with another Arab state.
A second assumption is that Israels vision as expressed in the Declaration of Independence is still valid today. That it speaks of cooperation, peace, and reconciliation with their Arab neighbors remains a very real objective.
A third assumption is that most people who accept the Palestinian Arab narrative do so out of ignorance, misinformation and misconceptions about this conflict.
Another assumption is that criticism of Israel is not a symptom of anti-Semitism unless special standards or definitions are applied to the worlds only Jewish state.
Lastly, assuming that this Terminology Guide will be used by people who are already knowledgeable and pro-Israel, it contains minimal supporting documentation.
This document provides an overview of gun laws and statistics related to gun ownership and violence in America. It notes that approximately 40-45% of American households own guns, with around 300 million guns in the country. It also reviews gun death statistics like homicides and suicides committed with firearms each year. The document then examines some key gun laws and regulations in America and discusses approaches to analyzing the costs and benefits of different gun policies.
Teks tersebut merupakan penjelasan tentang MapInfo sebagai program aplikasi GIS. Ia menjelaskan kemampuan MapInfo dalam integrasi dengan program lain, format file yang didukung, serta dokumentasi yang tersedia seperti referensi, tutorial, dan status bar.
Teks tersebut membahas tentang air tanah dan siklus hidrologi. Air tanah adalah air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan terkandung di antara butir-butir tanah atau pori-pori batuan. Air tanah berasal dari air hujan yang merembes ke dalam tanah dan mengalir di bawah permukaan tanah hingga memasuki akuifer. Siklus hidrologi meliputi proses evaporasi, infiltrasi, aliran permukaan, dan aliran air tanah yang saling terkait
Patahan Lembang terbentuk akibat pergerakan lempeng tektonik sekitar 500.000 tahun yang lalu. Patahan ini membelah Bandung menjadi dua daerah aliran sungai. Gua Pawon merupakan situs purbakala penting yang menyimpan fosil manusia purba di Bandung Barat.
Teks tersebut membahas tentang air tanah dan siklus hidrologi. Air tanah adalah air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan terkandung di antara butir-butir tanah. Siklus hidrologi meliputi proses evaporasi, infiltrasi ke tanah, dan aliran permukaan air. Air akan terus bergerak melalui siklus ini antara atmosfer, daratan, dan samudera.
Teks tersebut membahas tentang air tanah dan siklus hidrologi. Air tanah adalah air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan terkandung di antara butir-butir tanah atau pori-pori batuan. Air tanah berasal dari air hujan yang merembes ke dalam tanah dan mengalir di bawah permukaan tanah hingga memasuki akuifer. Siklus hidrologi meliputi proses evaporasi, infiltrasi, aliran permukaan, dan aliran air tanah yang saling terkait
Teks tersebut membahas tentang air tanah dan siklus hidrologi. Air tanah adalah air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan terkandung di antara butir-butir tanah atau pori-pori batuan. Air tanah berasal dari air hujan yang merembes ke dalam tanah dan mengalir di bawah permukaan tanah hingga memasuki akuifer. Siklus hidrologi meliputi proses evaporasi, infiltrasi, aliran permukaan, dan aliran air tanah yang saling terkait
Air tanah merupakan air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan bergabung membentuk lapisan tanah yang disebut akifer. Hidrologi mempelajari tentang air termasuk siklus hidrologi di mana air berpindah antara atmosfer, daratan, dan samudera melalui proses evaporasi, transpirasi, presipitasi, infiltrasi, dan aliran permukaan maupun bawah tanah. Air tanah terdiri atas air bebas dan tertekan, serta dipengaruhi oleh litologi dan geomorfolog
Air tanah merupakan air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan bergabung membentuk lapisan tanah yang disebut akifer. Hidrologi mempelajari air di bumi, termasuk siklus dan pergerakan air tanah. Air tanah dapat bergerak ke permukaan melalui celah tanah atau mengalir ke sungai, danau, atau laut.
Air tanah merupakan air yang bergerak di dalam tanah dan bergabung membentuk lapisan tanah yang disebut akifer. Hidrologi mempelajari siklus air di bumi, termasuk asal, pergerakan, dan distribusi air baik di atas maupun di bawah permukaan tanah. Air tanah berfungsi sebagai sumber air bersih dan penopang beban permukaan. Air tanah dapat dibedakan menjadi air tanah bebas dan tertekan, dan bergerak sesuai model alir
Daftar isi potensi air-tanah-dengan-menggunakan-metode-geolistrikAwang Deswari
Daftar isi potensi air-tanah-dengan-menggunakan-metode-geolistrik
HALAMAN JUDUL .................................................................... i
LEMBAR PENGESAHAN.......................................................... iii
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN.......................................................... iv
KATA PENGANTAR.................................................................. vi
DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................ viii
DAFTAR GAMBAR.................................................................... x
DAFTAR TABEL ........................................................................ xi
DAFTAR LAMPIRAN ................................................................ xii
ABSTRAK.................................................................................... xiv
ABSTRACT ................................................................................. xv
1.1.Latar Belakang ........................................................................ 1
1.2.Rumusan Masalah ................................................................... 1
1.3.Batasan Masalah...................................................................... 2
1.4.Tujuan Penelitian..................................................................... 2
1.5.Manfaat Penelitian................................................................... 2
2.1. Air Tanah................................................................................ 3
2.2. Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas................................................. 4
2.3. Aliran Listrik di dalam Bumi................................................... 8
2.3.1. Potensial Titik Arus di dalam Bumi............................. 9
2.3.2. Potensial Titik Arus di Permukaan Bumi..................... 9
2.3.3. Potensial Dua Titik Arus yang Berlawanan di Permukaan Bumi
........................................................ 10
2.4. Resistivitas Semu Batuan ....................................................... 11
2.5. Konfigurasi Elektroda ............................................................. 14
2.6. Konfigurasi Schlumberger....................................................... 15
3.1. Waktu dan Tempat penelitian .................................................. 17
3.2. Bentuk Penelitian .................................................................... 18
3.3. Peralatan penelitian ................................................................. 19
2. 3.4. Data yang diambil ................................................................... 19
3.5. Langkah-langkah Penelitian .................................................... 19
3.5.1. Akuisisi Data........................................................................ 19
3.5.2. Prosessing Data............................................................. 20
3.5.3. Interpretasi Data............................................................ 20
4.1. Analisa Geologi dan Hidrogeologi........................................... 23
4.1.1. Kajian Geologi.............................................................. 23
4.1.2. Kajian Hidrogeologi...................................................... 25
4.2. Eksplorasi Data Geolistrik....................................................... 25
4.2.1. Pengambilan Data......................................................... 25
4.2.2. Analisis Data ................................................................ 26
4.2.3. Interpretasi Data............................................................ 28
4.3. Penentuan Lokasi Eksplorasi................................................... 32
5.1. Kesimpulan............................................................................. 37
5.2. Saran....................................................................................... 37
DAFTAR PUSTAKA................................................................... 39
LAMPIRAN-LAMPIRAN........................................................... 41
Gambar 2.1. Perpindahan elektroda secara sounding ...................... 6
Gambar 2.2. Perpindahan elektroda secara mapping ....................... 6
Gambar 2.3. Silinder dengan panjang (l) dan luas (A)..................... 7
Gambar 2.4. Potensial titik arus di dalam bumi............................... 9
Gambar 2.5. Potensial titik arus di permukaan bumi ....................... 10
Gambar 2.6. Konsep resistivitas semu ............................................ 12
Gambar 2.7. Susunan elektroda ...................................................... 14
Gambar 2.8. Susunan elektroda konfigurasi Schlumberger ............. 16
Gambar 3.1. Peta titik ukur geolistrik desa Raci ............................. 17
Gambar 3.2. Diagram alur metodologi penelitian ........................... 21
Gambar 4.1. Hasil pengolahan data geolistrik pada titik 3............... 27
Gambar 4.2. Penampang tegak tahanan jenis .................................. 35
Tabel 2.1. Nilai resistivitas batuan (Blaricon, 1988) ....................... 13
Tabel 2.2. Nilai resistivitas batuan (Verhoef, 1994) ........................ 14
Tabel 4.1. Interpretasi Geolistrik .................................................... 29
Lampiran 1.Data pengukuran geolistrik.......................................... 41
Lampiran 2.Harga faktor geometri konfigurasi schlumberger ......... 47
Lampiran 3.Nilai resistivitas semu ................................................. 53
Lampiran 4.Data hasil prosessing dengan menggunakan
Software IPI2Win ....................................................... 59
Lampiran 5.Peta Geologi Lembar Malang ...................................... 67
Lampiran 6. Foto Kegiatan Penelitian ............................................ 69
Lampiran 1.Data pengukuran geolistrik.......................................... 41
Lampiran 2.Harga faktor geometri konfigurasi schlumberger ......... 47
Lampiran 3.Nilai resistivitas semu ................................................. 53
Lampiran 4.Data hasil prosessing dengan menggunakan
Software IPI2Win ....................................................... 59
Lampiran 5.Peta Geologi Lembar Malang ...................................... 67
Lampiran 6. Foto Kegiatan Penelitian ............................................ 69