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Data is a collection offacts.
Such asnumbers, words, measurements,
observations or even just descriptions of things.
Qualitative data isdescriptive
(it describessomething)
Quantitative data, isnumerical
information (numbers).
Discrete data can only takecertain
values (like whole numbers)
Continuous data cantake
any value (within arange)
What type of data is it (about dog)?
1. Hehas4 legs
2. Hehaslots of energy
3. Heis brown and black
4. Heweighs 25.5 kg
5. Hehas2 brothers
6. Hehaslong hair
7. Heis 565 mm tall
1. Primary Data
 Thedata collected first hand by researcher for his
2. Secondary Data
 Thedata which is already collected bysomeone
 It is readymadedata
Sourcesof Data
Primary Source
Observation Interview
Questionnaire Schedules
Warranty Cards
Consumer Panels
Mechanical Devices
Depth Interviews
Content analysis
Unpublished Published
Government Reports
Research reports
 Study relating to BehavioralScience
 Information is sought by way of investigators own
direct observations
 Respondent is not asked/communicated.
 Willingness of respondent to respond is not
 Lessdemanding of active cooperation
2.Limited Data
3.Cant observe what is going on in mind
4.Some people are rarely accessible
Things to keep in mind:
1.What should be observed?
2.How observation should be made and
3.How to ensure accuracy?
Participant and non-participant:
Researcher is a member of group that he/she observes.
Ex: Going in slum and living their life.
Non - participant
Researcher is detached from the group he/she observes.
Ex: Study of slum people without being itspart/member
Naturalistic and Simulations:
Observation in a natural setting >Uncontrolled
Ex. study of consumers in amall
Observation in predefined environment >Controlled
Simulatesor recreatesa situationor environment
The researcher has a specific set of questions
designed to elicit responses from the participants.
The researcher prepares open-ended questions in
which the participants are free to write their
To determine how the participants act on certain
Done to recall and reconstruct something that
happened in the past.
1. Background Questions  includes education, age, previous work,
2. Knowledge Questions  factual information
3. Experience Questions  what the participant is doing presently or in
the past.
4. Opinion Questions  how the participants think on certain topics or
5. Feeling Questions  emotional responses of the participants on their
6. Sensory Questions  what the respondent has seen, tasted, heard,
touched, or smelled.
1. Interviewers should be carefully selected, trained andbriefed.
2. Honest, sincere, hardworking, impartial, unbiased
3. Must possesstechnical competence
4. Practical experience
5. Create friendly atmosphere of trustand confidence
6. Recording responses accurately and completely
7. Interviewer should not show surprise ordisapproval
8. Should not argue
9. Keepthings on track
 Askall questions in schedule
 Repeat question if not
 Dont show disapproval/surprise
 Listen quietly with patience
 Neither argue nor dispute
 Show genuine concern and
 Dont reveal your own opinion or
 Keepconversation on track
 Thank with a smile when done
Carrying the interview
multiple perspectives at a time
human behavior indirectly by analyzing
Adocument containing set of questions logically
related to the problem under study.
 If the questions are filled by respondents, then its
calledas Questionnaire
 If filled by interviewer, its called as Schedule
 Free from bias of interviewer
 Respondents have adequate time
 Large samples can be used to get more dependable and reliable data
 Used only when respondent is educated and cooperating
 Control over questionnaire is lost once it is sent
 Time and cost
1. Question Relevance
 Should be relevant to researchobjectives
 Question should be able to answer researchproblem
 Single question may not be able to answer problem or
attain objective
 Respondents should know the answer
 Question should not test respondents recallability
 Should be easily understandable.
 Should be specific
2. Question Wording
 Vocabulary : Useof common vocabulary
 Exactness : Do you usually go to gym? Vs.How many days in a week do you
go to gym?
 Simplicity : Simple words and sentence construction, avoidjargons
 Neutrality : Should not cause undue influence. E.g. You prefer Brewed over
 Presumption : Shouldnt presume about respondent E.g. How many times a
day do you drink coffee?
 Hypothetical Questions : Avoid. E.g. What would you do if . ?
 Embarrassing Questions : PersonalQuestions
3. Types of Questions
 Open Ended
Free Scope for respondents to answer
Used to explore more and in depth information
Difficult to analyze
E.g. What are your career plans after post
3. TypesofQuestions
 Closed Ended
 Canbe answered with 2 responses
 E.g. Do you own or rent yourhouse?
 Do you like Marathi movies?
 Multiple Choice Questions
 More than 2 alternatives for onequestion
 E.g. Which brand of jeans do youprefer?
 MCQmust contain all the possible choices
 Should not contain overlapping choices
 Alternatives should be reasonable
4. Question Order or Sequence
 One question should follow another in logicalsequence
 Sequence should have relation
E.g. What is volume of your trading?
How many trades do you make in a week?
Types of questions to beavoided
 Leading Questions : Influences respondent togive acertain answer
E.g.Are you against giving too much power to thetrade unions?
 Loaded Questions : Contains words which are emotionallycolored.
E.g.Have you evertried to get benefitto the business by giving bribe?
 Ambiguous Questions : Doesnot have clearmeaning
E.g.Are you interestedin a small house?
Types of questions to beavoided
 Double-barreled Questions : Contain two or more different ideas
E.g.Do you favor or oppose increased jobsecurity and productivity linkedwage system?
 Long Question : Lengthyquestion
 Double negative : E.g.Dont you oppose this bill?
Gantt Chart  a plan of activities in the duration of your research
Development of
Data gathering
through observation
Data gathering
through interview
Documentary analysis
Briefly describe each data collection strategy
c.Focus group discussion
d.Documentary analysis
 Testis conducted to establish the personalities of the respondents and their reactions.
 Theyproject or reflect the subjects thought about what he or shesees, feels, perceives thus
producing the reactions.
Therearefive most commonlyadministeredtests of this kind namely:
1. WordAssociation Test
2. SentenceCompletion Test
3. Story Completion Test
4. Third PersonTest
5. Pictorial Techniques
Projective Techniques
 Word association test is a list of words ranging from twenty-five to seventy-five is given.
 Theword suggestedby the researcher is to be associated by the respondent by the most fittingword he thinks.
 Thisis widely used to measure the effect ofthe brand namesand advertising messages.
 Here,it is not possible to give all the seventy-fivewords. On illustrative basis, let us have fifteen words:
8. Tyre

9. Glasswares.
10. Ink..
11. Pencils
13. Cupboards
14. T
15. Video cassettes
1. Perfume..
2. Tooth paste
3. Hair oil..
5. Shoes
 Sentencecompletion tests are designed to discover emotional responsesof therespondent.
 It is the easiest, most useful and reliable test to get the correct information in an indirect manner.
 Therespondent is askedto complete the sentencegiven.
Forinstance, the questions maybe:
1. I like instant coffeebecause
2. I useelectric kitchen gadgetsbecause.
3. I do not usepain-killers like aspirinbecause..
4. I do not like red, brown and black coloursbecause.
 Theway the questions are asked,do not reflect right orwrong answers.
 However, the emotional values and tensions are reflected in the answers sogiven.
 Story isgiv
en to respondent
nt needs to completeit
 Therespondent is given aphotograph of athird personmay be afriend, acolleague, aneighbour, a star,
aplayer, aprofessional etc.
 Theresearcher is interested in knowing what the third person thinks of an issue asheard throughthe
 It is assumed that the respondents answer will reveal his own inner feelings more clearly through the
third person than otherwise it wouldhave been possible.
 Scenario 1(Normal) :Why dont you use instantcoffee?
 Answer :It does not tastegood.
 Scenario 2(TPT):Why do you think your neighbor does notuse instant coffee?
 Answer :She is lazy
,spend-thrift and not a goodhousewife.
ciation T
of pictures
n draw inferences aboutpersonality
1. Thematic Appre
 Consists of set
 Researcher ca structure, attitude etc.
2. Rorschach test:
 Design is
ing inkblot
symmetrical but meaningless
dent hasto describe
Depth Interviews
 Designed to discover underlying motives anddesires
 Explore needs, desires and feelings of respondents
 Requires great skills
1. How do you like to spend your freetime?
2. What kind of music/movies do youlike?
3. What do you do when you are alone? Doyou like beingalone?
4. Doyou have friends that get mostly Asin school?
5. Are you close to anyone in your family? Who?
 Data is acollection of facts
 Twotypes of data:
 Qualitative data is descriptiveinformation
 Quantitative data, is numericalinformation
 Discrete data can only take certain values (like whole numbers)
 Continuous data cantake any value (within arange)
 Twosources of data:
 Primary : First handdata
 Secondary : Already availabledata
 Observation : Information is sought by way of investigators own direct observations
 Structured Vs.Unstructured
 Participant and non-participant
 Controlled and Uncontrolled
 Interview : Presentation of oral-verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal
 Questionnaire :Adocument containing set of questions logically related to the
problem under study
 Measurement : Assigningnumbers or symbols to the characteristics of certainobjects
 Scale :Involves creating acontinuum on which measurement of objects are located
 Nominal : Lowest level of measurement in which numbers are assignedfor purpose of
identification of objects
 Ordinal: Superiority/inferiority can be measured but not intensity
 Interval : Difference in score hasmeaningfulinterpretation
 Ratio : Ratio in score hasmeaningfulinterpretation
 Classification of Scales:
 Singleitem vsMultiple item scale
 Comparative Vs Noncomparative
 Paired comparison :Comparison of two or moreobjects
 Constant Sum :Acertain sum is to be allocated to variousobjects/brands
 Rank Order :Rankingof objects/brand
 Q-sort :Sorting on the basisof similarity ofanswers
 Graphic :Useof graph or smiley
 Likert: 5 point, agree/disagreescale
 Semantic Differentiation : Twobipolarstatements
 Stapel Scale : Measure direction and intensity ofattitude.
 Motivation Research : Helpsto exposehiddenmotives
 Word association test : Association of words by respondent
 Sentencecompletion tests : Complete an incompletesentence
 Story completion test : Complete an incompletestory
 Third person test : Response from third persons point of view
 Pictorial techniques : Useof pictures
 ThematicAppreciation Test(TAT):Consistsof set of pictures
 Rorschach test: Consistsof inkblot
The only constant thing is change

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  • 2. WHAT IS DATA? Data is a collection offacts. Such asnumbers, words, measurements, observations or even just descriptions of things.
  • 3. Qualitative data isdescriptive information (it describessomething) Quantitative data, isnumerical information (numbers). Discrete data can only takecertain values (like whole numbers) Continuous data cantake any value (within arange)
  • 4. EXERCISE What type of data is it (about dog)? 1. Hehas4 legs 2. Hehaslots of energy 3. Heis brown and black 4. Heweighs 25.5 kg 5. Hehas2 brothers 6. Hehaslong hair 7. Heis 565 mm tall
  • 5. SOURCES OF DATA 1. Primary Data Thedata collected first hand by researcher for his research 2. Secondary Data Thedata which is already collected bysomeone It is readymadedata
  • 6. Sourcesof Data Collection Primary Source Observation Interview Questionnaire Schedules Other Warranty Cards DistributorAudit PantryAudits Consumer Panels Mechanical Devices ProjectiveTechniques Depth Interviews Content analysis Secondary Source Unpublished Published Books Websites Newspapers Magazines Journals Government Reports Publications Research reports
  • 7. OBSERVATION Study relating to BehavioralScience Information is sought by way of investigators own direct observations Respondent is not asked/communicated. Willingness of respondent to respond is not necessary Lessdemanding of active cooperation
  • 8. Limitations: 1.Expensive 2.Limited Data 3.Cant observe what is going on in mind 4.Some people are rarely accessible OBSERVATION
  • 9. OBSERVATION Things to keep in mind: 1.What should be observed? 2.How observation should be made and recorded? 3.How to ensure accuracy?
  • 10. OBSERVATION Participant and non-participant: Participant Researcher is a member of group that he/she observes. Ex: Going in slum and living their life. Non - participant Researcher is detached from the group he/she observes. Ex: Study of slum people without being itspart/member
  • 11. OBSERVATION Naturalistic and Simulations: Observation in a natural setting >Uncontrolled Ex. study of consumers in amall Observation in predefined environment >Controlled Simulatesor recreatesa situationor environment
  • 13. STRUCTURED INTERVIEW The researcher has a specific set of questions designed to elicit responses from the participants. SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW The researcher prepares open-ended questions in which the participants are free to write their responses.
  • 14. INFORMAL INTERVIEW To determine how the participants act on certain situations. RETROSPECTIVE INTERVIEW Done to recall and reconstruct something that happened in the past.
  • 15. TYPES OF INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Background Questions includes education, age, previous work, etc. 2. Knowledge Questions factual information 3. Experience Questions what the participant is doing presently or in the past. 4. Opinion Questions how the participants think on certain topics or issues. 5. Feeling Questions emotional responses of the participants on their experience. 6. Sensory Questions what the respondent has seen, tasted, heard, touched, or smelled.
  • 16. PREREQUISITES OF INTERVIEW 1. Interviewers should be carefully selected, trained andbriefed. 2. Honest, sincere, hardworking, impartial, unbiased 3. Must possesstechnical competence 4. Practical experience 5. Create friendly atmosphere of trustand confidence 6. Recording responses accurately and completely 7. Interviewer should not show surprise ordisapproval 8. Should not argue 9. Keepthings on track
  • 17. Guidelines: Askall questions in schedule Repeat question if not understood Dont show disapproval/surprise Listen quietly with patience Neither argue nor dispute Show genuine concern and interest Dont reveal your own opinion or reaction Keepconversation on track Thank with a smile when done Carrying the interview
  • 18. FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION can provide multiple perspectives at a time DOCUMENTARY ANALYSIS studies human behavior indirectly by analyzing documents
  • 20. WHAT IS QUESTIONNAIRE? Adocument containing set of questions logically related to the problem under study. If the questions are filled by respondents, then its calledas Questionnaire If filled by interviewer, its called as Schedule
  • 21. QUESTIONNAIRE ADVANTAGES Free from bias of interviewer Respondents have adequate time Large samples can be used to get more dependable and reliable data DISADVANTAGES Used only when respondent is educated and cooperating Control over questionnaire is lost once it is sent Time and cost
  • 22. QUESTION CONSTRUCTION 1. Question Relevance Should be relevant to researchobjectives Question should be able to answer researchproblem Single question may not be able to answer problem or attain objective Respondents should know the answer Question should not test respondents recallability Should be easily understandable. Should be specific
  • 23. QUESTION CONSTRUCTION 2. Question Wording Vocabulary : Useof common vocabulary Exactness : Do you usually go to gym? Vs.How many days in a week do you go to gym? Simplicity : Simple words and sentence construction, avoidjargons Neutrality : Should not cause undue influence. E.g. You prefer Brewed over Nescafe,right? Presumption : Shouldnt presume about respondent E.g. How many times a day do you drink coffee? Hypothetical Questions : Avoid. E.g. What would you do if . ? Embarrassing Questions : PersonalQuestions
  • 24. 3. Types of Questions Open Ended Free Scope for respondents to answer Used to explore more and in depth information Difficult to analyze E.g. What are your career plans after post graduation
  • 25. 3. TypesofQuestions Closed Ended Dichotomous Canbe answered with 2 responses E.g. Do you own or rent yourhouse? Do you like Marathi movies? Multiple Choice Questions More than 2 alternatives for onequestion E.g. Which brand of jeans do youprefer? MCQmust contain all the possible choices Should not contain overlapping choices Alternatives should be reasonable
  • 26. QUESTION CONSTRUCTION 4. Question Order or Sequence One question should follow another in logicalsequence Sequence should have relation E.g. What is volume of your trading? How many trades do you make in a week?
  • 27. QUESTION CONSTRUCTION Types of questions to beavoided Leading Questions : Influences respondent togive acertain answer E.g.Are you against giving too much power to thetrade unions? Loaded Questions : Contains words which are emotionallycolored. E.g.Have you evertried to get benefitto the business by giving bribe? Ambiguous Questions : Doesnot have clearmeaning E.g.Are you interestedin a small house?
  • 28. QUESTION CONSTRUCTION Types of questions to beavoided Double-barreled Questions : Contain two or more different ideas E.g.Do you favor or oppose increased jobsecurity and productivity linkedwage system? Long Question : Lengthyquestion Double negative : E.g.Dont you oppose this bill?
  • 29. PLANNING THE ACTUAL GATHERING OF DATA Gantt Chart a plan of activities in the duration of your research ACTIVITIES WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 Development of instruments Data gathering through observation Data gathering through interview Documentary analysis
  • 30. ACTIVITY : Briefly describe each data collection strategy a.Observation b.Interview c.Focus group discussion d.Documentary analysis
  • 32. TECHNIQUES OF MOTIVATION RESEARCH Projective T echniques Depth Interviews
  • 33. Testis conducted to establish the personalities of the respondents and their reactions. Theyproject or reflect the subjects thought about what he or shesees, feels, perceives thus producing the reactions. Therearefive most commonlyadministeredtests of this kind namely: 1. WordAssociation Test 2. SentenceCompletion Test 3. Story Completion Test 4. Third PersonTest 5. Pictorial Techniques Projective Techniques
  • 34. WORD ASSOCIATION TEST Word association test is a list of words ranging from twenty-five to seventy-five is given. Theword suggestedby the researcher is to be associated by the respondent by the most fittingword he thinks. Thisis widely used to measure the effect ofthe brand namesand advertising messages. Here,it is not possible to give all the seventy-fivewords. On illustrative basis, let us have fifteen words: 6.Two-wheelers 7.Four-wheelers 8. Tyre 9. Glasswares. 10. Ink.. 11. Pencils 12.Fridges. 13. Cupboards 14. T elevision. 15. Video cassettes 1. Perfume.. 2. Tooth paste 3. Hair oil.. 4.Shampoo. 5. Shoes
  • 35. SENTENCE COMPLETION TEST Sentencecompletion tests are designed to discover emotional responsesof therespondent. It is the easiest, most useful and reliable test to get the correct information in an indirect manner. Therespondent is askedto complete the sentencegiven. Forinstance, the questions maybe: 1. I like instant coffeebecause 2. I useelectric kitchen gadgetsbecause. 3. I do not usepain-killers like aspirinbecause.. 4. I do not like red, brown and black coloursbecause. Theway the questions are asked,do not reflect right orwrong answers. However, the emotional values and tensions are reflected in the answers sogiven.
  • 36. STORY COMPLETION TEST Story isgiv Responde en to respondent nt needs to completeit
  • 37. THIRD PERSON TEST Therespondent is given aphotograph of athird personmay be afriend, acolleague, aneighbour, a star, aplayer, aprofessional etc. Theresearcher is interested in knowing what the third person thinks of an issue asheard throughthe respondent. It is assumed that the respondents answer will reveal his own inner feelings more clearly through the third person than otherwise it wouldhave been possible. Scenario 1(Normal) :Why dont you use instantcoffee? Answer :It does not tastegood. Scenario 2(TPT):Why do you think your neighbor does notuse instant coffee? Answer :She is lazy ,spend-thrift and not a goodhousewife.
  • 38. PICTORIAL TECHNIQUES ciation T est(TAT): of pictures n draw inferences aboutpersonality 1. Thematic Appre Consists of set Researcher ca structure, attitude etc.
  • 39. PICTORIAL TECHNIQUES 2. Rorschach test: Cardhav Design is Respon ing inkblot symmetrical but meaningless dent hasto describe
  • 40. Depth Interviews Designed to discover underlying motives anddesires Explore needs, desires and feelings of respondents Requires great skills Example: 1. How do you like to spend your freetime? 2. What kind of music/movies do youlike? 3. What do you do when you are alone? Doyou like beingalone? 4. Doyou have friends that get mostly Asin school? 5. Are you close to anyone in your family? Who?
  • 42. Data is acollection of facts Twotypes of data: Qualitative data is descriptiveinformation Quantitative data, is numericalinformation Discrete data can only take certain values (like whole numbers) Continuous data cantake any value (within arange) Twosources of data: Primary : First handdata Secondary : Already availabledata Observation : Information is sought by way of investigators own direct observations Structured Vs.Unstructured Participant and non-participant Controlled and Uncontrolled
  • 43. Interview : Presentation of oral-verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal responses. Questionnaire :Adocument containing set of questions logically related to the problem under study Measurement : Assigningnumbers or symbols to the characteristics of certainobjects Scale :Involves creating acontinuum on which measurement of objects are located Nominal : Lowest level of measurement in which numbers are assignedfor purpose of identification of objects Ordinal: Superiority/inferiority can be measured but not intensity Interval : Difference in score hasmeaningfulinterpretation Ratio : Ratio in score hasmeaningfulinterpretation
  • 44. Classification of Scales: Singleitem vsMultiple item scale Comparative Vs Noncomparative Comparative: Paired comparison :Comparison of two or moreobjects Constant Sum :Acertain sum is to be allocated to variousobjects/brands Rank Order :Rankingof objects/brand Q-sort :Sorting on the basisof similarity ofanswers Non-comparative Graphic :Useof graph or smiley Itemized: Likert: 5 point, agree/disagreescale Semantic Differentiation : Twobipolarstatements Stapel Scale : Measure direction and intensity ofattitude.
  • 45. Motivation Research : Helpsto exposehiddenmotives Word association test : Association of words by respondent Sentencecompletion tests : Complete an incompletesentence Story completion test : Complete an incompletestory Third person test : Response from third persons point of view Pictorial techniques : Useof pictures ThematicAppreciation Test(TAT):Consistsof set of pictures Rorschach test: Consistsof inkblot
  • 46. ANICCA The only constant thing is change ThankYou