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Chapter 1Chapter 1
Data: The NewData: The New
Corporate ResourceCorporate Resource
Fundamentals of Database Management Systems,
Mark L. Gillenson, Ph.D.
University of Memphis
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter ObjectivesChapter Objectives
 Explain why humankinds interest in dataExplain why humankinds interest in data
goes back to ancient times.goes back to ancient times.
 Describe how data needs have historicallyDescribe how data needs have historically
driven many information technologydriven many information technology
 Describe the evolution of data storageDescribe the evolution of data storage
media during the last century.media during the last century.
Chapter ObjectivesChapter Objectives
 Relate the idea of data as a corporateRelate the idea of data as a corporate
resource that can be used to gain aresource that can be used to gain a
competitive advantage to the developmentcompetitive advantage to the development
of the database management systemsof the database management systems
 Data - the foundation of technological activityData - the foundation of technological activity
 Database - a highly organized collection ofDatabase - a highly organized collection of
assembled dataassembled data
 Database Management System - sophisticatedDatabase Management System - sophisticated
software that controls the database and thesoftware that controls the database and the
database environmentdatabase environment
What is Data?What is Data?
 A single piece of data is a single fact aboutA single piece of data is a single fact about
something that interests us.something that interests us.
 A fact can be any characteristic of an object.A fact can be any characteristic of an object.
History of DataHistory of Data
 People have been interested in data for atPeople have been interested in data for at
least the past 12,000 years.least the past 12,000 years.
 Non-computer, primitive methods of dataNon-computer, primitive methods of data
storage and handling.storage and handling.
History of DataHistory of Data
 Shepherds kept track of their flocks withShepherds kept track of their flocks with
 A primitive but legitimate example of dataA primitive but legitimate example of data
storage and retrieval.storage and retrieval.
History of DataHistory of Data
 Dating back to 8500 B.C., unearthed clay tokens or counters mayDating back to 8500 B.C., unearthed clay tokens or counters may
have been used for record keeping in primitive forms of accounting.have been used for record keeping in primitive forms of accounting.
 Tokens, with special markings on them, were sealed in hollow clayTokens, with special markings on them, were sealed in hollow clay
vessels that accompanied commercial goods in transit.vessels that accompanied commercial goods in transit.
Data Through the AgesData Through the Ages
 Record-keeping - the recording of data toRecord-keeping - the recording of data to
keep track of how much a person haskeep track of how much a person has
produced and what it can be bartered orproduced and what it can be bartered or
sold for.sold for.
 With time, different kinds of data were keptWith time, different kinds of data were kept
 calendars, census data, surveys, landcalendars, census data, surveys, land
ownership records, marriage records, recordsownership records, marriage records, records
of church contributions, family trees, etc.of church contributions, family trees, etc.
History of DataHistory of Data
 Double-entry bookkeeping - originated in theDouble-entry bookkeeping - originated in the
trading centers of fourteenth century Italy.trading centers of fourteenth century Italy.
 The earliest known example is from a merchantThe earliest known example is from a merchant
in Genoa and dates to the year 1340.in Genoa and dates to the year 1340.
Early Data Problems SpawnEarly Data Problems Spawn
Calculating DevicesCalculating Devices
 People interested in devices that couldPeople interested in devices that could
automatically process their data.automatically process their data.
 Blaise Pascal produced an addingBlaise Pascal produced an adding
machine that was an early version ofmachine that was an early version of
todays mechanical automobiletodays mechanical automobile
Punched Cards - Data StoragePunched Cards - Data Storage
 Invented in 1805 by Joseph Marie Jacquard ofInvented in 1805 by Joseph Marie Jacquard of
 Jacquards method of storing fabric patterns, aJacquards method of storing fabric patterns, a
form of graphic data, as holes in punched cardsform of graphic data, as holes in punched cards
was a very clever means of data storage.was a very clever means of data storage.
 Of great importance for computing devices toOf great importance for computing devices to
Era of Modern InformationEra of Modern Information
 The 1880 U.S. Census took about seven years toThe 1880 U.S. Census took about seven years to
compile by hand.compile by hand.
 Basing his work on Jacquards punched card concept,Basing his work on Jacquards punched card concept,
Herman Hollerith arranged to have the census dataHerman Hollerith arranged to have the census data
stored in punched cards and invented machinery tostored in punched cards and invented machinery to
tabulate them.tabulate them.
 In 1896 Hollerith formed the Tabulating MachineIn 1896 Hollerith formed the Tabulating Machine
Company to produce and commercially market hisCompany to produce and commercially market his
devices -- this later became IBM.devices -- this later became IBM.
Era of Modern InformationEra of Modern Information
 James Powers developed devices toJames Powers developed devices to
automatically feed cards into theautomatically feed cards into the
equipment and to automatically printequipment and to automatically print
 In 1911 he established the PowersIn 1911 he established the Powers
Tabulating Machine Company -- this laterTabulating Machine Company -- this later
became Unisys Corporation.became Unisys Corporation.
The Mid-1950sThe Mid-1950s
 The introduction of electronic computers.The introduction of electronic computers.
 Witnessed a boom in economicWitnessed a boom in economic
 From this point onward, it would beFrom this point onward, it would be
virtually impossible to tie advances invirtually impossible to tie advances in
computing devices to specific, landmarkcomputing devices to specific, landmark
data storage and retrieval needs.data storage and retrieval needs.
Modern Data Storage MediaModern Data Storage Media
 Punched paper tape - The earliest form ofPunched paper tape - The earliest form of
modern data storage, introduced in themodern data storage, introduced in the
1870s and 1880s.1870s and 1880s.
 Punched cards were the only data storagePunched cards were the only data storage
medium used in the increasinglymedium used in the increasingly
sophisticated electromechanicalsophisticated electromechanical
accounting machines of the 1920s, 1930s,accounting machines of the 1920s, 1930s,
and 1940s.and 1940s.
Modern Data Storage MediaModern Data Storage Media
 Middle to late 1930s saw the beginning of theMiddle to late 1930s saw the beginning of the
era of erasable magnetic storage media.era of erasable magnetic storage media.
 By late 1940s, early work was done on the useBy late 1940s, early work was done on the use
of magnetic tape for recording data.of magnetic tape for recording data.
 By 1950, several companies were developingBy 1950, several companies were developing
the magnetic tape concept for commercial use.the magnetic tape concept for commercial use.
Modern Data Storage MediaModern Data Storage Media
 Magnetic Tape - commercially available units in 1952.Magnetic Tape - commercially available units in 1952.
 Direct Access Magnetic Devices - began to beDirect Access Magnetic Devices - began to be
developed at MIT in the late 1930s and early 1940s.developed at MIT in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
 Magnetic Drum - early 1950s; forerunners of magneticMagnetic Drum - early 1950s; forerunners of magnetic
disk technology.disk technology.
 Magnetic Disk - commercially available in mid 1950s.Magnetic Disk - commercially available in mid 1950s.
 Compact Disk (CD)  introduced as a data storageCompact Disk (CD)  introduced as a data storage
medium in 1985.medium in 1985.
 Solid-state technology  Flash drives.Solid-state technology  Flash drives.
Using Data for CompetitiveUsing Data for Competitive
 Data has become indispensable to everyData has become indispensable to every
kind of modern business and governmentkind of modern business and government
 Data, the applications that process theData, the applications that process the
data, and the computers on which thedata, and the computers on which the
applications run are fundamental to everyapplications run are fundamental to every
aspect of every kind of endeavor.aspect of every kind of endeavor.
Using Data for CompetitiveUsing Data for Competitive
 Data is a corporate resource, possibly theData is a corporate resource, possibly the
most important corporate resource.most important corporate resource.
 Data can give a company a crucialData can give a company a crucial
competitive advantage.competitive advantage.
 e.g., FedEx had a significant competitivee.g., FedEx had a significant competitive
advantage when it first provided access toadvantage when it first provided access to
its package tracking data on its Web site.its package tracking data on its Web site.
Problems in Storing andProblems in Storing and
Accessing DataAccessing Data
 Difficult to store and to provide efficient,Difficult to store and to provide efficient,
accurate access to a companys data.accurate access to a companys data.
 The volume of data that companies haveThe volume of data that companies have
is massive.is massive.
 Wal-Mart estimates its data warehouseWal-Mart estimates its data warehouse
contains hundreds of terabytes (trillions ofcontains hundreds of terabytes (trillions of
characters) of data.characters) of data.
Problems in Storing andProblems in Storing and
Accessing DataAccessing Data
 Larger number of people want access toLarger number of people want access to
 Trading partnersTrading partners
 Additional issues include: data security,Additional issues include: data security,
data privacy, and backup and recovery.data privacy, and backup and recovery.
Data SecurityData Security
 Involves a company protecting its dataInvolves a company protecting its data
from theft, malicious destruction,from theft, malicious destruction,
deliberate attempts at making phonydeliberate attempts at making phony
changes to the data.changes to the data.
 e.g., someone trying to increase his owne.g., someone trying to increase his own
bank account balance.bank account balance.
Data PrivacyData Privacy
 Ensuring that even employees whoEnsuring that even employees who
normally have access to the companysnormally have access to the companys
data are given access only to the specificdata are given access only to the specific
data that they need in their work.data that they need in their work.
Backup and RecoveryBackup and Recovery
 The ability to reconstruct data if it is lost orThe ability to reconstruct data if it is lost or
 e.g., following a hardware failuree.g., following a hardware failure
 e.g., following a natural disastere.g., following a natural disaster
Data AccuracyData Accuracy
 The same data is stored several,The same data is stored several,
sometimes many, times within asometimes many, times within a
companys information system.companys information system.
 When a new application is written, newWhen a new application is written, new
data files are created to store its data.data files are created to store its data.
 Data can be duplicated within a single fileData can be duplicated within a single file
and across files.and across files.
Data as a Corporate ResourceData as a Corporate Resource
 Data may be the most difficult corporateData may be the most difficult corporate
resource to manage.resource to manage.
 We have tremendous volume, billions,We have tremendous volume, billions,
trillions, and more individual pieces oftrillions, and more individual pieces of
data, each piece of which is different fromdata, each piece of which is different from
the next.the next.
Data as a Corporate ResourceData as a Corporate Resource
 A new kind of software is required to helpA new kind of software is required to help
manage the data.manage the data.
 Progressively faster hardware is requiredProgressively faster hardware is required
to keep up with the increasing volume ofto keep up with the increasing volume of
data and data access demands.data and data access demands.
 Data management specialists need to beData management specialists need to be
developed and educated.developed and educated.
The Database EnvironmentThe Database Environment
 Database Management System (DBMS)Database Management System (DBMS)
 New Personnel - database administratorNew Personnel - database administrator
and data management specialistand data management specialist
 Fast hardwareFast hardware
 Massive data storage facilitiesMassive data storage facilities
The Database EnvironmentThe Database Environment
 Encourages data sharingEncourages data sharing
 Helps control data redundancyHelps control data redundancy
 Has important improvements in dataHas important improvements in data
 Permits storage of vast volumes of dataPermits storage of vast volumes of data
with acceptable access.with acceptable access.
The Database EnvironmentThe Database Environment
 Allows database queriesAllows database queries
 Provides tools to control:Provides tools to control:
 data securitydata security
 data privacydata privacy
 backup and recoverybackup and recovery
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction
or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976
United States Copyright Act without express permission of the copyright
owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the
Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make
back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The
Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages caused
by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained

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Data the new corporate resource

  • 1. Chapter 1Chapter 1 Data: The NewData: The New Corporate ResourceCorporate Resource Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, 2nd ed by Mark L. Gillenson, Ph.D. University of Memphis John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • 2. 1-1-22 Chapter ObjectivesChapter Objectives Explain why humankinds interest in dataExplain why humankinds interest in data goes back to ancient times.goes back to ancient times. Describe how data needs have historicallyDescribe how data needs have historically driven many information technologydriven many information technology developments.developments. Describe the evolution of data storageDescribe the evolution of data storage media during the last century.media during the last century.
  • 3. 1-1-33 Chapter ObjectivesChapter Objectives Relate the idea of data as a corporateRelate the idea of data as a corporate resource that can be used to gain aresource that can be used to gain a competitive advantage to the developmentcompetitive advantage to the development of the database management systemsof the database management systems environment.environment.
  • 4. 1-1-44 DataData Data - the foundation of technological activityData - the foundation of technological activity Database - a highly organized collection ofDatabase - a highly organized collection of assembled dataassembled data Database Management System - sophisticatedDatabase Management System - sophisticated software that controls the database and thesoftware that controls the database and the database environmentdatabase environment
  • 5. 1-1-55 What is Data?What is Data? A single piece of data is a single fact aboutA single piece of data is a single fact about something that interests us.something that interests us. A fact can be any characteristic of an object.A fact can be any characteristic of an object.
  • 6. 1-1-66 History of DataHistory of Data People have been interested in data for atPeople have been interested in data for at least the past 12,000 years.least the past 12,000 years. Non-computer, primitive methods of dataNon-computer, primitive methods of data storage and handling.storage and handling.
  • 7. 1-1-77 History of DataHistory of Data Shepherds kept track of their flocks withShepherds kept track of their flocks with pebbles.pebbles. A primitive but legitimate example of dataA primitive but legitimate example of data storage and retrieval.storage and retrieval.
  • 8. 1-1-88 History of DataHistory of Data Dating back to 8500 B.C., unearthed clay tokens or counters mayDating back to 8500 B.C., unearthed clay tokens or counters may have been used for record keeping in primitive forms of accounting.have been used for record keeping in primitive forms of accounting. Tokens, with special markings on them, were sealed in hollow clayTokens, with special markings on them, were sealed in hollow clay vessels that accompanied commercial goods in transit.vessels that accompanied commercial goods in transit.
  • 9. 1-1-99 Data Through the AgesData Through the Ages Record-keeping - the recording of data toRecord-keeping - the recording of data to keep track of how much a person haskeep track of how much a person has produced and what it can be bartered orproduced and what it can be bartered or sold for.sold for. With time, different kinds of data were keptWith time, different kinds of data were kept calendars, census data, surveys, landcalendars, census data, surveys, land ownership records, marriage records, recordsownership records, marriage records, records of church contributions, family trees, etc.of church contributions, family trees, etc.
  • 10. 1-1-1010 History of DataHistory of Data Double-entry bookkeeping - originated in theDouble-entry bookkeeping - originated in the trading centers of fourteenth century Italy.trading centers of fourteenth century Italy. The earliest known example is from a merchantThe earliest known example is from a merchant in Genoa and dates to the year 1340.in Genoa and dates to the year 1340.
  • 11. 1-1-1111 Early Data Problems SpawnEarly Data Problems Spawn Calculating DevicesCalculating Devices People interested in devices that couldPeople interested in devices that could automatically process their data.automatically process their data. Blaise Pascal produced an addingBlaise Pascal produced an adding machine that was an early version ofmachine that was an early version of todays mechanical automobiletodays mechanical automobile odometers.odometers.
  • 12. 1-1-1212 Punched Cards - Data StoragePunched Cards - Data Storage Invented in 1805 by Joseph Marie Jacquard ofInvented in 1805 by Joseph Marie Jacquard of France.France. Jacquards method of storing fabric patterns, aJacquards method of storing fabric patterns, a form of graphic data, as holes in punched cardsform of graphic data, as holes in punched cards was a very clever means of data storage.was a very clever means of data storage. Of great importance for computing devices toOf great importance for computing devices to follow.follow.
  • 13. 1-1-1313 Era of Modern InformationEra of Modern Information ProcessingProcessing The 1880 U.S. Census took about seven years toThe 1880 U.S. Census took about seven years to compile by hand.compile by hand. Basing his work on Jacquards punched card concept,Basing his work on Jacquards punched card concept, Herman Hollerith arranged to have the census dataHerman Hollerith arranged to have the census data stored in punched cards and invented machinery tostored in punched cards and invented machinery to tabulate them.tabulate them. In 1896 Hollerith formed the Tabulating MachineIn 1896 Hollerith formed the Tabulating Machine Company to produce and commercially market hisCompany to produce and commercially market his devices -- this later became IBM.devices -- this later became IBM.
  • 14. 1-1-1414 Era of Modern InformationEra of Modern Information ProcessingProcessing James Powers developed devices toJames Powers developed devices to automatically feed cards into theautomatically feed cards into the equipment and to automatically printequipment and to automatically print results.results. In 1911 he established the PowersIn 1911 he established the Powers Tabulating Machine Company -- this laterTabulating Machine Company -- this later became Unisys Corporation.became Unisys Corporation.
  • 15. 1-1-1515 The Mid-1950sThe Mid-1950s The introduction of electronic computers.The introduction of electronic computers. Witnessed a boom in economicWitnessed a boom in economic development.development. From this point onward, it would beFrom this point onward, it would be virtually impossible to tie advances invirtually impossible to tie advances in computing devices to specific, landmarkcomputing devices to specific, landmark data storage and retrieval needs.data storage and retrieval needs.
  • 16. 1-1-1616 Modern Data Storage MediaModern Data Storage Media Punched paper tape - The earliest form ofPunched paper tape - The earliest form of modern data storage, introduced in themodern data storage, introduced in the 1870s and 1880s.1870s and 1880s. Punched cards were the only data storagePunched cards were the only data storage medium used in the increasinglymedium used in the increasingly sophisticated electromechanicalsophisticated electromechanical accounting machines of the 1920s, 1930s,accounting machines of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.and 1940s.
  • 17. 1-1-1717 Modern Data Storage MediaModern Data Storage Media Middle to late 1930s saw the beginning of theMiddle to late 1930s saw the beginning of the era of erasable magnetic storage media.era of erasable magnetic storage media. By late 1940s, early work was done on the useBy late 1940s, early work was done on the use of magnetic tape for recording data.of magnetic tape for recording data. By 1950, several companies were developingBy 1950, several companies were developing the magnetic tape concept for commercial use.the magnetic tape concept for commercial use.
  • 18. 1-1-1818 Modern Data Storage MediaModern Data Storage Media Magnetic Tape - commercially available units in 1952.Magnetic Tape - commercially available units in 1952. Direct Access Magnetic Devices - began to beDirect Access Magnetic Devices - began to be developed at MIT in the late 1930s and early 1940s.developed at MIT in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Magnetic Drum - early 1950s; forerunners of magneticMagnetic Drum - early 1950s; forerunners of magnetic disk technology.disk technology. Magnetic Disk - commercially available in mid 1950s.Magnetic Disk - commercially available in mid 1950s. Compact Disk (CD) introduced as a data storageCompact Disk (CD) introduced as a data storage medium in 1985.medium in 1985. Solid-state technology Flash drives.Solid-state technology Flash drives.
  • 19. 1-1-1919 Using Data for CompetitiveUsing Data for Competitive AdvantageAdvantage Data has become indispensable to everyData has become indispensable to every kind of modern business and governmentkind of modern business and government organization.organization. Data, the applications that process theData, the applications that process the data, and the computers on which thedata, and the computers on which the applications run are fundamental to everyapplications run are fundamental to every aspect of every kind of endeavor.aspect of every kind of endeavor.
  • 20. 1-1-2020 Using Data for CompetitiveUsing Data for Competitive AdvantageAdvantage Data is a corporate resource, possibly theData is a corporate resource, possibly the most important corporate resource.most important corporate resource. Data can give a company a crucialData can give a company a crucial competitive advantage.competitive advantage. e.g., FedEx had a significant competitivee.g., FedEx had a significant competitive advantage when it first provided access toadvantage when it first provided access to its package tracking data on its Web site.its package tracking data on its Web site.
  • 21. 1-1-2121 Problems in Storing andProblems in Storing and Accessing DataAccessing Data Difficult to store and to provide efficient,Difficult to store and to provide efficient, accurate access to a companys data.accurate access to a companys data. The volume of data that companies haveThe volume of data that companies have is massive.is massive. Wal-Mart estimates its data warehouseWal-Mart estimates its data warehouse contains hundreds of terabytes (trillions ofcontains hundreds of terabytes (trillions of characters) of data.characters) of data.
  • 22. 1-1-2222 Problems in Storing andProblems in Storing and Accessing DataAccessing Data Larger number of people want access toLarger number of people want access to data:data: EmployeesEmployees CustomersCustomers Trading partnersTrading partners Additional issues include: data security,Additional issues include: data security, data privacy, and backup and recovery.data privacy, and backup and recovery.
  • 23. 1-1-2323 Data SecurityData Security Involves a company protecting its dataInvolves a company protecting its data from theft, malicious destruction,from theft, malicious destruction, deliberate attempts at making phonydeliberate attempts at making phony changes to the data.changes to the data. e.g., someone trying to increase his owne.g., someone trying to increase his own bank account balance.bank account balance.
  • 24. 1-1-2424 Data PrivacyData Privacy Ensuring that even employees whoEnsuring that even employees who normally have access to the companysnormally have access to the companys data are given access only to the specificdata are given access only to the specific data that they need in their work.data that they need in their work.
  • 25. 1-1-2525 Backup and RecoveryBackup and Recovery The ability to reconstruct data if it is lost orThe ability to reconstruct data if it is lost or corrupted.corrupted. e.g., following a hardware failuree.g., following a hardware failure e.g., following a natural disastere.g., following a natural disaster
  • 26. 1-1-2626 Data AccuracyData Accuracy The same data is stored several,The same data is stored several, sometimes many, times within asometimes many, times within a companys information system.companys information system. When a new application is written, newWhen a new application is written, new data files are created to store its data.data files are created to store its data. Data can be duplicated within a single fileData can be duplicated within a single file and across files.and across files.
  • 27. 1-1-2727 Data as a Corporate ResourceData as a Corporate Resource Data may be the most difficult corporateData may be the most difficult corporate resource to manage.resource to manage. We have tremendous volume, billions,We have tremendous volume, billions, trillions, and more individual pieces oftrillions, and more individual pieces of data, each piece of which is different fromdata, each piece of which is different from the next.the next.
  • 28. 1-1-2828 Data as a Corporate ResourceData as a Corporate Resource A new kind of software is required to helpA new kind of software is required to help manage the data.manage the data. Progressively faster hardware is requiredProgressively faster hardware is required to keep up with the increasing volume ofto keep up with the increasing volume of data and data access demands.data and data access demands. Data management specialists need to beData management specialists need to be developed and educated.developed and educated.
  • 29. 1-1-2929 The Database EnvironmentThe Database Environment Database Management System (DBMS)Database Management System (DBMS) New Personnel - database administratorNew Personnel - database administrator and data management specialistand data management specialist Fast hardwareFast hardware Massive data storage facilitiesMassive data storage facilities
  • 30. 1-1-3030 The Database EnvironmentThe Database Environment Encourages data sharingEncourages data sharing Helps control data redundancyHelps control data redundancy Has important improvements in dataHas important improvements in data accuracyaccuracy Permits storage of vast volumes of dataPermits storage of vast volumes of data with acceptable access.with acceptable access.
  • 31. 1-1-3131 The Database EnvironmentThe Database Environment Allows database queriesAllows database queries Provides tools to control:Provides tools to control: data securitydata security data privacydata privacy backup and recoverybackup and recovery
  • 32. 1-1-3232 Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without express permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein.