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DC-Marvel quiz
Finals by Ankit Singh
First rule of the quiz is
Pounce and Bounce!
 12 questions in this round: 6 clockwise and 6 anticlockwise.
 Teams on direct can play for +10/0. You can pounce on your direct
for +20/-20.
 Other teams can pounce for +10/-5 or +20/-20 as per their
convenience. If you are pouncing for +20 then write # just beside
your answer, else I will assume that you are playing a 10-pointer.
 QM isnt the god, he is the dictator.
Q1: Identify X, who is a self-centric man
"Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" is a 1972 song written and composed by Elliot
Lurie and recorded by Lurie's band, Looking Glass, on their debut album
Looking Glass.
The lyrics tell of Brandy, a barmaid in a busy seaport harbor town which serves
"a hundred ships a day." Though lonely sailors flirt with her, she pines for one
who has long since left her because he claimed his life, his love, and his lady, was
the sea.
X uses the lyrics as metaphor to explain his experience as a cosmos-wandering
Celestial who fell in love with ____ on Earth. X called the song "one of Earth's
greatest musical compositions, perhaps the greatest."
Dc marvel final
Answer: Ego
Q2: What feature?
Most of the characters in Superman, who have tended to be his adversaries, love
interests, or relatives, are connected by this certain nomenclature.
In Smallville, Chloe Sullivan, who has a long-time crush on Clark, sometimes
jokes about how Clark is only attracted to people with this naming feature,
referring to Lana Lang and Lois Lane and Lex Luthor as well when they were
still friends.
In The Adventures of Superman #646, Mr. Mxyztplk suggested that the feature
had an important significance within the Kryptonian Language.
Dc marvel final
Characters having L.L. as their initials.
The Old Toronto Star Building (Image follows) was an Art Deco office tower in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The building was located at 80 King Street West and
was the headquarters of the Toronto Star newspaper from 1929 until 1970. The
building was demolished in 1972 to make way for the construction of First
Canadian Place.
The skyscraper is the second tallest voluntarily demolished building in Canada
behind the 120.1 m (394 ft) tall Empire Landmark Hotel that was demolished in
This building served as the inspiration behind what in the world of comics?
Dc marvel final
Dc marvel final
Daily Planet
Q4: X and Y please.
The X's headquarters was the Y that was located in Slaughter Swamp. The
facility, which has a close resemblance to Darth Vader's helmet, could be lowered
or raised above the swamp water's surface. It could fly or enter space using
rockets. Its defenses included laser weapons and the ability to time travel.
In "History of Doom", the Hall is shown being constructed in a barn just after the
X is formed. Black Manta proposed that they have it in the ocean, Captain Cold
proposes to have underneath the polar ice caps, and Gorilla Grodd proposes that
they have it in the jungle. As a compromise, Lex Luthor decides to have it within
the waters of Slaughter Swamp as it is then flown to that location.
Dc marvel final
X: Legion of Doom
Y: Hall of Doom
Anatoli Knyazev, code-named "The Beast", and known to the CIA as the
_______ was trained as an assassin by "The Hammer". In addition to
being the master of several martial arts, his strength was cybernetically
enhanced, and he had also mastered the use of every deadly weapon
known. The Beast made his first appearance in the storyline, "Ten Nights
of The Beast" Batman #417 (March 1988), which was later reprinted as a
trade paperback of the same name.
How was Knyazev known to the CIA, which is a portmanteau of a well
known secret service and his code-name?
Dc marvel final
_______ is a fictional supervillain and occasional anti-hero appearing in
American comic books published by DC Comics. He was created by writer Otto
Binder and artist George Papp, casting the character as a Frankenstein's monster
pastiche that possessed all the powers of Superboy, as a "mirror image" of
Superman and first appeared in Superboy #68 (1958).
An adult version appeared around the same time in the Superman daily
newspaper comic strip written by Alvin Schwartz. The newspaper storyline
introduced the strange speech patterns that became synonymous with the
character, with all of _______'s comments meaning the opposite (e.g. "bad"
means "good"). The newspaper version wore a "B" on his chest, as opposed to
Superman's distinctive "S".
Dc marvel final
Q7: Identify the role, Y and Z.
Jennifer Connelly appeared in magazine, newspaper and television advertising,
before she made her film acting debut in the crime film Once Upon a Time in
She features in this quiz as she had featured in a particular role in spider man
homecoming. What role?
Her husband Y is known for his role as being the Vision in the MCU films.
Interestingly their real life romance blossomed after both of them starred in a Ron
Howard, movie Z which was inspired by a bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-nominated
1998 book .
Dc marvel final
Y: Paul Bettany
Z: A Beautiful Mind
Q8: FITB, who is a parody character.
The character was conceived originally by
Paul Terry. He first appeared in 1942 in a
theatrical animated short titled The Mouse
of Tomorrow. Originally named _____-
_____, after seven films in 194243, he was
renamed Mighty Mouse for The Wreck of
the Hesperus (1944), after Paul Terry
learned that another character named the
same was to be published by Standard
Dc marvel final
SUPER MOUSE (Supermans first popular parody)
Which Marvel superhero is Apache
Native American, and possesses
mutant superhuman strength and
His powers resemble those of his older
brother, the short-lived X-Men
member Thunderbird although his
power-levels are much higher.
He is one of the few mutants to retain
his powers after the Decimation.
Dc marvel final
The Character X was conceived of
by a Marvel Comics reader named
Randy Schueller.
Marvel purchased the idea for
$220.00 after they sent Schueller a
letter acknowledging Marvels
desire to acquire the idea from him.
Which character ?
Dc marvel final
Dc marvel final
The ________ Prize were empty envelope sent back to the reader on
which would be written: Congratulations! This envelope contains a
genuine Marvel Comics _______ Prize which you have just won! The
_____Prize has become a much sought-after item for fans.
What was the prize awarded for?
Dc marvel final
Dc marvel final
Readers who alerted Marvel to mistakes in their comics were awarded a
Aside from Batman and Superman, Wonder Woman is the last part of the
trinity of lead DC icons and perhaps the most well-known female
superhero in history.
Her alliterative alias wasnt always her calling card though. Wonder
Woman was almost named X, but this title was dropped presumably
because of how close it was to Superman.
What title?
Dc marvel final
 Its a written round on lego sets.
 There are six lego sets which resembles an entity, place or an event
in the DC-Marvel universe.
 +10 for each correct answer. No negatives, so let your creative juices
 Bonus 20 for getting all answer right.
Dc marvel final
1. X-Mansion
2. Airport fight scene in Captain America: Civil War
3. Mandarin v Iron Man at 10880, Malibu Point in Iron Man 3
4. SHIELDs Helicarrier
5. Battle of Smallville in Man of Steel
6. Arkham Asylum
 8 questions on the buzzer.
 You can play for +10/-10 or +20/-20 as per your convenience.
 You have to tell the value you are playing for before answering.
 If you skip the last point then I will assume that you are playing for
10 points.
 Only one attempt per question.
Q1: Logo of
Dc marvel final
Q2: Which entity is mentioned below?
Dc marvel final
The wolverine is a muscular
carnivore, more closely resembling
a small bear.
Its Latin name (Gulo gulo) is
derived from its eating habits.
What good word meaning to gulp
down or swallow (having a lot of
significance in Christianity) has
been the inspiration behind the
Latin name?
Dc marvel final
To Glutton/ Gluttony
Prior to the discovery of his mutant abilities,
Scott Wright was a disk jockey. With the
discovery of his powers he became a special
British government operative for M.I.6, a
secret British national security unit, under
the name ________. This character first
appeared in Excalibur vol. 1 #44.
Which character, which will also remind
you of an Indian mobile phone company?
Dc marvel final
Q5: This is a hidden tribute to
Dc marvel final
Which characters portrayal, played
by Robert de Niro, was inspired
by the character of Rupert Pupkin
in The King of Comedy?
Dc marvel final
Murray Franklin
Q7: Identify this character from Supergirl.
Dc marvel final
Lex Luthor
Before I ask the last question...
I would like to thank team Alma-Fiesta to ask me to be the quizmaster.
Also, I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking part in it,
for staying back and enjoying the quiz and for being an integral part of it.
Without you the quiz would not have been a memorable one.
Also, credits to Sarthak Patnaik for the guinea pig and Puranjan Dev for
the safety slide. :P
Now to the business end...
In May 2013 this symbol was
added to the list of United States
Department of Veterans Affairs
emblems for headstones and
What has been the inspiration
behind this?
Dc marvel final
Dc marvel final

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Dc marvel final

  • 2. First rule of the quiz is
  • 3. Pounce and Bounce! 12 questions in this round: 6 clockwise and 6 anticlockwise. Teams on direct can play for +10/0. You can pounce on your direct for +20/-20. Other teams can pounce for +10/-5 or +20/-20 as per their convenience. If you are pouncing for +20 then write # just beside your answer, else I will assume that you are playing a 10-pointer. QM isnt the god, he is the dictator.
  • 4. Q1: Identify X, who is a self-centric man "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" is a 1972 song written and composed by Elliot Lurie and recorded by Lurie's band, Looking Glass, on their debut album Looking Glass. The lyrics tell of Brandy, a barmaid in a busy seaport harbor town which serves "a hundred ships a day." Though lonely sailors flirt with her, she pines for one who has long since left her because he claimed his life, his love, and his lady, was the sea. X uses the lyrics as metaphor to explain his experience as a cosmos-wandering Celestial who fell in love with ____ on Earth. X called the song "one of Earth's greatest musical compositions, perhaps the greatest."
  • 7. Q2: What feature? Most of the characters in Superman, who have tended to be his adversaries, love interests, or relatives, are connected by this certain nomenclature. In Smallville, Chloe Sullivan, who has a long-time crush on Clark, sometimes jokes about how Clark is only attracted to people with this naming feature, referring to Lana Lang and Lois Lane and Lex Luthor as well when they were still friends. In The Adventures of Superman #646, Mr. Mxyztplk suggested that the feature had an important significance within the Kryptonian Language.
  • 9. Answer: Characters having L.L. as their initials.
  • 10. Q3: The Old Toronto Star Building (Image follows) was an Art Deco office tower in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The building was located at 80 King Street West and was the headquarters of the Toronto Star newspaper from 1929 until 1970. The building was demolished in 1972 to make way for the construction of First Canadian Place. The skyscraper is the second tallest voluntarily demolished building in Canada behind the 120.1 m (394 ft) tall Empire Landmark Hotel that was demolished in 2019. This building served as the inspiration behind what in the world of comics?
  • 14. Q4: X and Y please. The X's headquarters was the Y that was located in Slaughter Swamp. The facility, which has a close resemblance to Darth Vader's helmet, could be lowered or raised above the swamp water's surface. It could fly or enter space using rockets. Its defenses included laser weapons and the ability to time travel. In "History of Doom", the Hall is shown being constructed in a barn just after the X is formed. Black Manta proposed that they have it in the ocean, Captain Cold proposes to have underneath the polar ice caps, and Gorilla Grodd proposes that they have it in the jungle. As a compromise, Lex Luthor decides to have it within the waters of Slaughter Swamp as it is then flown to that location.
  • 16. Answer: X: Legion of Doom Y: Hall of Doom
  • 17. Q5: Anatoli Knyazev, code-named "The Beast", and known to the CIA as the _______ was trained as an assassin by "The Hammer". In addition to being the master of several martial arts, his strength was cybernetically enhanced, and he had also mastered the use of every deadly weapon known. The Beast made his first appearance in the storyline, "Ten Nights of The Beast" Batman #417 (March 1988), which was later reprinted as a trade paperback of the same name. How was Knyazev known to the CIA, which is a portmanteau of a well known secret service and his code-name?
  • 20. Q6: FITB. _______ is a fictional supervillain and occasional anti-hero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. He was created by writer Otto Binder and artist George Papp, casting the character as a Frankenstein's monster pastiche that possessed all the powers of Superboy, as a "mirror image" of Superman and first appeared in Superboy #68 (1958). An adult version appeared around the same time in the Superman daily newspaper comic strip written by Alvin Schwartz. The newspaper storyline introduced the strange speech patterns that became synonymous with the character, with all of _______'s comments meaning the opposite (e.g. "bad" means "good"). The newspaper version wore a "B" on his chest, as opposed to Superman's distinctive "S".
  • 23. Q7: Identify the role, Y and Z. Jennifer Connelly appeared in magazine, newspaper and television advertising, before she made her film acting debut in the crime film Once Upon a Time in America(1984). She features in this quiz as she had featured in a particular role in spider man homecoming. What role? Her husband Y is known for his role as being the Vision in the MCU films. Interestingly their real life romance blossomed after both of them starred in a Ron Howard, movie Z which was inspired by a bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-nominated 1998 book .
  • 25. Answer: Y: Paul Bettany Z: A Beautiful Mind
  • 26. Q8: FITB, who is a parody character. The character was conceived originally by Paul Terry. He first appeared in 1942 in a theatrical animated short titled The Mouse of Tomorrow. Originally named _____- _____, after seven films in 194243, he was renamed Mighty Mouse for The Wreck of the Hesperus (1944), after Paul Terry learned that another character named the same was to be published by Standard Comics.
  • 28. Answer: SUPER MOUSE (Supermans first popular parody)
  • 29. Q9: Which Marvel superhero is Apache Native American, and possesses mutant superhuman strength and speed. His powers resemble those of his older brother, the short-lived X-Men member Thunderbird although his power-levels are much higher. He is one of the few mutants to retain his powers after the Decimation.
  • 32. Q10: The Character X was conceived of by a Marvel Comics reader named Randy Schueller. Marvel purchased the idea for $220.00 after they sent Schueller a letter acknowledging Marvels desire to acquire the idea from him. Which character ?
  • 36. Q11: The ________ Prize were empty envelope sent back to the reader on which would be written: Congratulations! This envelope contains a genuine Marvel Comics _______ Prize which you have just won! The _____Prize has become a much sought-after item for fans. FITB. What was the prize awarded for?
  • 39. Answer: Readers who alerted Marvel to mistakes in their comics were awarded a No-Prize.
  • 40. Q12: Aside from Batman and Superman, Wonder Woman is the last part of the trinity of lead DC icons and perhaps the most well-known female superhero in history. Her alliterative alias wasnt always her calling card though. Wonder Woman was almost named X, but this title was dropped presumably because of how close it was to Superman. What title?
  • 44. Lego-mania! Its a written round on lego sets. There are six lego sets which resembles an entity, place or an event in the DC-Marvel universe. +10 for each correct answer. No negatives, so let your creative juices flow. Bonus 20 for getting all answer right.
  • 45. Q1:
  • 46. Q2:
  • 47. Q3:
  • 48. Q4:
  • 49. Q5:
  • 50. Q6:
  • 52. Answer 1. X-Mansion 2. Airport fight scene in Captain America: Civil War 3. Mandarin v Iron Man at 10880, Malibu Point in Iron Man 3 4. SHIELDs Helicarrier 5. Battle of Smallville in Man of Steel 6. Arkham Asylum
  • 54. Buzinga! 8 questions on the buzzer. You can play for +10/-10 or +20/-20 as per your convenience. You have to tell the value you are playing for before answering. If you skip the last point then I will assume that you are playing for 10 points. Only one attempt per question.
  • 58. Q2: Which entity is mentioned below?
  • 61. Q3: The wolverine is a muscular carnivore, more closely resembling a small bear. Its Latin name (Gulo gulo) is derived from its eating habits. What good word meaning to gulp down or swallow (having a lot of significance in Christianity) has been the inspiration behind the Latin name?
  • 64. Q4: Prior to the discovery of his mutant abilities, Scott Wright was a disk jockey. With the discovery of his powers he became a special British government operative for M.I.6, a secret British national security unit, under the name ________. This character first appeared in Excalibur vol. 1 #44. Which character, which will also remind you of an Indian mobile phone company?
  • 67. Q5: This is a hidden tribute to
  • 70. Q6: Which characters portrayal, played by Robert de Niro, was inspired by the character of Rupert Pupkin in The King of Comedy?
  • 73. Q7: Identify this character from Supergirl.
  • 76. Before I ask the last question... I would like to thank team Alma-Fiesta to ask me to be the quizmaster. Also, I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking part in it, for staying back and enjoying the quiz and for being an integral part of it. Without you the quiz would not have been a memorable one. Also, credits to Sarthak Patnaik for the guinea pig and Puranjan Dev for the safety slide. :P Now to the business end...
  • 77. Q8: In May 2013 this symbol was added to the list of United States Department of Veterans Affairs emblems for headstones and markers. What has been the inspiration behind this?