SnellSpell is a spellchecking tool developed by Yamagata Europe that allows translators to spellcheck multiple files at once, rather than one-by-one. It generates reports of spelling errors and allows importing of legacy dictionaries. SnellSpell is presented as helping translators work more quickly by performing spellchecks on many files simultaneously and reducing spelling mistakes.
El documento describe las normas y est叩ndares relacionados con el control de calidad en la traducci坦n, incluyendo normas de procesos empresariales (ISO 9000), normas documentales (ISO 690, 999) y normas espec鱈ficas para la traducci坦n (DIN 2345, UNI 10574). Tambi辿n discute el ciclo de vida de los documentos, las herramientas de traducci坦n y tecnolog鱈as como la traducci坦n autom叩tica y memorias de traducci坦n.
SDL is the leader in global content management and language translation solutions. With more than 20 years of experience, SDL helps companies build relevant online experiences that deliver transformative business results on a global scale. Translation Industry continues to grow, and Freelancers, LSPs and Corporate clients all see increased demand as more and more content is created, so we have to address them all. As a Market-leading translation productivity tool, SDL Trados Studio is trusted by over 200,000 translation professionals to boost productivity, control quality and aid collaboration. SDL has launched Trados Studio 2017. This presentation will introduce SDL Trados Studio 2017 and highlight SDLs new productivity booster- UPLIFT, which is well welcomed by global clients.
As contents published on the Internet are becoming more and more dominated by videos, requirements on the language translation have also changed. Specifically, video publishers and distributors have a significant interest in balancing both the translation time and the accuracy. To this end, Pactera has invested in solutions, which leverage machine translation to reduce the overall translation time, and recruit human translators to improve the accuracy in a Wikipedia-like fashion. At Pactera, we aim to help video contents to reach billions of people that were not possible before.
Always Be Learning: Tools and Tips for Creating a Personal Learning EnvironmentHeidi Steiner Burkhardt
This document provides an overview of tools and resources for creating a personal learning environment (PLE). It defines a PLE as the individual tools, communities, and services used to direct one's own learning. The document then outlines various resources for training, reading, connecting, and using library content. It also describes different tools for collecting, consuming, engaging with, and automating content to support a PLE. These include tools like Instapaper, Twitter, and IFTTT. The goal is to provide staff with guidance on curating their own PLE to support ongoing professional development.
The National Library of Australia implemented their first wiki in 2006 and now has over 100 wiki spaces used by their 450 employees. Wikis allow for transparency of information sharing and collaboration both internally and with other organizations. They chose to use Confluence due to its compatibility with their systems and because it has an active open source community. Wikis are used for a variety of projects including managing collections, planning new services, and improving business processes. While wikis provide flexibility and easy collaboration, their open nature can also lead to uncertainty which requires governance and guidelines for proper usage.
Intranet 2.0 School: Building the essential staff intranet for your libraryChris Evjy
This document discusses building an effective staff intranet for a library. It begins by noting common problems with traditional intranets, such as being difficult to use and lacking collaboration. The presentation then explores how Web 2.0 tools can help address these issues by making platforms simpler and more open. The rest of the document outlines various steps and considerations for developing an intranet, including gathering user input, choosing a platform and software, migrating content, training staff, and assessing the new intranet. Examples from projects at Boulder Public Library and Auraria Library are provided.
Introducing to integrating content from the UK\'s Intute website into your own service. Intute is funded by JISC for education. It promotes the best of the Web.
Intute is a free online resource for UK higher and further education that guides users to quality-assured websites for education and research. The document discusses how integrating Intute resources into a website or learning materials can benefit users by providing seamless access to updated, reputable resources. It provides examples of integrating Intute, such as embedding search boxes or RSS feeds, and describes a case study of the University of Leeds Library's successful integration of Intute.
Intute is a national service funded by JISC that provides a free database of over 1,600 quality-controlled business and management resources hand-picked by subject specialists. Intute offers a structured directory that is searchable and browsable to help students find resources, unlike search engines which provide massive unsorted results. Users can browse sections, view support materials, use tutorials to teach internet search skills, and integrate Intute content into their own websites or portals.
This presentation was given by Arta Kabashi of AMIGOS for Day 2 of the Small Library Management Training Program's IV: Reference workshop in Spring of 2010. This presentation covers open source tools for the ref desk, ready reference sources and introduces the TexShare databases.
The document introduces the Horticulture Workspace, an online collaboration platform provided by a department of horticulture. It allows users to collaborate on projects through features like wikis, forums, and blogs. Groups can be formed for different purposes like lab groups, committees, and projects. Training and support is provided to help users make the most of the tools for efficient collaboration and communication.
The document outlines the agenda for the 8th UK Learning Analytics Network Meeting at the Open University on November 2nd, 2016. The agenda includes updates on Jisc's learning analytics program, sessions on learning design and analytics, legal issues, and the Learning Analytics Community Exchange.
This document provides an overview of the MS Govern wiki. It describes wikis as content that allows for quick and simple access through search and collaboration. The benefits of wikis include saving time, easy notification through RSS and emails, up-to-date information through evolution, and easy collaboration. The general structure of the MS Govern wiki includes centralized repositories for product knowledge, manuals, specifications, and more, organized by tags. It also describes personal workspaces for employees and spaces for projects and communities.
ION Toronto, 11 November 2013: Dan York (Internet Society) will discuss the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme, the resources currently available, and the process of gathering community feedback to add more information to this open resource.
Creating a Library Presence in ANGEL to Facilitate Discovery and ResearchSt. Petersburg College
Since many learners are already comfortable with emerging technologies and services like Google, Wikipedia, iPods, BlackBerries, Netflix, mashups, Facebook, Twitter, et al. it simply makes sense to include similar technologies and services within one\'s course management system. Learners do expect these things to be an integral part of their learning experiences so they will be pleased to discover that one has spent time, in addition to creating outstanding course content, to learn firsthand what 21st century students are using and to then utilize some of these technologies and services.
The document discusses Information Technology Services (ITS) at the University of Toronto Library and their approach to managing digital projects. ITS provides a wide range of technology services to support the library's mission. They aim to be nimble, innovative, user-focused, and improve accessibility. ITS uses collaborative project management software to plan projects, assign tasks, track issues, and document work in a transparent way. Two example projects discussed are migrating legacy websites to Drupal and redesigning an article finder tool to be more user-friendly.
The document summarizes a case study of how the University of Leeds integrated Intute resources and services to create subject guides for their library portal. They implemented Intute's integration services which allowed them to add Intute's search box and records to their website. This reduced their workload as Intute handled keeping links and resources up to date. It also provided better quality assured resources than they could find themselves. The project resulted in estimated cost savings of over $20,000 by eliminating the need for their own server, software, and link/content checking.
Search, Exploration and Analytics of Evolving DataNattiya Kanhabua
The document discusses techniques for extracting temporal information from documents, including determining a document's publication time and any times discussed in its content. It describes challenges in determining a document's publication time due to factors like time gaps between crawling and indexing. It also outlines approaches like using temporal language models to compare a document's words to time-labeled reference corpora or leveraging search statistics to estimate a publication time. The document provides examples of how content-based classification models and techniques like semantic preprocessing can help with temporal information extraction from documents.
This document discusses how SharePoint can benefit librarians. SharePoint is a content management system that can increase productivity by helping with tedious tasks like tracking deadlines, file versions, and communication. It provides templates and features for tasks like training registration, knowledge bases, project management, and document sharing. The document provides tips for getting started with SharePoint, such as starting small and learning how to use views.
The #altac track: Strategies to imagine and build alternative academic careers.Jo Hawkins
#Altac careers have been described as off the tenure track, but within the academic orbit. These positions are serviced by hybrid humanities scholars who work in a diverse range of institutions including universities, cultural heritage bodies, libraries, museums, academic publishing, and the public sector. Roles often include a combination of administration, project management, teaching and research work.
Workshop outline:
This free, 3-hour workshop will explore strategies and tools to help PhD candidates and early career researchers imagine and build alternative academic careers. It will include a panel session with several practicing alt-academics, hands-on activities and plenty of lively discussion and debate.
Well be asking questions such as:
- How can PhD students better locate their research and work in an employable context?
- How can PhD students prepare for alternative academic careers during and after their candidature?
- What are the main opportunities and challenges associated with alternative academic careers?
Date: Tuesday 18 March, 2014
Time: 9:00 12:00
Location: CLT, Ground Floor Physics Building, UWA Crawley Campus
Who should attend this workshop?
Postgraduate students and early career researchers.
No prior knowledge is required. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop or a tablet.
About the presenters:
The workshop will be facilitated by Jo Hawkins (PhD Candidate, University of Western Australia) and Dr Jason Ensor Research & Technical Development Manager, Digital Humanities, University of Western Sydney).
The document discusses using new technologies like websites, blogs, podcasts, and wikis to enhance geography teaching and learning. It provides examples of how schools have created geography department websites and used tools like blogs to support students, share resources, and promote the subject. The document also explores setting up and using virtual learning environments, online learning communities, wikis, and podcasts to collaborate and interact online in geography education.
The #Altac Track: Strategies to imagine and build alternative academic careersJo Hawkins
Tuesday, 18 March 2014 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (AWST)
Digital Humanities Australasia
#Altac careers have been described as off the tenure track, but within the academic orbit. These positions are serviced by hybrid humanities scholars who work in a diverse range of institutions including universities, cultural heritage bodies, libraries, museums, academic publishing, and the public sector. Roles often include a combination of administration, project management, teaching and research work.
This free, 3-hour workshop explored strategies and tools to help PhD candidates and early career researchers imagine and build alternative academic careers. It included a panel session with several practicing alt-academics, hands-on activities and plenty of lively discussion and debate.
The workshop was facilitated by Jo Hawkins (PhD Candidate, University of Western Australia) and Dr Jason Ensor (Research & Technical Development Manager, Digital Humanities, University of Western Sydney).
Panel members included:
Sarah McQuade
Director - Community, Learning & Discovery
State Library of WA
Ingrid Mason
eResearch Analyst, Intersect Australia
Data specialist, Australian National Data Service
Daniel Powell
PhD candidate, Digital Humanities
University of Victoria, Canada
Jonathon Hutchinson
Researcher and Lecturer, Online Media
University of Sydney
The University of Illinois uses a locally developed metasearch service, "Easy Search". We have recently added the ability to query the metasearch program as RESTful web service, allowing library content to be promoted to external web pages such as departmental web presences or courseware.
SPSNH15 - We Need to Talk: How to Converse with Regular People About Managing...Jonathan Ralton
Jonathan Ralton gave a presentation on how to effectively communicate with non-technical users about managing content in SharePoint. He discussed the challenges of explaining technical concepts in plain language. Ralton emphasized listening to users, understanding their needs, and translating those needs into an architectural plan using concepts like content types, metadata, and taxonomy. He provided examples of how to discuss content management without using technical jargon and stressed an iterative process of discovery.
SPS Philly Architecting a Content Management SolutionPatrick Tucker
This document summarizes Patrick Tucker's presentation on architecting a SharePoint 2013 content management solution. It discusses defining and organizing content through tools like content types, metadata, and taxonomies. It also covers tracking and routing content with features like the content organizer and document ID service. Finally, it discusses management and retention of content through policies, holds, records management, and eDiscovery tools in SharePoint 2013.
Figshare for institutions - Jisc Digifest 2016Jisc
In May 2015 the EPSRC policy framework on research data came into effect. Salford University partnered with figshare to not only answer the mandate but to enhance the visibility of the research generated at the institution. All public facing research outputs are freely available to the wider public at
Learn more about University of Salfords approach and get a high level overview of the latest figshare functionality.
Felix Sasaki - Value beyond content creation - Introducing ITS 2.0; soapconf ...soapconf
The amount of content on the Web is growing. Content on its own is losing value. Web content producers have to offer content plus something to be attractive. But what can this something be?
As an answer to this question, We introduce Internationalization Tag Set 2.0, a standard defined by the World Web Web Consortium (W3C). ITS 2.0 helps you to make your content attractive for translators, search engine providers and many others.
Las 束tribus損 #prerromanas que NO existieron: v叩rdulos, carietes, autrigones, ...Joseba Abaitua
#Trevi単o nunca fue un punto trifinio; ni en #Trifinium se encontraban tres tribus. Presentaci坦n para el III Congreso de la C叩tedra Luis Michelena (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 8-11 de octubre de 2012) basado en
Joseba Abaitua Odriozola y Mikel Unzueta Portilla (2013). El top坦nimo Trevi単o y la prevalencia de errores en historiograf鱈a ling端鱈stica. III Congreso de la C叩tedra Luis Michelena. Ricardo G坦mez, Joaqu鱈n Gorrochategui, Joseba A. Lakarra & C辿line Mounole (arg./eds.) ISBN: 978-84-9860-911-0. pp. 3-25. Hay tambi辿n un v鱈deo de la presentaci坦n que ofrece una versi坦n parcial del trabajo.
Resoluci坦n de correferencias en discursos fragmentados para la captura de eve...Joseba Abaitua
Este documento describe los objetivos y m辿todos de un proyecto para reconocer entidades y resolver correferencias en textos fragmentados, con el fin de capturar eventos. Se aplican herramientas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural para identificar entidades nombradas y cadenas de elementos que se refieren al mismo referente. El objetivo final es contribuir esta informaci坦n a bases de datos como DBpedia.
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Similar to A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet (20)
Intute is a free online resource for UK higher and further education that guides users to quality-assured websites for education and research. The document discusses how integrating Intute resources into a website or learning materials can benefit users by providing seamless access to updated, reputable resources. It provides examples of integrating Intute, such as embedding search boxes or RSS feeds, and describes a case study of the University of Leeds Library's successful integration of Intute.
Intute is a national service funded by JISC that provides a free database of over 1,600 quality-controlled business and management resources hand-picked by subject specialists. Intute offers a structured directory that is searchable and browsable to help students find resources, unlike search engines which provide massive unsorted results. Users can browse sections, view support materials, use tutorials to teach internet search skills, and integrate Intute content into their own websites or portals.
This presentation was given by Arta Kabashi of AMIGOS for Day 2 of the Small Library Management Training Program's IV: Reference workshop in Spring of 2010. This presentation covers open source tools for the ref desk, ready reference sources and introduces the TexShare databases.
The document introduces the Horticulture Workspace, an online collaboration platform provided by a department of horticulture. It allows users to collaborate on projects through features like wikis, forums, and blogs. Groups can be formed for different purposes like lab groups, committees, and projects. Training and support is provided to help users make the most of the tools for efficient collaboration and communication.
The document outlines the agenda for the 8th UK Learning Analytics Network Meeting at the Open University on November 2nd, 2016. The agenda includes updates on Jisc's learning analytics program, sessions on learning design and analytics, legal issues, and the Learning Analytics Community Exchange.
This document provides an overview of the MS Govern wiki. It describes wikis as content that allows for quick and simple access through search and collaboration. The benefits of wikis include saving time, easy notification through RSS and emails, up-to-date information through evolution, and easy collaboration. The general structure of the MS Govern wiki includes centralized repositories for product knowledge, manuals, specifications, and more, organized by tags. It also describes personal workspaces for employees and spaces for projects and communities.
ION Toronto, 11 November 2013: Dan York (Internet Society) will discuss the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme, the resources currently available, and the process of gathering community feedback to add more information to this open resource.
Creating a Library Presence in ANGEL to Facilitate Discovery and ResearchSt. Petersburg College
Since many learners are already comfortable with emerging technologies and services like Google, Wikipedia, iPods, BlackBerries, Netflix, mashups, Facebook, Twitter, et al. it simply makes sense to include similar technologies and services within one\'s course management system. Learners do expect these things to be an integral part of their learning experiences so they will be pleased to discover that one has spent time, in addition to creating outstanding course content, to learn firsthand what 21st century students are using and to then utilize some of these technologies and services.
The document discusses Information Technology Services (ITS) at the University of Toronto Library and their approach to managing digital projects. ITS provides a wide range of technology services to support the library's mission. They aim to be nimble, innovative, user-focused, and improve accessibility. ITS uses collaborative project management software to plan projects, assign tasks, track issues, and document work in a transparent way. Two example projects discussed are migrating legacy websites to Drupal and redesigning an article finder tool to be more user-friendly.
The document summarizes a case study of how the University of Leeds integrated Intute resources and services to create subject guides for their library portal. They implemented Intute's integration services which allowed them to add Intute's search box and records to their website. This reduced their workload as Intute handled keeping links and resources up to date. It also provided better quality assured resources than they could find themselves. The project resulted in estimated cost savings of over $20,000 by eliminating the need for their own server, software, and link/content checking.
Search, Exploration and Analytics of Evolving DataNattiya Kanhabua
The document discusses techniques for extracting temporal information from documents, including determining a document's publication time and any times discussed in its content. It describes challenges in determining a document's publication time due to factors like time gaps between crawling and indexing. It also outlines approaches like using temporal language models to compare a document's words to time-labeled reference corpora or leveraging search statistics to estimate a publication time. The document provides examples of how content-based classification models and techniques like semantic preprocessing can help with temporal information extraction from documents.
This document discusses how SharePoint can benefit librarians. SharePoint is a content management system that can increase productivity by helping with tedious tasks like tracking deadlines, file versions, and communication. It provides templates and features for tasks like training registration, knowledge bases, project management, and document sharing. The document provides tips for getting started with SharePoint, such as starting small and learning how to use views.
The #altac track: Strategies to imagine and build alternative academic careers.Jo Hawkins
#Altac careers have been described as off the tenure track, but within the academic orbit. These positions are serviced by hybrid humanities scholars who work in a diverse range of institutions including universities, cultural heritage bodies, libraries, museums, academic publishing, and the public sector. Roles often include a combination of administration, project management, teaching and research work.
Workshop outline:
This free, 3-hour workshop will explore strategies and tools to help PhD candidates and early career researchers imagine and build alternative academic careers. It will include a panel session with several practicing alt-academics, hands-on activities and plenty of lively discussion and debate.
Well be asking questions such as:
- How can PhD students better locate their research and work in an employable context?
- How can PhD students prepare for alternative academic careers during and after their candidature?
- What are the main opportunities and challenges associated with alternative academic careers?
Date: Tuesday 18 March, 2014
Time: 9:00 12:00
Location: CLT, Ground Floor Physics Building, UWA Crawley Campus
Who should attend this workshop?
Postgraduate students and early career researchers.
No prior knowledge is required. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop or a tablet.
About the presenters:
The workshop will be facilitated by Jo Hawkins (PhD Candidate, University of Western Australia) and Dr Jason Ensor Research & Technical Development Manager, Digital Humanities, University of Western Sydney).
The document discusses using new technologies like websites, blogs, podcasts, and wikis to enhance geography teaching and learning. It provides examples of how schools have created geography department websites and used tools like blogs to support students, share resources, and promote the subject. The document also explores setting up and using virtual learning environments, online learning communities, wikis, and podcasts to collaborate and interact online in geography education.
The #Altac Track: Strategies to imagine and build alternative academic careersJo Hawkins
Tuesday, 18 March 2014 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (AWST)
Digital Humanities Australasia
#Altac careers have been described as off the tenure track, but within the academic orbit. These positions are serviced by hybrid humanities scholars who work in a diverse range of institutions including universities, cultural heritage bodies, libraries, museums, academic publishing, and the public sector. Roles often include a combination of administration, project management, teaching and research work.
This free, 3-hour workshop explored strategies and tools to help PhD candidates and early career researchers imagine and build alternative academic careers. It included a panel session with several practicing alt-academics, hands-on activities and plenty of lively discussion and debate.
The workshop was facilitated by Jo Hawkins (PhD Candidate, University of Western Australia) and Dr Jason Ensor (Research & Technical Development Manager, Digital Humanities, University of Western Sydney).
Panel members included:
Sarah McQuade
Director - Community, Learning & Discovery
State Library of WA
Ingrid Mason
eResearch Analyst, Intersect Australia
Data specialist, Australian National Data Service
Daniel Powell
PhD candidate, Digital Humanities
University of Victoria, Canada
Jonathon Hutchinson
Researcher and Lecturer, Online Media
University of Sydney
The University of Illinois uses a locally developed metasearch service, "Easy Search". We have recently added the ability to query the metasearch program as RESTful web service, allowing library content to be promoted to external web pages such as departmental web presences or courseware.
SPSNH15 - We Need to Talk: How to Converse with Regular People About Managing...Jonathan Ralton
Jonathan Ralton gave a presentation on how to effectively communicate with non-technical users about managing content in SharePoint. He discussed the challenges of explaining technical concepts in plain language. Ralton emphasized listening to users, understanding their needs, and translating those needs into an architectural plan using concepts like content types, metadata, and taxonomy. He provided examples of how to discuss content management without using technical jargon and stressed an iterative process of discovery.
SPS Philly Architecting a Content Management SolutionPatrick Tucker
This document summarizes Patrick Tucker's presentation on architecting a SharePoint 2013 content management solution. It discusses defining and organizing content through tools like content types, metadata, and taxonomies. It also covers tracking and routing content with features like the content organizer and document ID service. Finally, it discusses management and retention of content through policies, holds, records management, and eDiscovery tools in SharePoint 2013.
Figshare for institutions - Jisc Digifest 2016Jisc
In May 2015 the EPSRC policy framework on research data came into effect. Salford University partnered with figshare to not only answer the mandate but to enhance the visibility of the research generated at the institution. All public facing research outputs are freely available to the wider public at
Learn more about University of Salfords approach and get a high level overview of the latest figshare functionality.
Felix Sasaki - Value beyond content creation - Introducing ITS 2.0; soapconf ...soapconf
The amount of content on the Web is growing. Content on its own is losing value. Web content producers have to offer content plus something to be attractive. But what can this something be?
As an answer to this question, We introduce Internationalization Tag Set 2.0, a standard defined by the World Web Web Consortium (W3C). ITS 2.0 helps you to make your content attractive for translators, search engine providers and many others.
Felix Sasaki - Value beyond content creation - Introducing ITS 2.0; soapconf ...soapconf
More from Joseba Abaitua (19)
Las 束tribus損 #prerromanas que NO existieron: v叩rdulos, carietes, autrigones, ...Joseba Abaitua
#Trevi単o nunca fue un punto trifinio; ni en #Trifinium se encontraban tres tribus. Presentaci坦n para el III Congreso de la C叩tedra Luis Michelena (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 8-11 de octubre de 2012) basado en
Joseba Abaitua Odriozola y Mikel Unzueta Portilla (2013). El top坦nimo Trevi単o y la prevalencia de errores en historiograf鱈a ling端鱈stica. III Congreso de la C叩tedra Luis Michelena. Ricardo G坦mez, Joaqu鱈n Gorrochategui, Joseba A. Lakarra & C辿line Mounole (arg./eds.) ISBN: 978-84-9860-911-0. pp. 3-25. Hay tambi辿n un v鱈deo de la presentaci坦n que ofrece una versi坦n parcial del trabajo.
Resoluci坦n de correferencias en discursos fragmentados para la captura de eve...Joseba Abaitua
Este documento describe los objetivos y m辿todos de un proyecto para reconocer entidades y resolver correferencias en textos fragmentados, con el fin de capturar eventos. Se aplican herramientas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural para identificar entidades nombradas y cadenas de elementos que se refieren al mismo referente. El objetivo final es contribuir esta informaci坦n a bases de datos como DBpedia.
Este documento presenta un taller sobre la Biblioteca 2.0 de la Universidad de Deusto. El taller cubre las herramientas de la Web 2.0 como blogs, wikis y redes sociales y c坦mo pueden aplicarse en una biblioteca. Tambi辿n discute los antecedentes de bibliotecas digitales y repositorios abiertos basados en XML. Finalmente, propone una visi坦n y misi坦n para la Biblioteca 2.0 de Deusto que aproveche estas herramientas para mejorar el aprendizaje y la participaci坦n de estudiantes e investigadores.
Only 20% of titles are on bookshelves and these are separated from workplaces. But if over 1.5 million scientific papers are written annually, maybe libraries of the future have to design new ways of accessing scholarly documentation. In this doctoral course we will discuss how.
The document discusses a project called CollOnBus that aims to extract knowledge from social tagging data on the web. It presents an approach called "metadata first, ontologies second" which involves mapping tags to Dublin Core metadata structures before converting them to ontologies. The document also describes tools developed as part of CollOnBus called folk2onto and Tag Distiller that are used to filter tags, map them to senses, and generate XML files representing the mapped tags and their relationships.
Sistema h鱈brido y cooperativo de traducci坦n autom叩ticaJoseba Abaitua
Para lenguas muy distintas los textos traducidos deben revisarse manualmente. Pero hay muchos textos traducidos por personas que no hace falta que traduzcan las m叩quinas. 多C坦mo optimizamos este proceso?
CollOnBus fue un proyecto de investigaci坦n de 2005-2007 que busc坦 desarrollar herramientas para la construcci坦n colaborativa de ontolog鱈as aplicando tecnolog鱈as sem叩nticas y sociales. El proyecto cre坦 prototipos como un destilador de ontolog鱈as, un agregador RDF y un buscador sem叩ntico. El objetivo final era lanzar una empresa basada en el conocimiento y la tecnolog鱈a desarrollada.
AutomaticTrans: Resultados del estudio de viabilidad ESP-EUS (28-02-2003)Joseba Abaitua
Este documento resume la metodolog鱈a y el alcance de una prueba de viabilidad de la traducci坦n autom叩tica del euskera. Describe el corpus utilizado, que incluye m叩s de 800,000 elementos de textos legales alineados en euskera de 1996 a 2000. Explica que se utiliz坦 un enfoque h鱈brido que integra reglas y ejemplos de traducci坦n extra鱈dos de corpus biling端es. Tambi辿n presenta ejemplos de segmentos traducidos como f坦rmulas, plantillas y oraciones que muestran la interacci坦n entre reglas
Nuevas tendencias en traducci坦n autom叩tica (2000)Joseba Abaitua
Este documento resume las nuevas tendencias en traducci坦n autom叩tica. Explica que la traducci坦n autom叩tica ha evolucionado desde enfoques basados en reglas hacia m辿todos basados en datos, con mayor integraci坦n de recursos y 辿nfasis en dominios espec鱈ficos. Tambi辿n destaca el auge de la localizaci坦n de software y la demanda de traductores con habilidades tanto ling端鱈sticas como t辿cnicas.
Perspectivas en el 叩mbito del patrimonio digital: nuevos retos de futuro (2005)Joseba Abaitua
Este documento discute los retos de preservar el patrimonio digital a largo plazo, incluyendo el uso de metadatos y est叩ndares. Tambi辿n describe varias iniciativas internacionales para preservar la informaci坦n digital, como NDIIPP, DELOS, OAIS y protocolos como OAI-PMH. Finalmente, analiza casos pr叩cticos del uso de herramientas como Open Archives Cataloger para diseminar y gestionar recursos digitales.
Por otra ruta en traducci坦n autom叩tica (2001)Joseba Abaitua
El documento discute diferentes enfoques en traducci坦n autom叩tica, incluyendo traducci坦n basada en reglas, basada en analog鱈a y basada en m叩quinas. Tambi辿n cubre temas como la segmentaci坦n de textos, proyectos de traducci坦n autom叩tica en Espa単a y el debate sobre ciclo de vida de documentaci坦n y localizaci坦n de contenido.
El documento describe la transici坦n del libro impreso al formato digital, incluyendo las diferencias en funciones, el proceso de digitalizaci坦n mediante escaneo y reconocimiento 坦ptico de caracteres, y el uso de metadatos y etiquetas XML. Tambi辿n discute proyectos de bibliotecas digitales, la web sem叩ntica y la sindicaci坦n de contenidos, as鱈 como iniciativas como Open Archives Initiative y Dublin Core para normalizar los metadatos.
La gesti坦n de documentaci坦n biling端e (euskara y castellano) mediante est叩ndar...Joseba Abaitua
El documento describe SARE-Bi, un sistema para gestionar documentaci坦n multiling端e mediante est叩ndares XML. SARE-Bi permite recuperar, visualizar y editar documentos en euskera y castellano. Los usuarios pueden incorporar nuevos documentos, asignar metadatos y cambiar el estado y visibilidad de los documentos durante el proceso de edici坦n. SARE-Bi ha sido implementado en la Universidad de Deusto para gestionar sus documentos administrativos biling端es.
Reflexiones sobre la traducci坦n autom叩tica (2005)Joseba Abaitua
El documento presenta una rese単a hist坦rica de la traducci坦n autom叩tica, discutiendo pioneros como Warren Weaver y Yehoshua Bar-Hillel. Tambi辿n describe diferentes enfoques como la traducci坦n directa, indirecta e interlingua, y m辿todos actuales como el ejemplo basado, estad鱈stico y basado en reglas. Finalmente, analiza la evoluci坦n de la disciplina a lo largo de seis d辿cadas e incluye una bibliograf鱈a sobre el tema.
Genre discovery in corpus management systems (2004)Joseba Abaitua
The document describes SARE-Bi, a multilingual document management system developed for the University of Deusto. SARE-Bi allows users to collaboratively manage documents through their lifecycle, including writing, translating, revising, and publishing. It uses metadata and document segmentation to facilitate multilingual information management and reuse. The system aims to increase the university's production of administrative documents in multiple languages.
Itzulpen automatikoaren aukerak eta dimentsioak (2005)Joseba Abaitua
The document discusses the history and state of the art of machine translation, including key figures and their views. It outlines different approaches to machine translation such as rule-based MT, statistical MT, example-based MT and their evolution over time. The document also describes different methods that have been used to evaluate machine translation systems, such as the BLEU metric.
Tendencias en la gesti坦n de recursos lexicogr叩ficos (2006)Joseba Abaitua
Repaso a las aportaciones recientes a la lexicograf鱈a: uso de metadatos, ontolog鱈as, herramientas de gesti坦n de corpora
SmartLab necesita una mente que sea abierta, social y evolutiva, en lugar de cerrada e individualista. Los algoritmos mem辿ticos combinan optimizaci坦n basada en poblaciones como los algoritmos gen辿ticos con mejora local a trav辿s de b炭squeda en el vecindario de soluciones. Esto permite tanto explorar el espacio de b炭squeda como explotar 叩reas prometedoras, evitando m叩ximos locales. Los agentes en un algoritmo mem辿tico cooperan intercambiando informaci坦n y competiendo para ser los m叩s aptos, transmitiendo sus
Las 束tribus損 #prerromanas que NO existieron: v叩rdulos, carietes, autrigones, ...Joseba Abaitua
Resoluci坦n de correferencias en discursos fragmentados para la captura de eve...Joseba Abaitua
This chapter proposes to explore the intersection of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), data analytics, and marketing in the context of the tourism and events industry. As technology continues to advance, organizations within this sector are seeking innovative and transformative ways to engage and attract tourists and event attendees. VR and AR have emerged as powerful tools for creating immersive experiences, while data analytics provides insights into consumer behavior and preferences. This chapter will examine how these technologies can be integrated into marketing strategies to enhance engagement, visitor experiences, and decision- making processes. By discussing real-world case studies, ethical considerations, and future trends, this chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject and offer practical insights for professionals and researchers in the field.
Design Data Model Objects for Analytics, Activation, and AIaaronmwinters
Explore using industry-specific data standards to design data model objects in Data Cloud that can consolidate fragmented and multi-format data sources into a single view of the customer.
Design of the data model objects is a critical first step in setting up Data Cloud and will impact aspects of the implementation, including the data harmonization and mappings, as well as downstream automations and AI processing. This session will provide concrete examples of data standards in the education space and how to design a Data Cloud data model that will hold up over the long-term as new source systems and activation targets are added to the landscape. This will help architects and business analysts accelerate adoption of Data Cloud.
The digital landscape is constantly evolving. Understanding what works in SEO and content marketing today will be critical for success in 2025 and beyond. Let's delve into the key trends shaping the future of online content.
Large Language Models (LLMs) part one.pptxharmardir
**The Rise and Impact of Large Language Models (LLMs)**
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), one of the most groundbreaking advancements has been the development of Large Language Models (LLMs). These AI systems, trained on massive amounts of text data, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in understanding, generating, and manipulating human language. LLMs have transformed industries, reshaped the way people interact with technology, and raised ethical concerns regarding their usage. This essay delves into the history, development, applications, challenges, and future of LLMs, providing a comprehensive understanding of their significance.
**Historical Background and Development**
The foundation of LLMs is built on decades of research in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). Early language models were relatively simple and rule-based, relying on statistical methods to predict word sequences. However, the emergence of deep learning, particularly the introduction of neural networks, revolutionized NLP. The introduction of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks in the late 1990s and early 2000s allowed for better sequential data processing.
The breakthrough moment for LLMs came with the development of Transformer architectures, introduced in the seminal 2017 paper "Attention Is All You Need" by Vaswani et al. The Transformer model enabled more efficient parallel processing and improved context understanding. This led to the creation of models like BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and OpenAIs GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series, which have since set new benchmarks in AI-driven text generation and comprehension.
**Core Mechanisms of LLMs**
LLMs rely on deep neural networks trained on extensive datasets comprising books, articles, websites, and other textual resources. The training process involves:
1. **Tokenization:** Breaking down text into smaller units (words, subwords, or characters) to be processed by the model.
2. **Pretraining:** The model learns general language patterns through unsupervised learning, predicting missing words or the next sequence in a text.
3. **Fine-tuning:** Adjusting the model for specific tasks, such as summarization, translation, or question-answering, using supervised learning.
4. **Inference:** The trained model generates text based on user input, leveraging probabilistic predictions to produce coherent responses.
Through these mechanisms, LLMs can perform a wide range of linguistic tasks with human-like proficiency.
**Applications of LLMs**
LLMs have found applications across various domains, including but not limited to:
1. **Content Generation:** LLMs assist in writing articles, blogs, poetry, and even code, helping content creators enhance productivity.
2. **Customer Support:** Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by LLMs provide automated yet cont
ヰ$__Cubase Pro Crack Full Activativated 2025abrishhayat858
Cubase is a professional digital audio workstation (DAW) developed by Steinberg for music production, recording, editing, and mixing. Since its initial release in 1989, Cubase has been widely used by musicians, producers, and sound engineers across various genres. Known for its powerful features, intuitive interface, and high-quality sound engine, Cubase has remained a leading choice for both beginners and professionals in the music industry.
My experimental studies on information cascades and herding behavior, comparing Bayesian belief updating with other behavioral heuristics that account for the observed behaviors
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
1. A course on
Joseba Abaitua
Departamento de Lenguas Modernas y Estudios Vascos
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Universidad de Deusto
2. A course on
(largely bibliographic)
Joseba Abaitua
Departamento de Lenguas Modernas y Estudios Vascos
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Universidad de Deusto
36. Alex Verstak and [[Anurag Acharya]],<ref>{{cite
doi|10.1038/438554a}}</ref> both of whom were then
working on building Google's main web index.<ref>
{{cite web |author=Hughes, Tracey |title=An
interview with Anurag Acharya, Google Scholar lead
engineer |date=December 2006 |work=Google Librarian
Central |url=
</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Assisi, Francis C.
|title=Anurag Acharya Helped Googles Scholarly
Leap |date=3 January 2005 |publisher=INDOlink
37. <ref>{{cite doi|10.1038/438554a}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web |author=Hughes, Tracey |title=An
interview with Anurag Acharya, Google Scholar lead
engineer |date=December 2006 |work=Google Librarian
Central |url=
<ref>{{cite web |author=Assisi, Francis C.
|title=Anurag Acharya Helped Googles Scholarly
Leap |date=3 January 2005 |publisher=INDOlink
38. <ref>
{{cite web
| author=Hughes, Tracey
| title=An interview with Anurag Acharya, Google
Scholar lead engineer
| date=December 2006
| work=Google Librarian Central
| url=
39. {{Infobox website
| name = Google Scholar
| logo = [[File:Google Scholar logo.png]]
| caption = Google Scholar logo
| url = {{URL|}}
| commercial =
| type = [[bibliographic database]]
| language =
| registration = Optional
| owner = [[Google]]
| launch date =
| current status = Active
| revenue =