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A course on
Joseba Abaitua
Departamento de Lenguas Modernas y Estudios Vascos
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Universidad de Deusto
A course on
(largely bibliographic)
Joseba Abaitua
Departamento de Lenguas Modernas y Estudios Vascos
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Universidad de Deusto
Why do we need to
manage information?
because we not only
suffer from
but also...
not every published
information is reliable
we need to be selectiveselective
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
Alex Verstak and [[Anurag Acharya]],<ref>{{cite
doi|10.1038/438554a}}</ref> both of whom were then
working on building Google's main web index.<ref>
{{cite web |author=Hughes, Tracey |title=An
interview with Anurag Acharya, Google Scholar lead
engineer |date=December 2006 |work=Google Librarian
Central |url=http://www.google.
</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Assisi, Francis C.
|title=Anurag Acharya Helped Googles Scholarly
Leap |date=3 January 2005 |publisher=INDOlink
<ref>{{cite doi|10.1038/438554a}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web |author=Hughes, Tracey |title=An
interview with Anurag Acharya, Google Scholar lead
engineer |date=December 2006 |work=Google Librarian
Central |url=http://www.google.
<ref>{{cite web |author=Assisi, Francis C.
|title=Anurag Acharya Helped Googles Scholarly
Leap |date=3 January 2005 |publisher=INDOlink
{{cite web
| author=Hughes, Tracey
| title=An interview with Anurag Acharya, Google
Scholar lead engineer
| date=December 2006
| work=Google Librarian Central
| url=http://www.google.com/librariancenter/articles/0612_01.html
{{Infobox website
| name = Google Scholar
| logo = [[File:Google Scholar logo.png]]
| caption = Google Scholar logo
| url = {{URL|scholar.google.com}}
| commercial =
| type = [[bibliographic database]]
| language =
| registration = Optional
| owner = [[Google]]
| launch date =
| current status = Active
| revenue =
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet
A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet

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Joseba Abaitua
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Joseba Abaitua
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Joseba Abaitua
Nuevas tendencias en traducci坦n autom叩tica (2000)Nuevas tendencias en traducci坦n autom叩tica (2000)
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Joseba Abaitua
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Joseba Abaitua
Panorama de la edici坦n digital (2003)Panorama de la edici坦n digital (2003)
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Joseba Abaitua
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Joseba Abaitua
Genre discovery in corpus management systems (2004)
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Joseba Abaitua
Itzulpen automatikoaren aukerak eta dimentsioak (2005)
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Joseba Abaitua
Tendencias en la gesti坦n de recursos lexicogr叩ficos (2006)Tendencias en la gesti坦n de recursos lexicogr叩ficos (2006)
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Joseba Abaitua
Mem辿tica en la mente de SmartLabMem辿tica en la mente de SmartLab
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Joseba Abaitua

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A course [largely on bibliographic] information managemet

  • 1. A course on Information Management Joseba Abaitua (2015) Departamento de Lenguas Modernas y Estudios Vascos Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas Universidad de Deusto
  • 2. A course on (largely bibliographic) Information Management Joseba Abaitua (2015) Departamento de Lenguas Modernas y Estudios Vascos Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas Universidad de Deusto
  • 3. Why do we need to manage information?
  • 4. because we not only suffer from information overload, but also...
  • 6. we need to be selectiveselective
  • 36. Alex Verstak and [[Anurag Acharya]],<ref>{{cite doi|10.1038/438554a}}</ref> both of whom were then working on building Google's main web index.<ref> {{cite web |author=Hughes, Tracey |title=An interview with Anurag Acharya, Google Scholar lead engineer |date=December 2006 |work=Google Librarian Central |url=http://www.google. com/librariancenter/articles/0612_01.html}} </ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Assisi, Francis C. |title=Anurag Acharya Helped Googles Scholarly Leap |date=3 January 2005 |publisher=INDOlink |url=http://www.indolink.com/SciTech/fr010305- 075445.php}}</ref>
  • 37. <ref>{{cite doi|10.1038/438554a}}</ref> <ref>{{cite web |author=Hughes, Tracey |title=An interview with Anurag Acharya, Google Scholar lead engineer |date=December 2006 |work=Google Librarian Central |url=http://www.google. com/librariancenter/articles/0612_01.html}}</ref> <ref>{{cite web |author=Assisi, Francis C. |title=Anurag Acharya Helped Googles Scholarly Leap |date=3 January 2005 |publisher=INDOlink |url=http://www.indolink.com/SciTech/fr010305- 075445.php}}</ref>
  • 38. <ref> {{cite web | author=Hughes, Tracey | title=An interview with Anurag Acharya, Google Scholar lead engineer | date=December 2006 | work=Google Librarian Central | url=http://www.google.com/librariancenter/articles/0612_01.html }} </ref>
  • 39. {{Infobox website | name = Google Scholar | logo = [[File:Google Scholar logo.png]] | caption = Google Scholar logo | url = {{URL|scholar.google.com}} | commercial = | type = [[bibliographic database]] | language = | registration = Optional | owner = [[Google]] | launch date = | current status = Active | revenue = }}