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Develer S.r.l.
   Company Presentation

Develer - October 2008


Areas of competence

                  Case Studies

Quick Facts


Cheat Sheet

   Business Area: Hardware and Software for industry

   Main Office: Via Mugellese, 1 - 50013 Campi Bisenzio (Florence, ITA)

   Activity Started on: October 2001

   Employees and consultants: 25

   Projects realized: 150+

   Services offered: software planning, customized software development, consulting
    services, tech courses, hardware design, embedded software







      2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009
Open source solutions
     Deep knowledge of open source world
     Develer co-authors many open source libraries

Python programming language
     +6 years of experience
     Rapid prototyping, fast development
     Organizers of national Python conference (http:/www.pycon.it)
Custom HW boards design
     Just launched: BeRTOS (http://www.bertos.org), free RTOS for small
     Linux/uCLinux kernel ports, device drivers development, user-space
      libraries and apps.

Open development model
     Clients have full access to source code repository, ticketing system,
      technical mailing lists
     Agile methodologies: release early, release often
       Custom-made software development
       Improvement of customers software

       Migration onto an open-source platform


 Realization of prototypes
 Realization of custom boards

 Obsolete cards redesign

 High-performance firmware

 Consulting service on new technologies
 Courses on new technologies

 Far-sighted strategic choices

 Improvement of your development workflow
Sotware design and implementation
      From idea to market

Support for modifications to existing softwares
      Integration with existing teams and infrastructures

New life to old software
      Modernization through refactoring and unit tests
      Upgrade to new technologies or OS

Wide expertise with multi-platform development
      Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, embedded
Give shape to an idea
      HW/SW product, from idea to market

Re-design of obsolete boards
      New components for hardware, and firmware with new open
       technologies (avoid vendor lock-in!)

Bring operating systems to bare-HW code
      Our beloved BeRTOS for tiny systems
      Linux/ucLinux for medium to large systems
Innovative technologies
      Teaching and implementing new solutions to customers
      Continous internal R&D and workshops to spread knowledge and
       be on the edge

Workflow improvement
      Analyze an existing workflow, find bottlenecks and mistakes
      Introduce agile development technics and concepts borrowed
       from the open-source development model


Nokia Qt


Using Python since 2002:
     Style: elegant and dynamic language
     We have been suggesting it to customers ever since
     We have been using for our internal tools

Benefits of Python:
         Rapid prototyping (fast development)
         High portability (desktop and embedded)
         Faster deploy ever
Using Qt since 2002
         And proudly so!
         We have been suggesting it to customers ever since
         We have been using for our internal tools
         LGPL License

Experience on most Qt platforms
     Qt/Windows, Qt/X11, Qt/Mac
     Qt/Embedded on Linux and Windows CE
Using PyQt since 2004:
      Perfect match: bringing Qt philosophy into Python elegant and
       dynamic language
      Many contributions to PyQt development (debugging and testing)

Benefits of PyQt:
      Rapid prototyping (fast development)
      Write once, run anywhere
      Useful C++ portability layer (QtCore)
      LGPL License as Qt
We create BeRTOS in 2001:
     We have been suggesting it to customers ever since
     We have been using for our internal tools
     Direct BeRTOS development (coding, debugging and testing)

Benefits of BeRTOS:
         Open source and royalty free also for commercial projects
         Windows SDK with toolchains and IDE integration
         Multiplatform Wizard for projects configurations
         Not only kernel: ready to use HW drivers for many peripherals

   CAD for fashion designers
( Python | PyQt | Qt )

   Medical diagnosis appliation
( Python | PyQt | Qt widget )

   Domotic Control Panel
( C++ | Qt )
              We provide software consulting for an
              Italian company, leader in a particular
              field of fashion design.
              One of them is a CAD almost entirely
              written in Python, which uses PyQt to
              fully take advance of the Qt framework.
              Effort: 50 man/months (and running...)
Heavily customized UI
       Best experience possible for designer: Comply to several (often
        odd) habits.
       Qt gives us the flexibility to tweak the UI as we wish, keeping the
        code maintainable.

Full OpenGL acceleration
       Drawing canvas are accelerated with OpenGL (QtOpenGL).
       Some parts (eg: texts) use QPainter over OpenGL
              Customer needed to bundle an application
              with the new version of their flagship product.
              Introducing PyQt allowed us to complete the
              first prototype of the application within one
              month from starting from scratch, and to
              deliver the final version after just two months
Database interaction
    We exploited Qt widgets' flexible API to produce a thin Python layer
     that handles reading and writing values from/to DB.

Full i18n support
    Application is deployed in several markets (including Korean and
     Turkish ones)
    Usage of Qt made adding i18n support trivial.
              We provide software consulting for a
              big domotic Italian corporate.
              The product is developed in C++ and
              the GUI is designed with Qt.
              It runs on a custom ARM-based
              board, with Linux.
Home control
      The system controls all the house: lights, security, windows,
       home theater
Touch screen interface
      With the easy-to-use interface (realized with a touch screen
       device integrated with Qt) the user can control all sensors and
       actuators in the house
      The user interface is multi language and supports European,
       Chinese and Arabic languages


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Develer - Company Profile

  • 1. Develer S.r.l. Company Presentation Develer - October 2008
  • 2. Briefing Technologies Areas of competence Case Studies
  • 4. Quick油Facts Business Area: Hardware and Software for industry Main Office: Via Mugellese, 1 - 50013 Campi Bisenzio (Florence, ITA) Activity Started on: October 2001 Employees and consultants: 25 Projects realized: 150+ Services offered: software planning, customized software development, consulting services, tech courses, hardware design, embedded software
  • 5. Growth 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 Income 200000 100000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
  • 6. cheat油sheet油(1/2) Open source solutions Deep knowledge of open source world Develer co-authors many open source libraries Python programming language +6 years of experience Rapid prototyping, fast development Organizers of national Python conference (http:/www.pycon.it)
  • 7. cheat油sheet油(2/2) Custom HW boards design Just launched: BeRTOS (http://www.bertos.org), free RTOS for small systems. Linux/uCLinux kernel ports, device drivers development, user-space libraries and apps. Open development model Clients have full access to source code repository, ticketing system, technical mailing lists Agile methodologies: release early, release often
  • 9. Areas油of油competence Custom-made software development Improvement of customers software Migration onto an open-source platform Software Hardware Realization of prototypes Realization of custom boards Obsolete cards redesign High-performance firmware Innovation Consulting service on new technologies Courses on new technologies Far-sighted strategic choices Improvement of your development workflow
  • 10. Software Sotware design and implementation From idea to market Support for modifications to existing softwares Integration with existing teams and infrastructures New life to old software Modernization through refactoring and unit tests Upgrade to new technologies or OS Wide expertise with multi-platform development Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, embedded
  • 11. Hardware Give shape to an idea HW/SW product, from idea to market Re-design of obsolete boards New components for hardware, and firmware with new open technologies (avoid vendor lock-in!) Bring operating systems to bare-HW code Our beloved BeRTOS for tiny systems Linux/ucLinux for medium to large systems
  • 12. Innovation Innovative technologies Teaching and implementing new solutions to customers Continous internal R&D and workshops to spread knowledge and be on the edge Workflow improvement Analyze an existing workflow, find bottlenecks and mistakes Introduce agile development technics and concepts borrowed from the open-source development model
  • 14. Develer油&油Python Using Python since 2002: Style: elegant and dynamic language We have been suggesting it to customers ever since We have been using for our internal tools Benefits of Python: Rapid prototyping (fast development) High portability (desktop and embedded) Faster deploy ever
  • 15. Develer油&油Nokia油Qt Using Qt since 2002 And proudly so! We have been suggesting it to customers ever since We have been using for our internal tools LGPL License Experience on most Qt platforms Qt/Windows, Qt/X11, Qt/Mac Qt/Embedded on Linux and Windows CE
  • 16. Develer油&油PyQt Using PyQt since 2004: Perfect match: bringing Qt philosophy into Python elegant and dynamic language Many contributions to PyQt development (debugging and testing) Benefits of PyQt: Rapid prototyping (fast development) Write once, run anywhere Useful C++ portability layer (QtCore) LGPL License as Qt
  • 17. Develer油&油BeRTOS We create BeRTOS in 2001: We have been suggesting it to customers ever since We have been using for our internal tools Direct BeRTOS development (coding, debugging and testing) Benefits of BeRTOS: Open source and royalty free also for commercial projects Windows SDK with toolchains and IDE integration Multiplatform Wizard for projects configurations Not only kernel: ready to use HW drivers for many peripherals
  • 18. Case油Studies CAD for fashion designers ( Python | PyQt | Qt ) Medical diagnosis appliation ( Python | PyQt | Qt widget ) Domotic Control Panel ( C++ | Qt )
  • 19. CAD油for油fashion油designers油(1/2) We provide software consulting for an Italian company, leader in a particular field of fashion design. One of them is a CAD almost entirely written in Python, which uses PyQt to fully take advance of the Qt framework. Effort: 50 man/months (and running...)
  • 20. CAD油for油fashion油designers油(2/2) Heavily customized UI Best experience possible for designer: Comply to several (often odd) habits. Qt gives us the flexibility to tweak the UI as we wish, keeping the code maintainable. Full OpenGL acceleration Drawing canvas are accelerated with OpenGL (QtOpenGL). Some parts (eg: texts) use QPainter over OpenGL 油
  • 21. Medical油diagnosis油application油(1/2) Customer needed to bundle an application with the new version of their flagship product. Introducing PyQt allowed us to complete the first prototype of the application within one month from starting from scratch, and to deliver the final version after just two months later.
  • 22. Medical油diagnosis油application油(2/2) Database interaction We exploited Qt widgets' flexible API to produce a thin Python layer that handles reading and writing values from/to DB. Full i18n support Application is deployed in several markets (including Korean and Turkish ones) Usage of Qt made adding i18n support trivial.
  • 23. Domotic油Control油Panel油(1/2) We provide software consulting for a big domotic Italian corporate. The product is developed in C++ and the GUI is designed with Qt. It runs on a custom ARM-based board, with Linux.
  • 24. Domotic油Control油Panel油(2/2) Home control The system controls all the house: lights, security, windows, home theater Touch screen interface With the easy-to-use interface (realized with a touch screen device integrated with Qt) the user can control all sensors and actuators in the house i18n The user interface is multi language and supports European, Chinese and Arabic languages
  • 25. Contacts Internet: http://www.develer.com info@develer.com Phone: +39-055-3984627