The document discusses how everyday objects will no longer be finished products and will instead exist as object systems within a series. There are five reasons for this shift: economical, social, cultural, technological, and ecological. Designers have a role in facilitating this change by designing for participation, open frameworks, and social innovation. This involves a dual redefinition of the object and user role, with the object becoming a system that allows for many combinations and the user engaging in collaborative design. Examples are provided of current projects that exemplify open and collaborative approaches.
The document discusses whether "The Roaring Twenties" accurately describes life in the United States during the 1920s. It analyzes aspects of entertainment, racism by the Ku Klux Klan, and Prohibition and organized crime. New forms of entertainment like flappers, jazz music, movies, and radio expanded popular culture. The KKK targeted non-Protestant white Americans and promoted white supremacy through violence. Prohibition led to speakeasies, bootlegging, and emboldened criminal groups like Al Capone's, who profited from corruption to evade the law.
The document summarizes the Treaty of Versailles and the disagreements between the Allied powers over how to treat Germany after World War 1. France wanted harsh terms for revenge after immense losses, while Britain and the US advocated for more lenient terms to avoid future conflict. The eventual Treaty placed full war guilt on Germany, imposed massive military restrictions, took German land and colonies, and demanded heavy reparations that crippled the German economy and fostered resentment. Germany reacted with bitterness over the humiliation of being forced to sign the punitive "Diktat" treaty.
keynote speech (slides) at the 6th International Forum of Design As A Process -- Beyond Processes and Thinking. Universitat Polit竪cnica de Val竪ncia, Spain -- 22nd-24th June 2016 -- WWW:
The new industrial and digital craft objects shall not be considered as finished products, so in other words ready-to-use and closed in on themselves. They are not the ultimate outcome of expert anticipatory (or predictive) studies (i.e. future sensing), and even less the material support of prescribed/predefined uses. In fact, these new objects are inherently unfinished, and therefore spur both designers and users into action (in favor of manifold design and development proposals). As their shape and function (amongst others) continuously change, the object acquires a new status, a new nature: it becomes a genuine system that provides an infinite number of possible object. The series would thus be lying within the object the first occurrence of the object-system allows establishing the foundations of his ad hoc combinational logic (leading to countless generations of object states).
In my speech, I will strive to highlight the main challenges and opportunities brought by what appears to be a new systemic revolution of product design. To do so, I will focus on two key strategic axes: (1) from the object improvement to his parametric mutation; (2) from the customization/adaptation of object to a new type of innovative use (towards an innovation through practice).
There were several long-term and short-term causes that led to the USA falling into depression in 1929. Long-term causes included overproduction of goods which led to falling demand, unequal distribution of wealth so most people couldn't afford goods, and tariff policies that isolated US trade. The short-term cause was the Wall Street crash in October 1929. This was precipitated by factors such as easy credit, lack of controls on stock market speculation, and advertising that encouraged consumer spending beyond means. When stock prices collapsed, it wiped out the savings of many and devastated the economy.
These websites provide resources for revising history topics for exams. offers study guides, revision materials and quizzes. offers revision guides, interactive activities and audio clips for key historical topics. provides audio recordings of historical events and speeches.
This document outlines a scoring rubric for interpreting political cartoons, with higher levels requiring more detailed interpretation supported by evidence from the cartoon as well as broader contextual knowledge. Level 1 involves only surface-level understanding, level 2 adds some interpretation, level 3 supports interpretation with cartoon details, and level 4 integrates both the cartoon and outside context into the analysis. Dates from 1936 to 1939 are also listed, possibly relating to significant historical events from that period in European history that could provide relevant context for interpreting political cartoons.
The document provides instructions for answering source-based questions in GCSE exams in 3 steps:
1. Comment on the question and source, noting initial reactions and understanding of the question.
2. Analyze the content and context of the source, including facts, details, type of source, origin, purpose, and how it relates to your own knowledge.
3. Make a judgement on how the source agrees or disagrees with the question and other sources, and conclude by weighing the evidence.
These websites provide resources for revising history topics for exams. offers study guides, revision materials and quizzes. offers revision guides, interactive activities and audio clips for key historical topics. provides audio recordings of historical events and speeches.
This 2-hour presentation compiles information from the 2010 ISBE ISAT writing presentation and gives teachers planning tools to develop persuasive writing.
The document provides guidance on evaluating the reliability and usefulness of historical sources for a paper 2 exam. Students are asked to assess the reliability of sources by considering their accuracy, potential biases based on the creator's identity, and consistency with other sources. To evaluate usefulness, students should consider whether the source provides relevant facts or opinions and how it can be applied, such as to show different perspectives. Comparing sources and checking them against their own knowledge is advised.
1) After WWI, the US became increasingly isolationist as the public did not want to be involved in overseas conflicts and feared the costs of future wars.
2) Key policies like rejecting the Treaty of Versailles, passing the Fordney-McCumber Tariff, and reducing immigration levels through quotas and literacy tests aimed to isolate the US economically and politically from other countries.
3) This isolationism ultimately hindered global cooperation and damaged world peace as the US refused to join the League of Nations.
The document summarizes the key events leading up to World War 2, including Hitler's rise to power in Germany and his aims of expanding German territory, abolishing the Treaty of Versailles, and destroying Communism. It then outlines Hitler's "steps to war" through remilitarization of Germany, annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland, and invasion of Poland, despite the policy of appeasement by Britain and France. War broke out in Europe in 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany after it invaded Poland.
El documento presenta un resumen del Renacimiento en Espa単a, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas principales como el deseo de conocimiento y enriquecimiento cultural, as鱈 como el esp鱈ritu aventurero. Tambi辿n describe los principales g辿neros literarios renacentistas en Espa単a como la poes鱈a l鱈rica, la m鱈stica y asc辿tica, el teatro y la novela picaresca y pastoril.
O objetivo deste estudo 辿 o de apresentar os resultados obtidos a partir do desenvolvimento de pr叩ticas pedag坦gicas em uma turma do Ensino Fundamental realizadas com o intuito de contribuir no processo de constru巽達o do conceito de tempo pela crian巽a.
Este documento cont辿m informa巽探es de identifica巽達o de uma empresa (Gafisa S/A), incluindo seu c坦digo CVM, CNPJ, endere巽os e contatos. Tamb辿m apresenta detalhes sobre sua composi巽達o acion叩ria, diretores e auditor, al辿m de balan巽os patrimoniais ativo e passivo referentes aos trimestres findos em 30 de junho e 30 de setembro de 2005.
O documento apresenta os resultados do 1T10 da Gafisa. A empresa obteve crescimento de 67% na receita l鱈quida e lucro l鱈quido ajustado de 40%. As vendas contratadas cresceram 53% e os lan巽amentos aumentaram 339%. A empresa segue com forte capacidade de execu巽達o para entregar o crescimento planejado.
Este documento apresenta os resultados financeiros da Gafisa no quarto trimestre e no ano de 2009. Destaca o forte crescimento da receita, melhoria da margem operacional e liquidez confort叩vel. A empresa teve lan巽amentos de R$1 bilh達o no trimestre e vendas contratadas de R$1,05 bilh達o. A d鱈vida l鱈quida aumentou 60% em rela巽達o ao ano anterior.
Bullying 辿 uma forma de viol棚ncia contra alunos que s達o diferentes, prejudicando seu desenvolvimento. Agressores de bullying n達o percebem que est達o cometendo um ato infantil e prejudicial. Devemos dizer n達o ao bullying para proteger os alunos e promover um ambiente escolar saud叩vel.
O documento descreve o sistema circulat坦rio humano, que 辿 respons叩vel pelo transporte de nutrientes, gases e horm担nios para as c辿lulas do corpo e remo巽達o de res鱈duos. Ele 辿 constitu鱈do pelo cora巽達o e vasos sangu鱈neos (art辿rias, veias e capilares) que transportam o sangue, permitindo a distribui巽達o de subst但ncias para os tecidos e comunica巽達o entre eles.
El documento presenta el Grupo de Investigaci坦n "TAGUATO LIBRE UACDE PY" de la Universidad Americana Sede Ciudad del Este. El objetivo del grupo es incentivar la investigaci坦n entre los estudiantes de ingenier鱈a inform叩tica e involucrar a estudiantes regulares y egresados. El grupo busca promover el desarrollo intelectual a trav辿s de seminarios y participar en comunidades de software libre para que los estudiantes expresen sus ideas.
1) O documento discute a import但ncia do marketing digital para o varejo de eletroeletr担nicos.
2) Ele explica como as empresas podem se tornar mais competitivas usando ferramentas como o marketing virtual, especialmente durante tempos de crise.
3) O documento tamb辿m fornece estat鱈sticas sobre o crescimento do com辿rcio eletr担nico no Brasil e como as empresas est達o investindo mais em publicidade digital.
1) A Gafisa reportou forte crescimento nos resultados do 2T08, com lan巽amentos 102% maiores e vendas 62% maiores em rela巽達o ao ano anterior.
2) A receita l鱈quida aumentou 63% no 2T08, enquanto o lucro l鱈quido cresceu 67% em rela巽達o ao ano anterior.
3) A Gafisa vem diversificando sua atua巽達o geograficamente e por produtos, com a Fit contribuindo para os resultados do segmento de baixa renda.
The document provides instructions for answering source-based questions in GCSE exams in 3 steps:
1. Comment on the question and source, noting initial reactions and understanding of the question.
2. Analyze the content and context of the source, including facts, details, type of source, origin, purpose, and how it relates to your own knowledge.
3. Make a judgement on how the source agrees or disagrees with the question and other sources, and conclude by weighing the evidence.
These websites provide resources for revising history topics for exams. offers study guides, revision materials and quizzes. offers revision guides, interactive activities and audio clips for key historical topics. provides audio recordings of historical events and speeches.
This 2-hour presentation compiles information from the 2010 ISBE ISAT writing presentation and gives teachers planning tools to develop persuasive writing.
The document provides guidance on evaluating the reliability and usefulness of historical sources for a paper 2 exam. Students are asked to assess the reliability of sources by considering their accuracy, potential biases based on the creator's identity, and consistency with other sources. To evaluate usefulness, students should consider whether the source provides relevant facts or opinions and how it can be applied, such as to show different perspectives. Comparing sources and checking them against their own knowledge is advised.
1) After WWI, the US became increasingly isolationist as the public did not want to be involved in overseas conflicts and feared the costs of future wars.
2) Key policies like rejecting the Treaty of Versailles, passing the Fordney-McCumber Tariff, and reducing immigration levels through quotas and literacy tests aimed to isolate the US economically and politically from other countries.
3) This isolationism ultimately hindered global cooperation and damaged world peace as the US refused to join the League of Nations.
The document summarizes the key events leading up to World War 2, including Hitler's rise to power in Germany and his aims of expanding German territory, abolishing the Treaty of Versailles, and destroying Communism. It then outlines Hitler's "steps to war" through remilitarization of Germany, annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland, and invasion of Poland, despite the policy of appeasement by Britain and France. War broke out in Europe in 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany after it invaded Poland.
El documento presenta un resumen del Renacimiento en Espa単a, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas principales como el deseo de conocimiento y enriquecimiento cultural, as鱈 como el esp鱈ritu aventurero. Tambi辿n describe los principales g辿neros literarios renacentistas en Espa単a como la poes鱈a l鱈rica, la m鱈stica y asc辿tica, el teatro y la novela picaresca y pastoril.
O objetivo deste estudo 辿 o de apresentar os resultados obtidos a partir do desenvolvimento de pr叩ticas pedag坦gicas em uma turma do Ensino Fundamental realizadas com o intuito de contribuir no processo de constru巽達o do conceito de tempo pela crian巽a.
Este documento cont辿m informa巽探es de identifica巽達o de uma empresa (Gafisa S/A), incluindo seu c坦digo CVM, CNPJ, endere巽os e contatos. Tamb辿m apresenta detalhes sobre sua composi巽達o acion叩ria, diretores e auditor, al辿m de balan巽os patrimoniais ativo e passivo referentes aos trimestres findos em 30 de junho e 30 de setembro de 2005.
O documento apresenta os resultados do 1T10 da Gafisa. A empresa obteve crescimento de 67% na receita l鱈quida e lucro l鱈quido ajustado de 40%. As vendas contratadas cresceram 53% e os lan巽amentos aumentaram 339%. A empresa segue com forte capacidade de execu巽達o para entregar o crescimento planejado.
Este documento apresenta os resultados financeiros da Gafisa no quarto trimestre e no ano de 2009. Destaca o forte crescimento da receita, melhoria da margem operacional e liquidez confort叩vel. A empresa teve lan巽amentos de R$1 bilh達o no trimestre e vendas contratadas de R$1,05 bilh達o. A d鱈vida l鱈quida aumentou 60% em rela巽達o ao ano anterior.
Bullying 辿 uma forma de viol棚ncia contra alunos que s達o diferentes, prejudicando seu desenvolvimento. Agressores de bullying n達o percebem que est達o cometendo um ato infantil e prejudicial. Devemos dizer n達o ao bullying para proteger os alunos e promover um ambiente escolar saud叩vel.
O documento descreve o sistema circulat坦rio humano, que 辿 respons叩vel pelo transporte de nutrientes, gases e horm担nios para as c辿lulas do corpo e remo巽達o de res鱈duos. Ele 辿 constitu鱈do pelo cora巽達o e vasos sangu鱈neos (art辿rias, veias e capilares) que transportam o sangue, permitindo a distribui巽達o de subst但ncias para os tecidos e comunica巽達o entre eles.
El documento presenta el Grupo de Investigaci坦n "TAGUATO LIBRE UACDE PY" de la Universidad Americana Sede Ciudad del Este. El objetivo del grupo es incentivar la investigaci坦n entre los estudiantes de ingenier鱈a inform叩tica e involucrar a estudiantes regulares y egresados. El grupo busca promover el desarrollo intelectual a trav辿s de seminarios y participar en comunidades de software libre para que los estudiantes expresen sus ideas.
1) O documento discute a import但ncia do marketing digital para o varejo de eletroeletr担nicos.
2) Ele explica como as empresas podem se tornar mais competitivas usando ferramentas como o marketing virtual, especialmente durante tempos de crise.
3) O documento tamb辿m fornece estat鱈sticas sobre o crescimento do com辿rcio eletr担nico no Brasil e como as empresas est達o investindo mais em publicidade digital.
1) A Gafisa reportou forte crescimento nos resultados do 2T08, com lan巽amentos 102% maiores e vendas 62% maiores em rela巽達o ao ano anterior.
2) A receita l鱈quida aumentou 63% no 2T08, enquanto o lucro l鱈quido cresceu 67% em rela巽達o ao ano anterior.
3) A Gafisa vem diversificando sua atua巽達o geograficamente e por produtos, com a Fit contribuindo para os resultados do segmento de baixa renda.
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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4. Revisione programmazioni III
Disciplina progetto Assegnazion scadenza
e incarico
Matematica Raccolta informazioni sulle Riunione di
problematiche emerse ed Dipartimento
Elaborazione proposta per di aprile
una scansione temporale
Fisica Individuazione Paola Riunione dip
modulo/argomenti aprile
da posticipare in caso di +
bisogno Fine anno
Informatica revisione Marina Riunione dip
Scienze revisione Angela-Edi Fine anno
5. Programmazioni IV
Disciplina stato Scadenza
Matematica bozza Condivisione dip di aprile
Stesura definitiva sett
Fisica bozza
Informatica bozza
Scienze bozza
6. Monitoraggio scostamento
Fase preparatoria:
Predisposizione di un modulo per il monitoraggio
Anonimo-per materia-per anno (I;II;III)
Monitoraggio (argomenti/attivit laboratoriali)
a partire dai programmi consegnati dai singoli
docenti e pubblicati sul sito
7. Monitoraggio scostamento programmazioni/programmi
Disciplina Incarico Assegnazione incarico
Matematica Adattamento modulo alla Olga (I-II)
disciplina/classe Gabriella(III+format
Monitoraggio a partire dai programmi modulo )
consegnati dai singoli docenti
Fisica Adattamento modulo alla Paola
disciplina/classe (III +II fino alla sez F)
Monitoraggio a partire dai programmi Monica
consegnati dai singoli docenti (I+II rimanenti)
Scienze Angela
Informatica Marina
Disegno Roberto
8. Test dingresso classi III
creazione/ revisione per coerenza
Disciplina Stato Assegnazione Proposta operativa
Matematica pronto Olga /controllare che siano
Fisica pronto Paola quesiti
Per ciascun
Informatica pronto Marina
modulo previsto
Scienze Da Angela-EDi dipartimentale di
Disegno Roberto
10. Proposta di Integrazione programmazioni
sulla base degli esiti delle prove
Aree dintervento distituto
11. Programmazioni
classi V
Attivit laboratoriali
coerenti con il PECUP distituto
12. Per la.s. 2013-14
Disciplina Incarico Assegnazione
Risultati dei test incarico
Aree dintervento
13. Valutazione dei progetti
I referenti di progetto potranno fornire un
elenco di indicatori
Predisposizione 2 schede
Valutazione docente
Valutazione studente