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How does your media product represent different social groups?<br />2867025285750-238125285750<br />The original 2009 film The Box.Our opening title sequence<br />The costumes worn in both shots represent the usual mother figure as they are coming to collect the daily post in their dressing gown, as would any other mum. Therefore, they do not necessarily give away what social group they conform to. Although by considering the house used in our opening title sequence, the woman looks like she comes from the middle class social group because it is relatively big and she seems well educated.  The setting of the houses below also shows that the woman in our title sequence is from a middle class background because there are three cars in the driveway.<br />The house used in Scream 1 Our opening title sequence -5334004686303324225373380 <br />

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Diff social groups

  • 1. How does your media product represent different social groups?<br />2867025285750-238125285750<br />The original 2009 film The Box.Our opening title sequence<br />The costumes worn in both shots represent the usual mother figure as they are coming to collect the daily post in their dressing gown, as would any other mum. Therefore, they do not necessarily give away what social group they conform to. Although by considering the house used in our opening title sequence, the woman looks like she comes from the middle class social group because it is relatively big and she seems well educated. The setting of the houses below also shows that the woman in our title sequence is from a middle class background because there are three cars in the driveway.<br />The house used in Scream 1 Our opening title sequence -5334004686303324225373380 <br />