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Digipak Research
What is a digipak?
 A digipak contains the bands CD/album of their tracks and also often
  contains a DVD with extra special features
 Digipaks are created by an artist or record label as a way of creating extra
 They provide fans with a tangible artefact that they would value, as
  apposed to simply downloading their tracks
 It also acts as a USP through its use of original artwork and tracks for
 It often allows fans to have an intimate, backstage view of the band with
  exclusive interviews and pictures
 They may also include memorabilia such as t-shirts and posters
 They can also be used to create traffic to the bands website through
  offering online vouchers and codes
Some examples...

   Here are some different examples of some digipaks
   which have been created by various artists. As you
    can see they can vary in size and content. A fuller
     digipak with memorabilia more CDs/DVDs will
          however have a more premium price.
My digipak...
For my digipak I have chosen to create an 8 panel package with 2 CD trays.
   One for the album and one for the DVD. I have also chosen to include a
   diagonal insert pocket.
My insert will be a simple 8 panel design.

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Digipak research

  • 2. What is a digipak? A digipak contains the bands CD/album of their tracks and also often contains a DVD with extra special features Digipaks are created by an artist or record label as a way of creating extra revenue They provide fans with a tangible artefact that they would value, as apposed to simply downloading their tracks It also acts as a USP through its use of original artwork and tracks for example It often allows fans to have an intimate, backstage view of the band with exclusive interviews and pictures They may also include memorabilia such as t-shirts and posters They can also be used to create traffic to the bands website through offering online vouchers and codes
  • 3. Some examples... Here are some different examples of some digipaks which have been created by various artists. As you can see they can vary in size and content. A fuller digipak with memorabilia more CDs/DVDs will however have a more premium price.
  • 4. My digipak... For my digipak I have chosen to create an 8 panel package with 2 CD trays. One for the album and one for the DVD. I have also chosen to include a diagonal insert pocket. My insert will be a simple 8 panel design.