Pertenece SesióN 1juan davidEste trabajo pertenece a la sesión 1,que es la parte de la motivación para lograr un mayor aprendizaje en los(as) estudiantes
Brand Strategy Pres For SpashekharbadveThis document discusses the importance of branding for spas and salons to differentiate themselves from competitors. It outlines that customers buy a brand based on the experiences, feelings and trust associated with it. It then provides a 5 step process for defining a brand identity including defining core values, competitors, brand strategy, and marketing approach. Specific branding tactics are recommended like developing a name, logo, slogan, signage, website and various advertising and promotion methods to build awareness and loyalty for the brand. The overall message is that having a strong, consistently communicated brand is as important as the services themselves for business success.
Massage therapyAndres Perez ZuñigaMassage therapy has been practiced for millennia and involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body through techniques like effleurage, petrissage, and friction. It can provide physiological benefits like relaxation, reduced pain, and increased blood flow. The history of massage therapy is traced back to ancient civilizations but modern techniques were developed in the 19th century primarily in Europe and Sweden.
Handbook on Spa and MassageBenjamin Eugenio JrThis document provides an introduction and overview of spas, massage, and related regulations in the Philippines. It is a handbook intended for spa/salon operators, clients, and massage enthusiasts. The document defines different types of spas and discusses common types of massage practiced in the Philippines. It also outlines key government regulations from agencies like the Department of Health and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority that oversee the spa and massage industry.
Massage therapySriloy MohantyThis document provides information about massage therapy. It defines massage as the systematic rubbing and manipulation of the body for therapeutic benefits. The document then discusses the history of massage dating back 3000 years in Chinese and Indian practices. It also outlines the main types of massage including Swedish massage and Kellogg massage. Finally, it describes the physiological effects of massage on the nervous, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems.
Top 10 massage techniquesMandie MorrisThe document lists the top 10 massage techniques. They are: 1) Swedish massage, 2) Deep tissue massage, 3) Sports massage, 4) Indian head massage, 5) Reflexology, 6) Hot stone massage, 7) Shiatsu massage, 8) Neuromuscular massage, 9) Pregnancy massage, and 10) Aromatherapy massage. Each technique is described in one to three sentences explaining its movements and therapeutic benefits such as relaxing muscles, improving circulation, and reducing stress and tension.
Types of massagesfisioterapia_This document provides information on various types of massages, including their techniques, benefits, and contraindications. It discusses Eastern techniques like anma, ayurvedic, and shiatsu massages as well as Western techniques like lymphatic drainage, classical, quick, and reflexology massages. Each type of massage has different techniques involving pressure, manipulation, and stretching to relax muscles, improve circulation, remove toxins, and promote overall health and wellness. Contraindications include illnesses, infections, cancer, and recent surgeries.
Защо Digital Signage решенията са мощен инструмент за повече продажби в обект...Дигитална агенция SEOMAXЗащо Digital Signage решенията са мощен инструмент за повече продажби в обектите на хотела? от Виктор Тодоров (Clientric)
Лекцията е представена на конференция за хотели и ресторанти HoРеCa в Пловдив.
Част от
Oрганизатор: Internet Media Group Ltd., Дигитална агенция SEOMAX ( и Dream Agency
A successful contemporary marketing strategy for hotels in 3 stepsKatya TodorovaKatya Todorova, Marketing manger of Clientric, present on HOTCON in front of people from the Travel industry
Как технологиите променят начина, по който пазаруваме: общ поглед на тенденци...NetpeakНа 28 септември Геннадий Воробьов изнесе лекция за тенденциите в онлайн търговията по време на E-commerce 4.0. форум, организиран от списанието Enterprise. Той разказа за новите технологии и тенденции в онлайн търговията, които ни очакват в близкото бъдеще.
Iab digital run call for cаse studiesIAB BulgariaПредставяме ви възможността да се включите в White Paper - Digital Marketing Case Studies 2016. Можете да видите инициативата, както кратко представяне на подадените до момента Case Studies. Участвайте до 15.04
Иво Тодоров. "Sport Depot: как дигитализираме търговията"DariaShalahinova1. Дигитализацията на бизнеса, като процес при Sport Depot. Ключови milestones.
2. Omnichannel: взаимодействие между онлайн и офлайн, търсене на баланс, взаимно засилване, избягване на канибализма между двете среди.
MAGENTO за онлайн магазин, един добър избор!NIT- New Internet Technologies PLCНИТ ЕООД, предлагаме изработване на онлайн магазини, изградени със системата Магенто (Magento).
Магенто (Magento) е един от най-популярните и използвани продукти в сферата на електронната търговия. Магенто (Magento) се предлага в три версии: Enterprise Edition, Magento Go и Open Source. Повече за техните характеристики, можете да прочете в следващите редове.
Enterprise Edition
Тази версия на Магенто (Magento) е платена, като не можем да отречем факта, че цената й е напълно оправдана. Софтуерът може да се използва както на десктоп, така и на мобилни устройства. Предпочитан е за употреба от големи и бързо развиващи се компании, които могат да разчитат на квалифицирана поддръжка за своите онлайн магазини.
Magento Go
Magento Go е облачна услуга, хоствана от компанията-създател на продукта. Това, разбира се, значително улеснява нейните потребители – те не трябва да се ангажират с процесите по инсталиране, конфигуриране и поддръжка на софтуера. Тази версия на системата за онлайн магазини, обаче, притежава най-малко възможности за персонализация. Magento Go е подходящ за малки бизнеси, без предишен опит в електронната търговията – притежава достатъчно функционалности и се предлага на достъпна цена.
Open Source (Community Edition)
Това е софтуер с отворен код и може да бъде свален безплатно от официалния сайт на фирмата-производител. Неговите функционалности са по-малко, но напълно достатъчно за целите на повечето онлайн търговци. И тази версия на Магенто (Magento) притежава гъвкав дизайн; възможности за контрол върху изгледа, съдържанието и опциите; интуитивен интерфейс, маркетингови инструменти; оптимизация за търсещи машини; инструменти за управление на с
ArtWaves 2024 - embracing Curves in Modern HomesVellyslav PetrovAre you looking for a way to transform your living space into a stunning, multi-sensory oasis that is natural, sustainable, and rejuvenating?
Do you want to experience the benefits of #biophilic and #biomimetic #design, which connect you to nature and enhance your #wellbeing? Do you love the elegance, dynamism, and movement of curved elements in #architecture and #furniture?
Welcome to our studio #ArtWaves, where we design and create custom art panels that redefine modern spaces.
ArtWaves combines art, technology, and nature to deliver truly one-of-a-kind living spaces that are tailored to your unique vision and style.
ArtWaves offers a range of products and services, such as:
- Curved glass facades with energy-harvesting PV features and automated climate and privacy controls
- Curved furniture made of glass, wood, and stone with flowing parametric shapes and perfect art-form functionality
- Nature-inspired surfaces with integrated sensors, LED mood lighting, and Hi-Fi Dolby Atmos audio
- Sensory sculptures that provide natural aromas, sounds, and textures
- SPA rooms with water features, plant features, and responsive circadian lighting
ArtWaves has over 30 years of experience in pioneering art panels, using proprietary generative design and production, award-winning smart home integrations, and eco-conscious construction.
ArtWaves is trusted by top architects globally and partnered with top tech providers.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reimagine your space with ArtWaves designs.
Contact them today to schedule a consultation and they will create and deploy your dreamscape.
artwaves - embracing curves in modern homesVellyslav PetrovArtWaves: Embracing Curves in Modern Homes
Are you looking for a way to transform your living space into a stunning, multi-sensory oasis that is natural, sustainable, and rejuvenating?
Do you want to experience the benefits of biophilic and biomimetic design, which connect you to nature and enhance your wellbeing? Do you love the elegance, dynamism, and movement of curved elements in architecture and furniture?
Welcome to our studio ArtWaves, where we design and create custom art panels that redefine modern spaces.
ArtWaves combines art, technology, and nature to deliver truly one-of-a-kind living spaces that are tailored to your unique vision and style.
ArtWaves offers a range of products and services, such as:
- Curved glass facades with energy-harvesting PV features and automated climate and privacy controls
- Curved furniture made of glass, wood, and stone with flowing parametric shapes and perfect art-form functionality
- Nature-inspired surfaces with integrated sensors, LED mood lighting, and Hi-Fi Dolby Atmos audio
- Sensory sculptures that provide natural aromas, sounds, and textures
- SPA rooms with water features, plant features, and responsive circadian lighting
ArtWaves has over 30 years of experience in pioneering art panels, using proprietary generative design and production, award-winning smart home integrations, and eco-conscious construction.
ArtWaves is trusted by top architects globally and partnered with top tech providers.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reimagine your space with ArtWaves designs.
Contact them today to schedule a consultation and they will create and deploy your dreamscape.
Защо Digital Signage решенията са мощен инструмент за повече продажби в обект...Дигитална агенция SEOMAXЗащо Digital Signage решенията са мощен инструмент за повече продажби в обектите на хотела? от Виктор Тодоров (Clientric)
Лекцията е представена на конференция за хотели и ресторанти HoРеCa в Пловдив.
Част от
Oрганизатор: Internet Media Group Ltd., Дигитална агенция SEOMAX ( и Dream Agency
A successful contemporary marketing strategy for hotels in 3 stepsKatya TodorovaKatya Todorova, Marketing manger of Clientric, present on HOTCON in front of people from the Travel industry
Как технологиите променят начина, по който пазаруваме: общ поглед на тенденци...NetpeakНа 28 септември Геннадий Воробьов изнесе лекция за тенденциите в онлайн търговията по време на E-commerce 4.0. форум, организиран от списанието Enterprise. Той разказа за новите технологии и тенденции в онлайн търговията, които ни очакват в близкото бъдеще.
Iab digital run call for cаse studiesIAB BulgariaПредставяме ви възможността да се включите в White Paper - Digital Marketing Case Studies 2016. Можете да видите инициативата, както кратко представяне на подадените до момента Case Studies. Участвайте до 15.04
Иво Тодоров. "Sport Depot: как дигитализираме търговията"DariaShalahinova1. Дигитализацията на бизнеса, като процес при Sport Depot. Ключови milestones.
2. Omnichannel: взаимодействие между онлайн и офлайн, търсене на баланс, взаимно засилване, избягване на канибализма между двете среди.
MAGENTO за онлайн магазин, един добър избор!NIT- New Internet Technologies PLCНИТ ЕООД, предлагаме изработване на онлайн магазини, изградени със системата Магенто (Magento).
Магенто (Magento) е един от най-популярните и използвани продукти в сферата на електронната търговия. Магенто (Magento) се предлага в три версии: Enterprise Edition, Magento Go и Open Source. Повече за техните характеристики, можете да прочете в следващите редове.
Enterprise Edition
Тази версия на Магенто (Magento) е платена, като не можем да отречем факта, че цената й е напълно оправдана. Софтуерът може да се използва както на десктоп, така и на мобилни устройства. Предпочитан е за употреба от големи и бързо развиващи се компании, които могат да разчитат на квалифицирана поддръжка за своите онлайн магазини.
Magento Go
Magento Go е облачна услуга, хоствана от компанията-създател на продукта. Това, разбира се, значително улеснява нейните потребители – те не трябва да се ангажират с процесите по инсталиране, конфигуриране и поддръжка на софтуера. Тази версия на системата за онлайн магазини, обаче, притежава най-малко възможности за персонализация. Magento Go е подходящ за малки бизнеси, без предишен опит в електронната търговията – притежава достатъчно функционалности и се предлага на достъпна цена.
Open Source (Community Edition)
Това е софтуер с отворен код и може да бъде свален безплатно от официалния сайт на фирмата-производител. Неговите функционалности са по-малко, но напълно достатъчно за целите на повечето онлайн търговци. И тази версия на Магенто (Magento) притежава гъвкав дизайн; възможности за контрол върху изгледа, съдържанието и опциите; интуитивен интерфейс, маркетингови инструменти; оптимизация за търсещи машини; инструменти за управление на с
ArtWaves 2024 - embracing Curves in Modern HomesVellyslav PetrovAre you looking for a way to transform your living space into a stunning, multi-sensory oasis that is natural, sustainable, and rejuvenating?
Do you want to experience the benefits of #biophilic and #biomimetic #design, which connect you to nature and enhance your #wellbeing? Do you love the elegance, dynamism, and movement of curved elements in #architecture and #furniture?
Welcome to our studio #ArtWaves, where we design and create custom art panels that redefine modern spaces.
ArtWaves combines art, technology, and nature to deliver truly one-of-a-kind living spaces that are tailored to your unique vision and style.
ArtWaves offers a range of products and services, such as:
- Curved glass facades with energy-harvesting PV features and automated climate and privacy controls
- Curved furniture made of glass, wood, and stone with flowing parametric shapes and perfect art-form functionality
- Nature-inspired surfaces with integrated sensors, LED mood lighting, and Hi-Fi Dolby Atmos audio
- Sensory sculptures that provide natural aromas, sounds, and textures
- SPA rooms with water features, plant features, and responsive circadian lighting
ArtWaves has over 30 years of experience in pioneering art panels, using proprietary generative design and production, award-winning smart home integrations, and eco-conscious construction.
ArtWaves is trusted by top architects globally and partnered with top tech providers.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reimagine your space with ArtWaves designs.
Contact them today to schedule a consultation and they will create and deploy your dreamscape.
artwaves - embracing curves in modern homesVellyslav PetrovArtWaves: Embracing Curves in Modern Homes
Are you looking for a way to transform your living space into a stunning, multi-sensory oasis that is natural, sustainable, and rejuvenating?
Do you want to experience the benefits of biophilic and biomimetic design, which connect you to nature and enhance your wellbeing? Do you love the elegance, dynamism, and movement of curved elements in architecture and furniture?
Welcome to our studio ArtWaves, where we design and create custom art panels that redefine modern spaces.
ArtWaves combines art, technology, and nature to deliver truly one-of-a-kind living spaces that are tailored to your unique vision and style.
ArtWaves offers a range of products and services, such as:
- Curved glass facades with energy-harvesting PV features and automated climate and privacy controls
- Curved furniture made of glass, wood, and stone with flowing parametric shapes and perfect art-form functionality
- Nature-inspired surfaces with integrated sensors, LED mood lighting, and Hi-Fi Dolby Atmos audio
- Sensory sculptures that provide natural aromas, sounds, and textures
- SPA rooms with water features, plant features, and responsive circadian lighting
ArtWaves has over 30 years of experience in pioneering art panels, using proprietary generative design and production, award-winning smart home integrations, and eco-conscious construction.
ArtWaves is trusted by top architects globally and partnered with top tech providers.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reimagine your space with ArtWaves designs.
Contact them today to schedule a consultation and they will create and deploy your dreamscape.
Delivering Happiness | DAEGAZ brands hub 2023Vellyslav PetrovThe document is from a company called Break Through LLC that provides digital transformation, design, and production services. It discusses concepts like day-gahz (day, dawn, awakening), psi (paradoxical truth, enlightenment), and attaining mystical moments through penetration of secrets or non-duality. It also describes services provided around custom-designed solar panels, touchscreens, smart home products, and digital signage and experiences for venues. The company aims to help brands go online and grow globally through digital transformation.
BreakThrough brands hub @ InterSolar Europe and SolarEnergyExpo 2022Vellyslav PetrovPresenting the BreakThrough group brands hub at InterSolar 2022 and SolarEnegryExpo 2022:
Brand Touch
4K QLED 10-touch outdoor digital signage totems iPoint 75Vellyslav PetrovThe first 5G digital signage Sofia MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) with 4K QLED 10-touch digital signage totems iPoint 75 was deployed for Outdoor Network by Brand Touch in front of the main city subway stations with integrated audience analytics and ads optimization systems.
5D 5G 8K Iconic Instore experience @ TELENOR EXPO ZONEVellyslav PetrovThis document describes BrandTouch's digital signage and in-store experience solutions. It highlights features like bespoke design, 5D in-store experiences, Alvin Toffler's quote about change, 10 year global warranties, premium digital branding experiences, 8K curved OLED touch panels, scent and fog displays, bezel-free edge-to-edge displays, transparent and curved touch mirror panels, cafe tables, meeting room displays, network infrastructure, audience analytics, and custom solutions to amaze customers. Contact information is provided at the end.
Digital Signage @ DS STORE SOFIAVellyslav PetrovThe exclusive premium brand DS Automobiles opens its first store in Bulgaria, with digital signage system and VR booth, installed by Brand Touch.
5G touch digital signage solutions by Brand TouchVellyslav PetrovDelivering adaptive digital signage innovation on 5 continents since 2010 - custom-designed digital totems, touch surfaces, interactive stands, DJ stands
Brand Touch - Value InnovationVellyslav PetrovWe've caught the winds of value innovation to a new market with no competition, sharing all benefits and competitive advantages with our partners and customers worldwide.
Digital signage - welcome to your mallVellyslav PetrovDigital totems and interactive kiosks for the shopping malls - positioned at high-traffic locations in the largest malls, the exciting design and brilliant vision of Brand Touch units attract and provide great experience for thousands of visitors by the most cost-effective and efficient way.
Bienvenido a tu centro comercialVellyslav PetrovEl documento habla sobre la efectividad de la comunicación digital y la señalización digital interactiva en comparación con métodos más tradicionales como carteles impresos. Específicamente, destaca que la señalización digital adaptable puede proporcionar grandes resultados a través de contenido personalizado en tiempo real que es más eficiente y accesible. También menciona que la audiencia es el factor clave y que la experiencia del cliente mejora a través de la relevancia y la satisfacción.
Digital Retail MallVellyslav PetrovThis document discusses how malls can use digital signage and engagement to increase visitor dwell time and sales. It notes that mall investors need to diversify communication channels and digitalize offerings to engage customers. Various digital signage solutions are presented, including interactive kiosks, tables, totems and displays that can dynamically deliver tailored content, directions, promotions and more to attract and inform visitors. The goal is to amaze, inform and entertain customers through digital experiences so they remember brands and make purchases.
Digital Signage 2.0 - interactive kiosks and digital signage totems by BrandT...Vellyslav PetrovInteractive digital signage totems and self-service touch kiosks are in the top3 advertising trends of 2011. See you at Kiosk and Digital Signage Expo Europe 2011.
Multi-touch Digital Signage Vellyslav PetrovMulti-touch digital signage kiosk for interactive advertising and self-service. Touch the future of digital branding today.
BrandBuild - all the way to the top in 6 monthsVellyslav PetrovBrand-Building is a process that can be engineered, managed, measured and innovated. Millions of branding dollars are directed to an entirely wrong audience. Reward people’s search efforts and put your marketing dollars where they belong. Have you measured your organic growth lately?
Himalayan Spring - Nepal & Everest region trekkingVellyslav PetrovA story about the highest, poorest and most beautiful land of our Planet. A journey in colors, images, video and original music, which I brought from my last month's visit to Nepal and the Himalayas. Once upon a time on the long way to the top of the world.
We are going again, ten years later, welcome to our
22 days NEPAL, BHUTAN and TIBET motorbike riding tour 2019, hosted by BrandMover Inc.
CAVIAR | the tide is turningVellyslav PetrovThis document discusses the history and future of caviar production. It notes that caviar was consumed as early as 2400 BC in Egypt but that overfishing led to a 30 year decline in supply from the Caspian Sea. It states that aquaculture is now the main source of caviar and discusses sustainability issues as the world's population puts increasing pressure on natural resources. The document suggests that a premium sustainable caviar brand launched in October 2008 may help improve the situation and meet future demand for caviar in a responsible way.
BRAND 2008: when CRM meets WEB 2.0 & SEO 2.0 (April 2008 edition)Vellyslav PetrovVellyslav Petrov is the CEO of DECART Consulting, a company focused on designing powerful websites, SEO, and integrated CMS and CRM systems to help businesses. The document discusses CRM (customer relationship management) and how technologies like social networks, blogging, tagging, and networking can help improve human interactions and relationships for businesses in 2008. It also references a quote about how CRM is a philosophy, strategy, and technology to enhance business interactions.
2. 2011: 900 мола се строят в Източна Европа
България: 170 милиона посетители годишно
3. 2011: Дигиталният канал стана #1
За пръв път в историята
дигиталната реклама
надмина печатната по
обем разходи 2011, US
4. 76% от посетителите 69% от клиентите
продуктите, които търсят на място в самия мол
24 12%
5. КАЖИ ми и ще
ПОКАЖИ ми и може
СПЕЧЕЛИ ме и ще
Дистанционно управлявана мрежа от дисплеи за
реклама, навигация, информация и самообслужване.
Съдържанието (реклами, клипове, новини, приложения)
се предава от сървър до всеки екран, който го излъчва с
динамични промени според графика, и типа аудитория.
банки молове хотели
АНАЛИЗ на клиенти и предлагане на модерни УСЛУГИ
Увеличени ПРОДАЖБИ и намалени РАЗХОДИ
Бързи и измерими ПОЛЗИ от ИНВЕСТИЦИЯТА
Дизайн, производство и управление на дигитални
тотеми, разработване на дигитално съдържание и
апликации, инсталация на мрежи за реклама и обслужване
в молове, банки, корпоративни сгради, хотели и
12 години опит в областта на системи за интерактивно
съдържание, десетки проекти в страната и чужбина.
Parking slots POS
Outdoor displays
Media Management
Monitoring /Statistics Server
Interactive totems
and kiosks
Динамично съдържание според
график, локация и тип потребител.
Продукти и Промоции
3D асистенти и Карти
Internet и Апликации
Споделяне снимки, видео
Статистика и Анкети
Услуги и Резервации…
12. Way-finder
Mall investors need to
Increase dwell time and revenues
Diversify and streamline communication channels
DIGITALIZE the offer for efficient POS marketing
21. Digital Зелено
Digital Signage e икономически най-ефективната
медия, включително печатната. Всички ресурси и доставки са
дигитални, основните разходи за генериране на съдържание .
До 85% по-ниски разходи!
Защо да работите с 5 доставчика, работете с един
Дизайн и Производство
Екрани и Сензори
Плеъри и HW модули
Софтуер и Съдържание
Управление и Поддръжка
23. DIGITAL експерти
Цели и
Уникално Дизайн и
Преживяване Производство
Анализ на Съдържание
Аудитория и Поддръжка