IAB FORUM 2015 Principles of mobile site design: delight users and drive con...IAB Bulgaria
Inspiration and Insight for Digital Leaders
IAB FORUM 2015 Principles of mobile site design: delight users and drive conversions Lina Lau, Strategic Partner Manager/ SEEMEA Mobile apps Verticalized Solutions and Success Stories Lead (Paris), Google
The document discusses the future of the Bulgarian interactive market and calls on participants to work together to promote, educate, protect, and collaborate using tools and events over the next 4 years to achieve 20% growth and a 15% market share worth 400 million euros, making the future one everyone has something to win rather than lose.
Iab europe mediascope bg launch presentation final public aug 2012IAB Bulgaria
This document summarizes findings from the Mediascope Europe 2012 study conducted in 28 European markets. The study found that internet usage in Bulgaria is growing, with 48% of Bulgarians aged 16+ using the internet. Bulgarian internet users spend an average of 16 hours online per week. The internet is increasingly used to access other media like TV, radio, and newspapers. 38% of Bulgarians go online while watching TV. The internet also helps Bulgarians keep in touch with others and manage their lifestyles.
IAB FORUM 2015 Flipps: Make TV magical - what we learned 10 milion downloads...IAB Bulgaria
Inspiration and Insight for Digital Leaders
IAB FORUM 2015 Flipps: Make TV magical - what we learned 10 milion downloads later, 亳舒亠仍舒 仂从仂于舒, 舒从亠亳仆亞 仂亟从亳, Flipps
IAB FORUM 2015 A success story showcase by Nikola Ivanov, Digital Project Ma...IAB Bulgaria
L'Oreal Bulgaria wants to reach consumers who search for beauty products on mobile devices, as 26% of all beauty queries in Bulgaria are done on mobile. To do so, the company should focus on responsive design for their website to optimize the mobile experience, as well as creating video content that is well-suited for mobile viewing.
IAB FORUM 2015 RTB made simple - in theory and practice, Etarget Bulgaria, 丱...IAB Bulgaria
The document discusses real-time bidding (RTB) and how it is being widely adopted by advertisers and publishers. It notes that 85% of advertisers and 72% of publishers are using RTB approaches. The document also mentions different types of audience targeting and retargeting options available through RTB as well as examples of campaign pricing. It encourages the reader to learn more about how RTB can help reach audiences.
Inspiration and Insight for Digital Leaders
IAB FORUM 2015 亠从亳于仆仂仂 亳亰仄亠于舒仆亠 仆舒 从仂仄仆亳从舒亳亳亠 于 仂亳舒仍仆亳亠 仄亠亟亳亳 (亠仆亟亠仆亳亳 亳 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳), 舒亶仆舒 亟仂于舒-亟亠 舒仆亞亠, Service Line Manager, Media Monitoring & Analysis, A DATA PRO
IAB FORUM 2015 Principles of mobile site design: delight users and drive con...IAB Bulgaria
Inspiration and Insight for Digital Leaders
IAB FORUM 2015 Principles of mobile site design: delight users and drive conversions Lina Lau, Strategic Partner Manager/ SEEMEA Mobile apps Verticalized Solutions and Success Stories Lead (Paris), Google
The document discusses the future of the Bulgarian interactive market and calls on participants to work together to promote, educate, protect, and collaborate using tools and events over the next 4 years to achieve 20% growth and a 15% market share worth 400 million euros, making the future one everyone has something to win rather than lose.
Iab europe mediascope bg launch presentation final public aug 2012IAB Bulgaria
This document summarizes findings from the Mediascope Europe 2012 study conducted in 28 European markets. The study found that internet usage in Bulgaria is growing, with 48% of Bulgarians aged 16+ using the internet. Bulgarian internet users spend an average of 16 hours online per week. The internet is increasingly used to access other media like TV, radio, and newspapers. 38% of Bulgarians go online while watching TV. The internet also helps Bulgarians keep in touch with others and manage their lifestyles.
IAB FORUM 2015 Flipps: Make TV magical - what we learned 10 milion downloads...IAB Bulgaria
Inspiration and Insight for Digital Leaders
IAB FORUM 2015 Flipps: Make TV magical - what we learned 10 milion downloads later, 亳舒亠仍舒 仂从仂于舒, 舒从亠亳仆亞 仂亟从亳, Flipps
IAB FORUM 2015 A success story showcase by Nikola Ivanov, Digital Project Ma...IAB Bulgaria
L'Oreal Bulgaria wants to reach consumers who search for beauty products on mobile devices, as 26% of all beauty queries in Bulgaria are done on mobile. To do so, the company should focus on responsive design for their website to optimize the mobile experience, as well as creating video content that is well-suited for mobile viewing.
IAB FORUM 2015 RTB made simple - in theory and practice, Etarget Bulgaria, 丱...IAB Bulgaria
The document discusses real-time bidding (RTB) and how it is being widely adopted by advertisers and publishers. It notes that 85% of advertisers and 72% of publishers are using RTB approaches. The document also mentions different types of audience targeting and retargeting options available through RTB as well as examples of campaign pricing. It encourages the reader to learn more about how RTB can help reach audiences.
Inspiration and Insight for Digital Leaders
IAB FORUM 2015 亠从亳于仆仂仂 亳亰仄亠于舒仆亠 仆舒 从仂仄仆亳从舒亳亳亠 于 仂亳舒仍仆亳亠 仄亠亟亳亳 (亠仆亟亠仆亳亳 亳 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳), 舒亶仆舒 亟仂于舒-亟亠 舒仆亞亠, Service Line Manager, Media Monitoring & Analysis, A DATA PRO
Technology environment, programmatic strategies where we are and where are ...IAB Bulgaria
Technology environment, programmatic strategies where we are and where are we heading? Best worlwide practices and how to apply them in Bulgarian market, Tomasz Musial, General Manager CEE Region and Nikodem Sarna, Business Development Manager-Demand CEE , SmartAdServer
Data Privacy Program a customized solution for the new EU General Regulatio...IAB Bulgaria
Data Privacy Program a customized solution for the new EU General Regulation on Data Protection, Maria Maxim, Senior Manager Fraud Investigation & Dispute Service, Ernst&Young
Digital trends and habits of the people 2016IAB Bulgaria
Marketing is becoming a technical discipline driven by data and automation. As people's habits change constantly across multiple channels, the focus is shifting from traditional advertising to personalized messaging delivered at the right time and place. Programmatic media buying using data and technology allows targeting the right message to the right person in a scalable way.
The future of shopping is happening now! Digital PaymentsIAB Bulgaria
This document discusses the future of digital payments and shopping trends. It notes that digital payments are becoming integrated across both in-store and online shopping channels. It also summarizes that MasterPass aims to simplify the checkout process for consumers through speed, security, and simplicity. Biometric authentication is highlighted as a new method being tested to verify customer identity for digital payments.