「D-BUSINESS JAPAN VOL1」でのCI&T上田講演資料です。ホワイトハウス、J&J、ファイザー、GE、ベライゾン、テスラ、ツイッターなど、欧米では企業向けCMSのデファクトスタンダードになりつつあるDrupalが、日本においても広まり始めています。この講演資料はDrupalのことをまだよく知らないマーケティング部門やIT部門担当者へ向けて、Drupalとはそもそも何ができるのか?何が良いのか?また、各企業でどのように活用されているのかなど、現在のDrupalの全体像をまとめたものです。
D-BUSINESS JAPAN VOL1 は「DRUPALとAWSで構築する次世代のクラウドCMS?ECセミナー」と題して、2015年7月17日にアマゾン目黒オフィスで開催されています。 http://d-businessjapan.ciandt.asia/
What Your Employees Don't Know About Healthcare [Infographic]BambooHR
What do your employees know about ACA guidelines and healthcare and benefits in general? This infographic shares the knowledge gaps that employees have when it comes to their healthcare plans.
This document summarizes recent advances in implant dentistry. It discusses advances in diagnostic imaging techniques like cone beam CT that provide high quality images with lower radiation. It also discusses advances in implant materials, coatings, and surface modifications like hydroxyapatite that promote faster osseointegration. Surgical techniques have advanced as well, with concepts like all-on-4 that allow for full arch reconstruction in one day. Overall the document outlines the major technological developments that have improved outcomes for dental implant patients.
Summary: At The Economist’s War on Cancer 2015 event on 20 October 2015 (http://www.economist.com/events-conferences/emea/war-cancer-london), EY’s Silvia Ondategui-Parra joined the panel discussion “The patient/payer debate—balancing clinical need and affordability.” The panel explored the ongoing tension between the soaring cost of cancer drugs and governments’ ability to fund them and raised the question, do we need an entirely new pricing model? This EY infographic was developed to highlight some of the key trends driving the debate.
The document discusses Johnson & Johnson's corporate social responsibility initiatives. It provides details on J&J's CSR programs like Healthy Future 2010 and 2015, which aim to improve global health, empower employees and communities, and protect the environment. It also explains J&J's perspective that CSR creates value by considering stakeholders' expectations and society's economic, legal, ethical and discretionary concerns.