El documento analiza el mito de Frankenstein y su relevancia para cuestionar concepciones de la educaci坦n como un proyecto de dominio y control total del educando. El autor Philippe Meirieu parte del mito para postular que el pedagogo debe operar creando las condiciones para que el otro se eduque a s鱈 mismo, en lugar de pretender "fabricar" a alguien. Asimismo, ofrece proposiciones para educar sin pretender fabricar al otro.
This document summarizes different types of interviews, observations, and focus group discussions used in research methods. It discusses informational interviews, job interviews, exit interviews, observational science, and the benefits of focus groups. The key points are:
1) Interviews involve a conversation where an interviewer asks questions to obtain information from an interviewee. There are different types including employment, exit, and informational interviews.
2) Observation is the collection of data through senses or instruments and is a key part of the scientific method involving asking questions, making observations, forming hypotheses, and testing predictions.
3) Focus groups involve asking a group of people questions about their perceptions, opinions, and attitudes to gather insights.
The document discusses designing a microcontroller-driven alternator voltage regulator. It begins by explaining the simplicity of older relay-based regulators and why microcontrollers are now used. A microcontroller allows for features like extended battery life, improved gas mileage, lower emissions, and flexibility. It then discusses some of the challenges in designing such a regulator, like controlling a current-mode machine (the alternator) by monitoring its voltage output. It describes the sensing, filtering, responding and regulation processes involved. Key aspects are a fixed-frequency regulation approach for stability, temperature compensation, and limiting the slew rate of field duty cycle changes to further improve stability.
A c叩rie de mamadeira 辿 causada pela ingest達o constante de l鱈quidos a巽ucarados que ficam em contato prolongado com os dentes de leite. Isso permite o crescimento de bact辿rias que destroem o esmalte dental. Os pais devem escovar os dentes ap坦s as mamadas e substituir gradualmente a mamadeira por copos para prevenir esse problema. O diagn坦stico e tratamento precoces s達o importantes para evitar complica巽探es futuras.
Dise単o de situacion problema independenciaailicec5
Este documento presenta un plan de lecciones sobre las causas que llevaron a la independencia de M辿xico. Propone analizar c坦mo la invasi坦n napole坦nica de Espa単a en 1808 y el subsecuente caos pol鱈tico en la Nueva Espa単a desencadenaron movimientos independentistas. Los estudiantes investigar叩n las causas econ坦micas, pol鱈ticas y culturales de la independencia a trav辿s de fuentes hist坦ricas y elaborar叩n una l鱈nea de tiempo y un peri坦dico mural. La lecci坦n concluye evaluando si los estudiantes pueden identificar dichas causas
El documento describe los diferentes factores a considerar para seleccionar una cadena de transmisi坦n adecuada, incluyendo el tipo de uso, potencia del motor, velocidad de la cadena, n炭mero de dientes de los pi単ones, distancia entre ejes y coeficientes de servicio. Tambi辿n presenta un ejemplo completo de c坦mo seleccionar una cadena RS140 de 96 eslabones para transmitir 7.5 kW entre un eje de 66 mm a 50 rpm y uno de 94 mm.
Yoga has its roots in ancient Indian culture and philosophy as a combination of physical and spiritual exercises dating back over 5,000 years. The goal of yoga in Hinduism is moksha or liberation from suffering through achieving oneness with the absolute reality of the universe using meditation and yoga practices. Buddhism also connects key beliefs like meditation, healing from the mind, keeping the body healthy, and balance with the spiritual discipline of yoga. Modern yoga is taught through oral traditions from teachers and focuses on relaxation, exercise, breathing, diet, and meditation to improve oneself spiritually regardless of religion.
Este documento presenta un plan de lecci坦n sobre las causas que llevaron a la independencia de M辿xico. Explica que tras 300 a単os de dominio espa単ol, M辿xico inici坦 su lucha por la independencia en 1810 debido a varios factores econ坦micos, pol鱈ticos y sociales como la ocupaci坦n francesa de Espa単a y las reformas borb坦nicas. El plan propone que los estudiantes investiguen estas causas a trav辿s de diversas fuentes y actividades como elaborar una l鱈nea de tiempo y un peri坦dico mural.
The local government code of 1991 (chapter iii)Godwin Cariaga
This document discusses the Local Government Code of 1991 and its Chapter III. It was written by Delfin L. Cariaga, Jr. and covers the content and provisions within that chapter of the 1991 Local Government Code. The document ends with a thank you from the author.
This document discusses different types of cosmetic surgery procedures. It begins by defining cosmetic surgery and its purposes of improving aesthetics, confidence, and self-esteem. Some common cosmetic surgeries described include bariatric surgery to treat obesity, various breast augmentation and reduction procedures, and liposuction to remove body fat. The document also mentions facial procedures like facelifts and the use of botulinum toxin injections. It provides guidelines for appropriate ages for different surgeries and lists common cosmetic procedures available in Puerto Rico such as rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty, and injectable fillers.
Lecture wd teachers on guidance & counselingGodwin Cariaga
The document provides an overview of guidance and counseling in an educational setting. It defines guidance as a process of helping students develop holistically, while counseling involves addressing non-incapacitating problems through individual or small group sessions. The document outlines the roles and responsibilities of school counselors, including providing services related to students, staff, and program evaluation. It also describes various guidance tools and techniques, such as appraisal methods, information services, testing, placement, and individual or group counseling sessions.
The document discusses designing a microcontroller-driven alternator voltage regulator. It begins by explaining the simplicity of older relay-based regulators and why microcontrollers are now used. A microcontroller allows for features like extended battery life, improved gas mileage, lower emissions, and flexibility. It then discusses some of the challenges in designing such a regulator, like controlling a current-mode machine (the alternator) by monitoring its voltage output. It describes the sensing, filtering, responding and regulation processes involved. Key aspects are a fixed-frequency regulation approach for stability, temperature compensation, and limiting the slew rate of field duty cycle changes to further improve stability.
A c叩rie de mamadeira 辿 causada pela ingest達o constante de l鱈quidos a巽ucarados que ficam em contato prolongado com os dentes de leite. Isso permite o crescimento de bact辿rias que destroem o esmalte dental. Os pais devem escovar os dentes ap坦s as mamadas e substituir gradualmente a mamadeira por copos para prevenir esse problema. O diagn坦stico e tratamento precoces s達o importantes para evitar complica巽探es futuras.
Dise単o de situacion problema independenciaailicec5
Este documento presenta un plan de lecciones sobre las causas que llevaron a la independencia de M辿xico. Propone analizar c坦mo la invasi坦n napole坦nica de Espa単a en 1808 y el subsecuente caos pol鱈tico en la Nueva Espa単a desencadenaron movimientos independentistas. Los estudiantes investigar叩n las causas econ坦micas, pol鱈ticas y culturales de la independencia a trav辿s de fuentes hist坦ricas y elaborar叩n una l鱈nea de tiempo y un peri坦dico mural. La lecci坦n concluye evaluando si los estudiantes pueden identificar dichas causas
El documento describe los diferentes factores a considerar para seleccionar una cadena de transmisi坦n adecuada, incluyendo el tipo de uso, potencia del motor, velocidad de la cadena, n炭mero de dientes de los pi単ones, distancia entre ejes y coeficientes de servicio. Tambi辿n presenta un ejemplo completo de c坦mo seleccionar una cadena RS140 de 96 eslabones para transmitir 7.5 kW entre un eje de 66 mm a 50 rpm y uno de 94 mm.
Yoga has its roots in ancient Indian culture and philosophy as a combination of physical and spiritual exercises dating back over 5,000 years. The goal of yoga in Hinduism is moksha or liberation from suffering through achieving oneness with the absolute reality of the universe using meditation and yoga practices. Buddhism also connects key beliefs like meditation, healing from the mind, keeping the body healthy, and balance with the spiritual discipline of yoga. Modern yoga is taught through oral traditions from teachers and focuses on relaxation, exercise, breathing, diet, and meditation to improve oneself spiritually regardless of religion.
Este documento presenta un plan de lecci坦n sobre las causas que llevaron a la independencia de M辿xico. Explica que tras 300 a単os de dominio espa単ol, M辿xico inici坦 su lucha por la independencia en 1810 debido a varios factores econ坦micos, pol鱈ticos y sociales como la ocupaci坦n francesa de Espa単a y las reformas borb坦nicas. El plan propone que los estudiantes investiguen estas causas a trav辿s de diversas fuentes y actividades como elaborar una l鱈nea de tiempo y un peri坦dico mural.
The local government code of 1991 (chapter iii)Godwin Cariaga
This document discusses the Local Government Code of 1991 and its Chapter III. It was written by Delfin L. Cariaga, Jr. and covers the content and provisions within that chapter of the 1991 Local Government Code. The document ends with a thank you from the author.
This document discusses different types of cosmetic surgery procedures. It begins by defining cosmetic surgery and its purposes of improving aesthetics, confidence, and self-esteem. Some common cosmetic surgeries described include bariatric surgery to treat obesity, various breast augmentation and reduction procedures, and liposuction to remove body fat. The document also mentions facial procedures like facelifts and the use of botulinum toxin injections. It provides guidelines for appropriate ages for different surgeries and lists common cosmetic procedures available in Puerto Rico such as rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty, and injectable fillers.
Lecture wd teachers on guidance & counselingGodwin Cariaga
The document provides an overview of guidance and counseling in an educational setting. It defines guidance as a process of helping students develop holistically, while counseling involves addressing non-incapacitating problems through individual or small group sessions. The document outlines the roles and responsibilities of school counselors, including providing services related to students, staff, and program evaluation. It also describes various guidance tools and techniques, such as appraisal methods, information services, testing, placement, and individual or group counseling sessions.
Master-class to Yandex Tolstoy Camp residents on building new products in a perspective of competitive advantage and true nature of various innovations