Ahead of We Media Miami 2009, we asked applicants of our Pitch It competition to submit a roughly 65 word description of their endeavor. While we were not able to showcase everyone in person in Miami, this is a collection of more than 100 projects that are being worked on around the world.
Este documento menciona varios lugares notables de España como Valle Fog en Guipúzcoa, Valle de Aezkoa en Navarra, Tozal del Mallo en Huesca, Tossa de Mar en Girona, Toledo, Mota del Cuervo en Cuenca, Castillo de Simancas en Castilla y León, Segovia, Castillo-Monasterio de Calatrava La Nueva en La Mancha, puente romano en Córdoba, Monasterio de Piedra en Zaragoza, Plaza del Ayuntamiento en Valencia, Plaza de España en Sev
This document outlines the Assure Model for a lesson plan comparing and contrasting the holidays of Halloween and El Dia de los Muertos. It describes the classroom of 22 students including 14 girls and 8 boys, with various ethnicities. The objective is for students to compare and contrast the two holidays with 80% accuracy through discussions and writing. A QR code linking to a website about the holidays will be used. Students will actively participate through scanning the code, discussions, and writing comparison letters. The lesson will be evaluated and revised until students demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences between the holidays.
Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Bebê Prematuro - Dr. LuÃs Alberto Mussa...gueste1d43e4f
Este documento menciona varios lugares notables de España como Valle Fog en Guipúzcoa, Valle de Aezkoa en Navarra, Tozal del Mallo en Huesca, Tossa de Mar en Girona, Toledo, Mota del Cuervo en Cuenca, Castillo de Simancas en Castilla y León, Segovia, Castillo-Monasterio de Calatrava La Nueva en La Mancha, puente romano en Córdoba, Monasterio de Piedra en Zaragoza, Plaza del Ayuntamiento en Valencia, Plaza de España en Sev
This document outlines the Assure Model for a lesson plan comparing and contrasting the holidays of Halloween and El Dia de los Muertos. It describes the classroom of 22 students including 14 girls and 8 boys, with various ethnicities. The objective is for students to compare and contrast the two holidays with 80% accuracy through discussions and writing. A QR code linking to a website about the holidays will be used. Students will actively participate through scanning the code, discussions, and writing comparison letters. The lesson will be evaluated and revised until students demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences between the holidays.
Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Bebê Prematuro - Dr. LuÃs Alberto Mussa...gueste1d43e4f
The document discusses the process of making a clock out of paper and wood. It describes the various steps taken which include drawing designs, cutting shapes with a saw, painting the pieces, adding varnish, gluing the pieces together, and hanging the finished clock in the hallway for all the students to see. The clock was created by David Portas, Arnau Portas, and Marc Jordà .
El maestro sufà cuenta parábolas a sus alumnos al final de cada clase, pero los estudiantes no siempre entienden su significado. Un alumno le pide al maestro que explique el sentido de los cuentos. El maestro decide ilustrarlo ofreciendo pelar, cortar y masticar un melocotón para el estudiante, quien se niega porque no desea comer la fruta de esa forma. El maestro concluye que explicar directamente el significado de los cuentos serÃa como darles a comer una fruta masticada.