The document outlines 9 steps to create discounts in the admin panel of a school scheduling system:
1. Navigate to the DISCOUNT icon in the School Setup section to begin creating a new discount.
2. Name the discount, such as "Buy 2 classes, get 10% off second," without specifying details visible to students.
3. Set rules like students must purchase one class at full price before receiving 10% off the second class.
The document then explains how to set additional discount details like percentage, number of classes it applies to, and whether it applies to family accounts. Completed discounts will automatically apply at checkout.
This document provides updates on several church properties and congregations in Cuba. It mentions houses purchased or buildings constructed for congregations in Havana, Cameguey, Quivican, Santa Isla, Aeropuerto, Bidot, Camaguey, Santa Clara, Cojimar. It also introduces several pastors who lead these congregations, including Pastor Boris Luis Rodriguez, Pastor Daniel Rivera, Pastor Rolando Santiesteban, Pastor Juan Emelio, and Pastor Walde Gonzales. The document emphasizes that these properties have allowed congregations of 100 or more people to meet and worship.
Shanice took several sets of photographs for a film poster or magazine. The first set was of the main character from "First Last Girl Standing". The next set showed new characters, the villain and victim, from different angles. The third series focused on the villain, their characteristics and props, including indoor shots of just their face and woods shots of them looking suspicious. Shanice originally took the final series for school but decided to use them for the film promotion due to their disturbing nature fitting with the horror theme.
Este documento describe c坦mo vivimos en un mundo digitalizado donde interactuamos diariamente con tecnolog鱈as como sat辿lites, computadoras e Internet. Esto implica desarrollar nuevas habilidades digitales para aprovechar estas tecnolog鱈as. Profesiones como Community Manager y editores web aprovechan estas herramientas y requieren conocimientos en inform叩tica, electr坦nica e idiomas. El pensamiento digital es la habilidad m叩s importante que deben desarrollar los comunicadores para gestionar contenidos desde una perspectiva virtual.
El documento habla sobre tres programas del gobierno colombiano relacionados con las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC): 1) Compartel, cuyo objetivo es llevar la telefon鱈a rural e internet a zonas apartadas y estratos bajos; 2) "Computadores para Educar", que busca dotar a escuelas p炭blicas con equipos de c坦mputo para facilitar el acceso de ni単os a nuevas tecnolog鱈as; y 3) proyectos educativos que usan las TIC para mejorar la calidad educativa y las habilidades
El documento habla sobre la Web 2.0. Define la Web 2.0 como aplicaciones web que facilitan el intercambio interactivo de informaci坦n entre usuarios y les permite contribuir al contenido del sitio web. Menciona algunas herramientas populares de la Web 2.0 como blogs, wikis, redes sociales y plataformas de compartir videos y fotos.
O documento apresenta a hist坦ria da fam鱈lia Moretti que se muda para a cidade de guas Negras para criar os filhos longe da cidade grande. Na primeira noite na nova casa, as crian巽as ficam inquietas com o local isolado e estranho, enquanto conflitos surgem entre os pais.
Capitalize the first word of every sentence, personal names, brand names, specific places and countries, calendar items, adjectives derived from proper nouns, personal titles when used as titles, royalty titles, family names used in place of a name, the first letter after an ellipsis if it is the start of a new sentence, and words with inherent capitalization. Publication titles and abbreviations may have different capitalization rules depending on style guides.
El documento define una m叩quina como un conjunto de elementos m坦viles y fijos que aprovechan, dirigen o transforman energ鱈a para realizar un trabajo. Describe varias piezas clave de las m叩quinas como ejes, bulones, arandelas, chavetas, engranajes y poleas, explicando sus funciones y caracter鱈sticas principales.
El rojo es el 炭nico color brillante y puro en su composici坦n. Se asocia con el calor y la pasi坦n, y sugiere sentimientos en辿rgicos como la vitalidad, el entusiasmo y el sexo. Sin embargo, tambi辿n puede desencadenar asco o indicar peligro, y se usa para se単alar prohibiciones.
The document discusses the technologies used in creating a film project and what was learned from using them. The camera was simple to use but required remembering the correct recording format. Lights were used more than expected and were necessary for the film noir style but had short battery life. Sound recording required getting the right levels, so some dialogue was re-recorded. Final Cut Pro X was learned through tutorials and practice, while Motion 5 was difficult to learn and only basic graphics were made for the title due to limited time and skills with the program.
El documento advierte a una empresa sobre los riesgos de no enfocarse en el servicio al cliente en un mercado cada vez m叩s competitivo. Explica que cuando otros negocios m叩s grandes llegan al mercado, la 炭nica forma de diferenciarse es a trav辿s de un excelente servicio al cliente. Sin embargo, muchas empresas no logran esto porque los ejecutivos no est叩n en contacto directo con los clientes y no invierten en una buena estrategia de servicio al cliente.
This 3-step process summarizes how to do a DIY nail art design using nail polish and a dotting tool:
1. Apply two coats of base polish on nails and allow to dry.
2. Use the dotting tool to apply dots of different colored polish onto nails in a pattern or design.
3. Once complete, apply a top coat of polish to seal the design in place.
El documento describe 10 cualidades y pautas para la vida, incluyendo mejorar continuamente, tener autoconfianza y autonom鱈a, trabajar en equipo, escuchar atentamente, ser innovador y tener liderazgo. Cada cualidad se define brevemente con su significado y prop坦sito.
Este documento proporciona recomendaciones para la documentaci坦n de informaci坦n en un laboratorio de ciencias b叩sicas. Explica la importancia de las buenas pr叩cticas de documentaci坦n y ofrece pautas sobre c坦mo registrar de manera adecuada los experimentos, resultados, referencias bibliogr叩ficas y dem叩s informaci坦n generada en el laboratorio.
Este documento describe los principales ecosistemas del planeta, incluyendo la tundra 叩rtica, bosques de con鱈feras, bosque tropical lluvioso, pradera, chaparral y desierto. Cada ecosistema se caracteriza por su ubicaci坦n geogr叩fica, flora y fauna distintivas. El documento proporciona detalles sobre las plantas y animales comunes en cada regi坦n, as鱈 como adaptaciones clave para sobrevivir en diferentes climas.
The document discusses various editing techniques used in a music video to separate narrative and performance shots, give the video a vintage look, and emphasize the shoe theme of the song through effects like stage lighting, slide cuts, zoom cuts, posterize filter, and multi-shot edits. These techniques fit with conventions of the indie genre and helped link the visuals to the lyrics and meaning of the song.
The document discusses various editing techniques used in a music video to separate narrative and performance shots, give the video a vintage look, and emphasize the shoe theme of the song through effects like stage lighting, slide cuts, zoom cuts, posterize filter, and multi-shot edits focusing on shoes. These techniques fit with conventions of the indie genre and helped link the visuals to the lyrics and meaning of the song.
The video tells a sad story about a homeless girl through a series of shots. The first shot introduces the main character sleeping on a park bench, framed by trees. Subsequent shots show her being ignored by others in town and struggling to survive, eventually resorting to sex work. Ed Sheeran buys a copy of "The Big Issue" from her to show he cares. Text linked to the song's lyrics about angels references the girl. The final shot depicts her smiling in the sky after dying, implying she found peace in heaven.
El documento habla sobre la Web 2.0. Define la Web 2.0 como aplicaciones web que facilitan el intercambio interactivo de informaci坦n entre usuarios y les permite contribuir al contenido del sitio web. Menciona algunas herramientas populares de la Web 2.0 como blogs, wikis, redes sociales y plataformas de compartir videos y fotos.
O documento apresenta a hist坦ria da fam鱈lia Moretti que se muda para a cidade de guas Negras para criar os filhos longe da cidade grande. Na primeira noite na nova casa, as crian巽as ficam inquietas com o local isolado e estranho, enquanto conflitos surgem entre os pais.
Capitalize the first word of every sentence, personal names, brand names, specific places and countries, calendar items, adjectives derived from proper nouns, personal titles when used as titles, royalty titles, family names used in place of a name, the first letter after an ellipsis if it is the start of a new sentence, and words with inherent capitalization. Publication titles and abbreviations may have different capitalization rules depending on style guides.
El documento define una m叩quina como un conjunto de elementos m坦viles y fijos que aprovechan, dirigen o transforman energ鱈a para realizar un trabajo. Describe varias piezas clave de las m叩quinas como ejes, bulones, arandelas, chavetas, engranajes y poleas, explicando sus funciones y caracter鱈sticas principales.
El rojo es el 炭nico color brillante y puro en su composici坦n. Se asocia con el calor y la pasi坦n, y sugiere sentimientos en辿rgicos como la vitalidad, el entusiasmo y el sexo. Sin embargo, tambi辿n puede desencadenar asco o indicar peligro, y se usa para se単alar prohibiciones.
The document discusses the technologies used in creating a film project and what was learned from using them. The camera was simple to use but required remembering the correct recording format. Lights were used more than expected and were necessary for the film noir style but had short battery life. Sound recording required getting the right levels, so some dialogue was re-recorded. Final Cut Pro X was learned through tutorials and practice, while Motion 5 was difficult to learn and only basic graphics were made for the title due to limited time and skills with the program.
El documento advierte a una empresa sobre los riesgos de no enfocarse en el servicio al cliente en un mercado cada vez m叩s competitivo. Explica que cuando otros negocios m叩s grandes llegan al mercado, la 炭nica forma de diferenciarse es a trav辿s de un excelente servicio al cliente. Sin embargo, muchas empresas no logran esto porque los ejecutivos no est叩n en contacto directo con los clientes y no invierten en una buena estrategia de servicio al cliente.
This 3-step process summarizes how to do a DIY nail art design using nail polish and a dotting tool:
1. Apply two coats of base polish on nails and allow to dry.
2. Use the dotting tool to apply dots of different colored polish onto nails in a pattern or design.
3. Once complete, apply a top coat of polish to seal the design in place.
El documento describe 10 cualidades y pautas para la vida, incluyendo mejorar continuamente, tener autoconfianza y autonom鱈a, trabajar en equipo, escuchar atentamente, ser innovador y tener liderazgo. Cada cualidad se define brevemente con su significado y prop坦sito.
Este documento proporciona recomendaciones para la documentaci坦n de informaci坦n en un laboratorio de ciencias b叩sicas. Explica la importancia de las buenas pr叩cticas de documentaci坦n y ofrece pautas sobre c坦mo registrar de manera adecuada los experimentos, resultados, referencias bibliogr叩ficas y dem叩s informaci坦n generada en el laboratorio.
Este documento describe los principales ecosistemas del planeta, incluyendo la tundra 叩rtica, bosques de con鱈feras, bosque tropical lluvioso, pradera, chaparral y desierto. Cada ecosistema se caracteriza por su ubicaci坦n geogr叩fica, flora y fauna distintivas. El documento proporciona detalles sobre las plantas y animales comunes en cada regi坦n, as鱈 como adaptaciones clave para sobrevivir en diferentes climas.
The document discusses various editing techniques used in a music video to separate narrative and performance shots, give the video a vintage look, and emphasize the shoe theme of the song through effects like stage lighting, slide cuts, zoom cuts, posterize filter, and multi-shot edits. These techniques fit with conventions of the indie genre and helped link the visuals to the lyrics and meaning of the song.
The document discusses various editing techniques used in a music video to separate narrative and performance shots, give the video a vintage look, and emphasize the shoe theme of the song through effects like stage lighting, slide cuts, zoom cuts, posterize filter, and multi-shot edits focusing on shoes. These techniques fit with conventions of the indie genre and helped link the visuals to the lyrics and meaning of the song.
The video tells a sad story about a homeless girl through a series of shots. The first shot introduces the main character sleeping on a park bench, framed by trees. Subsequent shots show her being ignored by others in town and struggling to survive, eventually resorting to sex work. Ed Sheeran buys a copy of "The Big Issue" from her to show he cares. Text linked to the song's lyrics about angels references the girl. The final shot depicts her smiling in the sky after dying, implying she found peace in heaven.
The document provides analysis of shots from Ed Sheeran's music video "A Team". It summarizes key shots as follows:
1) The opening shot shows a homeless girl waking up on a park bench, framed by trees to establish her as the main character. Black and white gives a sad, slow tone.
2) Shots show the girl walking through town as others go about their day, ignoring her homelessness.
3) Ed Sheeran is shown buying a copy of "The Big Issue" from the girl, portraying himself as caring and hoping to influence fans.
4) Text linked to lyrics "it's too cold outside for angel's to fly" is connected to