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The secret to
150 years
of customer benefit.
The Formwork Experts.
What truly matters.
It is subject matter that counts.
A tradition of _Understanding.	4
_Understanding markets.	 6
_Understanding construction sites. 	 10
_Understanding projects.	 12
_Understanding the future.	 14
_Understanding sustainability.	 16
_Understanding construction sectors.	 18
The roots of the business that grew into todays Doka Group go back
nearly 150 years. Ever since, there has been one concept we value
more than any other: _Understanding. It drives us, it is our passion and
our secret DNA. We build on our _Understanding to create the added
value that drives us and our customers to the next level every day.
1868 1902 1937 1945 1956 1958 19611873
We are able to look back on a long history of understanding. Listening
intently, understanding the world as seen through the eyes of our
customers, learning to understand all aspects and thinking ahead. We
are passionate about not being satisfied with the first solution that
might get the job done. Rather, we continue fine-tuning it until we
come up with a true benefit for our customers. This is the only way a
small woodworking shop could grow into a globally operating formwork
company known by the brand name Doka since 1956.
A tradition of _Understanding.
Thinking in terms of
Based on its aim of making everything
easier, better and more efficient, the
company has continued throughout its
history to set new standards in quality,
functionality and efficiency around the
world. Without losing sight of its clear
focus on its values in the process. For
generations the company has been living
the values of respectful and apprecia-
tive treatment of employees, fair and
transparent customer relationships and
a particularly well-developed sense of
responsibility when it comes to society
and the environment. We build on a long-
term vision, not short-term profits. As a
family business, we have a strong sense
of being connected with our home and
the people in the regions.
Milestones along a history
spanning 150 years
Power plant
first use of the
name: DOKA
(Danube Power
"Permit for oper足
ating a carpentry
business" appro-
ved for Stefan
of the present-day
Bronze medal at
the Vienna World
Manufacturing of
first "assembly
scaffolds for
bridge construc-
Ing. Josef
Umdasch marries
Mathilde Hopfer-
Air attacks
destroy the
new plant that
is rebuilt into a
factory by family
and employees.
The first Doka
formwork sheets
for power plant
construction are
Doka Austria is
"St. & A.
owned by: J. &
M. Umdasch"
is renamed
Umdasch KG.
1961 1968 1990 2002 2004 2007 2008 2013
Owners Hilde Umdasch
and Alfred Umdasch
With more than 160
branches worldwide,
the Umdasch Group has
a presence in around
70 different countries.
Opening of the
Umdasch Groups
research and
development centre
Foundation of
Doka Germany,
the first subsidiary
Set-up of inhouse
 a revolutionary
Foundation of a
new research and
in Amstetten.
Using Doka
the worlds
tallest structure is
erected in Dubai.
EUR 25 million
investment into
InfoCenter at the
Amstetten site.
Company turnover
EUR 1 billion with
more than 7,000
With nearly
EUR 1.1 billion
company turnover
is restored to
precrisis levels.
Acquisition of
Conesco in the
Understanding markets.
Truly understanding a projects individual challenges requires an understanding
of the regional particularities, needs and building methods of our customers
countries. For this reason, we have established over 160 sales and logistics
sites in more than 70 countries. This way our customers can always be certain
of receiving quick and full support for their projects. For anything from a simple
residential building, a football stadium, a bridge to the worlds tallest tower. This
is our global strength on which Doka customers can rely locally.
Passionate about solutions
Few connect the Doka brand with a nearly 150-year family history. However, our
customers worldwide benefit from the values that have grown from it: reliability,
experience and trustworthiness. Especially in terms of global competition, our values
provide us with a solid foundation for developing and selling high quality formwork
solutions. From the initial planning through to reliable implementation on site: we help
our customers to build even more efficiently, better and safer. Take us at our word.
Andreas J. Ludwig, Executive Officer Doka Group Engineering & Production
J端rgen Obiegli, Executive Officer Doka Group Sales & Marketing
Perfect formwork solutions
made in Austria.
Whether for sale or rent, Doka Group
products for modular use across
generations are exclusively manu足
factured in Europe. Production takes
place primarily in the central plant in
Amstetten. An additional plant is located
in St. Martin (AT). Production sites are
equipped with cutting-edge and highly
automated systems, utilising processes
in compliance with the most stringent
quality and environmental standards.
The construction site
as a whole.
We focus not only on products, we focus on construction processes.
How can our customers achieve more with fewer expenditures?
Which detail can be optimised, which formwork service provides
cost savings? These are thoughts running through our heads over
and over again each day until in cooperation with our customers we
developed another innovative solution.
construction sites.
Three things are crucial in tough everyday construction site situations:
efficiency, safety and handling  only someone who understands exactly
what happens on the construction site knows how to produce better
products compatible with one another and to continue their further
development. This is something we do based on our construction site
experts and a team of 1,000 engineers.
Smart products
are the foundation for efficiency.
Doka Load-bearing
	 Shoring towers such as Load-bearing
tower Staxo 100 and Staxo 40
	 Tunnel formwork DokaCC and SL-1
	 Bridge formwork such as Cantilever
forming traveller and Composite forming
Doka Safety Systems
	 Protection screen Xclimb 60
	 Working and protection platforms such
as the Platform system Xsafe plus
	 Guardrail systems such as the Edge
protection system XP
	 Stair towers and ladder systems
	 Working scaffolds
Doka Climbing Systems
	 Automatic climbing formwork such as
Platform SCP, SKE plus
	 Crane-lifted climbing formwork such as
MF240 or Dam formwork
Doka Floor Systems
	 Tableforms such as Dokamatic and
Dokaflex tables
	 Panel floor formwork Dokadek 30
	 Timber-beam floor formwork such as
Dokaflex 30 tec and Dokaflex
Doka Wall Systems
	 Framed formwork such as
Framax Xlife and Frami Xlife
	 Timber-beam formwork such as
DokaShape for complex construction
	 Column formwork
	 Single-sided formwork
Doka System Components
	 Composite and Timber formwork beams
	 Formwork sheets
	 Floor props
	 Form-ties and suspension cones
	 Formwork accessories
1 2 3
Thinking efficiency 
think of renting as well.
Whether to rent or buy is simply a
question of economics. More and
more customers avail themselves of
Doka Groups rental model because
it increases efficiency and flexibility in
addition to serving as an ideal com-
plement for covering peak demands.
No investment, no warehousing, no
maintenance. These formwork products
are always kept up by our service team
and available any time in any quantity
and design.
Understanding projects.
Every construction site goes through its own process from planning stage
through to completion. And, the sooner we join the process, the better our
understanding of the project and the more we can improve its efficiency.
We are happy to support our customers in any phase of their formwork
projects. And we provide a single-source for products, services, planning,
project management and logistics. Only a few companies can offer this
understanding of all the many aspects of a construction project.
In good hands in
every phase.
Development of optimal form-
work solutions
Together with its customers, Doka Group
lays the foundation for project efficiency
with thorough analyses, objective risk
assessment, assistance with invitations
to bid, selection of the right formwork,
exact planning and calculation. Seen in
this light, "Engineered by Doka is the
hallmark of unsurpassed engineering
Perfectly organised logistics
Delivery and return delivery just-in-time 足
formwork availability is an important fac-
tor for implementing any project on time
and on budget. Any delay costs money.
For this reason, Doka Group created a
worldwide logistics network ensuring
absolute proximity to the respective con-
struction site and offering the requisite
On-site coordination of the
construction process
Different requirements for materials and
engineering exist for each country and
each project. This is the reason Dokas
central formwork instructors play a key
role on-site. Another way to ensure
professional on-site implementation is
through engineering training to instruct
the site crew in Doka Group products
and their proper use.
Perfect project management is
at the heart of success
In order to create a seamless experience,
Doka project management assists cus-
tomers during the project development
stage, decision-making stage, operations
scheduling, execution and completion of
Coordination of
the construction
process with
on-site experts
Global network
of sales and
logistics locations
Development of
"Previously our orders for formwork materials
were always compiled after the project planning
stage. Today we take advantage of Dokas
professional consultation right from the outset of
the project development phase, and thus
achieve significant cost savings. The active
project support from Doka is a real added
value. In conjunction with the latest developments
in the area of formwork construction, we have
been able to set new benchmarks in our building
Bala Murali Balakrishnan,
Project Manager, Ali & Sons Contracting
particularly resistant coating of the form-
work product surface ensures adequate
protection from the highly alkaline mate-
rial that is concrete. Another example is
timber, a natural material: turning it into a
robust instrument requires a special pro-
cess of multiple crosswise glue-bonding
combined with removal of defects and
subsequent finger-jointing. The same
applies to steel used for our products:
the new CDP dip coating system has
increased coating stability from 150 h
with the traditional coating method to
1,000 h.
Optimising safety and
It is one thing to make working with
formwork ever easier and save more
time as a result. It is quite another to
make working with formwork ever more
safe and therefore more cost-efficient.
Dokas response to this insight is
ongoing development of safety products.
One such example is Xsafe plus, a pre-
assembled working platform that can be
folded and equipped with side railings for
wall and column formwork.
Research and
As early as 1990, the Doka Group set
up an in-house research and develop-
ment centre. Its staff of more than 100
continuously test new materials and work
on developing innovative products and
services, such as new concrete formulas
or 5D planning. In addition, there is
pathbreaking research and development
work undertaken in cooperation with
universities, senior technical colleges
and research institutes as part of open
innovation processes.
Inspired by the efficiency
Each year we invest in excess of
200,000 labour hours into developing
new products, technologies and services
for Doka customers. The range of work
is broad:
New development and
One such example is Doka Concremote
moisture measurement: this technology
not only reduces cycle times, thus re-
sulting in savings of labour and material
costs; it also aids in optimising formu-
lations and purchasing concrete. Apart
from saving significant costs in materials
and rework, using the extended framed
formwork Framax Xlife plus yields time
savings of up to one third.
New technologies
Product life span is a function of the
quality of materials used as well as
careful treatment. For instance, only
"I have been working with Doka formwork for many
years now. What I appreciate most about it, is the
practical application and the functionality of the various
systems and technical solutions. Time and again, Doka
picks up on global trends in the construction industry
and develops systems and solutions that fully meet the
current demands of construction sites."
tefan Gal鱈k, Doprastav Export s.r.o.
Understanding the future.
Keeping things moving forward is something like second nature to us. We are never quite con-
tent with our achievements and are always looking for new approaches. This is the reason we
invest so much time and money  to produce even better results for our customers.
Our experts focus in their work on customers in order
to achieve maximum efficiency.
Sustainable products and
High product quality and maximum pro-
tection against material wear means long
life span and safety. Thanks to ISO 9001
and ISO 14001, all Doka products com-
ply with the most stringent requirements
in terms of quality and environment.
Beyond that, each new product genera-
tion is compatible with the one already in
existence. Compatibility is a prerequisite
for a long product life cycle. Moreover,
an extended product cycle is resource-
sparing in every way and contributes to
positive outcomes in terms of efficiency.
Sustainable business models
Renting instead of buying  a sustainable
model offered by Doka Group to accom-
modate ever more last-minute contract
awards and abbreviated planning cycles.
Along the way, renting also saves resour-
ces such as energy and raw materials.
Dokas pre-assembly service is another
opportunity for customers to realise
savings, such as in assembly efforts and
complex work processes. Here formwork
units are tailor-made for the long-term
by combining existing Doka systems with
customized solutions. In addition, Dokas
reconditioning service extends the life
span, provides safety and saves time and
money by delivering perfectly functioning
Sustainable logistics
Logistics is a vital factor for ideal const-
ruction site implementation. Doka Group
plays its part with international logistics
hubs. With their proximity to customers
they ensure high availability as well as
flexible and fast delivery to construction
sites. Furthermore, short delivery paths
reduce CO2
emissions in the long term.
Sustainable training and
professional development
Well-trained employees are not only
smart but above all highly motivated
and solution-oriented workers. This is an
important aspect as construction pro-
jects are becoming ever more complex
and efficiency-driven. This is the reason
Doka Group makes significant invest-
ments in ongoing employee training. It
therefore benefits from aboveaverage
loyalty to the company in the long run.
Understanding sustainability.
Sustainability has many
Everyone talks about sustainability. However, unless lived in real life it
is but a trendy phrase. In our company, we have been actively living
sustainability for many decades because we consider it an important
component of efficiency in construction.
EUR 2.2 million (+ 120%)
Increased potential for
success as a result of
avoiding accidents
1 mn 
Capital investments
in safety measures
Construction site safety
User safety is another top priority at Doka
Group. This was the reason for establi-
shing Doka Safety, an important initiative
aimed at developing heightened aware-
ness of safety-related issues as part of
comprehensive safety training sessions at
customer sites. After all, safety motivates
construction site workers to perform at
maximum levels and reduces the risk that
in a worst-case scenario the construction
site comes to a standstill. By now studies
provide evidence that: the factor for
calculating "return on prevention is 2.2.
construction sectors.
Competence does not just happen; at Doka, it is created as a result of
daily experiences and concrete insights we gain from our customers
projects and then bundle in our Competence Centers. This is how we
get the most out of each and every formwork unit. In particular, when
it comes to highrises, bridges, tunnels, power plants and fair-faced
concrete projects.
Other references in bridge
	 Nissibi Bridge, Turkey
	 Sutong ChangJiang Highway
Bridge, Nantong, China
	 Mississippi River Bridge, St.
Louis, USA
	 Slip-road for Warsaw Bridge,
Highway A2, Warsaw, Poland
Froschgrundsee Viaduct
Coburg, Germany
Type of structure: Concrete arched bridge
Construction work performed by: Adam
H旦rnig Baugesellschaft
Doka planned and supplied the form-
work solutions for the piers and for the
arch, which was constructed using the
cantilever method.
Structure data
	 Height: max. 65 m
	 Length: 798 m
	 Casting sections: 58
Products used
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Climbing formwork MF240
	 Cantilever forming traveller
	 Framed formwork Framax Xlife
	 SL-1 system beam
	 Formwork planning
Bouregreg Bridge
Rabat, Morocco
Type of structure: Pylons and piers
Construction work performed by:
Architecturally the cable-stayed bridge
impresses with the artistic shape of
two pylons.
Structure data
	 Height: 197 m and 185 m
	 Length: 952 m
	 Casting sections: 48 and 45
Products used
	 Automatic climbing formwork
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Climbing formwork MF240
	 Formwork planning, Formwork
Understanding how to
bridge obstacles.
Cycle times shortened by 20% while at the same time saving resources and
costs: our bridge experts did a thorough job when developing high-performing
Cantilever forming travellers for a project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Project
efficiency was significantly increased as a result of the ability to expand
construction sections.
Competence Center Bridges
Transport project German Unity no. 8, new railway line between Ebensfeld and Erfurt (VDE 8.1),
Viaduct Froschgrundsee, Client DB Netz AG, project management DB ProjektBau GmbH
Corridor Vc, bridges crossing the
valleys at Studenica and Trebi転at
apljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Type of structure: Bridges,
cantilevered construction
Construction work performed by:
Hering (OHL sub-contractor)
Dokas high-performing Cantilever
forming travellers allow for pouring 5
m segments, thus yielding savings of
eight casting segments. In the case of
a weekly cycle, this means the project
is completed eight weeks ahead of
Structure data
	 Height: 81 m and 59.5 m
	 Length: 555 m and 365 m
Products used
	 Cantilever forming traveller
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Formwork planning,
Formwork instructor
L淡ding and Vikan, Norway
Type of structure: Cantilevered bridge
and piers
Construction work performed by: Reinertsen
Structure data
	 Height: 13 m
	 Length: 670 m
	 Casting sections: 95
Products used
	 Cantilever forming traveller
	 Large-area formwork Top 50,
Wall formwork FF20
	 Bridge formwork ParaTop
	 Load-bearing tower Staxo 100,
Staxo stair tower
	 Supporting construction frame "Universal"
	 Formwork planning, Formwork instructor
Tamina Bridge
Valens and Pf辰fers
(Canton St. Gallen), Switzerland
Type of structure: Concrete arched bridge
Construction work performed by:
ARGE (JV) Tamina Bridge
Structure data
	 Height: 200 m
	 Length: 417 m
Products used
	 Project-based formwork consisting of Doka
Formwork sheet 3-SO, Doka Beam H20 top N
and Doka steel waling
	 Formwork planning, Pre-assembly Service
Third bridge over the Orinoco River
Caicara del Orinoco, Venezuela
Type of structure: Diamond-shaped pylons
Construction work performed by: Odebrecht
Structure data
	 Height: 135.5 m
	 Length: 11,125 m
	 Casting sections: 46
Products used
	 Automatic climbing formwork SKE100
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Ladder system XS
	 Engineering, Formwork instructor, on-site
engineering support, 3D planning
Other references in
building construction
	 World Trade Center,
New York, USA
	 European Central Bank,
Frankfurt, Germany
	 Minerva Tower, Mumbai, India
	 Costanera Center, Santiago de
Chile, Chile
On construction sites of gigantic dimensions, our specially developed Doka
automatic climbing formwork climbs hundreds of metres to the top swiftly. Our
formwork units were able to demonstrate their climbing skills during construction
of what is currently the worlds tallest tower, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. And also
currently the highest upcoming building: the Kingdom Tower, 1 km in height.
Competence Center High Rise
432 Park Avenue
New York, USA
Type of structure: Highrise
(residential building)
Construction work performed by:
Roger & Sons Concrete Inc.
Structure data
	 Height: 426 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 4.7 m
	 Casting sections: 89
Products used
	 Platform SCP
	 Automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60
	 Load-bearing tower Staxo 100
	 Formwork planning, Pre-assembly
Service, Formwork instructor
Lotte World Tower
Seoul, South Korea
Type of structure: Highrise
(multi-purpose building)
Construction work performed by:
Lotte Construction
Structure data
	 Height: 555 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 4.5 m
	 Casting sections: 123
Products used
	 Automatic climbing formwork SKE plus
and Xclimb 60
	 Protection screen Xclimb 60
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Formwork planning, Pre-assembly on
Site, Formwork instructor
Torre Isozaki
Milan, Italy
Type of structure: Highrise
(multi-purpose building)
Construction work performed by:
Colombo Costruzioni S.p.A.
Structure data
	 Height: 202 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 3.9 m
	 Casting sections: 54
Products used
	 Automatic climbing formwork
SKE100 plus
	 Protection screen Xclimb 60
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Formwork planning, Utilisation plans,
Pre-assembly on Site,
Formwork instructor
Understanding how to
build high faster.
Burj Khalifa
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Type of structure: Highrise
(multi-purpose building)
Construction work performed by:
Joint Venture between Samsung,
Besix, Arabtec
Doka formwork was used in Dubai to help
construct the worlds tallest building. Doka
supplied the formwork solution for the
entire structure core. Inspired by an Ara-
bian desert flower, the shape of the tower
meant that the formwork needed to be
highly adaptable. In addition, the extremely
tight construction schedule necessitated
an ingenious utilisation plan.
Structure data
	 Height: 830 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 3.7 m
	 Number of storeys: 160
	 Casting sections: 180
Products used
	 Automatic climbing formwork SKE100
	 Protection screen Xclimb 60
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Stair tower 250
	 Formwork planning and coordination,
Site logistics, Pre-assembly on Site,
Formwork instructor
Aaolu Maslak 1453
Istanbul, Turkey
Type of structure: Highrise
(multi-purpose building)
Construction work performed by:
Akdeniz 聴naat ve Eitim Hizmetleri
Anonim irketi
Structure data
	 Height: up to 185 m
Products used
	 Platform SCP
	 Protection screen Xclimb 60
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Load-bearing tower d2
	 Panel floor formwork Dokaflex
	 Formwork planning, Formwork assembly
support on-site, Formwork instructor
Other references in tunnel
	 Hahnenkamp Tunnel,
Bad Oeynhausen, Germany
	 K端hnsdorf Tunnel, K端hnsdorf,
	 L旦tschberg Base Tunnel,
	 M4 metro line  R叩k坦czi t辿r,
Budapest, Hungary
Understanding how to
break through.
Over a 2-year span of intensive development work, our experts put their hearts
and souls into designing a statically optimised load system that allows for elimi-
nation of shoring frames. For the utmost in certainty of time, costs and quality
in tunnel construction. This is how the new forming wagon surprised right from
its first deployment.
Competence Center Tunnels
Gotthard Base Tunnel
Erstfeld, Switzerland
Type of structure: Mining-type tunnel
Construction work performed by: ARGE
The 7,400 m long Erstfeld contract
section is the northern-most part of the
Gotthard Base Tunnel. It also inclu-
des construction of two 400 m long
underground branch-offs built using
the drill-and-blast method followed
by CIP concrete lining. Doka chose
all-hydraulic forming for this complex
Structure data
Floor (segmented)
	 Cross-section: round
	 Clear width: 17.65 m
	 Clear height: 10.4 m
Wall (segmented)
	 Clear height: 5.65 m
	 Formed length of tunnel: 370 m
	 Length of each casting segment: 10 m
	 Casting sections: 37
Products used
	 Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Formwork planning, Formwork
instructor, Pre-assembly Service,
Utilisation plans, Verifiable structural
Second Midtown Tunnel
Norfolk and Portsmouth VA, USA
Type of structure: Cut-and-cover
construction tunnel
Construction work performed by:
ARGE Skanska-Kiewit-Weeks
Structure data
Floor (arched)
	 Clear width: 10.97 m
	 Clear height: 6.55 m
	 Length of tunnel: 1130 m
	 Length of each casting segment: 22 m
	 Casting sections: 55
Products used
	 Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Formwork planning, Formwork
pre-assembly, Formwork instructor,
Verifiable structural analysis
S10 Highway through M端hlviertel
Neumarkt, Austria
Type of structure: Cut-and-cover
construction tunnel
Construction work performed by: ARGE
Hochtief & Swietelsky, Porr, Habau,
Haider, ARGE Hochtief & GK Construction
The new tunnel system DokaCC is deplo-
yed successfully at the Pernau Subsurface
Tunnel. The tunnel formwork system was
conceived so that it can be adapted to the
complex, slightly rotating geometry of the
structure in the course of the procedure.
Structure data
Wall (partially monolithic)
	 Cross-section: round
	 Clear width: 13.6 m
	 Clear height: 7.8 m
	 Formed length of tunnel: 260 m
	 Length of each casting segment: 13.5 m
	 Casting sections: 44
Products used
	 Tunnel system DokaCC
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Composite formwork beams I tec 20
	 Formwork planning, Formwork
pre-assembly, Pre-assembly Service
Central Hidro辿lectrica Angostura
Los Angeles, Chile
Type of structure: Mining-type tunnel
Construction work performed by:
Empresa Constructora Angostura Ltda
Structure data
Wall (partially monolithic)
	 Cross-section: round
	 Clear width: 10.75 m
	 Clear height: 10.75 m
	 Formed length of tunnel: 168 m
	 Length of each casting segment: 10 m
	 Casting sections: 18
Products used
	 Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Ladder system XS
	 Handrail post
	 Utilisation plans,
Formwork instructor
City Tunnel, Leipzig
Leipzig, Germany
Type of structure: Cut-and-cover
construction tunnel
Construction work performed by:
ARGE Leipzig City Tunnel
Structure data
	 Cross-section: rectangular
	 Clear width: 6 m
	 Clear height: 6.8 m
	 Formed length of tunnel: 320 m
	 Length of each casting segment: 10 m
	 Casting sections: 32
Products used
	 Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1
	 Wall formwork FF20
Understanding how to
go at full steam.
Block heights up to 5 metres are a cinch for our dam formwork. Feasibility
of higher casting sections ensures rapid construction progress  even in
adverse weather conditions. Whether at minus 15 degrees in Norway or an
average of 30 degrees in Thailand.
Competence Center Power Plants
Sohlstufe Lehen Power Station
Salzburg, Austria
Type of structure: Hydropower station
Construction work performed by: ARGE
Power Station Lehen: G. Hinteregger
& S旦hne, Porr Bau GmbH and Teerag
Asdag AG
Structure data
	 Drop height: 6.6 m
Products used
	 Wall formwork FF20
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Load-bearing tower Staxo 100
	 Special platforms
	 Pre-assembly Service
Cooling tower for
coal-fired power plant
Krishnapatnam, India
Type of structure: Cooling tower
Construction work performed by:
Tata Projects Ltd.
Structure data
	 Height: 172.5 m
	 Diameter: 132.1 m to 76.4 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 1.5 m
	 Casting sections: 113
Products used
	 Cooling tower formwork SK175
	 Formwork planning,
Formwork instructor
Other references in power
plant construction
	 Muskrat Falls, Newfoundland
and Labrador, Canada
	 Midlands Dam, Midlands,
	 Offshore Windpark Thornton
Bank, Belgium
	 LNG-Tank Map Ta Phut, Thailand
Dam Sarvsfossen
Bykle (Aust-Agder province), Norway
Type of structure: Dam/concrete arch dam
Construction work performed by:
Kruse Smith
Construction of this concrete arch marks
the first time Dokas Dam formwork D35
was put to use in the field. The success of
this premiere was ensured by the standard
system that includes casting sections 5 m
high as well as an integrated safety and
logistics concept.
Structure data
	 Height: 50 m
	 Length: 150 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 5 m
	 Casting sections: 10
Products used
	 Dam formwork D35
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Formwork planning, Formwork instructor
Aulepa Wind Park
Aulepa, Estonia
Type of structure: Wind mills
Construction work performed by:
Structure data
	 Height: 36.5 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 4.1 m
	 Casting sections: 9
Products used
	 Doka wind-turbine formwork
	 Utilisation plans, Formwork planning,
Formwork instructor
Freeport LNG Tanks
Texas, USA
Type of structure: LNG tank
Construction work performed by: Joint
venture of Technip, Zachry & Saipem
Structure data
	 Height: 37 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 4.4 m
	 Casting sections: 9
Products used
	 Climbing formwork MF240
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Pre-assembly Service
Castrovido Dam
Castrovido (Burgos), Spain
Type of structure: Hydropower station
Construction work performed by:
FCC Construcci坦n, S.A.
Structure data
	 Height: 80 m
	 Length: 500 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 2 m
	 Casting sections: 40
Products used
	 Dam formwork
	 Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1,
Load-bearing tower Staxo 100
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Utilisation plans, Formwork planning,
3D planning, Formwork instructor
Understanding how to
realise exceptional ideas  together.
Competence Center Fair-Faced Concrete
The extraordinarily stable Doka Xface formwork sheet with fibre-reinforced syn-
thetic resin coating was developed in order to set a new standard for fair-faced
concrete: a particularly even surface result without loss of coating colour. For
realising exceptional ideas and more complex shapes with the ability to select
customised surfaces and therefore even more room to play for architects.
Red Rock National
Conservation Area
Las Vegas, USA
Type of structure: Cultural edifice
Construction work performed by:
Armada Construction
Architect: Line and Space Architects
Structure data
Wall (fair-faced concrete)
	 Height: up to 5.8 m
Products used
	 Large-area formwork Top 50 with
profiled timber formers
	 Form-ply: film-coated multi-ply
formwork sheet
	 Utilisation plans, project support
Special feature
	 Red dyed fair-faced concrete
Graphisoft Park
Budapest, Hungary
Type of structure: Business park
Construction work performed by:
GV Huniber Kft.
Architect: TEN p鱈t辿sz M撤terem Bt.
Products used:
	 Framed formwork Framax Xlife
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Circular formwork H20
	 Form-ply: film-coated multi-ply
formwork sheet
	 Formwork sheet 3-SO
Other references in
fairfaced concrete
	 New Port House, Antwerp,
	 Hungerburgbahn, Innsbruck,
	 Estak叩da Sluncov叩, Prague,
Czech Republic
	 Kaltern Lake Resort, Kaltern,
Hotel am Domplatz
Linz, Austria
Type of structure: Hotel
Construction work performed by:
Strabag AG
Architect: Hohensinn Architektur, Graz
Structure data
	 Height: 26 m
	 Height of each casting segment: 3.3 m
Drop beam
	 Height of each casting segment: 0.64 m
	 Storeys: 5
Products used
	 Framed formwork Framax Xlife
	 Face sheet: Dokaplex formwork sheet
	 Utilisation plans
Special feature
	 Building inclines in two directions; facade
consists of columns and drop beams only,
exterior walls in cast-in-place concrete
with no visible form-ties
Phaeno Science Centre
Wolfsburg, Germany
Type of structure: Museum
Construction work performed by:
E. Heitkamp
Architect: Zaha Hadid Ltd & Mayer
B辰hrle Freie Architekten BDA
Structure data
Pillar/column (conical)
	 Height: 16 m
Products used
	 Large-area formwork Top 50
	 Framed formwork Framax Xlife
	 Column formwork RS
	 Face sheet: Tongue-and-groove
boards formwork
	 3D planning
Special feature
	 Self-compacting concrete (SCC),
structure geometry
What the future holds.
Regardless of the direction in which the world of construction deve-
lops, you can count on Doka to remain curious and continue to seek
innovative solutions to ensure our customers are able to build at the
highest levels of quality, functionality and efficiency  tomorrow and
in the days ahead.
Doka GmbH | Josef Umdasch Platz 1 | 3300 Amstetten | Austria | T +43 7472 605-0 | F +43 7472 64430 | info@doka.com | www.doka.com

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悋惺悋惘 悋惠惶悸 悵 悋悋悴惠悋悴悋惠 悋悽悋惶悸
Lara Abumansour
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惺惆悋惠 悋惺 1
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Osama Tarek
惡忰惓 悋惺悋惘 悋惘悋愕悸
惡忰惓 悋惺悋惘 悋惘悋愕悸惡忰惓 悋惺悋惘 悋惘悋愕悸
惡忰惓 悋惺悋惘 悋惘悋愕悸
mohamed alshalakany
Structure systems - 悋悋惴悸 悋悋愆悋悧悸
Structure systems - 悋悋惴悸 悋悋愆悋悧悸Structure systems - 悋悋惴悸 悋悋愆悋悧悸
Structure systems - 悋悋惴悸 悋悋愆悋悧悸
Aseel Murshed
惆惘悋愕悸 惴悸 愆惘惺 惺惘惷 惠悋惡 悋惘
惆惘悋愕悸 惴悸 愆惘惺 惺惘惷 惠悋惡 悋惘惆惘悋愕悸 惴悸 愆惘惺 惺惘惷 惠悋惡 悋惘
惆惘悋愕悸 惴悸 愆惘惺 惺惘惷 惠悋惡 悋惘

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Doka_Corporate Brochure

  • 1. The secret to 150 years of customer benefit. Understanding. The Formwork Experts.
  • 2. What truly matters. It is subject matter that counts. A tradition of _Understanding. 4 _Understanding markets. 6 _Understanding construction sites. 10 _Understanding projects. 12 _Understanding the future. 14 _Understanding sustainability. 16 _Understanding construction sectors. 18 Understanding.
  • 3. The roots of the business that grew into todays Doka Group go back nearly 150 years. Ever since, there has been one concept we value more than any other: _Understanding. It drives us, it is our passion and our secret DNA. We build on our _Understanding to create the added value that drives us and our customers to the next level every day.
  • 4. 4 1868 1902 1937 1945 1956 1958 19611873 We are able to look back on a long history of understanding. Listening intently, understanding the world as seen through the eyes of our customers, learning to understand all aspects and thinking ahead. We are passionate about not being satisfied with the first solution that might get the job done. Rather, we continue fine-tuning it until we come up with a true benefit for our customers. This is the only way a small woodworking shop could grow into a globally operating formwork company known by the brand name Doka since 1956. A tradition of _Understanding. Thinking in terms of generations. Based on its aim of making everything easier, better and more efficient, the company has continued throughout its history to set new standards in quality, functionality and efficiency around the world. Without losing sight of its clear focus on its values in the process. For generations the company has been living the values of respectful and apprecia- tive treatment of employees, fair and transparent customer relationships and a particularly well-developed sense of responsibility when it comes to society and the environment. We build on a long- term vision, not short-term profits. As a family business, we have a strong sense of being connected with our home and the people in the regions. Milestones along a history spanning 150 years Power plant Ybbs-Persenbeug, first use of the name: DOKA "Donaukraftwerk" (Danube Power Plant) "Permit for oper足 ating a carpentry business" appro- ved for Stefan Hopferwieser, great-grandfather of the present-day owners. Bronze medal at the Vienna World Expo. Manufacturing of first "assembly scaffolds for bridge construc- tion". Ing. Josef Umdasch marries Mathilde Hopfer- wieser. Air attacks destroy the new plant that is rebuilt into a factory by family and employees. The first Doka formwork sheets for power plant construction are produced. Doka Austria is founded. "St. & A. Hopferwieser owned by: J. & M. Umdasch" is renamed Umdasch KG.
  • 5. 1961 1968 1990 2002 2004 2007 2008 2013 Owners Hilde Umdasch and Alfred Umdasch With more than 160 branches worldwide, the Umdasch Group has a presence in around 70 different countries. Opening of the Umdasch Groups research and development centre Foundation of Doka Germany, the first subsidiary outside Austria. Set-up of inhouse metalworking operations a revolutionary step. Foundation of a new research and development centre in Amstetten. Using Doka formwork technology, the worlds tallest structure is erected in Dubai. EUR 25 million investment into InfoCenter at the Amstetten site. Company turnover exceeding EUR 1 billion with more than 7,000 employees. With nearly EUR 1.1 billion company turnover is restored to precrisis levels. Acquisition of Conesco in the US.
  • 6. 6 Understanding markets. Truly understanding a projects individual challenges requires an understanding of the regional particularities, needs and building methods of our customers countries. For this reason, we have established over 160 sales and logistics sites in more than 70 countries. This way our customers can always be certain of receiving quick and full support for their projects. For anything from a simple residential building, a football stadium, a bridge to the worlds tallest tower. This is our global strength on which Doka customers can rely locally. 6
  • 7. Passionate about solutions Few connect the Doka brand with a nearly 150-year family history. However, our customers worldwide benefit from the values that have grown from it: reliability, experience and trustworthiness. Especially in terms of global competition, our values provide us with a solid foundation for developing and selling high quality formwork solutions. From the initial planning through to reliable implementation on site: we help our customers to build even more efficiently, better and safer. Take us at our word. Andreas J. Ludwig, Executive Officer Doka Group Engineering & Production J端rgen Obiegli, Executive Officer Doka Group Sales & Marketing Perfect formwork solutions made in Austria. Whether for sale or rent, Doka Group products for modular use across generations are exclusively manu足 factured in Europe. Production takes place primarily in the central plant in Amstetten. An additional plant is located in St. Martin (AT). Production sites are equipped with cutting-edge and highly automated systems, utilising processes in compliance with the most stringent quality and environmental standards.
  • 8. The construction site as a whole. Understanding. 8
  • 9. We focus not only on products, we focus on construction processes. How can our customers achieve more with fewer expenditures? Which detail can be optimised, which formwork service provides cost savings? These are thoughts running through our heads over and over again each day until in cooperation with our customers we developed another innovative solution.
  • 10. 10 2 5 3 Understanding construction sites. Three things are crucial in tough everyday construction site situations: efficiency, safety and handling only someone who understands exactly what happens on the construction site knows how to produce better products compatible with one another and to continue their further development. This is something we do based on our construction site experts and a team of 1,000 engineers. Smart products are the foundation for efficiency.
  • 11. Doka Load-bearing Systems Shoring towers such as Load-bearing tower Staxo 100 and Staxo 40 Tunnel formwork DokaCC and SL-1 Bridge formwork such as Cantilever forming traveller and Composite forming carriage Doka Safety Systems Protection screen Xclimb 60 Working and protection platforms such as the Platform system Xsafe plus Guardrail systems such as the Edge protection system XP Stair towers and ladder systems Working scaffolds Doka Climbing Systems Automatic climbing formwork such as Platform SCP, SKE plus Crane-lifted climbing formwork such as MF240 or Dam formwork Doka Floor Systems Tableforms such as Dokamatic and Dokaflex tables Panel floor formwork Dokadek 30 Timber-beam floor formwork such as Dokaflex 30 tec and Dokaflex Doka Wall Systems Framed formwork such as Framax Xlife and Frami Xlife Timber-beam formwork such as DokaShape for complex construction geometries Column formwork Single-sided formwork Doka System Components Composite and Timber formwork beams Formwork sheets Floor props Form-ties and suspension cones Formwork accessories 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 1 Thinking efficiency think of renting as well. Whether to rent or buy is simply a question of economics. More and more customers avail themselves of Doka Groups rental model because it increases efficiency and flexibility in addition to serving as an ideal com- plement for covering peak demands. No investment, no warehousing, no maintenance. These formwork products are always kept up by our service team and available any time in any quantity and design.
  • 12. 12 Understanding projects. Every construction site goes through its own process from planning stage through to completion. And, the sooner we join the process, the better our understanding of the project and the more we can improve its efficiency. We are happy to support our customers in any phase of their formwork projects. And we provide a single-source for products, services, planning, project management and logistics. Only a few companies can offer this understanding of all the many aspects of a construction project. In good hands in every phase. Development of optimal form- work solutions Together with its customers, Doka Group lays the foundation for project efficiency with thorough analyses, objective risk assessment, assistance with invitations to bid, selection of the right formwork, exact planning and calculation. Seen in this light, "Engineered by Doka is the hallmark of unsurpassed engineering competence. Perfectly organised logistics Delivery and return delivery just-in-time 足 formwork availability is an important fac- tor for implementing any project on time and on budget. Any delay costs money. For this reason, Doka Group created a worldwide logistics network ensuring absolute proximity to the respective con- struction site and offering the requisite capacities. On-site coordination of the construction process Different requirements for materials and engineering exist for each country and each project. This is the reason Dokas central formwork instructors play a key role on-site. Another way to ensure professional on-site implementation is through engineering training to instruct the site crew in Doka Group products and their proper use. Perfect project management is at the heart of success In order to create a seamless experience, Doka project management assists cus- tomers during the project development stage, decision-making stage, operations scheduling, execution and completion of construction.
  • 13. Coordination of the construction process with on-site experts Global network of sales and logistics locations Development of optimal formwork solutions Project management "Previously our orders for formwork materials were always compiled after the project planning stage. Today we take advantage of Dokas professional consultation right from the outset of the project development phase, and thus achieve significant cost savings. The active project support from Doka is a real added value. In conjunction with the latest developments in the area of formwork construction, we have been able to set new benchmarks in our building programme." Bala Murali Balakrishnan, Project Manager, Ali & Sons Contracting
  • 14. 14 particularly resistant coating of the form- work product surface ensures adequate protection from the highly alkaline mate- rial that is concrete. Another example is timber, a natural material: turning it into a robust instrument requires a special pro- cess of multiple crosswise glue-bonding combined with removal of defects and subsequent finger-jointing. The same applies to steel used for our products: the new CDP dip coating system has increased coating stability from 150 h with the traditional coating method to 1,000 h. Optimising safety and handling It is one thing to make working with formwork ever easier and save more time as a result. It is quite another to make working with formwork ever more safe and therefore more cost-efficient. Dokas response to this insight is ongoing development of safety products. One such example is Xsafe plus, a pre- assembled working platform that can be folded and equipped with side railings for wall and column formwork. Research and development As early as 1990, the Doka Group set up an in-house research and develop- ment centre. Its staff of more than 100 continuously test new materials and work on developing innovative products and services, such as new concrete formulas or 5D planning. In addition, there is pathbreaking research and development work undertaken in cooperation with universities, senior technical colleges and research institutes as part of open innovation processes. Inspired by the efficiency factor Each year we invest in excess of 200,000 labour hours into developing new products, technologies and services for Doka customers. The range of work is broad: New development and adaptation One such example is Doka Concremote moisture measurement: this technology not only reduces cycle times, thus re- sulting in savings of labour and material costs; it also aids in optimising formu- lations and purchasing concrete. Apart from saving significant costs in materials and rework, using the extended framed formwork Framax Xlife plus yields time savings of up to one third. New technologies Product life span is a function of the quality of materials used as well as careful treatment. For instance, only "I have been working with Doka formwork for many years now. What I appreciate most about it, is the practical application and the functionality of the various systems and technical solutions. Time and again, Doka picks up on global trends in the construction industry and develops systems and solutions that fully meet the current demands of construction sites." tefan Gal鱈k, Doprastav Export s.r.o. Understanding the future. Keeping things moving forward is something like second nature to us. We are never quite con- tent with our achievements and are always looking for new approaches. This is the reason we invest so much time and money to produce even better results for our customers. 14
  • 15. Our experts focus in their work on customers in order to achieve maximum efficiency.
  • 16. 16 Sustainable products and services High product quality and maximum pro- tection against material wear means long life span and safety. Thanks to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, all Doka products com- ply with the most stringent requirements in terms of quality and environment. Beyond that, each new product genera- tion is compatible with the one already in existence. Compatibility is a prerequisite for a long product life cycle. Moreover, an extended product cycle is resource- sparing in every way and contributes to positive outcomes in terms of efficiency. Sustainable business models Renting instead of buying a sustainable model offered by Doka Group to accom- modate ever more last-minute contract awards and abbreviated planning cycles. Along the way, renting also saves resour- ces such as energy and raw materials. Dokas pre-assembly service is another opportunity for customers to realise savings, such as in assembly efforts and complex work processes. Here formwork units are tailor-made for the long-term by combining existing Doka systems with customized solutions. In addition, Dokas reconditioning service extends the life span, provides safety and saves time and money by delivering perfectly functioning materials. Sustainable logistics Logistics is a vital factor for ideal const- ruction site implementation. Doka Group plays its part with international logistics hubs. With their proximity to customers they ensure high availability as well as flexible and fast delivery to construction sites. Furthermore, short delivery paths reduce CO2 emissions in the long term. Sustainable training and professional development Well-trained employees are not only smart but above all highly motivated and solution-oriented workers. This is an important aspect as construction pro- jects are becoming ever more complex and efficiency-driven. This is the reason Doka Group makes significant invest- ments in ongoing employee training. It therefore benefits from aboveaverage loyalty to the company in the long run. Understanding sustainability. Sustainability has many dimensions. Everyone talks about sustainability. However, unless lived in real life it is but a trendy phrase. In our company, we have been actively living sustainability for many decades because we consider it an important component of efficiency in construction.
  • 17. Return-on-Prevention EUR 2.2 million (+ 120%) Increased potential for success as a result of avoiding accidents 1 mn Capital investments in safety measures Construction site safety User safety is another top priority at Doka Group. This was the reason for establi- shing Doka Safety, an important initiative aimed at developing heightened aware- ness of safety-related issues as part of comprehensive safety training sessions at customer sites. After all, safety motivates construction site workers to perform at maximum levels and reduces the risk that in a worst-case scenario the construction site comes to a standstill. By now studies provide evidence that: the factor for calculating "return on prevention is 2.2.
  • 19. Competence does not just happen; at Doka, it is created as a result of daily experiences and concrete insights we gain from our customers projects and then bundle in our Competence Centers. This is how we get the most out of each and every formwork unit. In particular, when it comes to highrises, bridges, tunnels, power plants and fair-faced concrete projects.
  • 20. 20 Other references in bridge construction Nissibi Bridge, Turkey Sutong ChangJiang Highway Bridge, Nantong, China Mississippi River Bridge, St. Louis, USA Slip-road for Warsaw Bridge, Highway A2, Warsaw, Poland Froschgrundsee Viaduct Coburg, Germany Type of structure: Concrete arched bridge Construction work performed by: Adam H旦rnig Baugesellschaft Doka planned and supplied the form- work solutions for the piers and for the arch, which was constructed using the cantilever method. Structure data Height: max. 65 m Length: 798 m Casting sections: 58 Products used Large-area formwork Top 50 Climbing formwork MF240 Cantilever forming traveller Framed formwork Framax Xlife SL-1 system beam Services Formwork planning Bouregreg Bridge Rabat, Morocco Type of structure: Pylons and piers Construction work performed by: MBEC-COVEC Architecturally the cable-stayed bridge impresses with the artistic shape of two pylons. Structure data Height: 197 m and 185 m Length: 952 m Casting sections: 48 and 45 Products used Automatic climbing formwork SKE100 Large-area formwork Top 50 Climbing formwork MF240 Services Formwork planning, Formwork instructor Understanding how to bridge obstacles. Cycle times shortened by 20% while at the same time saving resources and costs: our bridge experts did a thorough job when developing high-performing Cantilever forming travellers for a project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Project efficiency was significantly increased as a result of the ability to expand construction sections. Competence Center Bridges Transport project German Unity no. 8, new railway line between Ebensfeld and Erfurt (VDE 8.1), Viaduct Froschgrundsee, Client DB Netz AG, project management DB ProjektBau GmbH
  • 21. Corridor Vc, bridges crossing the valleys at Studenica and Trebi転at apljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina Type of structure: Bridges, cantilevered construction Construction work performed by: Hering (OHL sub-contractor) Dokas high-performing Cantilever forming travellers allow for pouring 5 m segments, thus yielding savings of eight casting segments. In the case of a weekly cycle, this means the project is completed eight weeks ahead of time. Structure data Height: 81 m and 59.5 m Length: 555 m and 365 m Products used Cantilever forming traveller Large-area formwork Top 50 Services Formwork planning, Formwork instructor Tverlandsbrua L淡ding and Vikan, Norway Type of structure: Cantilevered bridge and piers Construction work performed by: Reinertsen Structure data Height: 13 m Length: 670 m Casting sections: 95 Products used Cantilever forming traveller Large-area formwork Top 50, Wall formwork FF20 Bridge formwork ParaTop Load-bearing tower Staxo 100, Staxo stair tower Supporting construction frame "Universal" Services Formwork planning, Formwork instructor Tamina Bridge Valens and Pf辰fers (Canton St. Gallen), Switzerland Type of structure: Concrete arched bridge Construction work performed by: ARGE (JV) Tamina Bridge Structure data Height: 200 m Length: 417 m Products used Project-based formwork consisting of Doka Formwork sheet 3-SO, Doka Beam H20 top N and Doka steel waling Services Formwork planning, Pre-assembly Service Third bridge over the Orinoco River Caicara del Orinoco, Venezuela Type of structure: Diamond-shaped pylons Construction work performed by: Odebrecht Structure data Height: 135.5 m Length: 11,125 m Casting sections: 46 Products used Automatic climbing formwork SKE100 Large-area formwork Top 50 Ladder system XS Services Engineering, Formwork instructor, on-site engineering support, 3D planning
  • 22. 2222 Other references in building construction World Trade Center, New York, USA European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany Minerva Tower, Mumbai, India Costanera Center, Santiago de Chile, Chile On construction sites of gigantic dimensions, our specially developed Doka automatic climbing formwork climbs hundreds of metres to the top swiftly. Our formwork units were able to demonstrate their climbing skills during construction of what is currently the worlds tallest tower, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. And also currently the highest upcoming building: the Kingdom Tower, 1 km in height. Competence Center High Rise 432 Park Avenue New York, USA Type of structure: Highrise (residential building) Construction work performed by: Roger & Sons Concrete Inc. Structure data Height: 426 m Height of each casting segment: 4.7 m Casting sections: 89 Products used Platform SCP Automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60 Load-bearing tower Staxo 100 Services Formwork planning, Pre-assembly Service, Formwork instructor Lotte World Tower Seoul, South Korea Type of structure: Highrise (multi-purpose building) Construction work performed by: Lotte Construction Structure data Height: 555 m Height of each casting segment: 4.5 m Casting sections: 123 Products used Automatic climbing formwork SKE plus and Xclimb 60 Protection screen Xclimb 60 Large-area formwork Top 50 Services Formwork planning, Pre-assembly on Site, Formwork instructor Torre Isozaki Milan, Italy Type of structure: Highrise (multi-purpose building) Construction work performed by: Colombo Costruzioni S.p.A. Structure data Height: 202 m Height of each casting segment: 3.9 m Casting sections: 54 Products used Automatic climbing formwork SKE100 plus Protection screen Xclimb 60 Large-area formwork Top 50 Services Formwork planning, Utilisation plans, Pre-assembly on Site, Formwork instructor Understanding how to build high faster.
  • 23. Burj Khalifa Dubai, United Arab Emirates Type of structure: Highrise (multi-purpose building) Construction work performed by: Joint Venture between Samsung, Besix, Arabtec Doka formwork was used in Dubai to help construct the worlds tallest building. Doka supplied the formwork solution for the entire structure core. Inspired by an Ara- bian desert flower, the shape of the tower meant that the formwork needed to be highly adaptable. In addition, the extremely tight construction schedule necessitated an ingenious utilisation plan. Structure data Height: 830 m Height of each casting segment: 3.7 m Number of storeys: 160 Casting sections: 180 Products used Automatic climbing formwork SKE100 Protection screen Xclimb 60 Large-area formwork Top 50 Stair tower 250 Services Formwork planning and coordination, Site logistics, Pre-assembly on Site, Formwork instructor Aaolu Maslak 1453 Istanbul, Turkey Type of structure: Highrise (multi-purpose building) Construction work performed by: Akdeniz 聴naat ve Eitim Hizmetleri Anonim irketi Structure data Height: up to 185 m Products used Platform SCP Protection screen Xclimb 60 Large-area formwork Top 50 Load-bearing tower d2 Panel floor formwork Dokaflex Services Formwork planning, Formwork assembly support on-site, Formwork instructor
  • 24. 24 Other references in tunnel construction Hahnenkamp Tunnel, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany K端hnsdorf Tunnel, K端hnsdorf, Austria L旦tschberg Base Tunnel, Switzerland M4 metro line R叩k坦czi t辿r, Budapest, Hungary 24 Understanding how to break through. Over a 2-year span of intensive development work, our experts put their hearts and souls into designing a statically optimised load system that allows for elimi- nation of shoring frames. For the utmost in certainty of time, costs and quality in tunnel construction. This is how the new forming wagon surprised right from its first deployment. Competence Center Tunnels Gotthard Base Tunnel Erstfeld, Switzerland Type of structure: Mining-type tunnel Construction work performed by: ARGE AGN The 7,400 m long Erstfeld contract section is the northern-most part of the Gotthard Base Tunnel. It also inclu- des construction of two 400 m long underground branch-offs built using the drill-and-blast method followed by CIP concrete lining. Doka chose all-hydraulic forming for this complex cross-section. Structure data Floor (segmented) Cross-section: round Clear width: 17.65 m Clear height: 10.4 m Wall (segmented) Clear height: 5.65 m Formed length of tunnel: 370 m Length of each casting segment: 10 m Casting sections: 37 Products used Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1 Large-area formwork Top 50 Services Formwork planning, Formwork instructor, Pre-assembly Service, Utilisation plans, Verifiable structural analysis
  • 25. Second Midtown Tunnel Norfolk and Portsmouth VA, USA Type of structure: Cut-and-cover construction tunnel Construction work performed by: ARGE Skanska-Kiewit-Weeks Structure data Floor (arched) Clear width: 10.97 m Clear height: 6.55 m Length of tunnel: 1130 m Length of each casting segment: 22 m Casting sections: 55 Products used Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1 Large-area formwork Top 50 Services Formwork planning, Formwork pre-assembly, Formwork instructor, Verifiable structural analysis S10 Highway through M端hlviertel Neumarkt, Austria Type of structure: Cut-and-cover construction tunnel Construction work performed by: ARGE Hochtief & Swietelsky, Porr, Habau, Haider, ARGE Hochtief & GK Construction The new tunnel system DokaCC is deplo- yed successfully at the Pernau Subsurface Tunnel. The tunnel formwork system was conceived so that it can be adapted to the complex, slightly rotating geometry of the structure in the course of the procedure. Structure data Wall (partially monolithic) Cross-section: round Clear width: 13.6 m Clear height: 7.8 m Formed length of tunnel: 260 m Length of each casting segment: 13.5 m Casting sections: 44 Products used Tunnel system DokaCC Large-area formwork Top 50 Composite formwork beams I tec 20 Services Formwork planning, Formwork pre-assembly, Pre-assembly Service Central Hidro辿lectrica Angostura Los Angeles, Chile Type of structure: Mining-type tunnel Construction work performed by: Empresa Constructora Angostura Ltda Structure data Wall (partially monolithic) Cross-section: round Clear width: 10.75 m Clear height: 10.75 m Formed length of tunnel: 168 m Length of each casting segment: 10 m Casting sections: 18 Products used Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1 Large-area formwork Top 50 Ladder system XS Handrail post Services Utilisation plans, Formwork instructor City Tunnel, Leipzig Leipzig, Germany Type of structure: Cut-and-cover construction tunnel Construction work performed by: ARGE Leipzig City Tunnel Structure data Cross-section: rectangular Clear width: 6 m Clear height: 6.8 m Formed length of tunnel: 320 m Length of each casting segment: 10 m Casting sections: 32 Products used Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1 Wall formwork FF20
  • 26. 26 Understanding how to go at full steam. Block heights up to 5 metres are a cinch for our dam formwork. Feasibility of higher casting sections ensures rapid construction progress even in adverse weather conditions. Whether at minus 15 degrees in Norway or an average of 30 degrees in Thailand. Competence Center Power Plants Sohlstufe Lehen Power Station Salzburg, Austria Type of structure: Hydropower station Construction work performed by: ARGE Power Station Lehen: G. Hinteregger & S旦hne, Porr Bau GmbH and Teerag Asdag AG Structure data Drop height: 6.6 m Products used Wall formwork FF20 Large-area formwork Top 50 Load-bearing tower Staxo 100 Special platforms Services Pre-assembly Service Cooling tower for coal-fired power plant Krishnapatnam, India Type of structure: Cooling tower Construction work performed by: Tata Projects Ltd. Structure data Height: 172.5 m Diameter: 132.1 m to 76.4 m Height of each casting segment: 1.5 m Casting sections: 113 Products used Cooling tower formwork SK175 Services Formwork planning, Formwork instructor Other references in power plant construction Muskrat Falls, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Midlands Dam, Midlands, Mauritius Offshore Windpark Thornton Bank, Belgium LNG-Tank Map Ta Phut, Thailand
  • 27. Dam Sarvsfossen Bykle (Aust-Agder province), Norway Type of structure: Dam/concrete arch dam Construction work performed by: Kruse Smith Construction of this concrete arch marks the first time Dokas Dam formwork D35 was put to use in the field. The success of this premiere was ensured by the standard system that includes casting sections 5 m high as well as an integrated safety and logistics concept. Structure data Height: 50 m Length: 150 m Height of each casting segment: 5 m Casting sections: 10 Products used Dam formwork D35 Large-area formwork Top 50 Services Formwork planning, Formwork instructor Aulepa Wind Park Aulepa, Estonia Type of structure: Wind mills Construction work performed by: Skanska Structure data Height: 36.5 m Height of each casting segment: 4.1 m Casting sections: 9 Products used Doka wind-turbine formwork Services Utilisation plans, Formwork planning, Formwork instructor Freeport LNG Tanks Texas, USA Type of structure: LNG tank Construction work performed by: Joint venture of Technip, Zachry & Saipem Structure data Height: 37 m Height of each casting segment: 4.4 m Casting sections: 9 Products used Climbing formwork MF240 Large-area formwork Top 50 Services Pre-assembly Service Castrovido Dam Castrovido (Burgos), Spain Type of structure: Hydropower station Construction work performed by: FCC Construcci坦n, S.A. Structure data Height: 80 m Length: 500 m Height of each casting segment: 2 m Casting sections: 40 Products used Dam formwork Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1, Load-bearing tower Staxo 100 Large-area formwork Top 50 Services Utilisation plans, Formwork planning, 3D planning, Formwork instructor
  • 28. 28 Understanding how to realise exceptional ideas together. Competence Center Fair-Faced Concrete The extraordinarily stable Doka Xface formwork sheet with fibre-reinforced syn- thetic resin coating was developed in order to set a new standard for fair-faced concrete: a particularly even surface result without loss of coating colour. For realising exceptional ideas and more complex shapes with the ability to select customised surfaces and therefore even more room to play for architects. Red Rock National Conservation Area Las Vegas, USA Type of structure: Cultural edifice Construction work performed by: Armada Construction Architect: Line and Space Architects Structure data Wall (fair-faced concrete) Height: up to 5.8 m Products used Large-area formwork Top 50 with profiled timber formers Form-ply: film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Services Utilisation plans, project support Special feature Red dyed fair-faced concrete Graphisoft Park Budapest, Hungary Type of structure: Business park Construction work performed by: GV Huniber Kft. Architect: TEN p鱈t辿sz M撤terem Bt. Products used: Framed formwork Framax Xlife Large-area formwork Top 50 Circular formwork H20 Form-ply: film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Formwork sheet 3-SO Other references in fairfaced concrete New Port House, Antwerp, Belgium Hungerburgbahn, Innsbruck, Austria Estak叩da Sluncov叩, Prague, Czech Republic Kaltern Lake Resort, Kaltern, Italy
  • 29. Hotel am Domplatz Linz, Austria Type of structure: Hotel Construction work performed by: Strabag AG Architect: Hohensinn Architektur, Graz Structure data Pillar/column Height: 26 m Height of each casting segment: 3.3 m Drop beam Height of each casting segment: 0.64 m Storeys: 5 Products used Framed formwork Framax Xlife Face sheet: Dokaplex formwork sheet Services Utilisation plans Special feature Building inclines in two directions; facade consists of columns and drop beams only, exterior walls in cast-in-place concrete with no visible form-ties Phaeno Science Centre Wolfsburg, Germany Type of structure: Museum Construction work performed by: E. Heitkamp Architect: Zaha Hadid Ltd & Mayer B辰hrle Freie Architekten BDA Structure data Pillar/column (conical) Height: 16 m Products used Large-area formwork Top 50 Framed formwork Framax Xlife Column formwork RS Face sheet: Tongue-and-groove boards formwork Services 3D planning Special feature Self-compacting concrete (SCC), structure geometry
  • 31. Regardless of the direction in which the world of construction deve- lops, you can count on Doka to remain curious and continue to seek innovative solutions to ensure our customers are able to build at the highest levels of quality, functionality and efficiency tomorrow and in the days ahead.
  • 32. Art.no.931107002//03/2015en-GB Doka GmbH | Josef Umdasch Platz 1 | 3300 Amstetten | Austria | T +43 7472 605-0 | F +43 7472 64430 | info@doka.com | www.doka.com twitter.com/doka_com facebook.com/dokacom youtube.com/doka