Safari 2011 team abc onderwijsadviseursKennislandABC is an organization that has advised on education for over 30 years. They are exploring how to better connect educational practices with the needs of children, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders. Some ideas they are exploring include building networks for teachers to learn from each other, creating teaching materials based on teacher ideas, and starting their own pilot school. The challenges they face include losing their monopoly position and council funding. Their vision is for excellent education that creates an open learning environment where diversity is embraced and teachers' skills are key.
Gisa Marsha HarrisThis document discusses shifting elementary school tech labs to an "Idea Lab" model. It describes the traditional classroom model as a "sealed box" where little has changed in teaching methodology despite technology integration. The new Idea Lab model aims to create a collaborative space where students and teachers can learn together, solve problems, and take leadership roles. Features like an "Idea Wall" allow for lessons to be planned and instruction to change by incorporating student input and creativity. The goal is for the tech lab to facilitate collaboration, integration of new technologies, and student-driven learning through modeling and hands-on opportunities.
Detection of SOA AntipatternsFrancis PalmaThis document presents an approach for detecting service-oriented architecture (SOA) antipatterns. It discusses problems in existing literature, such as a lack of specifications for SOA antipatterns and no approaches for detecting them. The proposed solution involves specifying SOA antipatterns using rule cards, generating detection algorithms, detecting suspicious services, and validating the results. A domain-specific language and framework called Service Oriented Detection for Antipatterns (SODA) are developed to implement this approach. The goal is to provide a solution for detecting SOA antipatterns in service-based systems and validating the impacts.
An Introduction to the World of HadoopUniversity College CorkThe document is an introduction to Hadoop and MapReduce for scientific data mining. It aims to introduce MapReduce thinking and how it enables parallel computing, introduce Hadoop as an open source implementation of MapReduce, and present an example of using Hadoop's streaming API for a scientific data mining task. It also discusses higher-level concepts for performing ad hoc analysis and building systems with Hadoop.
Patterns (and Anti-Patterns) for Developing Machine Learning SystemsUniversity College CorkThis document discusses patterns and anti-patterns for developing machine learning systems. It provides examples of strategic, tactical and operational patterns including developing thin systems, handling legacy systems, organizing workflows as pipelines, and using techniques like honey traps and tar pits to test systems. Anti-patterns that could hinder development are also discussed such as over-reliance on golden sets, stopping at 80% solutions, and taking on unrealistic executive expectations. The document aims to help navigate challenges in machine learning project development.
#design The Brave New World: an owner’s manual. Chapter next: on mass-educa...Stefano MirtiA lecture where we explained what we did (Design 101 mooc, Relational Design master + much more) in the last few years.
What we learned, what went good, what went wrong.
#design the brave new world: an owner’s manual (revised version)Whoami_edu#design the brave new world:
an owner’s manual
chapter next:
on mass-education
Inside the Mirror, Retune 2014
Berlin, September 28, 2014
Service design workshop asp(1)Stefano Mirti1) The document outlines a workshop for designing community services in Milan for Expo 2015. It discusses organizing the class like a community and overlapping the digital and physical worlds.
2) Participants will work in teams to develop prototypes for new community-based services over the course of a week. They will do background research, brainstorm ideas, develop concepts in more detail, get feedback, and do a final presentation.
3) The goals are to improve professional networks, learn collaborative project processes, and produce an interesting prototype, focusing on designing the process itself. Working with diverse teammates is part of the challenge to achieve a common goal.
June 20, 2011JLSpicerThis document provides an overview for participants in a hybrid summer cohort program for a Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. The summary is:
The cohort has two goals: to learn about technology and figure out how to apply technological knowledge to help students learn. Participants will take three integrated courses over six weeks to earn 9 credits toward the MAET degree. They will learn on campus for two weeks, then online for four weeks, and reconvene at the end to share what they learned. The program emphasizes developing creativity in teaching and using technologies that have not yet been invented to prepare students for unknown future problems and jobs. Participants are assigned projects involving lesson planning, digital stories, and exploring how their beliefs about
Why culture, Why fun, Why even Happiness? A talk on how we invest in culture ...ustwoWhy have fun at work and why even be happy in the first place?
A presentation from IXD Oslo on why we invest in culture and creativity at ustwo. It is a broad sneak peak into very tangible initiatives we have tried at ustwo.
Please get in touch if you have comments or questions.
Leaving Classrooms Behind - Interaction 18 - Education Summit (annotated)Thomas FogarasyTalk at Interaction 18 - Education Summit, Lyon. It covers the ways of how we teach design through moving our classes around the city and through kinesthetic methods at MOME, University of Art and Design. Interaction and UX design is something that builds on very tangible, human practices. We tend to forget this sometimes. Thoughtful education programs, practical experiments can lead us back to a better approach to design.
VLGMA talk on Awakening Community: New Tools in a New AgeVirginia TechThe document discusses strategies for building an online learning community in large university classes. It recommends using social media and communication tools to increase interactions between professors and students and among students. This helps keep students engaged with the class material before, during and after class sessions. The document argues that a connected community of learners can enhance the learning experience over individual learning by answering each other's questions, providing peer support, and allowing knowledge and projects to develop collaboratively. It provides examples of how online communities have helped facilitate events like a Skype session with a Nobel Prize winner. Overall, the strategies aim to create an extended network of lifelong learners that continues beyond a single class.
Journey of chalkpiece 2021ChalkPieceChalkpiece is a fast-growing Non-Profit Organisation that uses design as a tool to identify and solve social problems. Our Primary Motto is to bring design education as an Academic Syllabus in all schools and Colleges and also spread design awareness to all people, especially among school students. Our main intention is to give design education to enable people to take up the right decision in their careers by applying design principles. it's our 9th edition.
Journey of chalkpiece 2021ChalkPieceChalkpiece is a fast-growing Non-Profit Organisation that uses design as a tool to identify and solve social problems. Our Primary Motto is to bring design education as an Academic Syllabus in all schools and Colleges and also spread design awareness to all people, especially among students. Our main intention is to give design education to enable people to take up the right decision in their careers by applying design principles. it's our 9th edition
Journey of chalkpiece 2021ChalkPieceChalkpiece is a fast-growing Non-Profit Organisation that uses design as a tool to identify and solve social problems. Our Primary Motto is to bring design education as an Academic Syllabus in all schools and Colleges and also spread design awareness to all people, especially among school students. Our main intention is to give design education to enable people to take up the right decision in their careers by applying design principles. it's our 9th edition
ELT: From paper to digitalbrianengquistThe ELT environment has seen enormous changes over the past decades. Now as we enter the 21st century we find ourselves in a new era where digital technologies will be key to enhancing the learning experience. In this talk we will look at these new tools and how our concepts of education are evolving around them. We will also discuss what impact this has on the relationship between teachers and students.
Future of UX Education (#uxce15)Petr Stedryݺߣs for my discussion at UX Camp Europe 2015 in Berlin about ways how to improve the education for UX Designers
21st century skills LPM webinar-17 02 14Marie-Hélène FasquelThe slides I will be using at my upcming webinar on February 17.
Feel free to join us!
Information to join the webinar:
17. 02. 2014 - 19:00h - 20:30h
Access link:
Everything old is new again…or is it?Jo Kayݺߣs from Keynote Presentation by Janine Bowes. In this presentation Janine will explore the skills and attributes that an online teacher needs in the 21st century to stay on top of the game. In considering the past two decades of online learning, it is useful to note some underlying principles that are timeless but also to be open to new possibilities.
PiL vct fileMrs ColesStudents at Priory School worked on a "Space Explorers" project to provide feedback on the school's spaces to leaders and architects. They created word clouds, collages and 3D models to describe spaces and perceptions. Students met with leaders to discuss ideas for improving the school, including wider corridors, breakout rooms, and better technology access. They learned skills like collaboration, problem solving, and presenting their ideas to adults.
Narrative eex231 k34_n08_winterbluesSamy ThoaThis document provides an overview of a student group project to create a brochure about the Thai Hai Reserver of Houses on Still in Vietnam. The group is made up of 4 third-year university students studying foreign languages. They worked together over 4 months, conducting research online and in person, designing the brochure using software, and creating a presentation. They faced challenges like lack of experience with the software, scheduling meetings, and limited initial information about the destination. However, with guidance from their teacher and collaboration within the group, they were able to complete the project. It was a valuable learning experience that improved their language, technology, and teamwork skills while helping them learn more about their country.
UPDATED: Everything old is new again…or is it?Jo KayUpdated to include audience responses and participation!
ݺߣs from Keynote Presentation by Janine Bowes. In this presentation Janine will explore the skills and attributes that an online teacher needs in the 21st century to stay on top of the game. In considering the past two decades of online learning, it is useful to note some underlying principles that are timeless but also to be open to new possibilities.
Teaching (Really) Large Classes (Very) Well ...well I try.Virginia TechThe document discusses strategies for teaching very large classes well using technology. It recommends harnessing new communication tools to increase interactions, expanding options through flexible content and assessments, and building a sense of community to keep students engaged before, during and after class. While using these strategies takes a lot of upfront work, it can amplify the teacher's voice and make their job easier by distributing knowledge throughout the student community.
emPowered Stories Session 1Seneca Highlands Intermediate Unit 9This document provides an agenda for Session 1 of the emPowered Stories Professional Development program taking place in January 2014. The session will include an overview of the Clay Center and the program, sharing stories using digital tools, reviewing the program syllabus, discussing technology use, and signing up for an online platform. Participants will take a pre-test on natural gas and learn about key energy industry terms and maps. The goals of the program are to help teachers create and implement digital stories about energy in their classrooms.
Citizen Schools Pathway: The Big PicturecitizenschoolsThe document outlines a year-long citizen schools programme consisting of 6 parts or "puzzle pieces". The programme will train citizen school teams to plan and implement learning experiences for students to create ideas to improve their community and take action on them. It provides details on what citizen school leaders, students, and schools will do in each part, including planning lessons, presenting ideas at events, negotiating support from local leaders, taking action on their ideas over 6 weeks, and celebrating their achievements.
TMC Resource Kit Hugues Sweeney CoProduction Interview NFBTMC Resource KitAn Interview with Hugues Sweeney, executive producer of interactive production with ONF/NFB Montreal, on successful strategies for international coproductions
Speach by Teodor Sandel-Konjevic: About Komp Kamp (#CEGC2016) Summer Computer Camp for Kids SerbiaThe document discusses a summer computer camp called CompCamp that teaches children and youth computer literacy and programming skills through hands-on projects like game development, with the goal of better preparing them for an increasingly digital world and potentially sparking interest in tech careers. The camp provides both technical instruction and character building experiences through collaborative work and outdoor activities over a 2 week period each summer. Experts from local game studios also visit to provide insight into the game development process and industry.
Narrative EEX231 -K34_N03_SunflowerKimCuc298This document summarizes a student group project on Ninh Binh province in Vietnam. The group of 6 students researched attractions in Ninh Binh such as Tam Coc and Bich Dong. They created products including a brochure, video, and website about Ninh Binh tourism. The group overcame challenges like learning new software and coordinating despite living far apart. They gained skills in areas like teamwork, technology use, and project management from completing this excursion project.
June 20, 2011JLSpicerThis document provides an overview for participants in a hybrid summer cohort program for a Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. The summary is:
The cohort has two goals: to learn about technology and figure out how to apply technological knowledge to help students learn. Participants will take three integrated courses over six weeks to earn 9 credits toward the MAET degree. They will learn on campus for two weeks, then online for four weeks, and reconvene at the end to share what they learned. The program emphasizes developing creativity in teaching and using technologies that have not yet been invented to prepare students for unknown future problems and jobs. Participants are assigned projects involving lesson planning, digital stories, and exploring how their beliefs about
Why culture, Why fun, Why even Happiness? A talk on how we invest in culture ...ustwoWhy have fun at work and why even be happy in the first place?
A presentation from IXD Oslo on why we invest in culture and creativity at ustwo. It is a broad sneak peak into very tangible initiatives we have tried at ustwo.
Please get in touch if you have comments or questions.
Leaving Classrooms Behind - Interaction 18 - Education Summit (annotated)Thomas FogarasyTalk at Interaction 18 - Education Summit, Lyon. It covers the ways of how we teach design through moving our classes around the city and through kinesthetic methods at MOME, University of Art and Design. Interaction and UX design is something that builds on very tangible, human practices. We tend to forget this sometimes. Thoughtful education programs, practical experiments can lead us back to a better approach to design.
VLGMA talk on Awakening Community: New Tools in a New AgeVirginia TechThe document discusses strategies for building an online learning community in large university classes. It recommends using social media and communication tools to increase interactions between professors and students and among students. This helps keep students engaged with the class material before, during and after class sessions. The document argues that a connected community of learners can enhance the learning experience over individual learning by answering each other's questions, providing peer support, and allowing knowledge and projects to develop collaboratively. It provides examples of how online communities have helped facilitate events like a Skype session with a Nobel Prize winner. Overall, the strategies aim to create an extended network of lifelong learners that continues beyond a single class.
Journey of chalkpiece 2021ChalkPieceChalkpiece is a fast-growing Non-Profit Organisation that uses design as a tool to identify and solve social problems. Our Primary Motto is to bring design education as an Academic Syllabus in all schools and Colleges and also spread design awareness to all people, especially among school students. Our main intention is to give design education to enable people to take up the right decision in their careers by applying design principles. it's our 9th edition.
Journey of chalkpiece 2021ChalkPieceChalkpiece is a fast-growing Non-Profit Organisation that uses design as a tool to identify and solve social problems. Our Primary Motto is to bring design education as an Academic Syllabus in all schools and Colleges and also spread design awareness to all people, especially among students. Our main intention is to give design education to enable people to take up the right decision in their careers by applying design principles. it's our 9th edition
Journey of chalkpiece 2021ChalkPieceChalkpiece is a fast-growing Non-Profit Organisation that uses design as a tool to identify and solve social problems. Our Primary Motto is to bring design education as an Academic Syllabus in all schools and Colleges and also spread design awareness to all people, especially among school students. Our main intention is to give design education to enable people to take up the right decision in their careers by applying design principles. it's our 9th edition
ELT: From paper to digitalbrianengquistThe ELT environment has seen enormous changes over the past decades. Now as we enter the 21st century we find ourselves in a new era where digital technologies will be key to enhancing the learning experience. In this talk we will look at these new tools and how our concepts of education are evolving around them. We will also discuss what impact this has on the relationship between teachers and students.
Future of UX Education (#uxce15)Petr Stedryݺߣs for my discussion at UX Camp Europe 2015 in Berlin about ways how to improve the education for UX Designers
21st century skills LPM webinar-17 02 14Marie-Hélène FasquelThe slides I will be using at my upcming webinar on February 17.
Feel free to join us!
Information to join the webinar:
17. 02. 2014 - 19:00h - 20:30h
Access link:
Everything old is new again…or is it?Jo Kayݺߣs from Keynote Presentation by Janine Bowes. In this presentation Janine will explore the skills and attributes that an online teacher needs in the 21st century to stay on top of the game. In considering the past two decades of online learning, it is useful to note some underlying principles that are timeless but also to be open to new possibilities.
PiL vct fileMrs ColesStudents at Priory School worked on a "Space Explorers" project to provide feedback on the school's spaces to leaders and architects. They created word clouds, collages and 3D models to describe spaces and perceptions. Students met with leaders to discuss ideas for improving the school, including wider corridors, breakout rooms, and better technology access. They learned skills like collaboration, problem solving, and presenting their ideas to adults.
Narrative eex231 k34_n08_winterbluesSamy ThoaThis document provides an overview of a student group project to create a brochure about the Thai Hai Reserver of Houses on Still in Vietnam. The group is made up of 4 third-year university students studying foreign languages. They worked together over 4 months, conducting research online and in person, designing the brochure using software, and creating a presentation. They faced challenges like lack of experience with the software, scheduling meetings, and limited initial information about the destination. However, with guidance from their teacher and collaboration within the group, they were able to complete the project. It was a valuable learning experience that improved their language, technology, and teamwork skills while helping them learn more about their country.
UPDATED: Everything old is new again…or is it?Jo KayUpdated to include audience responses and participation!
ݺߣs from Keynote Presentation by Janine Bowes. In this presentation Janine will explore the skills and attributes that an online teacher needs in the 21st century to stay on top of the game. In considering the past two decades of online learning, it is useful to note some underlying principles that are timeless but also to be open to new possibilities.
Teaching (Really) Large Classes (Very) Well ...well I try.Virginia TechThe document discusses strategies for teaching very large classes well using technology. It recommends harnessing new communication tools to increase interactions, expanding options through flexible content and assessments, and building a sense of community to keep students engaged before, during and after class. While using these strategies takes a lot of upfront work, it can amplify the teacher's voice and make their job easier by distributing knowledge throughout the student community.
emPowered Stories Session 1Seneca Highlands Intermediate Unit 9This document provides an agenda for Session 1 of the emPowered Stories Professional Development program taking place in January 2014. The session will include an overview of the Clay Center and the program, sharing stories using digital tools, reviewing the program syllabus, discussing technology use, and signing up for an online platform. Participants will take a pre-test on natural gas and learn about key energy industry terms and maps. The goals of the program are to help teachers create and implement digital stories about energy in their classrooms.
Citizen Schools Pathway: The Big PicturecitizenschoolsThe document outlines a year-long citizen schools programme consisting of 6 parts or "puzzle pieces". The programme will train citizen school teams to plan and implement learning experiences for students to create ideas to improve their community and take action on them. It provides details on what citizen school leaders, students, and schools will do in each part, including planning lessons, presenting ideas at events, negotiating support from local leaders, taking action on their ideas over 6 weeks, and celebrating their achievements.
TMC Resource Kit Hugues Sweeney CoProduction Interview NFBTMC Resource KitAn Interview with Hugues Sweeney, executive producer of interactive production with ONF/NFB Montreal, on successful strategies for international coproductions
Speach by Teodor Sandel-Konjevic: About Komp Kamp (#CEGC2016) Summer Computer Camp for Kids SerbiaThe document discusses a summer computer camp called CompCamp that teaches children and youth computer literacy and programming skills through hands-on projects like game development, with the goal of better preparing them for an increasingly digital world and potentially sparking interest in tech careers. The camp provides both technical instruction and character building experiences through collaborative work and outdoor activities over a 2 week period each summer. Experts from local game studios also visit to provide insight into the game development process and industry.
Narrative EEX231 -K34_N03_SunflowerKimCuc298This document summarizes a student group project on Ninh Binh province in Vietnam. The group of 6 students researched attractions in Ninh Binh such as Tam Coc and Bich Dong. They created products including a brochure, video, and website about Ninh Binh tourism. The group overcame challenges like learning new software and coordinating despite living far apart. They gained skills in areas like teamwork, technology use, and project management from completing this excursion project.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz HussainThis presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Principle and Practices of Animal Breeding || Boby BasnetBoby BasnetPrinciple and Practices of Animal Breeding Full Note
|| Assistant Professor Boby Basnet ||IAAS || AFU || PU || FU
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ݺߣsCeline GeorgeIntegrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita AnandThis ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline GeorgeOdoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAKThese questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwalThis PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
#Design the brave new world: an owner’s manual
1. Anne-Sophie Gauvin, Stefano Mirti
#Design the brave new world:
an owner’s manual
Chapter 5.
On mass-education
Domus Academy,
Milan, 18th September 2014
2. Last year we came and we presented:
“Brave New World, a user’s manual” book.
This year, we focus on one specific theme:
how we educate people in the Brave New World.
That is, people like you.
3. Since last time we met,
we made some projects related to education.
At first we did this MOOC (massive on-line open course) called “Design 101”
4. Then, this February,
we launched the “Relational Design” master.
A one-year master class,
in collaboration with Abadir Academy
of Design and Fine Arts in Catania.
5. Well, actually, we did a lot of teaching using this platform called “Whoami”.
After a lot of try and try over, it is now a format:
we use it quite often and we keep improving it day after day.
6. Let’s use “Design 101” as a starting point.
First, some data for you to understand.
A course of 101 days long.
101 video-postcards / 101 pdf-letters / 101 exercises
A modular machine, reiterating itself every day, for 101 days.
8. Now, some data:
42.895 students enrolled
10.025 started the course
629 completed it
350 asked for the certificate
300 submitted works for the final show
100 came to berlin to the final show
7 came to our summer workshop
3 came to our office to do an internship
1 remained with us to work
10. If we think to our MOOC,
the big question should be addressed to the students who finished it.
Why did you finish?
How could you make it all the way to the end?
Don’t you feel a little bit strange?
11. If you think that the previous data was astonishing,
you ain’t seen nothing yet...
12. Let’s go through some
other interesting data.
How many people?
How many hours?
How much money
does it cost to produce a
course like design 101?
13. Three people producing conceptual content and entertaining the students
Three people producing visual content
Two people producing videoclips
One person editing sounds
Roughly speaking, we are talking about 6000 hours of work
If we pay these people 10 euro per hour, it makes an impressive 60.000 euro overall
iversity gave us 25.000 euro
Hence, to play this gig,
we lost 35.000 euro from our own pockets.
14. If we look at the students’ data,
our MOOC was a total failure.
If we look at our work (how many people were
involved, how much we worked, how much
money we lost), it’s even worse.
Why did we do such a thing?
Why we are happy?
Why are we doing it again this year?
Why are we adding a new course?
15. In the teaser for Design 101,
we said that our goal was to set up a community.
We never said we wanted to educate thousands people.
We never said we wanted to become rich.
We never said we wanted to set up a start up or silly things like that.
We were extremely clear with our intended goal.
And this we did.
16. Let’s talk about the Design 101 community.
Again, we give you some data (by now you understood we like data…):
2936 people in our Facebook group
6700 likes on our Facebook page
1429 followers on Twitter
1523 pictures with the #Design1o1 hashtag on Instagram
17. Altogether, we set up a community of some thousand people (from the close to the loose ones).
They like us, we like them, we like each other.
They are waiting for our next courses, they want to help us.
They want to get involved in what we do.
A community. Of some thousand people.
This is quite priceless, isn’t?
19. We started with a mindset.
We had fun and shared our process.
We spent lots of time/love/energy
communicating all kinds of Design 101-related things.
Conversations started offline,
some were continued online,
some started online and continued offline.
Most of the time,
fueling us up with energy,
sometimes positive, other times negative,
over all, making the community growing.
20. At some point during the course,
the students asked us if they could become the teachers for a day.
This is what happened on day 98.
22. Then, there was #blaueblumen,
the end of the year show, party, exhibition at designtransfer in Berlin.
About 100 students came from all around the world.
23. And two months later,
3 students came to Milan to help us in the office and learn some new tricks.
Together, they made a beautiful archive of Design 101
and worked hard on communicating our summer camp.
25. Architecture, Between the Sea and the Sky,
the online / offline summer camp we did this summer, on Google+ and in Siracusa
27. Another big project we’ve been working on
is the online/offline Master Relational Design.
The first edition started in February 2014.
28. The first edition started on Valentines’ day,
but we are now preparing a second edition for January 2015
29. In January, we will have two masters starting:
this second edition of Relational Design and a brand new one called Macchine Pensanti.
30. Macchine Pensanti
(or “Thinking Machines”)
is about architecture.
Over one year,
the students will build a house together.
31. For our master programs,
we work in modules. 12 modules over a year.
As a general we have,
10 modules of 21 days online and 3 days offline,
1 summer camp and 1 winter camp, offline.
When we meet “offline”,
it is always in a different place around Italy.
We travel a lot.
33. We talked about Design 101.
We gave you a general idea of our master courses...
They are in fact our biggest education-related projects for the moment.
The other ones (either past, present or upcoming...)
are collected on our Whoami website.
34. Every time,
every course, every master is an experiment.
Usually, we are very happy,
but we are also very tired...
53. Thank you for listening!
Now, it’s time to play a game.
You will make a mask for yourself.
Then, you will make a selfie (wearing the mask),
and share your selfie online using this hashtag: #domusmask
54. Stefano Mirti
on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Anne-Sophie Gauvin
on Facebook, Instagram