Ett f?tal internetj?ttar har kommit att ta makten ?ver det som nu s?gs vara v?rldens mest v?rdefulla resurs - data. Men det ?r inte bara f?retag som Facebook, Google och Microsoft som sp?rar och samlar in konsumentens personliga information. De allra flesta f?retag hanterar k?nsliga kunddata och den vars integritet den ber?r har tills nu st?tt utan vidare kontroll. 2018 ?r d?remot b?rjan p? ett skifte, d?r nya lagar som GDPR st?rker konsumentens r?tt till sin egen data och komplicerar f?retagens kontroll. Konsumentens medvetenhet om sin personliga informations v?rde kommer snart att ?ka, och med hj?lp av framv?xande marknadsplatser f?r data kommer konsumenten b?ttre kunna ut?va sin st?rkta makt.
Empatisk digitalisering - digitalisera efter behov!Emma Patel
Frukostseminarium 19 jan 2017
Att leda en digital transformation ?r utmanande. En avg?rande framg?ngsfaktor ?r att lyckas formulera r?tt strategi, en strategi som utg?r ifr?n behov och som tar in kund- och medarbetarperspektivet. P? s? s?tt undviker du att l?gga tid och pengar p? att digitalisera obegripligheter. Genom att digitalisera utifr?n behov kan du skapa best?ende v?rden, b?de f?r kunderna och f?r din organisation samt bidra till en ?kad kundupplevelse.
Vad ?r digitalisering och digital transformation? Varf?r ?r det viktigt?DigJourney
Internetdagarna 2016: Om digital transformation ska skapa maximal aff?rsnytta beh?vs samsyn om att det ?r en resa som involverar bolaget och att det handlar om att f?r?ndra bolaget i grunden. H?r f?r du konkreta tips p? hur du skapar sense of urgency och samf?rst?else.
Digitalization is transforming structures and industries in unseen ways. While 92% of data has been created in the last two years, digitalization is about more than just data and retargeting. Technology now serves as the dominant media, exemplified by a Swedish gamer receiving more online views than a major Finnish television show. This has led to new demand patterns as behaviors and ways of thinking change. Only by creating new categories to meet evolving needs can businesses thrive. Though data provides insights, future leadership through asking the right questions will be the key driver of growth. Digitalization follows customers across analog and digital realms.
Digital technologies are transforming the global economy and society in fundamental ways:
1) Mobile broadband and digital technologies have enabled supercomputers to be carried in people's pockets, generating huge data flows and fueling disruptive innovation.
2) Digitization allows value creation to be decoupled from geography as digital firms are able to globally scale without requiring large numbers of employees in any single location.
3) The Internet, through open standards and decentralized architecture, enables global interoperability, permissionless innovation, and new platforms that facilitate many-to-many interactions instead of traditional one-to-many models.
V?rldsb?st ¨C men hur d??
Regeringen har satt upp ett ambiti?st m?l f?r digitaliseringen. Att vi ska bli b?st i v?rlden p? att ta tillvara digitaliseringens m?jligheter. Men hur ska vi uppn? detta? Vad vill regeringen och vad f?rv?ntas av offentlig sektor och av n?ringsliv?
En presentation av Magnus Enzell, N?ringsdepartementet
Hallvarsson & Halvarsson och KW Digital presenterar den senaste statistiken om vad som fungerar p? webben f?r CSR-kommunikation. ?ven CSR-trender och speciellt fokus p? kommunikation av antikorruption. Medverkande: Karina Arrenfeldt, Joakim Arhammar och Hans De Geer.
Presentation in Swedish held at Digitaliseringsdagen in Stockholm the 24th of May 2016. Digitalizations impact on the Swedish economy, what is digital transformation, why is it important and how do you go about to succeed. Includes an overview of our methodology for digital transformation ¨CThe Digital Maturity Matrix.
Digitalisering f?rv?ntas f?r?ndra samh?llet i grunden och ?ven byggbranschen. Det h?r ?r presentationen fr?n en g?stf?rel?sning 2017-03-01 p? Malm? H?gskola f?r blivande byggnadsingenj?rer p? kursen projektledning. Vi g?r en nul?gesanalys, definierar och diskuterar digitalisering och slutligen ger vi n?gra tips p? hur de kan agera f?r att genomdriva en digital transformation.
Sverige ligger efter delar av EU i hur vi anv?nder ?ppen data. Regeringen har lagt ett antal uppdrag f?r att st?tta utvecklingen - men r?cker det? Nyckeln till framg?ng ligger i att utveckla system som med precision kan sortera information och att till?mpa det som kommer ut av analyserna. Hur kan vi anv?nda ?ppna data smartare f?r att bygga framtidens samh?lle i Sverige och samtidigt ?ka v?r konkurrenskraft? Vad beh?vs f?r att vi ska bli b?ttre p? ?ppen data i Sverige? Hur kan alla delar av det svenska samh?llet bli en naturlig del i det datadrivna samh?llet? Vad beh?vs f?r att datadriven innovation ska ta fart p? allvar? Hur kan samh?llet anv?nda ?ppen data och samtidigt v?rna den personliga integriteten? Vad kr?vs av samh?llet f?r att datadriven innovation ska bli en sj?lvklar del av strategiskt ledningst?nkande?
I magasinet Future by Semcon fokuserar vi p? utmaningar i de branscher d?r vi verkar och vill skapa diskussioner och inpiration kring hur de kan l?sas.
Nigel Wright produces an annual Consumer Update for the Swedish market that includes the latest news, interviews and insight from the consumer sector.
This edition includes an overview of the current economic climate within the Nordic countries, as well as interviews with leading Swedish consumer brands. A number of key themes are covered, including the ever increasing importance of the HR function, talent mapping, sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The update also provides an insight into Nigel Wright¡¯s own growth over the last year and outlines some of its plans for the future.
Sverige har satt ribban h?gt, ?r 2025 ska vi vara b?st i v?rlden p? att utnyttja digitaliseringens m?jligheter inom v?rd, h?lsa och omsorg. Vi b?rjar med att f?rs?ka utr?na vem som ?r b?st i v?rlden idag och hur Sverige st?r sig i den globala konkurrensen. Under detta interaktiva seminarium presenteras och diskuteras vidare olika framtidsspaningar f?r vad vi kommer att kunna f?rv?nta oss g?llande nya l?sningar och vad som kommer att kr?vas f?r en global topp-placering 2025 inom e-h?lsa och v?lf?rdsteknik.
This document outlines 10 top trends in the healthcare industry for 2022 according to research by Capgemini. The trends include: 1) COVID-19 fast-tracking digital health and remote care delivery; 2) A focus on patient-centric, personalized care and shoppable healthcare experiences; 3) Adopting a whole-patient approach and understanding social determinants of health; 4) Using real-time healthcare data and IoMT to improve medical management; 5) Increased involvement of non-traditional players like BigTech firms; 6) Modernization efforts and cloud adoption in the industry; 7) Prioritizing pricing transparency and shoppable healthcare; 8) Increased focus on data privacy and security; 9) Margin pressures triggering
A combination of factors ? the pandemic, catastrophic weather events, evolving policyholder expectations, and insurers¡¯ drive for operational efficiency and future relevance ? are sparking P&C industry changes.
In a post-COVID, new-normal environment, the most strategic insurers are building resilient, crisis-proof enterprises poised to take advantage of emerging and future business opportunities. They are leveraging advanced data analytics and novel technologies to assure agility and achieve positive revenue and customer satisfaction outcomes. Competitive advantage will hinge on accelerated digitalization and faster go-to-market. Therefore, win-win partnerships and embedded services with InsurTechs and other ecosystem players are critical.
Read Capgemini¡¯s Top P&C Insurance Trends 2022 for a glimpse at the tactical and strategic initiatives carriers are undertaking to boost customer-centricity, product agility, intelligent processes, and an open ecosystem to ensure profitable growth and future-readiness.
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V?rldsb?st ¨C men hur d??
Regeringen har satt upp ett ambiti?st m?l f?r digitaliseringen. Att vi ska bli b?st i v?rlden p? att ta tillvara digitaliseringens m?jligheter. Men hur ska vi uppn? detta? Vad vill regeringen och vad f?rv?ntas av offentlig sektor och av n?ringsliv?
En presentation av Magnus Enzell, N?ringsdepartementet
Hallvarsson & Halvarsson och KW Digital presenterar den senaste statistiken om vad som fungerar p? webben f?r CSR-kommunikation. ?ven CSR-trender och speciellt fokus p? kommunikation av antikorruption. Medverkande: Karina Arrenfeldt, Joakim Arhammar och Hans De Geer.
Presentation in Swedish held at Digitaliseringsdagen in Stockholm the 24th of May 2016. Digitalizations impact on the Swedish economy, what is digital transformation, why is it important and how do you go about to succeed. Includes an overview of our methodology for digital transformation ¨CThe Digital Maturity Matrix.
Digitalisering f?rv?ntas f?r?ndra samh?llet i grunden och ?ven byggbranschen. Det h?r ?r presentationen fr?n en g?stf?rel?sning 2017-03-01 p? Malm? H?gskola f?r blivande byggnadsingenj?rer p? kursen projektledning. Vi g?r en nul?gesanalys, definierar och diskuterar digitalisering och slutligen ger vi n?gra tips p? hur de kan agera f?r att genomdriva en digital transformation.
Sverige ligger efter delar av EU i hur vi anv?nder ?ppen data. Regeringen har lagt ett antal uppdrag f?r att st?tta utvecklingen - men r?cker det? Nyckeln till framg?ng ligger i att utveckla system som med precision kan sortera information och att till?mpa det som kommer ut av analyserna. Hur kan vi anv?nda ?ppna data smartare f?r att bygga framtidens samh?lle i Sverige och samtidigt ?ka v?r konkurrenskraft? Vad beh?vs f?r att vi ska bli b?ttre p? ?ppen data i Sverige? Hur kan alla delar av det svenska samh?llet bli en naturlig del i det datadrivna samh?llet? Vad beh?vs f?r att datadriven innovation ska ta fart p? allvar? Hur kan samh?llet anv?nda ?ppen data och samtidigt v?rna den personliga integriteten? Vad kr?vs av samh?llet f?r att datadriven innovation ska bli en sj?lvklar del av strategiskt ledningst?nkande?
I magasinet Future by Semcon fokuserar vi p? utmaningar i de branscher d?r vi verkar och vill skapa diskussioner och inpiration kring hur de kan l?sas.
Nigel Wright produces an annual Consumer Update for the Swedish market that includes the latest news, interviews and insight from the consumer sector.
This edition includes an overview of the current economic climate within the Nordic countries, as well as interviews with leading Swedish consumer brands. A number of key themes are covered, including the ever increasing importance of the HR function, talent mapping, sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The update also provides an insight into Nigel Wright¡¯s own growth over the last year and outlines some of its plans for the future.
Sverige har satt ribban h?gt, ?r 2025 ska vi vara b?st i v?rlden p? att utnyttja digitaliseringens m?jligheter inom v?rd, h?lsa och omsorg. Vi b?rjar med att f?rs?ka utr?na vem som ?r b?st i v?rlden idag och hur Sverige st?r sig i den globala konkurrensen. Under detta interaktiva seminarium presenteras och diskuteras vidare olika framtidsspaningar f?r vad vi kommer att kunna f?rv?nta oss g?llande nya l?sningar och vad som kommer att kr?vas f?r en global topp-placering 2025 inom e-h?lsa och v?lf?rdsteknik.
This document outlines 10 top trends in the healthcare industry for 2022 according to research by Capgemini. The trends include: 1) COVID-19 fast-tracking digital health and remote care delivery; 2) A focus on patient-centric, personalized care and shoppable healthcare experiences; 3) Adopting a whole-patient approach and understanding social determinants of health; 4) Using real-time healthcare data and IoMT to improve medical management; 5) Increased involvement of non-traditional players like BigTech firms; 6) Modernization efforts and cloud adoption in the industry; 7) Prioritizing pricing transparency and shoppable healthcare; 8) Increased focus on data privacy and security; 9) Margin pressures triggering
A combination of factors ? the pandemic, catastrophic weather events, evolving policyholder expectations, and insurers¡¯ drive for operational efficiency and future relevance ? are sparking P&C industry changes.
In a post-COVID, new-normal environment, the most strategic insurers are building resilient, crisis-proof enterprises poised to take advantage of emerging and future business opportunities. They are leveraging advanced data analytics and novel technologies to assure agility and achieve positive revenue and customer satisfaction outcomes. Competitive advantage will hinge on accelerated digitalization and faster go-to-market. Therefore, win-win partnerships and embedded services with InsurTechs and other ecosystem players are critical.
Read Capgemini¡¯s Top P&C Insurance Trends 2022 for a glimpse at the tactical and strategic initiatives carriers are undertaking to boost customer-centricity, product agility, intelligent processes, and an open ecosystem to ensure profitable growth and future-readiness.
This analysis provides an overview of the top trends in the commercial banking sector as they shift to technology high gear to boost client efficiency and battle a volatile, uncertain, competitive, and evolving landscape.
First, it was retail banking. Now, advanced technology is shifting to ¨C and disrupting ? the commercial banking space. Many commercial banks, known for paperwork, red tape, and branch dependency, were unprepared to support clients during their post-COVID-19 ramp-up. But now, the digital pivot to new mindsets, partnerships, and processes is in overdrive.
As commercial banks grapple with competition from FinTechs, BigTechs, and alternative lenders, their inability
to fulfill SME demands and pandemic after-shocks necessitates transformative process changes and a move
to experiential, sustainable, and inclusive banking models. We expect banks to strive to meet the demands
of corporate clients and SMEs by digitally transforming critical workflows and improving client experience.
Additionally, incremental process improvements in the middle and back-office that leverage intelligent
automation will keep the competition at bay because engaged clients are loyal.
Adopting newer methods to mine data and moving to as-a-Service models will prepare commercial banks
to flexibly respond to newcomers and find ways to co-exist through effective collaboration. The time has come for commercial banks to put transformation on the fast track as lending losses in wallet and market share could spill over to other functions!
How incumbents react and respond to 2022 trends could determine their relevancy and resiliency in the years ahead.
The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated the payments industry undergo a facelift, sparked by novel approaches from new-age players, fostered by industry consolidation, and customers¡¯ demand for end-to-end experience. Crossing the threshold, the industry is entering a new era ¨C Payments 4.X, where payments are embedded and invisible, and an enabling function to provide frictionless customer experience. As customers make a permanent shift to next-gen payment methods, Digital IDs are critical for a seamless payment experience. The B2B payments segment is witnessing rapid digitization. BigTechs, PayTechs, and industry newcomers are ready to jump in with newfangled solutions to help underserved small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs).
As incumbents struggle with profits, new-age firms are forging ahead to take the lead in the Payments 4.X era by riding the success of non-card products and services. The new era demands collaboration, platformification, and firms can unleash full market potential only by embracing API-based business models and open ecosystems. Data prowess and enhanced payment processing capabilities are inevitable to thrive ahead. The clock is ticking for banks and traditional payments firms because the competitive advantage is not guaranteed forever. As industry players seek economies of scale, consolidations loom, and non-banks explore new territories to threaten incumbents¡¯ market share. While all these 2022 trends are at play, central bank digital currency (CBDC) is emerging globally and might open a new chapter in the current payments landscape.
As we slowly move out of the pandemic, financial services firms have learned the criticality of virtual engagement to business resilience. Wealth management firms will need capabilities to cater to new-age clients and deliver new-age services. This report aims to understand and analyze the top trends in the Wealth Management industry this year and beyond.
A year ago, our Top Trends in Wealth Management report emphasized how the pandemic sparked disruption and digital transformation and changing investor attitudes around Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) products. As we begin 2022, many of those trends continue to hold as COVID-19¡¯s wide-reaching effects continue to influence the wealth management industry.
As wealth management (WM) firms supercharge their digital transformation journeys, investments in cybersecurity and human-centered design are becoming critical to building superior digital client experience (CX). Another holdover trend ? sustainable investing ¨C is gaining mainstream attention and generating increasingly sophisticated client demands. Data and analytics capabilities will become ever more essential for ESG scoring and personalized customer engagement. As large financial services firms refocus on their wealth management business while new digital players make industry strides, competition is becoming historically intense. Not surprisingly, client experience is the new battleground.
This analysis provides an overview of the top trends in the retail banking sector driven by the competition, digital transformation, and innovation led by retail banks exploring novel ways to create and retain value in evolving landscape.
COVID-19 caught banks off guard and shook legacy mindsets to the core. With 20/20 (2020) hindsight, firms are more aware, digitally resilient, and financially stable as they head into 2022. The trials of the past 18 months forced firms to shore up existing business and consider new models and revenue streams.
Customer-centricity remains at the top of most FS agendas and is a 2022 focal point. Banks will focus on achieving operational excellence as diligently as delivering superior CX. In 2022 and beyond, it will be paramount for FIs to explore and invest in new technologies to remain relevant and resilient.
Banking 4.X will arrive in full force in 2022 with platform-supported firms monetizing diverse ecosystem capabilities and aggressively harvesting data to create experiential customer journeys through intelligent and personalized engagements. The new era will compel future-focused banks to finally abandon legacy infrastructure and collaborate with third-party specialists to solidify their best-fit, long-term roles. Increasingly, open platforms will make banks invisible as banking becomes embedded into customer lifestyles. At the same time, banks will shed asset-heavy models and shift to the cloud for greater agility, speed to market, and faster innovation. The shift will act as a precursor to adopting new technologies on the horizon ¨C 5G and Decentralized Finance.
The recent past was filled will extraordinary lessons for financial institutions. Now is the time to act on those learnings and move forward profitably.
While COVID-19 has sparked the demand for life insurance, it has also exposed the operating model vulnerabilities in distribution, servicing, and customer retention. In a post-COVID, new-normal environment, insurers need to enhance their capabilities around advanced data management and focus on seamless and secure data sharing to provide superior CX and hyper-personalized offerings. Accelerated digitalization and faster go-to-market are vital to remaining competitive, and win-win partnerships with ecosystems are critical in the journey.
Read our Top Life Insurance Trends 2022 to explore the tactical and strategic initiatives carriers undertake to acquire competencies around customer centricity, product agility, intelligent processes, and an open ecosystem to ensure profitable growth and future readiness.
Property & Casualty Insurance Top Trends 2021Capgemini
The Property & Casualty insurance landscape is evolving quickly with the changing risk landscape, entry of new players, and changing customer expectations. The ripple effects of COVID-19 on the P&C insurance industry and natural disasters such as forest fires have adversely impacted insurance firm books.
In this scenario, to ensure growth and future-readiness, the most strategic insurers strive to be ¡®Inventive Insurers¡¯ ¨C assuming a customer-centric approach, deploying intelligent processes, practicing business resilience and go-to-market agility, and embracing an open ecosystem.
Read our Property & Casualty Insurance Top Trends 2021 report to explore the strategies insurers are adapting to remain competitive amidst the evolving business landscape and how they can explore new ways to enhance their profitability.
A combination of factors such as demographic changes, evolving consumer preferences, and desire to become operationally efficient were already spurring changes in the life insurance industry. Enter 2020 ¨C the COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on the industry.
At the peak of disruption, the focus was on ensuring business continuity, but new initiatives are cropping up to tackle the challenges as the industry is adapting to the new normal.
Furthermore, COVID-19 has acted as a catalyst, pushing life insurers to prioritize their efforts on improving customer centricity, developing go-to-market agility, making processes intelligent, building business resilience, and embracing the open ecosystem.
Read our Life Insurance Top Trends 2021 report to explore the strategies insurers are adopting to manage the changing market dynamics.
The uncertainty of 2020 is setting the global tone for the immediate future in the financial services industry. So it is no surprise banks are laser-focused on business resilience, emphasizing both financial and operational risks. The need to adapt quickly to new normal conditions through virtual customer engagement is clear.
Customer centricity continues to drive commercial banks¡¯ solution designs. And, the pandemic compelled products that deliver immediate client value ? quick digital onboarding, seamless lending, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The onus is now on banks to go to market more quickly, which requires the implementation of intelligent processes and integrating corporates¡¯ enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with banking workflows.
To achieve go-to-market agility, banks across the globe are investing in and collaborating with FinTechs. Many of these partnerships are focused on boosting digital lending and providing seamless support to anxious small-business clients in need of assurance.
With newfound impetus for FinTech collaboration, commercial banks have picked up their step on the path toward OpenX. COVID-19 made it evident that survival during turbulence is manageable through collaboration with ecosystem players.
Read our Top Trends in Commercial Banking 2021 report to explore the strategies banks are adapting to transform their businesses from a product-led, siloed model to an experiential and agile plan.
When we published the Top Trends in Wealth Management 2020, little did we foresee the pandemic that would sweep through the world and disrupt life as we knew it. Yet, when we reviewed last year¡¯s trends, we found that many still hold and some have taken on even greater relevance. One such trend is sustainable investing, which had begun to gain prominence as investors became more aware of ESG considerations, and firms rolled out more sustainable investing offerings. Another trend that has accelerated in the post-COVID world is the importance of investing in omnichannel capabilities and technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance personalization and advisor effectiveness. The pandemic has driven wealth management firms to accelerate their digital transformation journey, with some immediate focus areas being interactive client communications and digital advisor tools.
There is no denying that time is of the essence. Yes, budgets are tight, but the Open X ecosystem offers wealth management firms opportunities to reimagine their operating models and deliver excellent customer experience cost-effectively.
Top trends in Payments: 2020 highlighted the payments industry¡¯s flux driven by new trends in technology adoption, innovative solutions, and changing consumer behavior. The pandemic has tested the digital mastery of players, who are already grappling with transition. Non-cash transactions are on a robust growth path, accelerated by increased adoption during COVID-19. Regulators are working to instill trust and address non-cash payments risk amid unparalleled growth as players collaborate to quell uncertainty. Regional initiatives, such as the P27 (Nordics real-time payments system) and the EPI (European Payments Initiative), are gaining traction in response to country-level fragmentation and competition.
Investment in emerging technologies is looked upon as an elixir to mitigate fraud, data-driven offerings are being considered for providing value-added propositions, and distributed ledger technology is in focus for digital currency solutions, efficiency enhancement, and cost gains. New players, such as retailers/merchants, are integrating payments into their value chains while technology giants are upscaling their financial services game by weaving offerings around payments as a center stage. Constrained by budgets, firms consider business models such as Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to provide cost-effective and superior customer experience.
A combination of factors, including demographic changes, evolving consumer preferences, and regulatory and compliance mandates, were already spurring change in the health insurance industry. Enter 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, which is having sweeping implications for the industry.
At the peak of disruption, the focus was on ensuring business continuity, but new initiatives are cropping up to tackle the challenges as the industry adapts to the new normal.
Furthermore, some changes are here to stay, and it will be prudent for the industry players to be resilient to the market shifts by being agile, improving member centricity, making processes intelligent, and embracing the open ecosystem.
Read our Health Insurance Top Trends 2021 report to explore the strategies insurers are adopting to manage the external pressures.
The banking industry¡¯s resilience is being tested as banks navigate through a remarkable 2020 filled with uncertainties. The impact of COVID-19 has been about setting the tone for future operational models. Retail banks have shifted focus towards integrated risk management with a more holistic view of operational risks. Adapting to the new normal, banks have prioritized cost transformation while engaging customers virtually. Incumbents sought to be more responsible within fast-changing environmental conditions and ESG remained a critical focus.
To provide more experiential services, banks are leveraging techniques such as segment-of-one to hyper-personalize offerings while aiming to humanize digital channels for increased engagement. Banks are also revamping middle and back offices, going beyond the front end leveraging intelligent processes. Open X is enabling banks to play on their strengths and use the expertise of ecosystem players. Going forward, banks are poised to become an enhanced one-stop shop by providing consumers value-adding FS and non-FS experiences.
To acquire customers in cost-effective manner, retail banks are tapping value-based propositions ? such as POS financing and mortgage refinancing. Further, Banking-as-Service provides incumbents a way to provide their high-value offerings to other players. In preparation for the future, banks will be looking to improve their go-to-market agility by leveraging the benefits of cloud. This analysis outlines the top 10 trends in retail banking for 2021.
Explore how Capgemini¡¯s Connected autonomous planning fine-tunes Consumer Products Company¡¯s operations for manufacturing, transport, procurement, and virtually every other aspect of the supply-value network in a touchless, autonomous way.
Financial services is undergoing a paradigm shift that is forcing incumbent retail banks to rethink growth strategies as they struggle to remain relevant. Growing competition from BigTechs, FinTech firms, and challenger banks has added to the complexity created by increasingly stringent regulatory and compliance requirements. Customers now expect a seamless customer journey and personalized offerings because they have become accustomed to top-notch individualized service from GAFA giants Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon. The changing ecosystem offers established banks new, unexplored opportunities and encourages a transition beyond traditional products to meet the exacting requirements of today¡¯s customers. Bank collaboration with FinTech and RegTech partners is becoming commonplace. Incumbents are exploring point-of-sale financing and unsecured consumer lending, while they also boost their digital channel competencies to reach a broader customer base. Banks are beginning to accept open APIs and are working with third-party specialists to create an open shared marketplace. Technological advancements such as AI are fueling efforts to evolve customer onboarding and touchpoint processes. Increasingly, banks are turning to design thinking methodology to understand the customer journey, extract deep insights, and develop a more refined user experience across the customer lifecycle.
Our analysis of the top retail banking trends for 2020 offers a glimpse into the fast-changing banking ecosystem and explores the tools and solutions being used to face new-age challenges.
Aspects of the life insurance industry have remained constant for years ¨C and so have premiums. Traditional savings products have taken a huge hit in terms of attractiveness because low interest-rates prevail. Meanwhile, the risk landscape is shifting, and insurers need to align better with the emerging business environment, manage changing customer preferences, and improve operational efficiencies. Within today¡¯s scenario, industry players are undertaking tactical and strategic shifts in attempts to manage unpredictable market dynamics. Insurers must develop alternative products to breathe new life into policies and leverage emerging technologies (artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, and blockchain) to improve efficiency, agility, flexibility, and customer-centricity.
Read Top Trends in Life Insurance: 2020 for a look at the innovative steps future-focused insurers are considering to meet industry challenges and opportunities.
The health insurance industry is evolving and undergoing significant changes. As the risk landscape shifts, insurers are working to improve operational efficiencies, meet evolving customer preferences, and align better with the changing business environment. Accordingly, payers must adapt and align business models and offerings. An incisive tactical approach is required to accommodate members¡¯ needs and related emerging risks ¡ª medical, health, and environmental. Advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, analytics, automation, and connected devices are enabling insurers to manage these changes proactively, partner with members, and help to prevent risks, all the while continuing to fulfill payer responsibilities.
Read Top Trends in Health Insurance: 2020 to learn which strategies insurers are adopting to navigate and align with today¡¯s challenges.
Similar to other financial services domains, payments is evolving into an open ecosystem. The EU¡¯s Payment Services Directive (PSD2) pioneered open banking by encouraging banks and established payments players to securely open the systems to foster competition, innovation, and more customer choices. In tandem with non-cash transaction growth, regulations are driving banks and payments firms to expand their array of payment methods and channels. Governments are encouraging financial inclusion by also promoting the adoption of non-cash payments. Increasingly, merchants and corporates seek to offer alternative payment systems because of widespread popularity among consumers. Alternative payments also enable merchants to provide real-time and cross-border payments to boost business efficiency.
Banks, payment firms, card firms, BigTechs, FinTechs, and other players are continuously developing new technology to cash in on market changes. However, data breaches and fraud continue to hinder innovation as firms devote countless resources each year to address security issues. Many governments are also designing new regulations to reduce ecosystem threats. All these measures are expected to make the current ecosystem much more secure and simple for players as well as customers.
Top Trends in Payments: 2020 explores and analyzes payments ecosystem initiatives and solutions for this year and beyond
2. EU Benchmarking Study, 2013-2015
Capgemini utf?r denna studie i samarbete med IDC, Rand, DTi och
ISPractice/Indigov p? uppdrag av European Commission DC
Communications Networks, Content and Technology
? Digital by default or detour (2013)
? Delivering on the European advantage (2014)
? Future-proofing eGovernment for a Digital Single Market (2015)
3. 3Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
? Studien visar att vi beh?ver ?ka anpassningstakten f?r att Sveriges
myndigheter ska vara framtidss?krade och leva upp till id¨¦n kring en
? Sverige ligger visserligen i framkant i Europa ang?ende utbudet och
kvaliteten av e-tj?nster, tillsammans med Danmark, Finland och
Norge, men vi f?r toppbetyg enbart vad g?ller anv?ndarv?nligheten
av v?ra e-tj?nster
? Att sajterna inte ?r mobilanpassade ?r s?rskilt orov?ckande med
tanke p? den h?ga andelen av svenskar som anv?nder internet fr?n
mobila enheter
?kad takt beh?vs f?r att Sveriges myndigheter ska vara framtidss?krade
4. 4Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
Studien som p?g?tt i 12 ?r ?r uppdelad i tre delar -
medborgarnas upplevelse, m?jliggg?rare samt livsh?ndelser
Bed?mning av livsh?ndelser3
M?jligg?rare, kartl?ggning av
Medborgarnas upplevelse av
offentliga e-tj?nster
28,000 medborgare inom 33 europeiska l?nder. 27 fr?gor om 19 medborgartj?nster
Implementation av m?jligg?rare f?r offentliga e-tj?nster: eID, eDocuments,
Authentic Sources, eSafe och Single Sign On
7 livsh?ndelser har studerats i detalj. 15 - 30 specifika tj?nster per livsh?ndelse
Totalt 100.000+ datapunkter
5. 5Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
Starta f?retag
11% av Europas medborgare ?r egna f?retagare
45% skulle vilja vara sin egen chef om de bara kunde
K?lla: Digital by default or detour
Bastj?nster som registering och anst?lla personal fungerar b?st. Svagt st?d att
starta ett f?retag i annat land. Sverige relativt bra j?mf?rt med de andra l?nderna
6. 6Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
F?rlora och hitta nytt arbete
23 miljoner europeiska medborgare saknar anst?llning
K?lla: Digital by default or detour
Arbetss?kande anv?nder offentliga e-tj?nster mindre. ?r missn?jda vid f?rs?k
F?redrar personligt m?te. Sverige har en tydlig f?rb?ttringspotential
7. 7Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
Livet som student
95% av studenterna anv?nder Internet dagligen
80% anv?nder mobilt Internet dagligen
K?lla: Digital by default or detour
Svaga omr?den ?r utlandsrelaterade. Att inte k?nna till ?r st?rsta hindret f?r
anv?ndning. Sverige relativt bra position som kan bli b?ttre
8. 8Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
Var st?r Sverige j?mf?rt med resten Europa?
K?lla: Future-proofing eGovernment for a Digital Single Market
Sveriges utg?ngsl?ge ?r bra. Forts?tt utvecklas inom mobilitet och transparens
Fortsatt satsning f?r att f? utdelning p? gjorda investeringar
9. 9Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
Var st?r Sverige j?mf?rt med resten Europa?
K?lla: Future-proofing eGovernment for a Digital Single Market
Tidsbesparing och flexibilitet ?r de f?rdelar som upplevs starkast
F?r Sverige ?r enkelhet viktigast
10. 10Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
Antalet mobila internetanv?ndare exploderar samtidigt som var
fj?rde europ¨¦ inte har internetaccess i hemmet
Mobilanpassade e-tj?nster ?r en framg?ngsfaktor
27% av sajterna mobilanpassade i Europa och 44% i Sverige
K?lla: Future-proofing eGovernment for a Digital Single Market
11. 11Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
Den moderna digitala medborgaren ?nskar en tydlig
?terkoppling i sin interaktion
Transparens: 61% i Sverige j?mf?rt med 51% p? europeisk niv?. Omfattar
att informera om processer, svarstider och delta i beslutsprocesser
K?lla: Future-proofing eGovernment for a Digital Single Market
12. 12Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
Den moderna digitala medborgaren har nya beteende och
behov. Bem?tandet ska vara anpassat, smart och enkelt
Anv?ndarv?nlighet: 84% i Sverige j?mf?rt med 73% p? europeisk niv?
Generation Y ?r de flitigaste och mest kritiska kunderna
K?lla: Future-proofing eGovernment for a Digital Single Market
13. 13Copyright ? Capgemini 2016. All Rights Reserved
Ifi Sourcingdagarna | Mars 2016
? I j?mf?relse med det europeiska genomsnittet har Sverige en h?gre
? Anv?ndarv?nlighet: 84% i Sverige j?mf?rt med 73% p? europeisk niv?
? Transparens: 61% i Sverige j?mf?rt med 51% p? europeisk niv?
? Tillg?ng till e-tj?nster fr?n utlandet: 68% i Sverige j?mf?rt med 58% p? europeisk niv?
? Autentisering: 63% i Sverige j?mf?rt med 50% p? europeisk niv?
? Sverige ligger i framkant i Europa ang?ende utbudet och kvaliteten av
e-tj?nster tillsammans med Danmark, Finland och Norge (som ligger
? Att sajterna inte ?r mobilanpassade ?r s?rskilt orov?ckande med tanke
p? den h?ga andelen av svenskar som anv?nder internet fr?n mobila
? Framtidens uppkopplade svenskar kommer att st?lla ?nnu h?gre krav
?kad takt beh?vs f?r att Sveriges myndigheter ska vara framtidss?krade
28. Verksamhet och IT, Business Mon Amour
Allt har ett digitalt sammanhang
Digital vision is centered
around customer value
Min unika upplevelse
Verksamheten och IT arbetar separat
¡±Digitalt¡± klistras ovanp? ?ldre
plattformar och processer
IT strategin fokuserar p?
kostnadsreduktion och
hantera infrastruktur
Kundservice med
manuella processer
F?rm?gan att f?r?ndra
sig avg?rande
30. Alicia
Service Designer
Data Scientist
Platform specialist
Alicia understands the
changed behavior and
needs of the user, the
customer and the
business. She designs
awesome services
David knows how to turn
data into insights. He
enables the new data
landscape of the
connected people and
Amelia knows different
platforms, Cloud
technologies and
DevOps practices +
tools. She builds future
ready solutions
31. Digital vision is centered
around customer value
? Vilka ?r vi?
? Varifr?n kommer vi?
? Var befinner vi oss?
? Var ?r vi p? v?g?
? Hur tar vi oss dit?
32. F?rm?gan att f?r?ndra sig avg?rande
Digital vision is centered
around customer value
Digitalt eko-system f?r nya
tj?nster och tillv?xt
Dra nytta av delningsekonomin
Onshore, Offshore, Noshore
Innovationsorganisationen ¨C vi
diskuterar hur vi kan bli mer
Best?llarorganisationen - Samma
styrmodell oavsett stabilt eller agilt
Produktionsorganisationen ¨C vi kan och
g?r sj?lva
33. ?Digitala medborgare & snabb teknikutveckling
?V?rt samh?lle som utvecklas
Drivkrafter bakom digitalisering