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Drug Project(title page)
Background informationGive some interesting facts about the drug you have picked.Talk about the history of the drug
Stats pageFind interesting stats about the drug. Who uses the drug?Deaths from the drug?Value of the drug?Prevalence?
Where does the drug come from?Grown?Man made?In a lab?Mass produced?Are there certain places know for the production of this drug?
Forms of the drugAre there different types of this drug?Street names for the drug?How can you consume this drug?Means of consumption
(short term) Effects of the drugTell your audience what the drug does to the bodyEffects that can be seenEffects that can not be seenHow will a person on this drug actWhat is happening to this persons body
Long term effects of the drugWhat can result form taking this drugDoes withdrawal take place once your off the substance?
DangersDangers and reasons why this drug is badWhy a person should not do this drug

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Drug project exp

  • 2. Background informationGive some interesting facts about the drug you have picked.Talk about the history of the drug
  • 3. Stats pageFind interesting stats about the drug. Who uses the drug?Deaths from the drug?Value of the drug?Prevalence?
  • 4. Where does the drug come from?Grown?Man made?In a lab?Mass produced?Are there certain places know for the production of this drug?
  • 5. Forms of the drugAre there different types of this drug?Street names for the drug?How can you consume this drug?Means of consumption
  • 6. (short term) Effects of the drugTell your audience what the drug does to the bodyEffects that can be seenEffects that can not be seenHow will a person on this drug actWhat is happening to this persons body
  • 7. Long term effects of the drugWhat can result form taking this drugDoes withdrawal take place once your off the substance?
  • 8. DangersDangers and reasons why this drug is badWhy a person should not do this drug